//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Escape From Equestria // by HunterBraxton //------------------------------// Escape From Equestria Chapter 6 Princess Twilight's Office Twilight was sitting at her desk going through paperwork, trying to keep her mind off the events of the last hour. As soon as Rainbow was thrown with the humans they busted out, leaving forty-seven guards unconscious, one requiring major reconstructive surgery that she would have to pay for, and stole several thousand bits worth of weapons. She was looking at a receipt from a construction company for repairing a busted water main, but that was it, just looking. She couldn't have comprehended what was on that paper even if it said she had won an all expenses paid vacation to the Ballamas. "I can't take this anymore!" She yelled to the room. She got up and started pacing around the room, thoughts running through her head. Many guards had stated that they saw Rainbow being carried out by one of the humans, and what's more, there wasn't two humans, there were three humans and a black mechanical beast that thundered through town and caused everyone to go hysterical. These humans were dangerous, Celestia was right, and Rainbow Dash was with them. "Oh, They're holding Rainbow against her will, maybe they want a ransom. Maybe they want her for food... Maybe they want her for... for...for... No! I can't think like this. Rainbow's strong and smart, she'll get out as soon as she sees an opening." She walked over to her window and stared out at the Everfree, thinking of all the dangers that Rainbow hopefully wouldn't come across, and all the dangers that hopefully the humans would come across. "Run, Rainbow, run." Cain "Where do you want me to go?" Mack asked, behind the wheel of my Colorado. We were entering the Everfree forest again. Brian was still in the back looking for aerial guards. I was in the backseat holding on to Rainbow Dash. Dash had her arms wrapped around me and her head buried in my chest. Poor girl, too bad she had to get dragged into this. "Just find someplace where the trees are thicker, we need to stop and come up with a plan." He nodded in response and kept going. I looked down at Rainbow, she looked so pitiful. I reached up and ran my fingers through her mane, her hair was incredibly soft. She hugged me even tighter and started to sob uncontrollably. I returned her tighter embrace and laid my head on top of hers. "Everything's going to be alright. We're not going to let anyone hurt you." I whispered to her. She calmed down and sniffled a little. "Promise?" She asked, grabbing my shirt and drying her tears with it. "I promise." She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, the side of her face against mine. I'll be dead before anyone gets the chance to. Then she decided to surprise me and pressed her delicately soft lips against my cheek before returning to the hug. I couldn't move, or think, or breathe really. No one had done that to me since... since... umm... a very long time ago. Ever since the last (and only) girlfriend I've had, I have been absolutely scared shitless of the female kind. I was fine with her before because she wasn't human, but now that she's kissed me. God. Fucking. Damn it. "Is right here fine?" Mack asked as he pulled the truck to a stop. I looked around the area. The trees were super thick, and there were plenty of shrubs around to provide more cover. "Yeah," I said. "Everyone out." I let go of Rainbow; she looked downtrodden by that. I'll let her cuddle later if she wants. I got out of the truck and leaned on the bed. "Did any of them follow us?" I asked Brian. "No, they quit chasing as soon as we came in here." "That's awfully weird." "It's because most ponies who come in here don't make it back out." Rainbow said. "What?" I asked her, slightly annoyed that she hadn't mentioned that sooner. "There's all sorts of monsters in these woods, its just not natural." "How is it not natural?" I asked confused. "The animals take care of themselves, the plants grow on their own, and what's worse, the weather controls itself!" "Pfft." "Pfft." "HAHAHAHAHA" Brian and Mack, both, started to laugh their asses off, I just kept looking at her. I swear to God this is a damn acid trip. "That isn't so bad. Our entire planet is just like that." She looked at me as though I had just committed blasphemy. "How do you live there?" "I dunno, we just do." About this time Brian and Mack were done laughing at her. "Alright, let's take inventory of what we have." We opened up the bags and spread our weapons assortment out on the tailgate. We had four ARs, three SMGs, one sniper, one LMG, six pistols, seven sticks of C4, twelve frags, sixteen smokes, and ten flashbangs. We also had a wide assortment of slings and holsters, one of which was a double armpit holster that I took for myself and slipped my M1911s in. As Brian was going through the MREs he noticed something troublesome. "Cain, we got a problem." He said to me while I was teaching Rainbow how to hold a rifle. "What?" "Come look at some of this food. Hayburger steak, Daisy, lettuce, tomato sandwich. We can't eat this!" I grabbed a couple of the MREs and started looking through the ingredients. Hay. Tulip. Dandelion. Lavender. We couldn't eat those damn things. "Great, just great. Go through them, pick out any that contain crap we can't eat, Rainbow can have them." I went back to teaching Rainbow how to use a rifle, a few minutes later Brian had them all sorted out. "They're sorted," Brian said to me. I walked over and looked at the piles. On the edible side there was maybe twenty, on the other side there was much, much more. "Damn." "So, what are we gonna do for food." I thought about that for a minute, but only one idea would actually work. "We need to make a shopping list." Canterlot Castle, Solar Wing. Celestia sat behind her desk going over the schedules appearances for tomorrows court. She hated court. The nobles were such a pain in her royal flank. Let's tear down this school so that I can build a new horse shoe factory. Let's close down this national park so that we can build a new country club. She contemplated making a new rule that any absolutely stupid propositions earned yourself a hard kick in the balls, or a cunt punt, can't discriminate. She took a sip of her tea, and reached over to a fruit bowl she kept on her desk and grabbed a banana; a sweet, succulent banana, her only escape. As she gently peeled away the skin there was a rapid knocking on her door. Sigh "Come in." The door opened to reveal one of her trusty guards, who immediately bowed to her. "Lieutenant Noble Charge, what seems to be the problem?" The guard rose and removed his helmet. "Ma'am, I hate to tell you this, but the humans and Rainbow Dash have escaped, and there is a third human with them that has a large self-powered carriage." "Well, this certainly is a problem, now isn't it, but don't worry, the guards down in Ponyville will have this covered." "But your highness, don't you want to send in reinforcements?" "No, no, no, they can handle it. Why don't you go ahead and go home, spend the evening with your wife." "Really? Thank you, your highness." "Think nothing of it." The guard then replaced his helmet, gave a bow and went about on his away. Celestia sat at her desk with her fingers laced together on its surface, she had a warm smile on her face and was staring ahead at nothing in particular. "Oh, buck all kinds of duck."