//------------------------------// // Same Sky, Different World // Story: Behind the Gypsy's Veil // by Gypsy //------------------------------// Chapter 8: Same Sky, Different World ​    Thankfully I was able to sleep without anything bothering my mind but with the good comes the bad since I woke up with a pulsating headache for no absolute reason. I rubbed my head and got out of bed. I have no toothbrush, hairbrush or anything so I somewhere later I will have to buy stuff I need. I walk into the kitchen to see Twilight and Spike enjoying breakfast. "Good morning guys." I said coursing my hoof through my hair trying to fix it. “Good morning Kriece, how was your sleep?” She didn’t even bother looking at me cause she was too busy reading some book. “It was dreamless but other than that it was alright.” I usually don't get dreams when go to sleep. “What did you guys cook anyways?” I’m not hungry nor did I want to eat. “Spike cooked lemon grass soup and made daffodil sandwiches.” “Uh flowers and grass soup?” “Yeah is their a problem?” “Well no, it’s just that I don’t eat flowers.” “Are you telling me you are a carnivore?” “Actually I’m an omnivore but i don't eat flowers.” “Get used to eating flowers Kriece cause I’m not letting you eat meat.” “And why is that?” “For one it would disgust everypony in town and ponies don't eat meat. I’ve read what happens when they do. Just try it, you’ll like it I promise.” “Fine.” I took a bite out of the sandwich and it tasted like a flower, obviously. It wasn’t bad but I wasn’t used to them so i ate the whole thing seeing if i could get used to it. I then tried the soup, now back on earth I used to eat lemon grass not in a juice or anything, I’d cut the blades, wash them, and then chew for long periods of time. The soup to me just tasted like broth with a hint of lemon. “Spike you put lemon in the soup am I rght?” I asked Spike who already finished eating and was now cleaning the dishes. “Yeah i did, not too much and not too little, the perfect amount.” I could tell he knew how to cook just from looking at the food in front of me, looked professional. ​ I finished the soup and got up from the table. As i got up i noticed something, my mane was a complete mess and my breathe was just as horrible. “Twilight you think i can borrow Spike to help go shopping for some things i need?” I needed a comb, shampoo and conditioner (now i don't have to feel weird when i buy horse shampoo & conditioner, its good for hair ya hear!), amongst other things. “Sure, do you have any bits?” She said. “Yeah i got some money from yesterday when i was working on the farm. Huh Applejack never mentioned if it was a one time thing or something.” I felt kind of bad thinking i probably blew off work today. “When you see her just ask if you want to be full or part time, I’m sure shes at the market place today selling apples.” Did i really want a job at a farm? I could do better right? Stupid ass tattoo now i have to find out what I’m good for. “Alright. Yo Spike lets go!” ​​ The market place reminded me of a farmers market, stalls selling different items and edibles, it was a pleasant sight to see (I love walking in scenic places, calms me down and I do a bit of people watching as well but not like how a creepy guy does). “So Spike do hang out with any other guys?” I wanted to become his little brony. “I wish, I’m always stuck hanging out with Twilight and her friends with all their fru-fru nonsense.” He sounded sad, little guy looks sick of all that fru-fru.. “Well that’s not gunna be happening anymore bro. You got me now and we guys gotta stick together. Bro’s before hoes.” i said readying up a bro-fist but i was met with a question. “What does a gardening tool have to do with anything?” i facehoofed. “Ahhhhh....Nothing really its just a saying we have back from my world just ignore it.” ​ I got all my things pretty fast and had time to kill. “Hey Spike this town got a music store?” I was interested in what these ponies taste in music were. I’ve heard they listen to old school techno and classical. “Yeah we do it’s just over here, follow me.” I ended up in front of a brick and mortar store with windows displaying instruments and records of various artist. “Who owns this store?” I said as we walked into the store. “A DJ named Vinyl Scratch owns it and the pony who runs it is Blue Note.” Of course the famous DJ would have a store here. I went up to the counter and met the cashier Blue Notes. “Need help looking for something?” He said in a happy tone, his smile almost making my day, almost. “Yes thank you, I was wondering what kind of music you carry here in the store?” “What genres are you looking for?” “Ever heard of Liquid Drums and Bass?” “Liquid drums and bass? No not really. We carry all forms of jazz and classical. We also have House, Trance, Lounge, Ambient, and Dance.” “What recommendations do you have on House and Jazz?” “House and Jazz hmmm. For House you cant go wrong with Watt and with Jazz it depends on what kind.” “Bebop will do.” “Ah for Bebop I would suggest Dizzy Pie, one of the Equestria’s best and also partner in founding Bebop.” “Hey you, with the dragon, whats Liquid Drums and Bass I never heard of it?” I turned to see a pony carrying a bunch of records out a door. “Who are you?” I asked getting absolutely confused by the sudden question. “I’m Vinyl Scratch, owner of the store.” She then walked over to next to Blue Note behind the counter. “Its not something i can explain, better yet let me show you.” I pulled out my ipod from my coat and went to my music player and selected the song ‘Netsky Feat. Jenna G - Moving With You’ (there’s just so many songs to choose from so I chose the first song that got me into the beautiful music) and just let the song have the desired effect. As the song was playing i could see she was thinking even behind those goggles she had on, tapping in unison with the beats, analyzing the sounds she probably never heard. When the song ended she took off her goggles and stared straight at me. “This is something. I’ve never heard music like this and i certainly would like to hear more if you got.” I love showing people my music and when they find it cool i squee my brains out. “Oh I got more.” ​ The next four or so hours ended up being a incredibly fun chat (when I talk about something I like, I really talk alot about it to the point where it gets too personal). Vinyl, Blue, and I talked about the varying styles of "DnB" from the more dirty unfiltered bass heavy to the more ambient and relaxing and other genres like Hardstyle. She asked where I got this music from and I told her my story on coming here into this world, she didn't believe me at first but Spike was a reliable source and told her it was true. "That is weird, another world with so many different forms of music." She wanted to keep my iPod to herself so she can hear the music more. "Yeah back in my world music has a huge influence in our daily lives, I can't imagine what we'd do without it." ​ Me and Spike said our goodbyes and went back to the library hoping Twilight is there so I can ask her a few questions that could possibly tell me if I'm in an alternate universe compared to the actual show though I had my suspicions that I am. "Twilight we're back!" Spike yelled as we walked through the treehouse door. "Oh hello boys find everything you were looking for Kriece?" She said. "Yeah." I walked over to my bed and dropped off my things. "What are you doing?" I asked Twilight as I looked over her shoulder. "A map of the Everfree Forest. There seems to be a castle a two to three miles deep inside." I thought to myself "The castle? She couldn't possibly mean- damn it!" I felt cheated in a way. I snapped back into reality. "A castle you say, should we go explore it?" "No it's too dangerous to go." "Then why the interest in the castle if you aren't going to travel there?" "Because it might hold the most powerful magic known to Equestria, The Elements of Harmony, or so this book says. This castle might be the old Canterlot the princesses used to live in hundreds of years ago." This blows and here I was waiting to be thrust into some generic adventure written by a worse than amateur writer. My curiosity was killing me so I decided to ask Twilight how she ended up in Ponyville and managed to befriend the very same friends. "Hey Twilight you mentoned that you're Celestia's student but I don't understand why you live here and not in Canterlot with her?" "Oh that well you see I wasn't much of a social pony, I'd stay in the royal library reading and researching and one day Princess Celestia tells me to go make friends cause she couldn't bear to see me held up with all the books and no friends, not counting Spike of course whom I hatched when I took an entrance exam to Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. And she goes on to tell me that I'm moving here of all places and let me tell you when I first got here I thought everypony was crazy but I eventually warmed up to them." "That's cool." Well I got my answer. I was hoping for some adventure to bust through the windows and sweep me and the girls off our feet but nope Chuck-freaking-Testa. "Let me get a look at that book about the elements." I needed to read this book and what story it told. "Here you go try not to rip any of the pages." I flipped through and amazingly it told the story of how the elements were made by Celestia and her sister Luna for defeating Discord. I was surprised he was in this reality. "Hey Twilight what can you tell me about this Discord guy?" "Other than he was once the malevolent ruler of Equestria before the princesses defeated him, nothing else seeing as only a rare few books only mention his name." So I'm in a world where Luna never became Nightmare Moon and Twilight and her friends aren't the elements of harmony. I don't know how to deal with this so I will just ignore it for the time being or until I meet up with Luna and ask her about the elements. Speaking of Luna I was wondering if she hasn't become Nightmare Moon what's stopping her from becoming it right now or a week from now? What if she doesn't feel hatred towards her sister and her day? I have too many questions and I can only get them solved by talking to Luna and that isn't until night. ​ _____________________________________ ​ Sorry for the long wait it's just that I had so much on my plate these past few days and I wasn't even hungry. My dads aunt died and I stayed at the funeral home for 3 days straight without sleep and Internet and when I got back I felt sick from being outside in the cold and rain for so long that I couldn't write. ​ I won't probably write chapter nine for a while seeing as I'm giving away my actual iPod on which I write my story on so I could get the iPhone 4S. I'll try to see if I could get chapter nine done in three or four days. ​ Anyways Comment and Rate. ​