//------------------------------// // Chapter 06: Talents // Story: Glim // by Smayds //------------------------------// Chapter 6: Talents She strode into the small classroom, a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye, and not an inkling in her mind that her life was about to change forever. The five colts and fillies sprang to their hooves at the sudden and unexpected entrance of an honest-to-goodness Princess. She kept smiling despite the fact that she hated such formality and respect. She didn’t think she deserved it from anypony, and certainly not from children. “Alright, my little ponies, this is important. I want you to remember this. When any of your other teachers come into your classrooms and lecture halls, you should of course show proper respect by getting to your hooves. But not for me, please.” Besides Twilight’s, every single mouth in the room was hanging open. She smiled wider and sat down on the floor in front of them, ignoring the fortress-like lectern completely. “Please sit down, my little ponies,” she said warmly. They did, expressions of petrified terror on their faces. Twilight kept her well-practiced welcoming expression on her own face, even though she mentally frowned at the stunned faces before her. Sometimes she wished very hard that she was just a totally-normal everyday ordinary pony. But she couldn’t help that, and so she tended to ignore such thoughts. She found them particularly difficult to ignore when they came from the reactions of foals. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Yes,” she said, forestalling the three or four hooves that had shot into the air, “I am a Princess. One of the three Royal Pony Sisters. I bet you never thought you’d ever see me, let alone be taught by me. Right?” There were very nervous nods from all around the room. Twilight’s smile got even wider. “While we’re here, you can call me ‘Twilight.’ Not ‘Princess,’ not ‘Your Highness,’ none of that nonsense. We’re all equals here,” she said, winking warmly at the terrified-looking green filly off to her left. “We’re going to be exploring and discussing all of magic’s deepest secrets, you and I. Together, we might all learn something new. And because we’re taking this journey together, I don't feel the need for formalities like ‘Princess’.” The five little ponies were quaking on their cushions. She levitated the clipboard that she'd brought in with her. Another of her little stage tricks to try to get them to calm down. “Your entrance exam reports are here. And you know what? I don't need to read them.” She tossed the clipboard into the metal rubbish bin near the classroom’s door. It clattered and clanged, and she was rewarded with smiles and even a chuckle or two. “I’d prefer to get to know you myself, not based on what some examiner thinks of you. What’s your name, little mister?” she said to the orange pony second from the right. He looked to be the oldest one there. “Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-” “Don't be nervous,” she said, shifting on the floor in front of them. “Remember, we’re all equals here. What was your name?” “Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-” “Okay, Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh” - the explosive laughter was like blooming flowers to her heart - “would you like to tell me your real name? Or do I have to pretend to be a boring old teacher and go and get the roll book?” she said with a false air of tiredness and a weary glance over to the teaching lectern. There wasn't any such book there, but the children couldn't be expected to see through her theatrics. Put them at ease. These may well be the greatest magicians in Equestria. They’re all extremely special and should be treated as complete equals, despite their age and my position. If you treat them as equals, then maybe one day your dreams will come true, and they’ll treat you as an equal as well. The adolescent unicorn looked even more terrified now that he was under her direct gaze. “Alright, we’ll get to names shortly. Take out your pens or pencils and your notebooks, and write this down.” To the sounds of scrabbling through saddlebags, she stood up and walked over to the large whiteboard at the front of the classroom. She levitated a marker, popped its cap off, and wrote: In this class, there will be no writing. There will be no reading. There will be no homework. There will be no tests or exams. This class will be one hundred percent ADVENTURE. The strangled chuckles were starting as she put the marker back on the shelf. The sound made her smile. Turning around, she saw that all of them were levitating pens or pencils to write, apart from the small colt in the middle. He’d been writing with his mouth. She walked back to her new students, sat down in front of them, stretched her front hooves out, and relaxed on the floor. There were quite a few gasps as the five children saw a Royal Princess of Equestria lie down and smile at them. “Okay. You can throw those exercise books away. This is not a normal class. You’ll all see me once a week on this afternoon, friday, at this time. Congratulations to all of you, by the way. Not every unicorn wins a place here at my school. And very, very few are referred through to me as particularly-talented little ponies, requiring my special touch to bring out their true potential. Now, little filly,” she said with another smile to the mortified green unicorn on her far left, “What’s your name, and how old are you?” “I, uh, Princess, I’m, uh -” “Please call me ‘Twilight’.” The filly let out a strangled scream. “Eleanor, your Highness! My name’s Eleanor!” She ducked her head and hid it under her hooves. “That’s a beautiful name, Eleanor. How old are you?” Twilight’s face didn’t show it at all, but inside, she was crying floods. She didn’t deserve this level of awe. “THIRTEEN!” the hapless filly wailed. “Please, please don't act like that,” Twilight said in a soft tone. “This happens every year, you know. I might be a Princess but that doesn’t mean that I’m any different to any of you,” she said, bending the truth quite a lot. “I’m a normal pony in here. Please, don’t be scared of me.” Her face took on a well-practiced half-sad, half-hurt expression. Eleanor raised her head and saw a genuine bona-fide Princess of Equestria looking at her with a pleading expression in her sad, shimmering, watery eyes. The effect was, of course, exactly what Twilight had planned. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Princess! I mean, Twilight! I didn’t mean to upset you! My name’s Eleanor Heartshine and I’m thirteen. And I’m very pleased that you think I’m good enough to be in your special class!” The ol’ waterworks. They work every time. Your average pony can’t stand to think they’ve upset an immortal living legend of Equestrian Royalty... She hated herself sometimes. “Thank you, Eleanor Heartshine. And you?” she said to the filly on Eleanor’s left. “I’m Clover Honeydew, Twilight. I’m thirteen years old and I’m so happy to be in your special class,” the brown unicorn said in a subdued, but happy, tone. Twilight smiled at Clover. “You know, a very, very famous pony shares your name. She was one of the greatest magicians that Equestria has ever known. Do you think you could be as good at magic as Clover the Clever?” “Clover the Clever? I thought she was just a legend! Was she real?” Clover asked in stunned surprise and awe. “Oh, she certainly was real. My sister Luna knew her once, a very long time ago. Before Equestria was even founded, in fact. We’ll just have to see what you’re capable of, won’t we?” Twilight said, winking. As Clover Honeydew blushed brilliant scarlet, Twilight turned to the smallest pony of the five, a purple colt with no Cutie Mark as yet. She casually glanced to the left and the right - the other four ponies had their Marks, but this young fellow didn’t. “Hello, you seem very young. What’s your name, and how old are you?” “St-St-” The colt stammered in blind shock and panic for a moment, then cleared his throat and seemed to pull himself together, straightening up where he was sitting. “I’m Starburst, your Hi- I mean, um, Twilight. And I’m seven.” Seven? I know he looks small, but SEVEN? That’s much too young. Can he even perform magic at all? Well, he IS in this class. I’ll check the clipboard after they leave. Wait a minute. He wasn’t levitating his pen. He was using his mouth to write. Talk to him after this little meet-and-greet is done. Maybe there’s been a mistake. He shouldn’t even be here, he’s so young. Well... You were seven... “That’s a very handsome name,” she said, making the tiny colt blush almost as furiously as Clover. “And your name, young sir?” she asked the orange pony with the blue mane to Starburst’s left. “You’ve managed to untie your tongue by now, right?” A couple of the other unicorns giggled. He certainly had. “Bevonen Bevonen the Third, Twilight. I’m fifteen and I’ve been at your school for two years already. My teachers and tutors have told me that I show uncommon potential, so they put my name forward for inclusion in this special advanced class.” He lifted his chin proudly and nodded. “That’s excellent, Bevonen. I very much look forward to working with you,” Twilight said, privately making a note to speak with his previous teachers to find out if he'd always been such a stuck-up douchebag. And maybe check out his parents as well. “And lucky last. Your name is?” “Cr-Cr-Cr-Crystal Sigil, Tw-Twilight,” the small honey-gold filly said. “I just turned twelve yesterday when I had my entrance test, Your Highness.” “Please, no titles, no formalities,” Twilight said. “Is your mother Sapphire Sigil?” The filly nodded. “I know your mother very well. She was one of my favourite students, and she’s one of the very finest unicorn guards that I’ve ever known. I’m sure you inherited your mother’s powerful magical abilities, Crystal,” she finished with another warm smile as the petite and pretty filly joined the others in her furious blushing. Twilight sat upright again. “Alright. Our little get-to-know-each-other session is finished for today. The next lesson will be quite a bit longer. When I see you next friday, we’ll be going over each of your strengths and weaknesses, so that I know what each of you should concentrate on to fulfil your individual true potentials. Now, you have the rest of the afternoon off. Please, go and have some fun. Do whatever you want around the campus, and if anypony complains, tell them that Princess Twilight said you have permission and they should take it up with me. Starburst, please stay behind for a minute. We need a private chat.” The other ponies snickered at the purple colt’s apparent misfortune as they left the classroom, each one of them giving a strangled little bow to Twilight as they went. She hated her station sometimes. It even made children feel the need to bow to her. She’d been doing this for almost a hundred years and she was yet to figure out how to make her students feel genuinely at ease around her, and that made her pretty damn frustrated sometimes... She shut the door after the last of them with her magic and turned back to the terrified little colt sitting on his cushion, shaking like a leaf in a breeze. She stood up, trotted close to him, and lay down again. She still had to look down at his tiny sitting form. “Tell me, Starburst, when I did my silly little joke before about this class not having any need to write,” she said, nodding at the whiteboard, “You wrote that down with your mouth. All the other students used their magic to hold their pens, but not you. Do you have trouble with psychokinesis?” He looked blank. “Um, Princ- I mean, Twilight, I don’t know... what that... means...” “Telekinesis?” she prompted. He still looked blank. “Levitation?” Still nothing. Well, he was only seven. “Lifting things with your magic?” “Oh! Yeah, I, um, I have a lot of trouble with that, um...” he said, clearly embarrassed. Twilight pulled the clipboard out of the bin and magically flicked through the admission notes as she levitated it over to where the two of them were sitting. She read his form for a moment, then tossed the clipboard back into the bin with a friendly grin. Starburst grinned too for a moment, then seemed to come to his senses and resumed looking nervous. “Your entrance exam. The unicorn in charge says that she’d never seen such a talented young unicorn, and she recommended you for this special class without hesitation. You’re the youngest pony to ever join a magic school, along with me. The normal admission age is thirteen, though occasional exceptions happen for especially talented ponies. The youngest pupil I ever saw was ten, apart from you, and me. I was seven as well when I started learning, and I’ve never stopped learning since that amazing morning nineteen hundred years ago.” “You went to school?” he blurted. “I thought... I thought you and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had been here forever!” “I haven’t been here forever, and I sure did go to school. Hardly anypony knows that I used to be a unicorn. I grew these later,” she said, ruffling her wings. “It was half-accident, half-fate, and I’ve been a Princess ever since.” “Did Princess Celestia and Princess Luna go to school? Were they unicorns too?” he asked, amazed at this revelation. The Princesses were practically gods to the ponies, and to be just speaking to one, let alone on a first-name basis, was mind-blowing enough. To learn that they were really just like any other pony... “No, Celestia and Luna are much older than me. Much, much older, and they were born as alicorns. Born with pegasus wings and unicorn horns,” she said, noticing his confusion at the term. “‘Alicorn’ is a very, very old word that means ‘winged horn.’ They’ve been here almost since the founding of Equestria. Do you know when that was?” “I, um, I don’t know,” he admitted. “What year is it?” she asked. “Uh, it’s fifty-nine sixteen.” “Right, it’s 5916 F.E. So Equestria was founded five thousand nine hundred and sixteen years ago, on the winter solstice in fact, though we celebrate the new year almost two weeks later. And two years after the three pony tribes founded this land, my big Sisters were crowned as the rulers of Equestria. So that’s a really, really, really long time ago. And Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were older than me when that happened.” He looked stunned. This was almost too much information for his young mind, and the facts and figures made his head spin. He couldn’t visualise just how long nearly six thousand years was... “But I’m different. I’m different from the other Princesses. I used to be just an ordinary pony, but too many important things happened in too short a time, and now I’m an alicorn as well. So,” she said, straightening up and pointing a hoof at the teacher’s desk at the front of the classroom, next to the lectern, “Why don’t you try lifting that desk with your magic?” Starburst looked at the desk. “Are you sure, Princ-” “Just ‘Twilight’, remember. We’re still in the classroom,” she said warmly. She loved children so much, and this young colt was just so endearing. She’d been as nervous as he was on her first day of magic school, a very, very long time ago. She also remembered being completely terrified of Celestia. She didn't want him to be terrified of her. “I want my students to call me by my first name so that they’re not nervous, Starburst. And just privately,” she added, lowering her voice and leaning forwards again, so that her head was conspiratorially close to his own, “I was terrified on my first day of school. I don’t want you to be. So why don’t you give lifting that desk your best try?” “I don’t think I should, um, Twilight.” He was still too nervous. “What’s the worst that could happen? she asked with a smile. He mumbled something incomprehensible. “Come on, please. Just try.” “Okay,” he said, still sounding unsure. “I’ll do it.” He looked very hard at the desk, then set his jaw. A faint reddish glow appeared around his horn, and then a tiny point of bright-white light sparked at the very tip. The desk glowed brilliant flaming red and leaped into the air, smashing itself to pieces against the ceiling, which was left cracked and dented. The young colt yelped and ducked, covering his head with his forehooves for protection as a shower of splintered wood... ...was caught and plopped down in a neat pile on the floor by a stunned Twilight. Starburst raised his shaking head. “I’m sorry! Princess, I’m sorry! I always do that, I didn’t mean -” She levitated a bent mechanical pencil out of the rubble and over towards him, putting it on the floor near his hooves. “Please,” she said quietly, “could you try levitating that?” “I don’t want to!” he wailed. “I might hurt somepony!” “No you won’t, not with me in the room,” she breathed. “Please. Try. For me.” His horn glowed again, and with a loud thwack, the pencil was suddenly embedded in the ceiling beams. He looked stricken. Twilight had quite a different expression on her face. She pulled the clipboard out of the bin again and read the report from the examiner. “...turned me into a bucket of water and then somehow managed to set me on fire...” “Starburst,” she said, voice still quiet from her surprise as she dropped the clipboard aimlessly at her side, “I don’t think I’ve ever met anypony with your raw magical abilities before. You need to learn how to control and focus your magic, but I’m afraid that this school doesn’t have the facilities to teach someone with your level of magical power.” His face scrunched up and he looked as if he was about to burst into tears. “But, but Princess Twilight!” “Just ‘Twilight’, please,” she said, somewhat numbly, as a thousand things ran through her mind. “But Twilight, I want to learn magic! I’ve wanted to learn ever since I saw Princess Celestia raise the sun at -” “- the Summer Sun Celebration,” they both said at the same time. There was silence for a few seconds while Starburst froze in terror where he sat, and Twilight’s face went through many, many differing emotions. He might just be the most talented unicorn in Equestrian history, well, next to me maybe... I can't really remember my childhood with any kind of accuracy or clarity, I’ll have to ask Celestia if I was that powerful. Could she or Luna teach him? No, they don’t take a hooves-on approach with their schools, they’re too busy running Equestria. He has to be trained, he could be a menace to society if his magic were to get out of control, and there’s not a single teacher here or in either of the other schools that could possibly teach him how to use that much magic safely. So, I’m going to have to teach him... But what if I get attached? What if we become friends? He’s mortal, he’ll die one day and I can’t ever go through that again, not with another close friend, even if I live to be a hundred thousand years old... But he HAS to be trained. And I’m so lonely... Stop. Forget that. Maybe not a friend. Maybe just a good acquaintance, yeah, I could live with that. I have acquaintances, and I could have another one. And this young unicorn colt is going to go far. It would be a crime not to teach him. “Starburst,” she said, having made up her mind and be damned to the consequences. “The school can't teach you, but I can. How would you like to be my personal student?” He started quivering. His eyes were wide as saucers, and his mouth was open in a perfect ‘O’. “Is that a ‘yes’?” she asked, smiling again now that she was over her shock. “YES!” He leaped up from the floor and started shouting. “YES!” he exclaimed again. “Yes yes yes yes YES!” He began to bounce on his hooves, his eyes closed in joy as he capered about, as happy as anypony could ever be. He was about to get a whole lot happier. Twilight saw a flicker of light play around his hindquarters. Her gasp made him stop springing about and look at her in surprise. “Prin- uh. Twilight? What’s the matter, you don’t look so -” His Cutie Mark. He'd just got his Cutie Mark. It was a reddish-purple six-pointed star, a relatively common Mark amongst unicorns. It represented Magic. She had the same mark, just like thousands and thousands of other ponies did. They came in all kinds of sizes and colours, but red, purple, or magenta meant a deep connection to Magic itself, with magenta the strongest of the three. Hers was much more different from the norm, though. She had a large white star behind the ancient magenta Star of Magic. Her Sisters and herself were quite certain of the symbology - that large white star represented Twilight herself, standing proud and tall right behind Magic. And there were five smaller white stars surrounding the central pair, these representing the other Bearers, her best friends, the first real friends that she had ever had. Her cutie mark, as occasionally happened, was prophetic. It foretold the six Bearers uniting together, Twilight at their centre, and wielding the Elements of Harmony to save Equestria. She stared at the only other variation of the classic Star of Magic Cutie Mark that she’d ever seen. One large six-pointed magenta star, representing his innate magical ability. One large white star immediately behind it, presumably representing Starburst himself. One small white star to the left of the larger pair, and a very tiny white star to the right, almost a dot if not for its six miniscule points. Prophecy was happening right before her eyes, though she couldn't possibly guess what his Mark might mean. She made a mental note to talk to her Sisters about it this evening, then hitched an expression of happiness on her face as she pointed at his backside. “You just got your Cutie Mark, Starburst.” He shrieked in surprise, whipping his head around to stare at his hindquarters. He shrieked again when he saw the Mark there. “My Cutie Mark! I got my Cutie Mark! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES YES YES!” he shouted again, resuming his manic dance around the room. “Okay, okay,” Twilight managed after she stopped thinking too hard about his Mark. “Congratulations, I’m very, very happy for you, Starburst. I’m sure your parents will be so proud.” “Mom and Dad’re gonna flip out! I mean, WOW! My Cutie Mark! And everything else! This is, just, um, I don’t know how to say it!” he laughed. “I’m so happy! I’m so happy!” At least he hasn’t asked me what it means... I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. She beamed at her new protégé. “You and I, we’re going to go down to the Teachers’ Only section of the Library. Which, incidentally, you’re welcome to use at any time. There’s a book there that I think you’ll like. It’ll teach you how to slow your magic down to a trickle, and then I’ll show you how to control that trickle, and we’ll work up from there until you can properly control your full magical abilities.” “Really?” Starburst exclaimed. His mind was completely overloaded at the moment. The triple shocks of becoming a Princess’s private student, getting his Cutie Mark, and now being shown how to control his magic all at once... “Pr- I mean, Twilight. Twilight, this is the best day of my life!” he practically squealed. “What’s this book called?” “It’s an old favourite of mine,” she said, smiling as they left the empty classroom and headed down the marble-floored hallway together. “It’s called ‘So How Exactly Do You Control A Floodgate?’.”