Moonlight Knight

by brandsca123

Escape Become The Moonlight Knight

"You're no prince, you're nothing," These words echoed in Kits mind, the words stung every time he remembered them. He was thrown out like trash, left to die alone in the world. Yet, he survived, he was picked up and placed in the castle. He might have freedom to explore inside, but outside was another matter. He was a prisoner, held against his will inside his room. He needed to escape, but how.

It's been three days since he arrived. Kit had grown over the past few nights, He now was half the size of the princess's. He might be done growing, but he still was a child.

As he laid in his bed, he went over the memories of the past few days....


"Now tell me, who are you." Celestia asked him as he hungerly ate the pancakes on his plate. It was the first time he had eaten anything like this, and he liked them. He lifted his head and looked at the princess, and said,


"Kit? That's a nice name, well Kit you will be staying here in the castle, outside is off limits, do you understand." Kit nodded in agreement, and went back to feeding.


That was the first day he was here, the princess let him out of his room to ask him about his past. Sadly the only thing he could tell her was his name, he didn't know anything else.

He felt constrained, he grew tired of the same white walls. He wanted out, he had to escape. Tonight he will try his luck, or die trying.

But before he did that he needed to make sure nopony recognised him. He might not have the changlings ability to steal bodies, but he had other means. He had to be crafty, he looked into the mirror of his room and smiled. So far he could pass for an everyday pony, save for his wings and eyes. He didn't have a cutie mark, so he will have to cover that up somehow. His fangs were small but noticeable at close range.

He looked to his bed and saw the red curtain hanging from the top. He went over to it and tore it off, he then proceeded to cover the lower half of his face with the makeshift scarf.

He looked in the mirror, the scarf covered his mouth perfectly, part of it hung close to the floor, the end of it was torn and messy. He didn't care, as long as others don't recognised him he was fine with it. His blank flank though was a problem, he will have to deal with it later as it was getting close to sundown. He sat by the window and watched, waiting for nightfall.


Kit kept to the shadows as he made his way through the castle, the guards by his door were knocked out. The only time he paused was when a guard walked past him. He thanked Celestia that his skin was dark, or he wouldn't be able to blend in with the darkness. He stopped by the study door as he heard voices coming from inside.

"He doesn't act like a changling at all, it's almost like he is a normal pony."

"Shall I continue to keep an eye on him sister?"

"Yes Luna dear, I would like to study his behavior further."

So that's what he was to them, an experiment. Some guinea pig to be locked up and studied. Kit didn't like what he heard, he was sure he could trust the ones that gave him a home. After hearing this however, he wanted to escape even more. He ran down the hallway feeling betrayed, as he neared the door he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He quickly hid behind a pillar, using the shadows to hide from sight.

A guard on his nightly patrol, walked to the door and paused. He looked around and seeing nothing turned back the way he came. Kit sighed in relief, the guard tensed. He looked towards the pillar and stared. Kit was sweating at this point, he was so close and yet so far.

The guard continued to stare for several long minutes before shrugging and going on his way. Kit couldn't believe his luck, he narrowly avoided capture for now. Not wanting to try his luck again he bolted out the door and took off flying in the night sky. Enjoying the freedom of the sky's he landed on a rooftop far from the castle. The scarf he had on was waving through the wind to the side, as the moonlight hit him.

He was free at last, he whooped in triumph and took off again. This time he pulled off tricks in the air, he was happy.

Just then he heard a scream coming from on the ground. He hovered in the air and looked, a skinny light pink and white unicorn mare was running from something. Two black figures came out and snarled, they surrounded her and advanced. The black figures were changlings, Kit landed next to the mare and shielded her with his wings. Ever since he was kicked out of the hive, he hated other changlings with a passion.

The two stopped their advance and stared at the intruder.

"What's with the silly getup, you're not fooling anypony." One of them growled. Kit just ignored him and shielded the mare, who was now trembling beneath his hooves.

"We weren't aware of other changlings here, so why don't you quit the act and help us capture her." The other one said. Kit rushed forward and back kicked the changling sending him flying. This startled the other one, it soon tried to flee but was stopped by Kit before it could get away.

"Why are you doing this? Who are you, and why did you attack us." The changling was trembling underneath him as Kit brought his face close to it.

"Give this message to Crysalis, her so called prince still lives." This scared the changling even more.

"But, she said you were dead, kicked out of the hive. How are you still alive?" Kit thought for a moment before saying.

"I am a changling no more, I forever cut my ties with the horde." The changling growled a bit before Kit hit him on the side of the face.

"But who are you?" The changling was shivering uncontrollably now as Kit advanced on it.

"You may call me......" Kit thought of a name for himself. If he was going to hunt down the changlings he might as well have a cool name he thought, "....The Moonlight Knight."

Kit let the changling go as it flew away screaming. He turned to the mare and walked over to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I...I think so, is Moonlight Knight really your name?" She asked. Kit chuckled and answered.

"No, my true name is Kit, but enough about me what's yours?"

The unicorn looked away bashfully, "Fleur,"

She paused a bit before turning to face Kit. "Ummm, thank you for saving me. Can I please see your face."

Kit tensed as she lifted a hoof to his scarf, he backed away quickly avoiding her hoof.

"What's wrong?" Fleur said as she made a confused look. Kit heard noises out in the background and got ready to take flight.

"He's over their, lets get him back to the castle quick!" Kit took off before the guards came into sight.

"Sorry, got to fly" Kit said as he lifted himself of the ground.

"Hey wait!" Fleur said as Kit flew away. "I never got to see your face."


Kit flew away, he had saved a girl and fought off his fellow changlings. He felt alive, 'Moonlight Knight, I like that name', Kit thought as he prepared to land on a rooftop. He smiled as he took a deep breath and shouted into the air,

"Look out Equestria, you have a new hero in town!" Kit shouted with glee as a light went on in a nearby house, an angry colt shouted,

"Shut up out there, some of us need sleep!" Kit slunk back into the shadows and laughed silently. 'This is going to be fun' he thought.