//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - The Princess of Friendship // Story: Separated // by ItalianMugshot //------------------------------// I was early in the morning when I woke up, and I nearly forgot I was sleeping in Fluttershy's bed. Her bed felt really comfortable. It reminded me of my home back in Fillydelphia. I would always get up, eat my breakfast, and explore the world. I've had this adventurous side of me ever since I was a little filly. Usually, Set would do all this stuff with me, but this time, it's an adventure taking a turn for the worst. The more I thought about what happened beak in Fillydelphia, the more determined I became to find Set. It also made me more concerned for her safety; she could be anywhere. If anything happened to her, I don't think I could ever keep going. I got out of bed, and I noticed the bandage Fluttershy applied on my scratch. I took it off to see how bad it was, and it looked like it was healing up faster than I anticipated. I started walking on it and I felt the same as before, not that it felt painful before. I made my way downstairs and I saw Fluttershy fast asleep on the couch. It kind of surprised me to see she was sleeping considering there was a thunder storm outside. I looked outside the window wondering where Set could be. Then I saw a flash of lightning, and the first thing I saw was the head of a changeling. I started to jump in fear, but as the flash subsided, I got a closer look and noticed that it was just a bush. I went back upstairs to wash my face with warm water to wake myself up a little more. I then again headed downstairs to see that Fluttershy was still sleeping. I made myself a bowl of cereal, but in the middle of making the cereal, I heard a quiet, "Good Morning." "Aah," I said with a scare. "Why does everypony startle me like that?" "Sorry," Fluttershy apologized. "But the thunder woke me up a little. Hey, where's your bandage?" "Oh yeah," I started to respond. "I didn't need it. My leg is fine." "Okay," she said back. "I hope you don't." "Well right now, I'm just making myself some breakfast," I said. "Alright," responded Fluttershy. "Well, the cereal's in the far right cabinet next to the fridge." I opened the door to find an assortment of cereal brands. "Thank you," I replied. I then got to making breakfast. And Fluttershy joined me since she was awake. "So, um..." Fluttershy started. "Did...did you make any friends while you were here?" "I made some friends," I started as I sat down to eat breakfast. "Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, they're all great ponies. But my bestest friend is would have to be Applejack. I feel like I can talk to her about anything." "Well that's great," Fluttershy replied. "I'm actually best friends with all those ponies. The only other best friend I have that you haven't met is Twilight." "Can't wait to meet her," I said. "That is, if I get the chance." "I'm sure the two of you'll get along pretty well," Fluttershy said. "I still can't stop thinking about poor Set," I replied. "This whole outbreak has been spreading quicker than I thought. I really hope she's okay." "Um...Steady," Fluttershy started. "Now may be a bad time to tell you this, but...um..." "Go ahead Fluttershy," I said with annoyance. "Just spit it out." "The changeling outbreak is now attacking Las Pegasus," she informed. "Of course," I said with anger. "Why am I not surprised to hear that?" "Sorry," Fluttershy apologized. "I just thought you should know." "Well thanks," I said with sarcasm. "Thanks for lowering my hopes of ever seeing my sister again!" "There's no need to get upset," Fluttershy said quietly. "No need to get upset?" I yelled. "My sister is out there in danger, and you're telling me not to get upset?" "Listen!" Fluttershy said a little louder. "You were right before, she isn't dead. If she's anything like you, she would've found somepony to help her. You're just focusing on the worst case scenario, and that's not going to get you anywhere." Then her voice was back to her normal pitch. "You're a brave mare, and I know you can find Set; we all do." Then I started to settle down. "Thanks Fluttershy," I said. "I needed to hear the kind words. I know you weren't trying to hurt me, just inform me. I really gotta lighten up, don't I?" "Maybe a little," responded Fluttershy. A few hours later when the storm settled down, I exited Fluttershy's cottage, not without saying goodbye of course, and headed to town again. I went over to Sugarcube Corner to see if I could get a snack. That's when I saw Pinkie Pie and a lavender alicorn that seemed somewhat familiar. "Hi Steady," said Pinkie Pie. "I haven't seen you since the party a couple of weeks ago. By the way, have you met Twilight? She's the pony that was crowned the Princess of Friendship after she took down that one creature...what was his name again?" "Tirec," responded the lavender alicorn. "But that's all in the past." "Which part? The princess part or Tirec?" I joked around. "Yeah, I've heard of you before, you took down Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, you're more than a princess, you're a hero." "Thanks," Twilight said. "But I couldn't have done it without..." "Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and..." I cut her off, then pointed my head to Pinkie Pie finishing my sentence. "I've met them all ever since I came here to Ponyville. They're really great ponies." "I know they are," Twilight said. "You know, you've been the talk of the town as well." "I have?" I wondered. "You're Ready Steady," Twilight started. "A pony from Fillydelphia who escaped from the changeling outbreak. You tried to save your family, but you put your sister Get Set on the train, and your parents didn't make it. The train took off separating you from your sister. You came here to escape the outbreak." "I guess you know more than I thought," I said. "How did you know all that?" "From Spike," she answered. "My Number One Assistant." "Funny," I said. "I thought he was Rarity's Number One Assistant." "If you've seen the way he acts around Rarity, I can see why you'd say that." Twilight said, then chuckled as I joined in. "Wait," Pinkie Pie interrupted. "You were attacked by changelings?" "I told you I was from Fillydelphia," I said to Pinkie. "I thought you knew." "And now they've been attacking Baltimare, Manehattan..." Twilight said. "...And Las Pegasus as well." I said cutting her off. "I've been trying to find a way to take care of this situation ever since it started," Twilight started. "But I've had very little time figuring out what to do. And now that time is getting smaller and smaller, dad by day. I need to know where they're coming from so I can put a stop to it." "You and me both," I added. "I wanna get to know you more," said Twilight. "Why don't you come with me to my castle?" "Okay then," I said, accepting her offer. "But I doubt there'll be much to talk about." "I wouldn't worry about that," Twilight said. "Thanks for the fun, Pinkie." We arrived at Twilight's castle, it was pretty big and seemed much more comforting than it looked from the outside. When we went to the throne room, it felt like I was in a childhood dream. "Have a seat," Twilight insisted. I sat on the throne decorated with three apples because it reminded me most of Applejack, my best friend. "I don't know why you brought me here," I said. "You already know about what happened." "I only knew what happened from 'Equestria Daily' and what Spike had told me," stated the princess. "I never heard your side of the story." Then I confessed. "When this outbreak occurred, my whole family dropped what we were doing and made a run for safety. It clearly wasn't safe to be in town. It was me, my parents, and my little sister Get Set, but you probably already knew that. We found a train station, but only me and Set got to it. The changelings separated us from our parents, so I placed Set on the train so she wouldn't get hurt. I thought I could get my whole family on that train, but the changelings had other ideas. I tried to rescue them, but it was too late. After attempting to rescue them, the train was leaving the station. I couldn't get on because the train doors were shut tight and that's when me and my sister got separated from one another. Then I had to fly for a while to get here to Ponyville and avoid the changelings the best way possible." I started to tear up again, thinking about my little sister, Set. "Don't cry," Twilight said. "I'm sure your little sister is fine." "Yeah, if she isn't in Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Manehattan, or Las Pegasus right now," I said worryingly. Then I remember what Fluttershy told me this morning, stay positive and avoid the worst case scenario. "But if she was smart, and I'm sure she is, she would avoid those areas as much as possible." "I'm pretty sure she'll be okay," Twilight said. "I have faith in both of you." "Thanks for the encouragement." I said. "Anything else you wanna know?" "Actually, I'm a little interested in the relationship you have with Get Set," Twilight suggested. I told her as much as I could. "Ever since she was born, I was so happy to have somepony to play with. She can be a little brat sometimes, but she wouldn't be my little sister if she push my buttons every once in a while. Before the outbreak, we would always race each other by hoof or in the skies. I always played with her, talked with her, even shared a few secrets with her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. But now that the outbreak has occurred, and she's somewhere far away..." I started to tear up again. "I've heard enough, you don't have to say anything more," said Twilight. Then I wiped my tears. "What else do you need to know?" I asked, then my loud tummy was growling. "I want to know where that noise came from," Twilight insisted. "Yeah, about that..." I said with embarrassment. "...I really wish my tummy would learn how to be quiet." I then grabbed an apple from my satchel to satisfy my stomach. "So, you visited Sweet Apple Acres I assume," Twilight said. "Yeah, that's where I met Applejack," I replied. "She's been my best friend ever since I escaped the outbreak." "She's a really tough pony," Twilight stated. "She also looks out for others and has a lot of pride. I'm sure you two have a lot in common." "Let's talk about you now," I insisted. "What did you do before you became Princess of Friendship?" Twilight began to speak. "Well, I was one of Celestia's students and I still am today. I also used to work at the Ponyville Library, until it got destroyed. Plus, I'm also from Canterlot." "One of Celestia's students." I noted. "That's a great goal to accomplish. Are you studying anything specific?" "Freindship," she responded. "Well, I guess that makes sense considering you are the Princess of Friendship," I pointed out. "Well, it was an honor meeting you Twilight Sparkle, but I'm gonna go see what I can do about my sister." "Okay then," said Twilight as I exited the castle. "Good luck."