//------------------------------// // Chapter Eight // Story: Firefly // by videogamegurl96 //------------------------------// BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! A shmorgishborg of gunfire erupted from Kent campus. Dash witnessed the madness in shock as, one after one, students fell down to the ground, blood streaming through them. “Mother of Celestia!” Dash screamed to herself, “What if Chucky’s in there?! I have to go find him! Leaving these woods or not!” Dash flew out of her branch and above the crossfire, hoping not to get shot. Everyone was so caught up in the military simulation, they didn’t see nor hear Dash as she looked for her new friend. “CHUCKY!” She screamed as loud as she could over the noise, but with no luck. “Chucky! CHUCKY!” She shouted and searched with a bird’s eye view. Finally, after about five minutes of searching, she heard a gruff “Sinora, suckers!” from a familiar voice. Suddenly, a dark green, gridded thing that looked like a lemon (that’s how Dash describes a hand grenade) was thrown into the sky. Dash watched in horror as a teenage boy leapt into the air to catch it, only to have himself blown up by the “lemon.” Everyone screamed. But almost suddenly, she studied the Tyler kid from earlier, Chucky, and another teenage boy and a teenage girl running away from one another. Now who are they? Rainbow Dash wondered, looking at the young couple, and what does he want from them? Minutes felt like hours as Dash flew above and behind Chucky, hoping he won’t catch her. Finally, they were out of Kent campus and into a carnival just down the road. Dash had no choice but to sit on a cloud and watch in anticipation and horror. It wasn’t like there was much she could do to help. She wanted to do what she can to make sure that Chucky didn’t catch her out of the woods some quarter of a mile away. However, Dash wasn’t at all suspecting all of the events to unfold. Tyler, who led the chase the entire time, was the first one into the carnival. He ran and found a guard there, only to find out that he was killed by Chucky just seconds before Tyler arrived (so Chucky actually came in first). The doll then took the boy hostage. The teenage couple came in last, so Chucky shot the girl. Rainbow Dash leaned over the cloud with her eyes fixated as the young man prepares to fight the pegasus’ friend. This was the point in which Dash covered her eyes with her hooves. She’s tough, but not this tough. She’s already seen enough tonight. “Oh, Celestia. I don’t think I can take this much longer!” she yelled to herself. Her eyes remained covered through some weird chant interrupted by some gunfire. Checking to make sure that it wasn’t Chucky that got shot (which it was), Dash uncovered her eyes, only to find herself watching his face get chopped almost in half by a fake Grim Reaper’s scythe. “CHUCKY!” Dash screamed and flew away from the cloud and was hovering around the sky in fear as she witnessed Chucky going after the young man on top of a pile of rubbish. After mere seconds of struggle, Chucky’s arm was cut right off the bone; he began to fall. “CHUCKY, WATCH OUT!” Dash began to shout as the doll came tumbling down to a huge fan in the ground. “CHUCKY! NOOO!” BZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZAP! Yet another sheet of pure white blinded Rainbow Dash as she cried.