//------------------------------// // 24. The Elements in Disharmony - Part 4 // Story: BPT: A Midnight Stroll through Time // by Wolven5 //------------------------------// Curse it, curse it, curse it!!! Catrina raged in her thoughts as she willed the wind to hasten her towards the Castle of the Two Sisters. But she was starting to realize her pursuers would subdue her before she reached her objective. Peering over her shoulder, she glimpsed that insufferable monarch she once regarded as her teacher, and with her that obnoxious upstart blue unicorn somehow keeping up with Celestia despite his lack of wings. I don’t know how that little nopony avoided being crushed like the ant he is, but one way or another- “Catrina, stop!” Catrina heard her former mentor’s shout and noted how it sounded concerned rather than stern, but it certainly wasn’t reason for the witch to heed. “Shut up!” She concentrated her mana, snapped her fingers, igniting a fireball in hand before throwing it at her pursuers, Celestia and Midnight dodging. However, the force of her literal throwback caused Catrina to loose balance and concentration, the air weakening and no longer able to keep her aloft! “MEEOOOOOWWW!!!” Catrina caterwauled as she fell towards a trench, Celestia screaming, “NO!” Catrina fell into the trench and the princess and unicorn heard her scream in pain as they saw some kind of viny weed glow in the trench, writhing like snakes, constricting the poor witch that had fallen into their coils. “No…!” Celestia whispered in horror, Midnight looking to her in worry. “Princess, what is it? What are those plants Catrina fell into?” “…They’re Witch Weed!” Celestia answered ominously. “Witch Weed? Sounds bad,” Midnight commented. “Like you won’t believe…” Celestia nodded as they watched Catrina writhe and struggle free, only succeeding in the weed’s briars scratching her. “It’s a poisonous plant that causes madness and invigorates the body to dangerous levels. I’ve seen its work before but I had no idea it grew in the Everfree Forest! I fear our situation might have just…” “No point fretting more, here she comes…” Midnight stated. They felt an intense power, the air grew heavy, as Catrina rose from the crevice, a few tendrils of witch weed clinging to her dress, her eyes glowing yellow, her head shoulders twitching, purple electricity sparking around in tendrils, as she began to laugh. It was a dark chuckle that escalated into a mad cackle as she began to rant. “This power! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I never dreamed such power could be found in the Everfree Forest itself!” “The Everfree Forest?!” Midnight echoed in confusion. “Yes, my pathetic little ponies!” sneered the crazed cat witch, “Somehow, that briar patch has established a connection between I and this wild wood! I feel every tree, every root, sense every living, breathing thing within this forest! Forget the Elements, I could rule the whole world from in here!” “Catrina! Calm down and clear your thoughts!” Celestia beseeched, “The Everfree’s wild magic has shaken your state of mind!” “Oh, I assure you, my former teacher…” Catrina hissed eerily, “I have never had so firm a grasp on my senses! Whatever this power is, it has shown me the true power that comes from nature itself! Now… bow to your new queen, and make compunction in the final moments before you are cursed to your eternal reward!” Celestia looked on in horror as she saw for herself that Catrina was now truly beyond hope. Midnight placed a hoof on her shoulder and whispered, “Whatever the cost, we must stop her, here and now.” Celestia blinked away the tears and nodded, reminded of her duty. “Catrina… I will do what I must to protect my subjects,” the princess declared, “and I can tell you are now beyond reason. That does not mean, however, that I have given up on you.” “Then you are already dead…!” Catrina answered with a sneer manic and murderous as she waved out her arms and roots and vines reared up around them, Celestia and Midnight gasping at how they’d suddenly been surrounded. Catrina then snarled gleefully as she beckoned a stormcloud that unleashed chaotic bolts of lightning without direction. The bolts struck randomly, setting trees and shrubbery ablaze. Midnight gaped at Catrina fearfully as the witch cackled out on her power binge, when he noticed something. Her gown was turning green, the cloth into a leaf-like substance, and her bare shoulders showed signs of change as well, looking like splotches of tree bark was growing over them. “Catrina, stop! I don’t know what it is, but the Witch Weed is-” “Silence! If you fools will not bow before your new queen,” Catrina screamed, the purplish-yellow tendrils of energy crackling around her eerily. “Then you must be destroyed!” Catrina took a deep breath, the situation suddenly calming, until Catrina cast her spell. Branches and root, twig and vine! Unleash your mistress’ wrath divine! At Catrina’s words, the trees around them glowed, as did their roots through the ground, a two-toned glow of eerie purple and yellow, as the trees and plants shook with life! Midnight and Celestia watched as the trees loomed ominously, their roots tearing out of the ground and lifting the trees to walk. “Look out!” Celestia took Midnight and flapped above the tree line, dodging a heavy branch come crashing down in a burst of leaves. Catrina chuckled darkly as she willed the vines to raise her up to meet her enemies. “You can’t escape me! This entire forest may as well be my body and you’re germs to be expunged!” “Midnight, come on!” Celestia took flight, Midnight zooming after her, disregarding the question of how he could be flying without his wings. Catrina snickered as she noted the fires she’d already set upon the woods. Forest fire, heed my say! Seize, with claws of flame, my prey! The forest fires bunched together, coalescing as the formed into giant claws much like Catrina’s, and directly in Celestia and Midnight’s paths! “Princess! Turn around!” “No, Midnight! Keep going, and don’t falter!” The massive claws of flame made Midnight feel like he was gonna wet his hooves, but something in Celestia’s voice invoked his faith in her. Why couldn’t I have been the Element of Caution…?! He closed his eyes and followed Celestia, putting everything into whatever it was giving him wingless flight, and as they came close to the giant blazing claws, Catrina flexed her own, prepared to incinerate them between her manifested flames… and clapped! The giant claws came together in an explosive burst of flame and force! Catrina narrowed her eyes, waiting for them to disperse, trying to see if she’d gotten them. But as the smoke began to disperse, a beam of yellow mana shot out and struck Catrina in the chest, making her cry out in shock as she fell, only for the trees below to reach out and catch her safely in a canopy of leaves. Growling, Catrina stood up, the branches lifting her to see Celestia and Midnight as the smoke cleared, the both of them glaring back contemptuously. “Even with the Everfree’s magic, you would be wise not to underestimate me,” Celestia called out. “It would seem so…” Catrina snarled before lashing out with her claws, beckoning the vines around to lash out and whip at her adversaries. Midnight jumped in front of Celestia and let out an ear-shattering scream!!! Celestia and Catrina both covered their ears as the sonic pulses of Midnight’s screaming blew away the vines and shook the trees around them all. When it was over, Catrina realized, He’s a lunar pony! Celestia gaped at Midnight in shock, having come to the same conclusion but unable to understand how that could be so. He existed before the lunar ponies! How could he…?! Midnight glared at Catrina and realized she looked like more of her clothes and body were covered with bark and moss. In fact, her ponytailed hair looked like it was becoming tendrils of vines. “Catrina, stop this! The more of the Everfree’s power you use the more it consumes you!” Celestia had begun to notice the slow-transformation of her old student and realized Midnight was right! “Catrina, I beg you! Cease this madness and we can help you! The magic flowing through you is a poison!” “And still you try to hold me back…” Catrina answered in a tone ominous as she gathered the power eating away at her. “The time has come to put an end…” She raised her claws, the clouds above striking down to ignite the energies she’d collected as she roared! “TO YOUR OPPRESSION!!!!” Catrina brought her claws together and fired a beam of purple and yellow, the power imposing such pressure the forest shook in fear. Celestia raised a shield of mana, the beam striking it with the force of an army! As the force of Catrina’s energy attack started to take its toll on Celestia, she felt a strength ignite that helped her to stand her metaphorical ground and looked to see midnight’s horn glowing as he channeled his energy into her shield! Catrina soon saw her attack was not getting through and screamed with frustration, pushing more energy into it, not noticing the vines reaching out and melding with her being. Midnight did however and screamed, “Catrina, stop! The Everfree’s Power is expending you! Unless you stop using it, you are lost!” “Whatever the cost, whatever it takes, I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!” Catrina screamed as the Everfree’s wild magic turned against her, infuriated at her for trying to subjugate it, as Catrina’s fairy nature made her vulnerable to its nature-based power. Her legs and gown melded together, her hair flying out as it turned green and red, and her skin and fur became bark coated in moss! …Finally, the energy slowly ceased, and Celestia lowered her shield as she and Midnight gazed regrettably at what Catrina had brought upon herself. Her legs and gown had become a tree trunk while her arms, tail, and hair were now branches and leafy foliage. Her face twisted but recognizable in the bark it had become. Catrina had been turned into a tree. Ironically, it was a beautiful tree, leaves of emerald green with blooms of ruby red, briars along the branches. But they noticed something unsettling about it. From various creases in the bark they saw what was probably sap, given the yellow color, slowly coming out except it looked like the tree was bleeding. “Catrina…” Celestia whispered, her heart heavy with guilt that she’d failed her student. She felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked to see Midnight, looking sad as well. “Come on. Let’s go home…” Nodding, Celestia and Midnight left Catrina, understanding she was lost to them. Probably forever. Probably. Given the yellowish glowing knotholes coming from what had been her eyes. When they arrived back at Canterlot Castle, Celestia retired to her chambers but requested the castle staff to prepare a room for Midnight. He said his thanks and let her be. He knew she needed some time alone. The next morning, a servant woke Midnight up and told him the princess requested his presence in the dining hall. Midnight found Celestia calmly sipping tea before a very appealing spread of pancakes, fruits, pillars of toast, heaps of hay-bacon, eggs prepared in various ways, hash browns, pitchers of orange juice, and muffins. “Good morning Midnight,” Celestia bade him with an inviting wing to sit next to her. Once he was seated, Celestia said, “I apologize, Midnight, for having dragged you through that ordeal.” “It wasn’t your fault-” Midnight tried to say only for Celestia to shake her head. “No, Midnight, it was… Catrina was my student, practically my daughter, and I failed her…” “Princess, trust me!” Midnight pressed gently. “You will become a great princess, but you can’t expect that to happen without failure. When I met you, you were a credit to your position as ruler of Equestria. But you trusted me enough to show the side of you that shows that despite how much you shine, you are not perfect, because nopony is! You’ll stumble every now and then, but all you can do is keep moving forward and have faith tomorrow will be better than today, and I will tell you, Princess - Tomorrow is worth waiting for!” Celestia was stunned, and couldn’t help but shed tears of joy and gratitude at the warm smile this unicorn was giving her, that she hugged him in her wings. Midnight blushed a bit, but didn’t resist, smiling happily that he’d preserved his princess’s faith. Guess I am the Element of Faith! When Celestia released him, she suggested, “We have more to discuss, but let’s have breakfast first.” That breakfast was the best Midnight had had in a long while, and when it was over he felt the bliss of full belly and almost didn’t notice Celestia dismiss the staff as she set a sealed scroll on the table “What’s this?” he asked. “It’s for you,” Celestia answered as she showed him the scroll. “When he died, Star Swirl left a will. Among the possessions he passed on, he instructed this scroll be passed to you, if ever I got the chance." Celestia levitated it to him and Midnight accepted it. He noticed the seal was emblazoned with Star Swirl’s cutie-mark, two stars in a swirl pattern. He broke the seal, unrolled the scroll and read: Dear Midnight Blaze, If you are reading this, you know that I am no longer of this earth. As I write this final message to you, I regret that I never got to see you again before my time had come. It shames me deeply, Midnight, of how our last encounter was a negative experience, and despite my behavior your words to me sunk in. You were right about me, I tried for years to refuse the truth of what you said but eventually they left their impression on me, and with them the guilt of my actions and foolishness. You were right, Midnight Blaze, I had so many better options and choices of how to raise and teach my students- Nay, my daughters and my son. Looking back, Celestia, Luna, and even Sombra were the light, the pride, and the joy of my life. I was just too stubborn and proud to truly realize it then, and how I wish I had sooner. After the fall of my son Sombra, and later my sweet Luna, that her own sister had to imprison her, I began to notice the bright and joyous Celestia I had always known began to dim with grief and shame. Seeing my daughter lose hope, after she had suffered the anguish of losing her love, I finally realized how right you were about me. I finally began to act like the father Celestia had always needed me to be. I strove to live up to your example as one who always find hope and was able to help Celestia reaffirm her purpose and find the spark that ignited her faith. But as the years wore on, my magic, as well my body, began to fail me. I knew I did not have long, and when I saw no signs I would see you again, I endeavored to make amends to you, even if it would be posthumously. I dove into research of magic involving time and space, hoping to find or discover a means I could leave you with which you could use to finally end your journey and make your way home to where and when you belong. I am relieved to say my research paid off, and so I leave you this spell. A Time for Everything, and Everything in its Time To where and when you belong, I send you with this rhyme This spell is purported to send a subject out of time to its proper place in the timeline. With this spell, you can go home, Midnight. However, I strongly urge you to consider this carefully. You have already played key roles in history. I figured out that you impersonated me and convinced Scorpan to turn against Tirek, and Celestia told me you helped Autumn Wheat escape the Crystal Empire, which she would not have done on her own. A mysterious thing, Time, powerful, but when meddled with, dangerous. Even I, with all my knowledge and experience, cannot truly fathom its workings but it takes only an honest and sincere heart to understand that for better or worse, time is not to be trifled with. I do not know if there is such a thing as temporal paradoxes, Midnight. Have we experienced events in one timeline only for somepony to somehow travel back to meddle or interfere with history and change but a single event that set into motion a whole new series of events entirely? Who is to say? But I know this – Midnight, when you first told me of who you are and where and when you are from, I felt in my heart that you had begun a journey like no one before you, and one none shall ever walk after you. You have played roles in history, whether of your own volition or not, whether as yourself or masquerading as another, and I feel that regardless of when you should read these words I leave you, you will still have more roles to play. However, the choice is yours. I cannot tell you what the right choice is because only you can determine that. The only thing I can tell you, is, let your instinct guide you, let your accomplishments inspire you, and let your heart embolden you. Despite the brief times we shared before our last, I am proud to have known you, and wish you well. If not your friend, then your guide, Star Swirl the Bearded Midnight put the scroll down and realized he was crying, Celestia offered him a napkin which he accepted to wipe the tears away. He looked at Celestia who nodded in understanding. “You have a lot to think about.”