Moonlight Knight

by brandsca123

A Changlings Flight

Deep within the hive Queen Crysalis kept a close eye on her eggs. The young changlings were moving inside the small see through shells, but one in particular was treated differentially. This one egg sat alone next to her throne, it was bigger than the rest of the eggs surrounding the room. It wiggled a bit and fell of the small net that was holding it up. Quickly Crysalis used her magic to hold it up and place it gently back down on the net. She could care less about what happened to the others, but this one was special. Inside was her very son whom she named Kit, the young prince had yet to be born.

Soon though he will be, and he will lead the changling horde to victory. Ever since that day when she was expelled from the castle after an attempt at seizing the throne, she had been planning another attack. It had taken a long time to lay all these eggs, her horde was severely lacking in forces.

After the eggs hatch it will only be a couple weeks untill the young reach maturity, after that she will send them off to invade Equestria. Once the eggs hatch she will be tasked with teaching this new generation herself about the way of the hive. She sat down at her throne and laughed, as she watched over her children.

"Soon," She thought, "Soon they will hatch and I will have my revenge."

Just then she heard a slight cracking sound from beside her. She smiled with glee as the young changling prince came out of his shell.

But something was wrong, he looked different, too different. She could sense that he wasn't normal, she tried to give him some energy to see if there were any other changes to this thing. It didn't accept it, she then cast a small spell of sight on herself and gasped at what she saw. Surrounding the young prince were lines of magical energy being pulled in then pushed out, almost like he was filtering the energy itself.

Something must have went wrong during the gestation period, some genetic mutations must have occurred at some point in its development. This was no changling, this was a freak, she felt into its mind to see if there was any other changes. This thing couldn't change shape, it couldn't feed off of love and she couldn't connect with its mind. She had to get rid of it to save the purity of the hive.


Kit eagerly walked out of the hive with his mother, It had been only minutes since he hatched. Though the other changlings had yet to come out of their eggs, he was different. He was of royal blood and soon he will be leading his army for the glory of the horde.

Kit also looked different from other changlings, his eyes were a deep blue instead of green, his wings were scaled and sharp at the edges, perfect for slicing foes in half during flight, and he had long flowing white hair. When he was born Crysalis said he was one of the new generation of changlings, one that won't be hindered by desire or corruption. He didn't feed like the others ether, while the others fed off of love he preferred a more filling meal. He fed off the magical energies that surrounded him, making him one of the most powerful changlings in the horde, or so his mother said.

His skin was a lighter shade of black than the others and he didn't have the connection that the hive had with each other, and he couldn't change form like his brothers and sisters. He was different in every way, shape and form. But he was a prince and soon he would be in control, or so he thought.

As he followed Crysalis out of the hive and onto the cliff edge he felt a blunt force hit him on the back of the head, Crysalis had kicked him off the edge, and he started falling down into the Everfree Forest.

Kit was confused, why would his mother say all those nice things to him and yet kick him out of the hive. It was then he realised that all those nice things the queen said to him were a lie. He felt betrayed, he quickly spread his wings and flipped himself upright, as he was flying through the air he heard Crysalis say.

"The horde has no need of a freak like you. You're no prince, your nothing." Kit felt alone, as he flew through the air, he was well aware even before his birth that he would be different, he was well aware of the world around him while in his egg.

He flew around in the sky looking for a place to land, it was night time and he needed sleep. He saw a mountain out in the distance that had a castle on its side. Without even thinking he b-lined towards it and landed in a small garden. He sobbed as he found a nice soft spot on the ground and soon he fell asleep.


Kit awoke in a cold and damp place and he panicked, this wasn't the same spot he found earlyer. Somepony must have moved him while he was asleep.

He looked around the dark stone room, there was little light save for a bared window that let some sunlight in. He saw a wooden door at the other end and moved to it. He was then jerked back by something, he looked at his hind legs. His right hoof was chained to the wall. Kit slumped down in defeat and started to cry. He didn't understand what was going on, he was just born and already the world hated him.

He covered his face with his front hooves and as he sobbed, he heard a flap on the door slide open and he looked up. Kit could see a pair of eyes staring down at him through the flap. Just as fast as it was opened, it closed leaving Kit alone with his thoughts. He looked out the small window of his cell and desperately wished for freedom.

He didn't belong here, he wanted to go back to the hive, but memories of what his mother did quickly changed his mind. He was a changling no more, he was an outcast. Garbage thrown out and left to rot. A lump formed in his throat as he laid back down on the floor. He cried softly as the reality of the situation hit him full force. He needed to get out, but how.

The flap opened again but this time, he saw a different pair of eyes. He saw sorrow in them as he stared. He reached out a hoof and pleeded silently to the eyes, the flap closed again leaving him alone in the dark.


Celestia and Luna Backed away from the dungeon door. Last night the guards found the changling out in the castle gardens fast asleep. They were baffled by it's appearance, as they never seen a changling like this let alone this young. It didn't seem hostile at all but, since the changlings have tried to take over the castle awhile back they weren't taking any chances. They locked it up and chained it but now, they were starting to regret doing that. Celestia heard crying coming from the cell, not only was that a thing a changling can't do it also tried to pleed with her. Never in her long life had she seen a changling act like this. Luna on the other hand was not convinced, she thought it was all a trick. Both princess's walked back upstairs and went back to their duties.

Celestia went to her study to sort through some paperwork, when Luna came and said,

"Your thinking about him aren't you sister." Celestia looked down trying to avoid the question, but her sister persisted.

"Surely you must know that it's a trick, this creature means us harm and will do anything to get out."

"Luna dear, I don't think this changling ment us any harm. One this young would still be near the hive. To find one this young out in the open like this could mean only one thing, it was abandoned, cast out of the hive to die alone." Celestia had a tone of sorrow to her voice.

"But sister, why would it come here. If it was to die then why choose to do so here?" Luna was just as confused as her sister at this point.

"I don't know Luna, judging by the way it looks, it was a birth defect. The way its wings are and the color of its mane and eyes suggests a possible genetic mutation. It was probably cast out to preserve the purity of the hive."

"Well then let it die sister, letting it live will lead us only to destruction." Luna said with urgency.

Celestia sighed, "I'm afraid I can't do that Luna, executions were banned shortly after you were sent to the moon. I can't kill this creature, our best option is to let it live here in the castle away from everypony, where it can't do any harm."

"But sister,,," Luna challenged, but Celestia cut her off.

"No Luna, I don't think it's dangerous to let it live here, besides we might be able to learn more about its species, possibly even find a way to live side by side with each other."

"Sister do you even know how crazy that even sounds. Changlings are monsters, they're evil little beings that feed off of others, what makes you think this one is any different, besides the way it looks." Luna questioned her sister.

Again Celestia sighed, "I don't know Luna, I just don't know."

Luna stopped talking and went silent, she turned around and left the study. As she was nearing the door her sister said,

"Luna dear, can you please tell the servants to get the spare room ready and tell the guards to escort our little guest to his room and make sure they lock the door afterwards." Luna paused for a minute before nodding in agreement. She closed the study door and went to tell the servants and the guards what they had to do.

"I still think it is a bad idea sister." Luna said quietly as she neared the dungeons.


Kit was startled by the sounds of the door unlocking, he stared as two guards came and unchained him.

"Follow us please." One of them said. Kit didn't want to start a fight so he did as he was told. He took in his surroundings as the guards led him to his new room in the castle. He was fascinated by all the tapesties and paintings on the wall. The white pillars also peeked his interest, never before had he seen anything like this and he wanted to take it all in.

"In here please." A guard pushed him into the room and locked the door behind him. Kit looked around his room, the windows were sealed with magic to prevent him from escaping through them. The door was out of the question as there were guards outside. The only thing in the room was a bed that was hastily made. Kit didn't complain though, anywhere was better then the damp stone room he was in. He sighed and slumped down into his bed, and laid down.