//------------------------------// // Information detail box of Trixie's trio // Story: The tour of Trixie's magical magic train! // by Sir lightning blade //------------------------------// ghost pepper“HI ghost pepper” miss Direction“Hi and I'm miss Direction!” “HI I'm a great and powerful Trixie Lulamoon!” “And we are going to explain our equipment! And for all those who have their minds in the gutter please get them out!” [ghost pepper]” for those who didn't read,Trixie's first day without magic! This is a refresher course on our humble home, with some slight informational changes so that way you guys iterated do not get bored here.” Locomotives: [miss Direction]” Is the train locomotives, recently converted with its steam engine being replaced with a new electric engine, with its battery system composed of a electrical crystal ball containing a small thunderstorm cloud!” Showing a display of buttons rounding a crystal ball, setting up a few sparks. Direction precedes to show the front of the locomotive, feeling a gigantic lightbulb replacing where the steam would exit, and along the lines are series of tubes! On the front is a gigantic set of letters and numbers, this is a serial number not including to a normal license plate number! Due to security reasons, numbers cannot be revealed at this moment! Passenger car: outside is a recently redecorated with bright blue paint with a gigantic magic wand on the side! With beautiful ribbons hanging from the sites. [Ghost Pepper]”This is the exterior of the passenger car of our 'Train'.” As she opens up the side door compartment, which is shaped like a star, build the entrance into the actual cart. The first room that they look upon, is the dining room/living room, mounted on the ceiling is a projector, pointing to the left wall on the side reveals a small door leading to the hallway, the passenger car seats were converted into a small couch. In front of that was placed a small table shaped like a full moon. Pepper proceeds to open the door to lead into the hallway, revealing two doors on one side and then she turns to show off the door next to them. Leading into the first front passenger door right behind the dining room! A makeshift kitchen, where originally the chairs were located at is now a stove, facing towards the window, the kitchen stove is a small single burner, and what looked like to be a microwave ovens underneath the single burner, a sign that they only have this small kitchen to fix 'TV dinners' then to actually fix real meals. Also showing up a small fridge raider, it looked like it was recently stolen from a hotel! They return back into the hallway to show off the two bedrooms! ghost pepper[]”Okay the first bedroom you're going to see is ours, lady Trixie will give her own tour of her room later.” She open up the left door, revealing miss Direction, shows off that they have a pull down bed, big enough to carry two full-size ponies, and still have enough space for at least one wardrobe cabinet, and one set of shelves, and a one stream filing cabinet. Direction promptly opened up the wardrobe to reveals, that it was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, from what looked like to be a walk in closet, showing a vast collection of clothing, a couple shrines to some of the pony celebrities, mostly stallions that are pretty well known, and a couple darts owned by Trixie into the portrait of Prince blueblood. [ Miss Direction]”I don't know what Trixie has against Prince blueblood but it's pretty bad, considering she uses my favorite portrait of him as her personal dartboard! I would personally suspect this would be more likely something she would do to twilight, you know for being a mare lover.” your 'camera point of view' returns back into the hallway to see Trixie! [ Miss Direction]” You are about to enter into the great and powerful Trixie's room, do not touch anything!” Room was painted slightly differently, but had the similar archetype as the twins with the same pull down bed, although the file cabinet was painted dark blue, her wardrobe was a dark pink, playing by the side of where her bed usually is parked at is a gigantic stuffed nightmare moon dolly, roughly the size of a full-size mare! Looking at the ceiling you could see that it was a painted to look like the starry night sky, but with some rather unique choices of constellations. She opened up her wardrobe to reveal her many costumes and capes, and a second wardrobe that was dark black with several locks on it, with chains attached to keys! ”That is my personal private fun area, performing on stage every night is very stressful so I need to destress in a private and secluded location so, that is my personal stress reliever room. BUT My assistance keep calling it My dungeon of debauchery? I don't know why it's just where I keep my life-size doll of the princesses, yes because I have to buy three twilight so that mean anything. Ever since she became a princess!” Being thankful that you are not looking at her from the camera. Slight transition, back outside! cargo container Cart, but replacing the big huge barn door slide, is now a form dropper bill to double as a extra stage, that way when the thing is drop-down it creates a brand-new stage, but there is also a stage interior. As the door drops open to reveal all three Mares now in their wardrobes. [ color=#265daf]”It's time to talk about our personal wardrobe equipment, before we move on to the storage cart!” Showing off her cape with 12 star-shaped patches, and countless numbers of stars on her hat! ” Each one of the stars represents a small attachment charm that I have attached to my cape as well my magic hat. Each with various difficulty levels, it's important that you should remember that just because I cast these charms on my equipment does not mean I do not cast spells during my actual show, some of these charms are actually to help me decrease the strain of certain spells, or reduce the cool time of casting them. For example some spells you can't cast repeatedly, due to them being slightly complicated, and require a cooldown time, some of my attachments are to reduce that. Others are charms and spells that I cast so often regularly that I might as well make them charms attachments. For example my levitation spell that is permanently attached my cape, due to the amount of times I've had to use it as a portable table, and also visiting areas that require the ability to fly and I am not going to take the time to figure out how to grow wings like twilight sparkle!” Ghost revealing her outfits, a dark blue Cape, Ghost“My magical cloak has been enchanted with different spells, enchanted with the moisture spells, though that way I can generate my own clouds without having to wait! As well as several other key spells to enhance the possibility of creating different weather sequences, both me and Miss have our own design center capes but the same enchantments!” Miss Distraction magic Then they begin to show off, was attached to the bottom of the stages, a series of spotlights, strange tubes going from a tank. [ Miss Direction]”This is how we produce our laser light shows, we can tilt the small spotlights, and are fueled by plasma from rainbows, although they are slightly expensive they are worth the trouble, as they are turned into laser cannons rainbow fuel will last for about five months! Also the rainbow fuel naturally splits itself into its proper colors versus using color oils. Even though they are technically cheaper, although they seem to burn a pretty fast.” Trixie disappears in a puff of smoke to appear on the roof of said cart, adding two large missile launchers”These modified missile launchers, bought from a old fortress space, are better launchers for my good old-fashioned fireworks, bound me to load up and fire six rockets at a time! Allowing me to prepare my colors quickly in advance!” Disappearing and reappearing in a puff of smoke into a different area of the cart begins to show off the already made fireworks displays [ Miss Direction]”These are the recently created fireworks, filled with different powders of different colored powders of explosives, For dazzling displays!” As they close up the cart, and move on to the final one, the caboose itself was very shabby looking but still have the crystal empires fantastic design, with Crystal sticking out at the top, obviously the exterior has been less tinkered with. Ghost was inside showing off the interior”You can see plenty of boxes and a small makeshift lab, this is where the great and powerful Trixie is currently mixing up her potions and volatile chemicals to create fireworks display. She really wants us to buy two dining cars, one so that way I can really demonstrate my special talent of cooking, and save money on food budget and while the other one is for her personal chemistry kitchen. Although three we couldn't purchase due to the fact that we found them to be creating illegal chemicals.” She proceeds to pull out a series of boxes”This is the box we use to cut each other in have! It's a pair of two old boxes, from a shipping company a good friend of mine gave them to me, I'm not sure why her eyes are always Google lead but I'm not complaining the boxes work perfectly!” Trixie appears and opens up a small crate to reveal a series of explosives”This is where I store all my smoke bombs light bombs and dark bombs, each one demonstrating usage in unique situations!” The three mares appear in the front of the carts” We all traveled around on trends! Due to just combine train tracks with the wheels that they've already got, although once in while we do have to replace the treads woods!” ”And that's our basic equipment, anything special will be revealed pretty much in the storylines, or when we get upgrades! Please enjoy, the rest of the stories and be thankful that this is only the information dump page! Also please do fan art of our place and send it to these locations! But not of my secret place!”