//------------------------------// // 3: The Most Immemorial Year // Story: Obsolution // by not plu //------------------------------// ... in conclusion, we think you would make a great addition to the team. In fact, we’ve thought that for a while now, and it makes us unbelievably happy to be able to welcome you to the Wonderbolts. Of course, training will begin promptly... Her entire life, Rainbow Dash had wanted nothing more than the piece of paper that was currently in her hooves. And this was no training camp, no invitation to audition, nope. It was 100% genuine offer to become a real live Wonderbolt. All she had ever dreamed of. And she could finally say yes, thanks to that magical tree. Of course, it would mean moving away from her friends, but Twilight had already run off to Canterlot with no qualms, so it’s not like she could feel guilty about that. But there was a lot she had to do. Like pack, of course. What do I even bring to be a Wonderbolt? She was halfway through rereading the letter when she realized something else she had to do. Tell her friends. For a moment, Rainbow considered hastily writing a note, pinning it to her door, and flying off into the sunset. But she knew she couldn’t do that. Okay, so I’ll need my Daring Doo books. Well, assuming I’ll have time to read. I’ll have time to read, right? Wow, is this letter vague... Of course, she was well aware that she was simply skirting the real issue. She stopped reading and took a deep breath. Please come to Canterlot in order to begin training as soon as possible. That’s what the letter said, printed in ink and everything, which only could mean one thing. Not allowing herself to procrastinate any further, she unfolded her wings and took off. “So... they want me on the team!” Fluttershy’s blue eyes were focused on the ground at Rainbow’s hooves. “Oh.” “Isn’t... isn’t that great, Fluttershy?” Rainbow’s tone had significantly decreased in emotion as she attempted to find what emotion Fluttershy was trying so desperately to hide. “Um... yeah.” Rainbow paused as she thought of what would be best to say. Which is not something she did often, but something told her there was more to this. “Fluttershy... do you want me to come inside?” She nodded, still sans eye contact. Rainbow let her friend walk in first, and closed the door behind them. “Do you want any tea, Rainbow?” “I’m actually okay.” They were silent for a few slightly tense moments. “Do you wanna... talk about it?” Fluttershy nodded. But she didn’t speak. So Rainbow Dash waited. “It’s just...” She took a deep breath, shaky and almost teary as it was. “...well, Twilight’s already left, and Rarity says she’s gotten this big commission she’ll have to go out to Manehatten for, and of course she’s not going to be here as much, and busy, and I haven’t even seen anypony or we haven’t talked since that letter came, and now you’re leaving us, and I mean, I don’t want to stop you because I know how much you’ve- how long you’ve been dreaming of this, Rainbow, and I... I just don’t want to be alone.” Fluttershy immediately looked to the ground to keep from fully crying. “That’s... that is the most you’ve said to me in years.” They smiled at each other. “I’m not going to be gone. Don’t think of it that way. You’re- you all are too important for me just to fly out on. I mean, I wouldn’t have even gotten the stupid offer if it wasn’t for you. You’ve helped me practice so much over the years, and been my biggest fan-” “I’m not that good at cheering.” “You’re great at it, Fluttershy.” “You really think that?” “The best. Which means that you have to come to as many of my meets as you can and cheer me on, okay?” “I promise.” Rainbow smiled again and gave Fluttershy a hug. And she really, genuinely, truly meant it. For the first time since Rainbow could remember, the Carousel Boutique was locked. So, for the first time since Rainbow could remember, she rang the doorbell. The door opened a crack, and a green eye peeked out. Once observing Rainbow, Sweetie Belle opened the door slightly more. Confused, Rainbow furrowed her brow. “Can I help you?” “Um, yeah. I’m here to see Rarity?” Sweetie paused. “I’m- I’m sorry, but she’s busy right now.” “Well, I kinda really need to see her.” “She’d be upset if we had to interrupt her.” “Look, Sweetie, I have to leave for Canterlot in like, a day, so I just wanted to say goodbye.” Sweetie took a deep breath and swung the door open wider. “Enter at your own risk.” Rainbow thanked her and hurried up the stairs to Rarity’s studio and knocked on the door. Nothing. She tried the door, but it was predictably locked. So she knocked harder. “Rarity? It’s me, Rainbow Dash. I need to talk to you. It’s important.” She held her breath, waiting, until the door forcefully swung open. Rarity, her mane a mess and her eyes red, glared at her. “What do you want?” “I’m leaving soon. They want me on the Wonderbolts.” “Congratulations. Can I get back to work now?” Rainbow was immediately silenced. “Y-yeah, sure.” Rarity nearly slammed the door in her face, and Rainbow, still in shock, walked back downstairs. Sweetie met her there, empathy in her eyes. “How’d it go?” She asked cautiously. “Not well.” Rainbow deadpanned. “I’m sorry.” “Yeah, so am I.” The next stop was Sugarcube Corner, but she was informed by Mrs. Cake that Pinkie wasn’t there. “Oh. Well, say goodbye for me to Pinkie, alright?” Mrs. Cake nodded, and Rainbow took off toward Sweet Apple Acres. And as usual, Applejack was out working in the orchard. She waved a hoof to Rainbow as she landed. “Hey so guess what?” “What is it?” “I got into the Wonderbolts!” “That’s great!” She paused as her broad smile slowly dissipated. “That means you’re leaving, don’t it?” Rainbow nodded. “As soon as possible. I just have to say goodbye to everypony, y’know.” Not knowing what came next, Rainbow basked in her umpteenth awkward silence of the day. “You’ll keep in touch, though? Right?” “Of course. As much as we’ve fought... you’re still one of my closest friends.” She paused. “Sweet Celestia, was that sappy.” Applejack chuckled. “Let’s end on a positive note, then.” “Yeah, you’re right. So goodbye, Applejack.” “Goodbye, Rainbow Dash.” She’d only decided to take one Daring Doo book. If I have more free time, I can always buy more. Since I’ll actually be getting paid for my work for once. Hopefully they won’t miss me too much. But they all have their own lives I’ll write everypony as soon as I get there. And I can visit Twilight, since she’s in Canterlot too. And it’s not like I’ll be gone forever. I can always fly back home.