//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The return of Gabby Gums. // by Blonde Blue Eyes //------------------------------// "Wow, great job Applejack!" an ecstatic Applebloom said. "I do what I can." Applejack said as she bucked another apple tree with one kick. "Go on now, you don't want to be late for school." Today was just like any other day as Applebloom ran to school. As Applebloom just past the fence around the orchard she found Scootaloo there waiting for her. "Hey Applebloom. Excited for today's crusading schedule?" Scootaloo said as her friend neared her. "I sure as hey am. Too bad we gotta go ta school first." Applebloom said less enthusiastic. "Eh, don't worry about it. Today's the day we get our cutie marks in high diving. "Yeah." Applebloom said as her enthusiasm renewed itself. "At least we've got Miss. Cheerilee and not some city pony to teach us. Wait, we still need to go meet Sweetie Belle." Without another word the two ran off in the direction of the Boutique. "Come on. What could possibly be taking her so long." Scootaloo asked impatiently. "I don,know. We could be at the schoolhouse by now. Applebloom said as she looked up at the town clock tower. "Holy fruit bats were almost late." No more than a second later a slightly terrified Sweetie Belle came bursting out of the Boutique. "Run" she yelled as she continued on her way not even stopping to say hello. Applebloom and Scootaloo followed close behind completely confused as to what Sweetie Belle was freaking about. It wasn't long before the three reached the schoolhouse. The class had just started as they made their way in acting as if nothing happened. In the eyes of Applebloom and Scootaloo nothing had happened. Sweetie Belle couldn't hide her look from Mrs. Cheerilee however. "Is something wrong Sweetie Belle?" Mrs. Cheerilee asked. "No nothing I'm fine." Sweetie Belle replied with a fake smile. "Ok. Try to be more prompt tomorrow. Well, shall we get on with today's lesson then? Mrs. Cheerilee asked. "What are you freaking out about. You're acting like Rarity is trying to kill you." Scootaloo said with a look that said "Tell me." on her face. "I'll tell you after class." Sweetie Belle replied from the corner of her mouth. --------------- *Dong*, *Dong*, *Dong. At the sound of the school bell the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked out of the schoolhouse and began in the direction of their clubhouse. Sweetie Belle could feel Scootaloo and Applebloom's eyes on her as she led the way. The whole way they were all quiet not even asking about their planned crusading. Sweetie Belle swung the door the the clubhouse open with a creak. She walked over and light the lamp hanging from the roof. It was Scootaloo who finally broke the silence. "So what's going on with you." she said still upset at Sweetie Belle for her silence. "Ok, so, Rarity got her mail order newspaper from Manehattan today ok. "Sweetie Belle said as her friends just shook their heads. "Well you're never going to believe what was in it." Her friends leaned forward to hear what Sweetie Belle was going to say. "Somepony had taken..." Sweetie Belle was interrupted by Applejack's angry voice outside of the clubhouse. "Applebloom! Out here Now!" Applejack said furiously. "Oh no, what could I have done?" Applebloom asked her friends. "That's what I'm trying to tell you." Sweetie Belle said quickly. "NOW!" Applejack yelled again. Applebloom quickly galloped out the door to meet her big sister. As she neared Applejack she could see the fury in her eyes. "Y-yeah Applejack." Applebloom said afraid of her angry sister's intentions. "How could you. After all you learned before, you off and do it again as if you dint learn anythin." Applejack said as if Applebloom knew exactly what she was talking about. "Uuuhhhh..." was all Applebloom could utter. "Do you really think this is funny?" Applejack asked as she set a newspaper on the ground. "Why do we have a newspaper from Manehattan?" Applebloom asked remembering Sweetie Belle saying something about Rarity's copy. "Oh, gee, I dunno, maybe you should look at the headlines. There are plenty more too." Applejack replied pointing a hoof at the paper. Applebloom looked down at the newspaper to see "Manehattan Governor Needs Sleeping Pills." Applebloom looked through the paper to find it filled with embarrassing articles before turning her head up to face her sister with a look of confusion. "What does this have to do with me?" Applebloom asked. "You tell me. Who wrote the column?" Applejack said demandingly. Applebloom returned her eyes to the paper in front of her to look for the name of the column writer. "Gabby Gums!?!" Applebloom said bewildered. "I'm very disappointed in you Applebloom. How could you talk your cousin into doing that column up there in Manehattan? Applejack said with less anger. "I..." Applebloom tried just to be interrupted. "Now, you're going to send a letter to Babs and tell her to quit the nonsense er ill do it m-self." Applejack said firmly as she spun around to return to her chores at the orchard. Applebloom just shrunk down without a word and waited for Applejack to disappear into the apple trees. Applebloom darted back into the treehouse. "What is going on with that Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asked desperate for an answer to why she was just angrily lectured. "That's what I was trying to tell you. Someone stole Gabby Gums and is using it to hide their identity and make us look bad." Sweetie Belle replied. "It couldn't be Babs, she wouldn't do somethin like that to us after what we've gone through t-gether." Applebloom said with confidence. "Well I say there's only one thing to do. Were going to have to go up to Manehattan ourselves." Scootaloo said sure of herself. "How're we supposed to do that?" Applebloom asked. "Don't worry, we'll just take the train." Scootaloo said intently. "What about Applejack and Rarity? They would never agree to that." Applebloom asked. "Don't worry, we'll just say were on a school field trip." Scootaloo replied. "Ok fine but no more than a couple of days or Applejack'll know somethin's up." Applebloom said hesitantly.