//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Ponies Meet Boy // by Stoltzy92 //------------------------------// Ponies Meet Boy Part 9 by Stoltzy, Nov 9, 2012, 11:56:29 AM Literature / Poetry / Narrative / Traditional Fixed Forms Ponies meet Boy Part 9 The sun was bright and the air was clear in Twilight's Library. The sun's rays finally penetrate the windows of Twilight Sparkle's bedroom thanks to the aid of a certain purple dragon. "Good Morning Twilight." Said Spike as he opened the drapes. "Oh I how love Princess Celestia but there are times where I really don't like who she works with." Said Twilight trying to have her blankets hide her from the sunlight. "Come on Twilight. I already made breakfast. Come out and get your skinny plot done there before it gets cold. I put a lot of effort into this one." Spike urged trying to pull the covers off of her. Twilight yawns long and loudly. "Alright Spike. I guess it's time to see what you've concocted this morning." Spike gets off the bed as Twilight rises from the covers with a stretch. After some lip smacking and some hair brushing she comes down the stairs looking like she always does. She walks steadily right into the kitchen where Spike is already sitting in his place at a table full of food. "You went all out this time didn't you?" Twilight asked as she sat down at the table. "Well, I wanted to try a few things." Spike replied with his face buried in a newspaper. Twilight starts eating her food and notes the taste. What she bit into was a hay sandwich but it tasted a little different than usual. The bread had a bit more of a crispy texture but inside the sandwich it was slightly juicy. It tasted good and was still hay and veggies just as Twilight liked but she certainly could tell the different from the usual. "What exactly did you do differently?" Spike put the paper down and rubbed his finger against his chin. "Well, I thought I would heat up the bread to see what would happen with it. That tasted good so I went along with that. Then I decided to melt some butter into the sandwich to add a little more juice to it. Every time I eat one of those things it's always so dry and blegh. So I decided to mix it up a bit." "It tastes good Spike but why butter?" Twilight asked quizitively continuing to eat her sandwich. "……. Because it was the only thing that I tried it with that tasted good." Spike said raising the newspaper back to his face. "I gotta say. I have never seen you into the paper before." Twilight said looking at Spike. "Oh I know that but when it came this morning it had a wicked headline." "Really? Could I take a look Spike?" "Sure." He slides the paper over to Twilight. Twilight then picks up the paper with her magic and takes a look at the front page. When she sees the front page she expresses a gasp. Then with her magic she folds up the paper and hastily finished her breakfast. "Twilight! Where are you going?" Spike called. "To Rainbow Dash's place! She needs to see this." ******* At Rainbow Dash's house. As she does most mornings Rainbow Dash is up bright and early. She starts her day doing stretched and joggings in place. She always keeps herself prepared for the opportunity to show her stuff. She would get on her hind legs and stretch to touch them with her forelegs, she would flap in place, do pushups, and other exercises. Finally, she would then follow up that rigorous morning training with something she always does…. Nap. Today though, she won't get to nap. "RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight yelled up to her in excitement. "Jeez Twilight no need to be so loud." Rainbow Dash replied with rubbing her ears. "What's up?" "Have you seen this morning's paper? The Equestrian Daily?" Twilight asked holding up the paper with her magic? "Pfffff! Come on Twilight you know I never read the paper. Nothing but boring weather and crop schedules and blah blah blah." Then Rainbow Dash finds the paper shoved right into her face by Twilight's magic. "I think you better read this one." Rainbow Dash looks at the paper. She turns it upside down, to the left, then the right, and even flips through a few pages. "It still looks the same as it always did Twilight." "Look very carefully at the front page. Especially the headline and the picture." Twilight said with concern. Rainbow Dash looked at the front page very carefully. Then she noticed what Twilight was talking about? "Griffon rampages in Manehattan, several severely injured and with deep burns. Thankfully no fatalities have been reported." She looks at the picture. When she sees what is on it her mouth drops open and her eyes widen. "Is that……. Gilda?!" "Yes, I am afraid so. Notice some things about her?" Rainbow Dash looks even closer at the picture. "What in the hay is that coming out of her mouth…… and what is she wearing?" "I was hoping you'd take more notice at what was coming out of her mouth. To me…… it looks like……." Twilight bites her lip hardly being able to believe what she is about to say. "Blood…….." Rainbow Dash with the paper in her hooves dive bombs onto the ground in front of Twilight. She quickly gets up and gives her the paper back. "You think she's hurt?!" "I don't know Rainbow." She lifts up the paper so they both can look at the picture. "You see that there?" Twilight points at the picture with her hoof. "She doesn't look hurt. It still looks like blood. Weird thing is though…… it looks like she's doing that on purpose. Kinda like how a dragon breathes fire." "What? That mean she's some dragon griffon now? How the hay do you breathe blood anyway?" Rainbow Dash starts rubbing her head in frustration. "Either way this makes no sense at all. Just what in Celestia's name is going on in there?" "I don't know. I really don't know." Twilight looks and sees the train chugging off into the distance. "Wait a second……. I don't remember a train being scheduled to come this early in the morning. Let's go check this out Rainbow." "Ok." Rainbow replied solemnly and with frustration in her voice. The two arrive quickly at the train station. The crowd of ponies there are a bit thinner than usual due to it being so early. The sleek and smooth benches were at their usual places and the clerk was at her usual post as well. What they didn't expect to see was Applejack waiting by the train tracks. "Hey, AJ!" called Rainbow Dash. "What gives? What are ya doing here?" "I came to pick up my cousin." AJ said whilst rubbing her eyes. "We just got word last night that he was coming. I'm as surprised about being here as you are." "Which cousin is coming?" Twilight asked. "You'll see…" replied Applejack. "Here comes the train now." The train screeches to a halt in its unexpected stop. The doors opened up and several ponies began to step out of the train. Among the many ponies leaving train there was a familiar face who began to spoke with a familiar accent. "HELLO PONYVILLE!" neighed a yellow pony with a brown and blonde mane. "Hey cousin! I'm here!" "Hey Braeburn. Why did you come so suddenly? What's going on?" AJ inquired looking worried. "There's a fierce ruckus that stirred up in Appleloosa. Things were getting' kinda crazy around there so I thought I could visit ya. Just to take a break and wait for things to calm down." Braeburn then began taking his large dusty bags and setting them outside of the train. "Don't tell me it's the buffalo again." AJ said looking even more worried. "Nah. The buffalo are actually the least of our problems." Braeburn said casually. "The real problem is with Black Lasso." "Who is Black Lasso?" Twilight asked. "Black Lasso is a nasty bounty hunter who often visits Appleloosa." Applejack explained. "I only saw him once myself and I could tell he was a foul stallion. He has a habit of making trouble where he goes. Everypony in Appleloosa is scared of him." "I see. What did Black Lasso do to cause such a ruckus?" Twilight asked getting more and more curious. "Well…." Braeburn began. "….. he went to hang out at the salt saloon like he always does. From what I heard when he got there some ponies picked a fight with him. After they got thrown out by him ……. This weird……. Glowing thing….. came down and SWOOPED into there. Next thing I know there's this huge yellow flash and he zooms up into the air like a pegasus out of school." "Black Lasso's a pegasus?" Twilight asked getting more intrigued. "No he isn't. He's an earth pony and that's just it." Braeburn said with concern in his voice. "That's why everypony was so freaked out. They were all wondering just what that yellow thing was and how the hay Black Lasso was able to fly. It started scarin' ponies. Business began to really slow down as they all got more and more paranoid. They started shutting themselves in their houses and not coming out even for supper. After that I thought it would be a good time to hang out 'round here till they all calmed down." "Ok…… now this is really weird." Said Rainbow Dash. "First Gilda's breathing blood like a dragon and now an earth pony just flies into the air like any regular pegasus. This day just keeps getting more and more weird…." Twilight's eyes started widening as Rainbow Dash finished what she said. "Braeburn….. where were you when that all happened?" "I was across the street pickin' up some supplies from the store just minding my own business." Braeburn replied. "Ok, did you happen to see anything on one of Black Lasso's legs as he flew out?" Twilight asked pressingly. Braeburn started rubbing his chin trying to think. "You know what…… he did. I saw something that was around his right foreleg." "What was it?" Twilight asked again becoming more and more sure of what was going on. "It was….. what looked like this yellow ring." Braeburn said with his face calming. "It had this weird symbol on it. It was too far from where I was though to tell what exactly the symbol looked like." "Did it look anything like this?" Twilight asked showing Braeburn the picture of Gilda from the paper. She pointed at the ring on Gilda's finger and the one on her chest. "It looked a little like that but that ain't the symbol." Braeburn responded pointing at the picture. "It didn't have those horn lookin' lines there." "Are you sure about that?" asked Twilight again. "Absolutely." Braeburn replied confidently. "I may not have been able to pick out exact details but I know for a fact that symbol in this picture wasn't it." "I see." Twilight starts rubbing her chin and looks at the picture. "Very interesting……" "What are ya thinkin' Sugarcube?" Applejack replied. "You think you got an idea what's goin' on?" "I don't know what exactly is happening… but I think that these two things happening is not a coincidence." Twilight said while looking more at the newspaper. "Both of these weird events involved some kind of ring…… aswell as strange things happening that shouldn't." Applejack looks over her shoulder and sees the picture of Gilda. "Woah!" Her face widens with surprise at the picture. "Is that Gilda in that picture?" "Yeah it is." Said Rainbow Dash crossing her forelegs. "Apparently she went berserk all over the place in Manehattan attacking several ponies before flying off. Apparently she can breathe blood like she's a dragon or something……" "Well that don't make no sense a'tall. How the hay does she have blood comin' outta her mouth without being hurt?" Applejack said rubbing her head. "I don't know….. but I am sure we'll find out soon enough." Twilight said as she continues looking closely at the picture looking for clues. "Hey, did you hear what happened at that concert at Canterlot yesterday?" A teen filly asked her friend sitting next to her. "I did. That's so weird….." said another teen filly. "Wait!" Twilight called to the teenage fillys. "What happened at Canterlot?" "You mean you didn't hear about it?" said the first teenage filly. "Well, there was a big concert last night at Canterlot. Octavia and her orchestra plus DJPON3 did a performance together last night." "Then……." The second filly continued. "After the performance Octavia and DJ just flew out of the arena with a weird light behind them. The other band members had no idea what was going on or what happened." "What kind of glow did they have?" Twilight asked. "Octavia had a bright blue glow on her and DJPON had a green glow." Replied the first filly. "Everypony who was there just though it was just some special effects, but when the band was asked about it they all said that those green and blue lights before and after the show were not part of the planned effects." "What happened before the show?" Twilight asked again. "These Blue and Green lights started flying all around the arena before going onto the stage." Went on the second filly. "Then for the whole show Octavia was glowing blue and DJ was glowing green." "Ok, there is no way that this is all some coincidence." Twilight turned to the others with the paper in tow. "Thank you for helping me out." She said bowing to the two teens before turning to her friends. "According to the article Gilda had a red glow to her, according to Braeburn Black Lasso had a yellow glow on him, and according to those teens Octavia and DJPON3 had a blue and green glow respectively. I know that Octavia is an earth pony and that DJ is a unicorn so neither of them should be able to fly either." "Just what the hay is happening here?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Those ponies should not be flying and rings shouldn't either!" "Then….. there must be something to what that pony I saw earlier said after all." Said Applejack rubbing her chin more. "What did that pony say?" Twilight asked jolting her face towards AJ. "Well it was a stallion, scared out of his mind, babblin' about some crazy unicorn dressed in orange that started terrorizing Hoofington." Applejack said. "I think he mentioned that crazy unicorn bein' Trixie. At the time I thought he went plumb crazy I thought there would be no way Trixie could do that…. But now it looks like he might not have lost his marbles after all." "Yeah. This all happening is definitely not some coincidence." Twilight said with determination on her face. "I better report all of this to Celestia immediately………" ----------- Elsewhere in Ponyville…… A mare draped in a black coat and a wide brimmed black hat started walking into town. On her back was a long object that was wrapped completely in red cloth. Nearby there was a pony watching as this blonde mare entered town. "OH MY GOSH!" Pinkie Pie dashed over and shoved her face right at the mare going under her wide brimmed hat. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name? What's that thing on your back? Why do you wear all black? What does your cutiemark look like? Where are you from? You have a really nice mane. Do you like parties? I love parties. I should totally throw you one!" "Uh……" the black clothed pony nervously. "You don't need to do anything for me….. I'm just looking for somepony." "Oh! Who are you looking for? I know everypony in Ponyville." Pinkie Pie replied with her tail wagging. "I'm sure you do……" She whispered sarcastically under her breathe. "I'm looking for a blue pony." She began, "He's about this tall, brown mane, wears glasses, bit of a smart alec, and probably curses a fair amount." "Oh! Oh! Oh! I know who you're talking about!" Pinkie said excitedly jumping up and down. "You're looking for Blueben right?" she leans rather awkwardly close to her. "Yes, that's exactly who I'm looking for. My name's Dark Light. I'm a close friend of his." Pinkie Pie grabs one of Dark Light's forehooves and starts shaking it vigorously. "Hey Dark Light! I'm Pinkie Pie. Any friend of Blueben's is a friend of mine!" Pinkie Pie continues to shake her hoof rapidly until Dark Light stops her and lets go of her hoof. "Nice to meet you Pinkie." She says trying to regain some control of her shaken forehoof. "If you know where he is could you take me to him? I've never been here before so I have no idea where to go." "Sure! Follow me!" Pinkie Pie said with a bounce. After that she began bouncing towards the direction of Blueben's home with Dark Light following behind her. "So……. Pinkie…" Dark Light said slowly, "How do you know Blueben? How'd you meet him?" "Oh I met him when he came to Sugarcube corner looking for some doughnuts." "Doughnuts……. Why am I not surprised?" she said shaking her head. "What do you think of him?" "Oh! I think he's really…." "Hello Dark Light." Said a low aggravated voice. Pinkie Pie and Dark Light stopped dead in their tracks and saw Blueben standing in front of them. He didn't look happy at all. "Hey Blueben!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed waving her hoof. "Hello Pinkie……" Blueben responded annoyed without taking his eyes off of Dark Light. "Hey Blue. How are ya adjusting there slick?" Dark Light said with a smirk on her face. "You and me, talk. My house, now." Blueben said simply, his voice brimming with anger. "Ok ok. Take some chill pills will ya." Dark Light said whipping her mane out of her face. "Pinkie right? Before I go, can I give you some advice quick?" "Sure, what is it?" Pinkie asked curiousity taking over. Dark Light leaned to Pinkie Pie's ear and whispered something to her as silently as she could. When she finished she leaned away as Pinkie looked at her dumbfounded. "Don't worry too much, take my advice and you two will get along just fine." "Let's go Dark Light!" Blueben exclaimed with his back turned towards them. "Keep your shirt on slave driver I'll be behind you in a sec." Dark Light said to him with snark in her voice. "Catch ya later Pinkie. It was nice meetin' ya." As the two leave Pinkie Pie starts waving again. "It was nice meeting you to! See ya later Blueben!"