The Diary of Lily Heart

by Elemental Skullgirl

Day 2

Day 2

As Lily Heart wakes up from her sleep, she looks at the mirror.

"Good Morning", she said to her reflection. "Today will be a better day than yesterday."

She giggled as she got out of bed and she did the usual routine, brush her mane and tail, brush her teeth, get dressed, and head downstairs for breakfast.

As she went downstairs, she saw her older sister, Lovely Melody. She is a bright green unicorn with lilac eyes, and purple and magenta mane and tail. Her mane is in a ponytail, and she wearing a sky blue tube top, and black denim capris, along with green flower on her mane, and matching pearl necklace, and bracelet. She turn to see her little sister about to arrive.

"Lily", she said, in a excited manner. "Guess who got the role of Sweet Emerald?"

"You did", said Lily Heart. " got the role?!" Lovely Melody nodded.

"Isn't it exciting", Lovely Melody said as she hugged Lily real tight to the point that she could barely breathe.

"Can't..........breathe", Lily Heart said. Lovely Melody suddenly realized it and lets go of her little sister.

"We going to celebrate over dinner", said Stronghold. "So as soon as you get home, dress fancy, ok?"

Lily Heart nodded.

"Alright, Lily Heart, time to get to school", said Digit.

As both Lily Heart and Digit left the door, they waved good-bye to their sisters.

"Good Morning, class", Ms. Cheerilee said as she looked at her students.

"Good Morning, Ms. Cheerilee", the class said.

"Today, we're going to learn about parts of speech."

Lily Heart began to take notes, but she felt a ball of paper bump her head. She ignored it but she felt another ball of paper bump her head. She looked up and found the first ball of paper that was on the floor. She picked it up, unballed it, and starts reading it. It read "GO HOME, NO PONY WANTS YOU!" Lily Heart rolled her eyes and put the note in her notebook. She found the second paper and read it. It read "STUPID BLANK FLANK!" Lily Heart looked up and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, giggling as she was still looking at her.

"Oh wait, I got an idea", whispered Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara turned to Lily Heart, and had a little smug look on her face.

"Hey Lily Heart", Diamond Tiara said to Lily Heart. "Or should I say, Lily Barf!"

Silver Spoon chuckled, but to no avail, Lily Heart ignored them.

"She's not listening, Dia", she said, as she looked concerned. "Try harder."

Diamond Tiara nodded.

"Lily Barf, that outfit looks ugly on you", she said. "And so is your mane style. Who did it for you? Your dumb sister? Her roommates?"

As she was taking notes, Lily Heart looked up at them with an annoyed face.

"I'll have you know, I brush my mane and tail everyday by myself", she said. "The fact that my clothes look ugly on me, I've heard that one before. It never really fazes me, not even at my old school, and calling a relative dumb has been annoying over the years. So you're here mocking me on looks and my family's intelligence when you should be asking yourself how do you look. I think you remind me of my dolls I have at home, and what I meant by dolls, I meant the dolls that I no longer play with."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had a surprised look on their face, which suddenly turned into anger.

"Why, you little...", Diamond Tiara said, before she got interrupted.

"Wait", Lily Heart said. "I'm not done yet. As for your intelligence, I hear your parents are smart ponies. Diamond Tiara, your father owns an business empire. You wouldn't believe it if he hears that you spend class gossiping, passing notes, and annoying your fellow classmates."

Lily Heart turned to Silver Spoon.

"Sliver Spoon", she said. "I looked up your family history for a school project at my old school. Your great-great-great grandmother was one of the most intelligent ponies. I would be so sad that her great-great-great granddaughter was spending time with a rich, spoiled brat. It would lower your IQ by 20%, I suppose. Now, would you please mind moving out the way? I have to take notes."

Silver Spoon had enough. She stood up from her desk and walked to Lily Heart's desk. She suddenly slammed on the surface so loud, it caught the attention of the entire classroom.


Sliver Spoon grabbed Lily Heart's headband from her mane, snapped it in two and threw it at her. She grabbed her by the mane and threw her to the ground. Before she Silver Spoon could do anything else, Ms. Cheerilee stopped her.

"Silver Spoon", she hollered. "Stop it right now!"

Silver Spoon turned and looked at her teacher, who was angry.

"You disrupted class, and you nearly caused injured Lily Heart. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"But.....but.......Lily Heart started it", Silver Spoon said.

Ms. Cheerilee looked down at Lily Heart, who was in tears.

"I was just telling them the truth of what happens if they keep intimidating others", she said. "You know, standing up for myself."

"I was very good that you stood up for yourself", Ms. Cheerilee said. "But let the grown-ups handle it, okay?"

Lily Heart nodded. Ms. Cheerilee then turned to Silver Spoon.

"As for you, young filly", she said. "You're going to be suspended for one week, do you understand?"

"Yes, Cheerilee", Silver Spoon replied.

"Good", said Ms. Cheerilee. "Now go take your seat."

Silver Spoon returned to her seat. As Ms. Cheerilee returned to the board, she turned to her students.

"Now, on with our lesson", she said.

As Ms. Cheerilee continued with the lesson, Sweetie Belle turned to Lily Heart.

"Are you okay", she whispered.

"I'm fine", Lily Heart whispered back.

'Just fine,'Lily Heart thought.

As Lily Heart arrived home, she went to the kitchen for a snack, and as she did, she saw Stronghold, who is eating an apple.

"Hi Stronghold", Lily Heart said.

"Hey kiddo", Stronghold said as she turned. She was shocked when she turned to see that Lily Heart has a scar on her face. "Oh my Celestia, what happened to you?"

"One of my classmates slammed me on the ground", Lily Heart said. "I was only trying to stand up for myself."

"What?!", Stronghold shouted. "When I see her, I'll kill that little..."

"No", Lily Heart said. "Please don't."

Stronghold suddenly realized that violence wasn't the answer.

"Alright", she said. "Go get ready for dinner."

Lily Heart nodded.

As she went upstairs, Lily Heart went to her closet and found a baby blue dress and dark blue cardigan, along with another blue headband, which she called her back-up headband, and turned to take a look in the mirror and saw the scrape on her face. As she got dressed, she felt bad for Silver Spoon.

'I didn't mean to get Silver Spoon suspended', she thought. 'This is what I get for trying to stand up for myself.'

She hears the door open, and she saw Lovely Melody, who was wearing a short dark blue dress, along with matching necklace, bracelet, and earrings.

"OH MY CELESTIA", she shouted. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LOVELY FACE?!" Lily heart explained everything that happened at school today.
"Oh dear, I'm going to have to speak to her parents about this, but in the meantime, let me put on some make-up on that scar, shall we?"

The two sisters went into Lovely Melody's room. It was filled with posters of celebrities that she liked, she even has one of Sapphire Shores, and Fleur De Lis, the two mares who inspired her to be who is today. Her bed has teal and pink gradient blanket, and teal sheets. Her window has pink curtains, and her closet was filled with trendy clothes. They walked to Lovely Melody's vanity, which was bigger than her younger sister's.

"Let me find you something that can match your beautiful blue coat", Lovely Melody said as she went to find some foundation. "Ah, here's one."

She took a application brush from the top drawer, and stirred it on the foundation.

"Let's see if I can get it right", Lovely Melody said. She applied the foundation on to the scar on her face. "Okay, take a look in the mirror."

Lily Heart looked in the mirror and was proud of the work her sister has done.

"It looks like as if nothing happened", she said.

"I knew my work as a make-up artist has been rusty", Lovely Melody said. "Now come on, let's go downstairs."

As they went downstairs, they spotted Element Rose, who was wearing a white dress, Digit, who was wearing a red blouse and black pencil dress, and Stronghold, who was wearing a black suit.

"Awww, don't you look adorable in that dress", Element Rose said. "Come on, let's go before we have to wait for our table."

"Don't worry, I had made reservations", Lovely Melody said, as the girls left their home.

As the girls entered the restaurant, they see a a blue unicorn usher who is wearing a tuxedo.

"Can I help you, ladies", he asked, with a stern look.

"Yeah, I'm Lovely Melody, and these are my friends", Lovely Melody said.

"Oh, you're Lovely Melody", said the usher. "Please right this way. As he turned to seat them to their table, the usher took a quick look at Lily Heart. "Is that your sister, or your daughter?"

"Oh, she's my little sister", Lovely Melody said.

"Oh, well, she's an adorable young one", the usher said, as he handed out the menus. "A waiter will be here to take your orders."

After the usher left, the girls realized that there were two extra chairs.

"Uh, Melody, is there anypony else that will be joining us", asked Digit.

" Oh, the director and one of the lead actors will be joining us", said Lovely Melody. "They're also paying for the meal."

"Hello ladies", said a voice.

The girls turned to see a dark maroon unicorn stallion who was wearing fedora on his head, a blue polo shirt, and brown slacks. He has matching black mane, which was thinning, and tail, as well as a thin mustache.

"I see these are your roommates", said the stallion.

"Yes sir", said Lovely Melody. "I'm Lovely Melody, these are my roommates, Stronghold, Digit, and Element Rose, and this is my little sister, Lily Heart."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all", said the stallion as he tipped off his fedora, showing of his balding head. " I'm Prized Inkwell, and I'm the director of the newest soap opera, 'The Rich and the Lonely', it is good to see you all." Prized Inkwell turned to an dark orange earth stallion, whose right ear tip was ripped off, red eyes, red and orange matching mane, which was combed over, and tail. He is wearing a black tuxedo suit. "Lovely Melody, you remember Arid Inferno, do you?"

"Oh, yeah", said Lovely Melody. "I was both your make-up artist, and your assistant. You were also one of my classmates, and........." She suddenly stopped in the middle of the sentence, as she blushed a shade of pink. " of my best friends."

"I'm glad you remembered", Arid Inferno said as he and Prized Inkwell took their seats. "and you're as beautiful as the last time we saw each other."

"Let's see what's on the menu", Prized Inkwell said as he looked on the menu.

"Hello, " said voice. Everyone turned to see a young mare pegasus who is wearing blouse with a black vest over top of it, matching pencil skirt, and bow tie. "I will be your waitress for the evening. Are we starting with some appetizers?"

"No, thank you", said Prized Inkwell. "We'll take the main course."

"Alright, what will you be ordering", asked the waitress.

"I love the apple-cranberry salad", said Lovely Melody.

"I'm willing to have the spinach frittata", said Element Rose.

"I'll take the same order but can I have mine with cucumbers instead of spinach", said Digit.

"Are you sure, ma'am", asked the waitress.

"The girl likes cucumbers", said Stronghold. "Anyways, I'll have the Eleven-spiced Hill Country venison."

"I'll take the Mushroom Stufano", said Arid Inferno.

"I'll take the tomato bisque", said Prized Inkwell.

"Okay, and what will you have, little one", asked the waitress.

"I'll take the Ratatouille, please", said Lily Heart.

"Okay, what can do for you for drinks", asked the waitress.

"We'll take the red wine, and let the little one have the apple juice", said Prized Inkwell.

"Alright, your drinks will be here in five minutes and your dinner will be here soon", said the waitress as she left.

"So about the show", Prized Inkwell said. "Your work schedule will be everyday, except weekends and the holidays, and the filming will take place Manehatten, so you're going to need to stay with Arid Inferno since he lives closer to the studio."

"I understand", said Lovely Melody.

"You can call, and send letters and gifts to your friends and sister", said Arid Inferno. "Heck, they can visit us anytime they want, they can even get a grand tour of the studio."

"Well, that's good news", said Lovely Melody.

"Your dinner and drinks", said the waitress.

"Well, that was quick", Element Rose said as their dinner and drinks arrive.

Their dinners were served with a bottle of red wine, except for Lily Heart, who was served apple juice. The waitress opened the wine bottle with a corkscrew, and poured the wine into their wine glasses.

"Enjoy your meals", she said as she walked away.

"Well, let's have a toast", said Prized Inkwell, as he picked up his wine glass. "To the start of the 'The Rich and the Lonely'!"

"To 'The Rich and the Lonely", the entire table said as they raised their glasses.

"Now let's eat", said Arid Inferno.

As they began to eat, Element Rose looked at Lily Heart as she was eating her food.

"Well, some pony likes her food", she said, as Lily Heart looked up and nodded.

"Looks like a certain filly's going to have dessert after she eats her dinner", said Arid Inferno, as Lily Heart finishes her dinner.

"Well, that was quick", Stronghold said. "It seen like you're were hungry."

"I was", Lily Heart agreed. "You guys are finished already as well."

"Look like we were all hungry", said Digit. "I gotta go use the bathroom."

"So do I", said Element Rose.

"I have to make a call", Prized Inkwell said.

"I have go use the men's room", said Arid Inferno.

"So do I", said Stronghold. "Don't ask why, just roll with it."

"I'll do check my make-up", said Lovely Melody.

As everypony got up from the table and leave to their designated areas. As she was going to the ladies room, she turned and looked at Lily Heart.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself", she asked.

"I'll be fine", Lily Heart said.

Lovely Melody smile and walked to the ladies room. As she was looking on the dessert menu, Lily Heart then turned to the table next to her and she saw Diamond Tiara, who was wearing a lilac dress, and matching cardigan. She was finished eating her dinner, and turned to see her rival.

"Well, well", she said. "If it isn't the filly that got my BFF suspended. How did you managed to get a reservation here anyways? This is one of the most expensive restaurants in Equestria."

"My sister made reservations at this restaurant", Lily Heart said.

"Oh, just because you're sister in some dumb soap opera, doesn't mean she's going to be famous, you know", Diamond Tiara said.

"Will you please leave me alone tonight", Lily Heart asked.

"Fine, I'll be seeing you at school tomorrow", Diamond Tiara said, but she suddenly walked towards Lily Heart. "Oh by the way, you have apple juice in your mane."

"What', said Lily Heart. "I don't have apple juice in my mane."

Diamond Tiara suddenly grabbed Lily Heart's apple juice, and poured all over the top of her head.

"Well, you do now", Diamond Tiara said. "That's for Silver Spoon." She walked away to her table, as she laughed.

Lily Heart suddenly hears whispers from the other patrons. Hearing things like 'Wasn't that filly banned from here', 'How could she do that', and 'Some pony should do something about her.'

"Oh Sweet Luna, are you okay", said a voice. Lily Heart turned to see that it was the waitress from earlier, who was bringing a towel. She began to dry Lily Heart's mane, as she continued talking, but in a softer tone. "Don't worry about her, the old manager already banned her from the restaurant, but when he retired, her uncle bribed the new manager, so she and her father will come in everyday. Every pony who either worked or are regulars here knew about this because the manager always brags about it, yet no pony bothered to do something about it. I severely apologize about her."

"Don't worry, you're lucky", Lily Heart said. "I have to face everyday at school."

"Anyways, do you want to order dessert", the waitress asked.

"Yes, I'll take the caramel cheesecake", said Lily Heart.

"Okay, coming right up", said the waitress, with a smile on her face.

As the waitress walked away, Lily Heart took time to think to herself. 'She's a nice mare. I can understand where she and every pony else is coming from with the situation they have with that spoiled brat.'

"Sorry, it took so long", said Prized Inkwell as he and every pony else arrived at the table. "So did you order dessert?" Lily Heart nodded, then suddenly Inkwell smelled something.

"Is that apple juice I smell", he asked and then he turned to see Diamond Tiara, who was waving at him. He waved back, and turned back around. He then muttered the words, Spoiled Brat, underneath his breath.

"Are you okay, Mr. Inkwell", asked Lily Heart.

"Yeah, I'm fine", he said. "It's just that Diamond Tiara used to be part of my short-lived series, Sweetheart Academy. She was only seven years old at the time. The show was a child-friendly show about young orphan fillies going though many adventures. Diamond Tiara played a girl named Sugar Cookie. The character was sweet on the outside, but mean on the inside. Throughout the show's run-time, it ended up with stellar reviews within the first few episodes, but when on later episodes, it ended up with terrible reviews regarding Diamond Tiara's acting is getting worse and worse within each episode. After the final episode was aired, the network decided to cancel the program, due to them no longer tolerating Diamond Tiara's behavior, and the fact that we couldn't find another filly to play Sugar Cookie. Ever since the show's cancellation, my other projects became even better than Sweetheart Academy, so much better than every pony in Equestria forgotten about it. So therefore, ponies forgotten the act that Diamond Tiara was once a short-lived TV star, which made it pretty much a good thing to me and every pony else who was in involved in the series."

"I'm sorry to hear that", said Lovely Melody. "I didn't know you have to work with such a spoiled brat."

"It's fine", said Prized Inkwell. "It's all in the past now. I see your dessert has just arrived, Lily Heart."

The waitress gave Lily Heart a plate of caramel cheesecake.

"Eat up, sweetie", said Digit.

Lily Heart lifted her forked and began to chow on her cheesecake, and she was once again in her thoughts, 'Poor Mr. Inkwell. He must have went through a lot with Diamond Tiara. I can't believe Diamond Tiara would be mean to every pony involved in that show. At least, he has some understanding cast and crew members to help him move on from this.

As Lily Heart walked to her room with her pajamas, sh was still full from the cheesecake. She took out her diary and pink pen, and started writing.

Dear Diary,

Today was one of the worst and best days of my life. What made today worse was that Silver Spoon threw me to the ground for standing up for myself. She ended up getting suspended. Later, during dinner, Diamond Tiara poured apple juice all over me. What made my day great was that I met Prized Inkwell, a TV director, and Arid Inferno, a well known actor, and one of Lovely Melody's best friends.I even met a really nice waitress. I have a feeling that will meet her again someday. I also found two of the many secrets of Diamond Tiara. I'm actually surprised about what I found out. As for Diamond Tiara, I'm not really looking forward for the rest of the week, she's going to make my life a living hell, just like those three fillies did in my old school. At least, I have Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo for that since thay are going though the same problems with her as well. I gotta go.

Lily Heart