//------------------------------// // II // Story: Until We Meet the Horizon // by DunkelWars //------------------------------// Once the princess was inside, she followed Blitz’s directions and entered a cabin. It’s interior was simple: To her left was a bed with a small chest next to it, to her left a chair and a table. Over the table was a round window. She put the bag and the now useless charm inside the chest and then hopped onto the bed. Whilst the bed didn’t have the quality of the one in her palace chamber, she still found it very comfortable and decided to take a nap, a good part of the sleep she should’ve gotten at night had been sacrificed to prepare the charm. She got comfortable and fell asleep quickly. She was awoken 15 minutes later by the sound of many hooves and the occasional flap of a wing above her. She got up and was planning to get a look outside to see what was going on when there was a knock on her door. She responded with a slightly surprised "Come in.". Blitz Rush stepped in. He walked towards the window and took a quick look outside, then h turned towards her and started talking. “We’re about to set sail. If you’ve changed your mind, you’ll need to leave now.” “No, I’m set on coming along with you,” she immediately answered. “Very well. The rest of the crew is informed that you’re on board, and are okay with it too. But you should probably still wait in here until we have safely left the harbor, there’s a huge search going on right now. They even started going through the ships. What please did you do to make the guard go crazy like that?” “What makes you think that I’m the reason the guard is freaking out?” she asked, trying to make it sound accusing, though she sounded rather frightened. “I’m pretty sure that any criminal that tried to leave the town or hide in it would have been caught by now. But if you don’t mind me asking seriously, what did you do?” She was about to think of a lie that would sound convincing, when suddenly an earth pony came in. “Blitz! One of the guards got on the ship. What should we do?” “Horseapples,” he muttered under his breath. “But it was to be expected. You think you can jinx him?” The princess was about to ask how an earth pony was supposed to jinx anybody without magic, when he sighed and suddenly his body was engulfed in green flames and a changeling came forth. “I really hope that this is worth it Blitz,” the changeling said and positioned himself so that he was hidden by the opened door. It didn’t take long for the guard to arrive. It was a stallion, about as tall as Blitz. He also looked as if he was roughly the same age as him. His stripes where brown. But instead of trying to take the princess with him instantly as expected by everyone, he just stood in the doorframe and looked at her. The princess herself looked baffled. She regained her composure almost instantly though and spoke up. “Lirk. I didn’t expect that you’d be the one to find me. I won’t come along though. So don’t even try to convince me.” “I know you won’t come along princess. I didn’t join this search to capture you, I just wanted to say goodbye.” That left the princess with  her jaw hanging. “W-what? But dad will…” “He can’t lay a hoof on me. And really, you took about the same risk saving my flank when you simply appointed me as your guard. I’m just paying off my debt,” Lirk said with a smirk. “Oh come on. Dad will find a way to get you. We both know that. And I doubt your head is less worth than mine to you. Why are really you doing this?” Lirk was about to answer again, but Blitz was faster and stepped in between the two. He looked at the princess. “Okay, what? Princess? You’re the Celestia-damned princess of Zebrizca?!” The princess mentally facehoofed. “Yes, I am. Elionora, Daughter of Varet. Is there a problem with that?” she asked, her voice a mix of annoyance and impatience. Before Blitz could answer she pushed past him and started talking to Lirk again. “So I am still wai-” Blitz cut her off, his voice nowin a very angry and dangerous tone. “Of course there’s a problem with that! That means we have to leave instantly! Before the whole port is blocked off as well.,” he shouted from behind Elionora. He then turned his eyes towards Lirk. “Sorry pretty boy, but you need to leave. NOW.” Then he turned towards the changeling. “Get to the decks and tell everybody to prepare to set sail. We leave the moment the guard is off of the ship” He nodded and dashed of. The green light of his fire indicated that he hadn’t forgot about putting up his disguise again. Now it was Elionora’s turn to be angry. “What? Why does he have to leave already?” she asked standing in front of Blitz, barely fitting in the space between him and Lirk. “Because I don’t want another guard on here.And if he stays much longer they’ll probably send someone to look for him. Do you feel like being caught by some other guard?” The thought scared the princess enough for her anger to subside. “No. But…” Lirk spoke up again, taking a few steps out of the cavern. “Let it be Elionora. He’s right. This ship isn’t that big. I need to leave.” He looked at Blitz and smirked again. “Take care of her for me, ‘kay?” Blitz looked at him rather annoyed, the stallion was ignoring the danger they were in far too good in his eyes. Lirk took the hint and dropped the smirk. He looked at Elionora again, nodded and walked off. Shortly after his hoofsteps could heard above them and a few minutes after the words ‘Set sail!’ could be heard from enough and they started moving. Blitz sighed happily but he was still tense. “Why do you still look so grim? We left the haven we’re safe now, right?” Elionora asked. Blitz sighed again. “Not quite. As long as we’re in their territory, they can stop us whenever they want. We’ll be safe once we’ve left it, what should happen in a few minutes. Until then you have to stay below deck. Got it?” While Elionora wasn’t exactly happy with his tone, she wasn’t going to be snarky, she was still a guest on this ship. “Got it,” she answered. Blitz’s face brightened up a little again. “I’ll come down once we’re clear. You’ll get to meet the rest of the crew then and can start working.” That made the princess’ ears perk up. “Come again?” At that, Blitz chuckled a bit. “What, did you think you could just be a freeloader? You’d better get accustomed working if you want to stay here.” She really facehoofed this time, which only elicited more laughter from Blitz. ‘I’m not sure what I expected,’ she thought to herself. “Okay. What will I have to do?” Blitz smirked. “I hope you can cook.” Elionora groaned and Blitz really had to keep himself from laughing all too much.