//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Wings of insanity // by Rarity Belle //------------------------------// The guard was lifted up onto his hind legs. The forelegs began to struggle with the crystalline arm. Gulps and gasps for air were released by him. Yet during all of it did Rarity remained standing there. She even seemed to have loved the fact that he was struggling as much as he did. To her, it was something that almost felt as if she had missed it in her life.         That fear in his eyes as his life was about to be ended by her. That dreaded fear actually satisfied her in more than one way. Words couldn’t have been spoken by either of them. Rarity was too delighted to say anything, while the guard was struggling too much. Nothing could have saved him though. The crystal claws were already too far around his neck. He didn’t have anything that could have helped him to take them off of him.         The struggle was pointless while but he didn’t realize it yet. The desperate pair of eyes continued to look around and about while he prayed in silence. Prayers that were made to the mare in the faint hope that she would have been able to recall certain things. Though the chance of such a thing was fairly small.         The more he glanced into her eyes, the more he began to realize what kind of trap she had fallen in. The madness had truly taken its toll and he would have been the first one to feel the full fury of the mare. Struggling was pointless and the inevitable needed to happen either way. The guard simply gave it up and allowed the mare to do whatever she wanted.             Yet Rarity wasn’t fully without mercy either. Another arm worked its way over to the head of the stallion and got a hold of it. Rarity then had him standing up and in the right position. Her eyes simply narrowed themselves with a maddened glance clearly visible within them.         One simple motion that was followed by the crack of bones. That was it. Just like that did she ended the life of the guard. The neck was twisted and she didn’t even break a sweat. He was the first ever being that was killed by Rarity. He was the first pony that saw the end of his life by the arms of Rarity. The unicorn had then truly fallen from her stand, shattered upon the ground in countless bits.         No amount of medication could have helped her from that point onwards. She had sealed her own fate. It wasn’t one that seemed to be nice in any way or form. The mare just kept on looking over to his body in silence. Almost as if there was a slight feeling of remorse going through her.         She would have locked it up deep inside of her. The mare growled like an animal just before her eyes were taken off of his body. Instead there was something else that captured her interest. Something she didn’t even had dared to be seeing. Something which she hated to her very guts. ---                       For in the opening to the hallway it stood. The third figure with the white overcoat and the amethyst leg had appeared. Nopony else then Twilight Sparkle had made the journey down there via a teleport. Her horn was still smoking while the aura had faded away. Next to the unicorn there also was the book. The mare had actually carried the book with her to the fight, for whatever reason.         Not that it meant too much for Rarity in the moment. Though she did release a deep snarl towards her former friend. The other unicorn didn’t gave it too much attention. She took a step closer. Which resulted in Rarity taking a step or two back. The body of the guard was thrown aside and the arms retracted themselves.         Rarity cracked her neck and sent the sounds over the courtyard. She narrowed her eyes towards the mare. Hinting towards disbelief for a moment. “What brings you here, Sparkle?” she asked in a cutting tone. The other unicorn just stood there while the rain poured down upon her.         It wasn’t her place nor time to answer the question just yet. She only hid the book within her overcoat and then glanced to the maddened mare with a stern expression. Not a grain of friendliness was to be found within them. Perhaps that was the main reason of just why her friend didn’t had the desire anymore to meet her?         It was another question for another time though. She had to deal with Rarity once and for all. Either she would have ended up like the guard, or locked away in the deepest part of the asylum forever more. Twilight only saw a grim future ahead of her and she was right to believe such a thing.         Nothing that could have gotten out of their encounter, would have been nice. Either way, they would have been destroyed for their lives. The question only was who happened to have been stronger in both the arcane and mental games.         Of course was the obvious answer Twilight herself. But Rarity always had a surprise or two behind her back. The unicorn of fashion never ceased to amaze anypony and that was taken into account by Twilight. It also meant to her that the other unicorn was constantly calculating what would be happening next. Or more specifically: with which attack the mare would have started.         Anything could have happened between the two unicorns. Their strength’s laid in different parts of the arcane and could counter one another just like that. Which meant that a full on magic duel between the two would have been a massive disaster. No, the two of them had to do it in a different manner. One that would be played with only words, for the time being.         Twilight still had to answer the question that was given by Rarity and she found it was time. A deep exhale was released through her nostrils while the eyes closed for just a little bit. “Isn’t it obvious of just why I happen to be here? You just murdered one of my employees after having absorbed a lightning bolt. Only that amount of power is capable of destroying the magical blocker. The real question is, what do you try to achieve with this?” the mulberry unicorn countered. She narrowed her eyes even further while she pried on Rarity.         The question was one that captured Rarity by surprise though. She hadn’t truly expected the fact that Twilight would have even been able to speak such a thing to her. Yet on the other end did she had to expect the things as they were given to her. The irony unicorn released a deep growl from her soul as she placed a firm hoof on the wet grass.         “I try to achieve the thing you took from me so long ago!” Rarity growled up to the other mare. Nothing would have been safe and Twilight knew that. The unicorn was dangerously close to losing everything within her mind so the game had to be played safe.         “And that being what, your own sanity?” Twilight asked through. She took a step closer.         The answer was something that caused the ivory mare to erupt out in a chuckle. She would have shook her head while the horn charged up once more. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, of course not my sanity. I have never been fully sane to begin with, remember?” Rarity answered to her. The charge was then released from her horn but the effects didn’t happen straight away.         “I’m going to take back my freedom, once and for all.”         “And just how do you plan on doing that? You can’t escape from here and you certainly don’t have any teleportation spells,” Twilight countered. She had to admit the fact that she was curious about it all. She had no clue how Rarity would have wanted to claim her freedom again.         Though there were perhaps one or two methods known for her. She could only have waited for what was to come. If there was anything to come after the words. ---                       The ivory unicorn grinned like the devil she could be while the crystals began to resonate again. A change was going to happen soon enough, that much was certain. Though just what the change was remained a question for the nearby future. “Oh my dear, little Sparkle, you still don’t know anything about me, now do you?” taunted Rarity even further.         The grin became even wider over Rarity’s face as the arms faded away. Instead there were million different shards of crystal flying all around her back. All of those little shards were connected to one another via arcane strings. If Twilight didn’t know any better, she could have sworn that it appeared like some sort of wing.         Was that her plan? To just take off into the skies and fly away like that and live a free life? Rarity certainly must have lost her whole mind. For such a thing was impossible. “That’s impossible,” the mulberry unicorn said to herself. Never in her life had she even seen such a thing. But the disbelief would have turned to terror. The reality of the situation dawned back to her.         It was time to put an end to everything once and for all. Whether it was liked or not.