This story is (c)rap

by Dark Avenger

A short and stupid thing...

"Off you go, Twilight," Cadence cooed.

Twilight groaned for the hundredth time that afternoon. "No way…"

Her friend giggled. "Come on! You promised you would."

"I know, but this is just…" Twilight sighed. "Uuuuggghhh... This is the dumbest thing ever…"

"Well, you know what they say," Cadence said. "'That's what you get when you take on a bet.'"

"Not if you win it," Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.

Cadence snickered in response. "But you didn't win, did you?"

"Ugh…" Twilight stomped her hoof. "How was I supposed to know Pinkie doesn't like baklava? I mean, that pony will eat just about anything that's got sugar in it. Baklava is practically made of sugar!"

Cadence shrugged with a smile. "Guess everypony has their limits…"

Twilight facehoofed. "My BBBFF defeats Pinkie in an eating contest," she muttered. "And here I thought this was a sure bet…"

"Okay, enough stalling now." Cadence nudged her friend and retreated behind a nearby bush. "Your 'victim' awaits you…"

Hesitating for a moment, Twilight took a step forward, only to pause and turn around again. "Look, can't I just do something else instead? Anything else?"

Cadence giggled and shook her head.

"Oh, come on!" Twilight's tone became increasingly desperate. "Can't you come along at least? I… I'd feel better that way…"

"Nope." Cadence donned her binoculars and ducked a bit further behind the bush. "She'd notice something was up. That would ruin the fun."

With no hope left for escape, Twilight sighed again and walked forth, still grumbling to herself and wishing she could just go back and wipe the smirk off Cadence's face. To avoid having to even think about her task, she distracted herself by staring at her surroundings, letting her eyes take in all the beauty of a lovely summer afternoon on the plains near Canterlot. They were said to be the finest in all of Equestria, and the sights certainly did not disappoint. She couldn't think of a better place to lie down and relax. Maybe even hold a picnic.

Or lose a bet, apparently… Twilight thought as she closed in on her destination. Her eyes landed on the mare before her, and she gulped.

"Ah, greetings Twilight!" Celestia called out to her with a smile. "I thought you were still in Ponyville, but I'm glad you decided to visit early." She scooted over a bit and gestured at the various snacks arranged next to her on the blanket. "Care to join me for some tea and biscuits?"

Twilight did not reply. She calmly strutted up to her mentor, only stopping right at the edge of the blanket. Celestia blinked as she stared up at her, a bit unsettled by her student's blank expression. Before she could get up or say anything, however, Twilight's horn lit up, upon which a low, repetitive beat played from a magical speaker. The younger alicorn then took a deep breath, reared up, and fixed Celestia with a menacing gaze before unleashing her voice.

"Yo! Hey!
Princess of Sun!
Twilight is here now
To ruin your fun

You thought you could run
And hide out with the sun
But now she'll show you
Your lil' picnic is done!"

Celestia's jaw dropped as Twilight strutted back and forth in front of her while chanting in a low and confrontational tone. Her forelegs kept making strange and aggressive-looking gestures toward her, all the while keeping up an imaginary beat that the mare seemed to follow.

"All your power, all your might
So why give us such a pitiful sight?
God among us, queen up high?
'Sun on Butt', you're not very spry

Maybe it's time you got to see
Somepony show ya how it's got to be
I’m the princess movin' into town
Who'll turn all your smiles into a frown"

Twilight stepped closer, making Celestia recoil a bit when her student's hooves waved inches away from her face, and her chant rose in volume.

"So take a seat and watch me fly
Watch the moon blot out the sky!"

With that, Twilight turned around, bit her lip, and resisted the urge to scream from the immense humiliation, while her flank wiggled right in front of her mentor's face. After a few moments of posterior presentation, she put her game face on again, turned back around, and went on without skipping a beat.

"Don’t act so surprised
With that look in your eyes
You thought you could run
But I’m not even done…"

And so, with Cadence watching from the distance and laughing herself sick, Twilight freestyle-rapped and hip-hop-danced Celestia into utter confusion. The consequences are not known. The incident was never spoken of again.