//------------------------------// // A Discovery was made... // Story: This Little World of Mine // by EtherCreation //------------------------------// The world of Equestria... A place where magic...real magic is created for the inhabitants of the world, respectfully known as the ponies. Untouched by any extraterrestrial beings, though there were a few close calls. The two guardians of the little world of theirs is the Titulari of the Sun Princess Celestia. But where is the infamous Princess Luna you may ask? Well...let us just say she has not found her purpose yet. And it is actually embarrassing for Luna, who was now a teenager and still did not find her special talent. Though constantly encouraged to keep trying she was feeling a bit down on happiness. "Sister? How come I cannot find my cutie mark? We have tried and seized every opportunity and still none!" Sister Luna exclaims to her elder sister. "You must be patient Lulu...time will come and you will eventually find that special talent of yours. Rushing will not give either accurate nor exact answers, just let fate decide when it is time." said the elder sister Celestia. And apparently fate was silent no more. In the South Western section of early Canterlot was a building. The structure was assorted with different shapes in different sections, though mostly rectangular prisms. To be honest, the building actually looked more like a giant Jenga tower composed of stone and metal. On the top was actually a floating disk. Though now broken, shattered, and cracked, they still orbit in a elliptical fashion around a sophisticated decayed Ron polished with dull blue shine. This building is known as the Arcane Study and Use...or A.S.U. What happens there is only to be seen by authorized members only. And good thing too, because if they figure out what is going on now, they would flip like crazy. "Call the head leader of this institution! There is a major fluctuation in the ether energy!" calls a stallion. The entire institution was going nuts over this ether energy fluctuation, like a hater on a regular fandom argument. They do have a good reason though, unlike the hater. This was one of the largest ether energy fluctuation...very unlikely for something this major to be generated. The scale was 9.9 duotrigintillion...one zero from becoming a googol. If you are wondering why the number is so big, it is because the ether energy can fluctuate in nearly unfathomable scales, which is why the measurement is so incredibly high. Recordings kept record of these fluctuations over the past few years, this is because it can be deadly. Since magic is channeled through ether...we all know that actually...but add the ether flux and the simplest of spells become the most deadly. In example, a basic telekinesis spell lifts objects...add the ether flux and the spell can lift an entire city like it was a grain of sand on a beach. But as they ran around in circles of panic...the flux calmed. Usually it takes a few hours or days for an ether flux to fade away. But this one just stopped in the mere minutes it was created. The science ponies stopped in their tracks, gawking at the instant vanish of the fluctuation. Outside the institution was a different story. There was chaos everywhere, the little ponies somehow managed to tear down buildings with their mere hooves as small fires poured themselves onto the wrecked foundations. Ponies rushed for any piece of shelter as they scrambled around every possible direction they could settle on...but you are wondering what made them react like this, yes? Well, to top it off there was a meteor-like object that collided with Equestria...except this was no meteor. It was a light, in size it was only enough to cause a large tremor on the planet and no fatalities, but bright enough to make the sun pale in comparison. When it landed the radiance blinded every pony in Canterlot, throwing them all in a state of chaos. But it is not their fault that they were blinded out of who knows where or what. So how they reacted was perfectly normal...in a certain term at least. The light faded, calming down most of the ponies as they looked around them...bewildered by their own cause of damaging the city. Though a new phenomenon had arrived for the ponies to gawk at. In the light's place was like a sandstorm, except the sand was glowing a gamma blue hue...swirling around a single point of light. Slowly and progressively the particles of sand began to clump together, solidifying into an impenetrable wall. Starting at the top then finishing it's objective at the bottom sand-like particles dense into a perfect sphere...now able to interact with any physical entity. Silence took hold of the ruined city as they watched the sphere, no bigger than a small house, hover in the air like an idle parasprite. They still had the fires to deal with though. Now the princesses had seen the entire scene unfold before them. There were two feelings clinging to them, the first was intentness, this was something they have never encountered...yet dealt with before...if it decided to use aggression the two goddesses will do everything in their power to drive it away or slay it where it sta-er...floats. The second emotion they felt was terror...whatever this thing is, it is powerful...and the wordpowerful isn't enough to describe it. Comparing themselves to the object, they were like dust particles on the floor. However it seems that the object is passive. It stood there, nothing happened, no giant lasers, no massive bomb, nothing. "What is this anomaly? Is it even possible to remove it?" the young lunar princess hypothesized. "I do not know either sister. Though it is possible to remove this object, it might be difficult." Celestia guessed. Flying from the castle to the object might be a bad idea...but at least somepony is trying to do something. the spherical object hovers above the center of the impact crater which was still smoking lightly from the severe shower of heat. Landing in front of the object they slowly approach, cautious of any set traps. They stare defiantly at the sphere...though powerful the princesses knew everything had a weakness, no matter how strong it is. Hello there. Thanks for breaking the tension for us, we thought we might accidentally start a war upon our arrival. a voice in their heads greets them. "...did you hear that Lulu?" the sun princess eyeballed her sibling. "Of course I did, it is a simple telepathy spell...don't get bothered by the simplest things like you always do." snorted Luna. The particles making up the ball suddenly starts slowly draining, leaking out of the sphere itself and thus decreasing it's mass. The particles that had left formed stairs in front of the two goddesses, leading to a created opening that lead to nothing but a white blank space. There we go...you can head up now. Oh, and don't worry about getting obliterated or anything. assures the voice. The two sisters were eyeing at each other, mentally exchanging information by the slight alterations in their eyes. Since the voice said obliterated, it had heightened their suspicions to sky high levels...now figuring out that this object might have some devious plan. The goddesses loomed their attention to the stairs, squinting at the floating platforms like a crime scene. Luna uses her magic, the dark blue ether developing on her horn and engulfing around a pebble from the shattered floor. The ether manipulated the pebble, using gravity to drag the rock up and fly to the platforms created by the gamma blue sphere. the rock does not phase through...by a softcrink-a-tink it signals that the stairs were not flukes after all, they were real as they could be. Seeing no problem the two princesses make way up the platforms, the blank white space growing in distance. Step by step the princesses make caution...alert of any sudden actions that might occur. At the top of the flight of stairs, the sisters observe the blank space before them...revealing nothing but a simple white space. Curious, the solar co-ruler experimentally places a hoof on the blank space. Surprisingly it was like a solid...except with the density of a liquid. The blank space rippled like throwing a stone into a pond, the mass and density distorting as it received physical contact. Pushing further Celestia easily gets absorbed in the space, along with Luna who was beside her. On the surface the hatch of the object closes...no single trace of an opening. Their visions spasms...adjusting to the sudden blackout that ailed them. The sisters wondered to themselves if they made a grave mistake...leaving their world behind with the presence of the object. However this was not the case. The two, side by side...see a sky. It was much similar to the one on Equestria though different due to the change from baby blue to lime green. A gentle breeze brushes their coats, the scent of sweets filling the air. Standing up the duo looks to their surroundings. There was a valley...lush of emerald green grass with a house constructed in the middle of the plain. It was a simple house, two windows and a front porch with a slanted roof...a large door as an entrance with a small brass knob. Next to the house was a healthy tree, budding fruits that were familiar and odd alike. Underneath that tree was a figure. His body appears to be a male but had feminine features...mainly a thinner waist and meatier thighs. He also appears to be part cat, having the ears, tail, short muzzle, fur patterns, and pink nose. The fur color was a mix from yellow to white...mainly his front being white and his back having the yellow mixtures. To include, the cat was also wearing clothes. For the top was a simple white vest held together by crooked and accurate sowing, the bottom was another palette white cargo pants. The legs were still plantigrade but the feet had resemblance of paws, while his fur had a mixed tints of yellow. The hair on his head was a cream colored tone, though was shaggy and a little messy, which provide some cover for his ruby red eyes. waving his paw over to the sister he sits down on a chair that was next to a small dining table underneath the fruit tree. Both Luna and Celestia had their guard up as they made their way through the valley, the tall grass mending themselves as they trot slowly to their host. The cat person says to the sisters, "Hi there! Welcome to Ether, my name is Genesis. What's yours?"