The Platinum Deception

by NeverEatTheLemonsAlone


Year 6 A.E. (After Equestria)

There is so much beauty in the world.

So much went unappreciated back in the Homeland. So many sunrises missed, so many trees withered, so many lives lost.

Thankfully, all of that is over and done with now. We’ve entered a golden age, one without war and hate. The six Founders are revered equally, and the Heartfyre is bright and strong. With the exception of the ialtaeg, who stayed behind to guard the Frozen Sepulcher, no ponies stayed behind. We all made the journey together, as befits our newfound friendship. I have long thought that strife is a necessity, a device to keep balance and ensure survival. Now, however, that is being called into question. I suppose it truly is an antiquated viewpoint now; six years have passed since the Founders made our journey. The cave in which we sheltered now rests at the top of a grand mountain that the unicorns have squeezed from the earth. From that mountain, we began to build.

I sit in that same cave now, no longer a simple cavern, but expanded into many chambers, a lavish study, a laboratory, any number of things. Platinum built outwards instead of inwards, creating a great city, towers and spires scraping the heavens. We have named it Canterlot, the seat of power, and in the castle sits a great round table, surrounded by six chairs.

Six. What an odd, arbitrary number, hmm? I often wonder at its significance. Everything is divisible by six. Six Founders, six spires in Canterlot, three tribes, two Founders of each. Six and six and six and six. I wonder if the Gods came in six also.

Ah, but just look at this. I keep going on and on with no end in sight. I fear that if I remain down here, nopony will ever hear from me again. I will return shortly to write more.

Clover the Clever.

End of entry.

The pale green unicorn yawned and shoved the chair back, clambering out of it and slowly walking to the door. Cracking it open, she shied for a moment at the blast of powerful sunlight before fully opening it and emerging, squinting, into the noontide light. The sun blazed overhead, lighting the path of polished gray stone that wound around the mountain. Smiling, Clover began to trot, then canter, then gallop, her hooves pounding on the hard surface. She could simply teleport, of course, but quite honestly, she didn’t get out of her abode much these days, so a bit of exercise was always enjoyable.

She laughed in exultation as she followed the spiraling path, slowly descending until the golden spires of the city drew into view. At last, the ramp joined with the broad thoroughfare and she slowed back down to a quick trot, threading her way through the crowded streets, towards the castle.

She grinned wryly. Even when she’s not a Princess, Platinum still has a taste for the regal. As she reached the drawbridge, she blinked out of existence in a flash of pale light, near-instantly reappearing in an enormous hallway, which led up to an equally enormous door. Softly walking up to it, she leaned on it and was rewarded by a soft creak as it gradually opened. Looking inside, she smiled for the third time that day.

Platinum was lying sprawled on the enormous table, half in and half out of her seat. She was snoring loudly, a fact that would’ve greatly displeased her, and Clover chuckled. For all your decorum, you’re still just a pony. As it happens, so was she, and she certainly wasn’t above a little prank. Creeping up behind the former Princess, she conjured up a little jug of water, which she began to slowly pour on the sleeping unicorn’s mane., chuckling all the while. She must really be out of it today, she reflected. Usually it only takes her a few seconds to notice, not half a minute!

And yet, Platinum refused to awaken. The pitcher actually ran out of fluid. Shrugging, Clover simply refilled it, her magic pooling inside like a liquid until it became more water. Then she resumed the pour. She did three twice more before Platinum awoke, her mane soaked completely through. Clover was just about to start on her tail when she noticed a slight shifting and felt a burning sensation. Looking up, she recognized the sensation as one of Platinum’s laser glares boring into her face. The silver unicorn, needless to say, was rather unamused. She sighed and rubbed her newly-woken head. “Please, Clover, can you not just let me sleep for once?” Clover shook her head, earning a low groan in response as Platinum rubbed her head.

“Why did you want? Finally get sick of being cooped up in your mountain all the time? I haven’t seen main nor tail of you for days on end!”

Clover nodded. “In a manner of speaking, you’re right. I feel like I’m fusing with my chair, and if I kept writing, I’d probably just dive into the paper like a drawing. I need to get out or nopony will ever see me again. As for you, Platinum, how are you these days?”

“Dear Gods, I have a headache that could split the mountain.” She scowled at Clover once again. “And that little noise spell you cast isn’t helping. It’s really rather irritating. Could you please turn it off?”

Clover’s brows furrowed. “Noise spell? But I haven’t cast any.” Platinum snorted disdainfully.

“Oh please, this has your pranks written all over it. It’s not funny, Clover.”

The mage shook her head. “Sorry, Platinum, but I really have no idea what you’re talking about. What kind of noise spell?” The scowl faded from the regal unicorn’s face, replaced with an expression of intense annoyance.

“It really isn’t you? Odd. Somepony else must’ve done it. It’s nothing big, of course, just the most irritating sound, like claws dragging across a stone. You must hear it. You can, can’t you?” Clover shook her head. The irritation on Platinum’s face jumped off, consternation filling the gaps and…was that a bit of pain there? “Just wonderful.” Platinum seethed. “Now on top of that sound being so aggravating, only I can hear it? Absolutely brilliant.”

Yes, there was definitely pain there, and unless here eyes were tricking her, Clover could see it getting worse. She stepped forward cautiously. “Platinum? I’m going to need you to calm down.”

The other mare snarled at her, her eyes wild and frantic. “Calm down? Calm down?” It wasn’t even a yell, which is what caught Clover the most off guard. It was more of an enraged hiss. “Easy enough for you to say! You can’t hear it! You can’t feel it! Agh, it feels like my head is burning up!” Her voice escalated into a wordless wail of pain and Clover rushed forwards, horn already glowing, to scan her for hostile magic. Before she could even cast the spell, though, there was a tremendous noise and a blast of hot air rushed over her, forcing her eyes closed. It was several seconds before she could force them to open against the heat, and when she succeeded, she stared forwards with an expression of dread. Platinum had vanished. There was no ash, no body. She hadn't been vaporized. She'd simply...gone.

That was all she saw before the field of magic reached her. It was unrestrained, uncontrolled magic, of such sheer intensity that she nearly fell over. She shrieked in pain as the magic funneled itself straight into her horn, sending wave after wave of sheer agony straight into her brain and down into her spine, traveling through her nerves until every one was blazing. At last, her body could take no more, and she blacked out, the pain still shooting through her in arcs of wild lightning.