Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys

by Blue Robin

Prologue:Thief of Myth

Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys
Wrote Edited By Blue Robin

Thief of Myth

“All guard listen up the thief of Canterlot is here in the castle all guard’s check your area we need him alive this is the order of the princess”.

As the stallion head of the royal guards gave the orders to the other a small colt and a small glowing orb were listen in to them from a small platform from the wall of the castle.

“Frost sometimes I wish we didn’t need to steel from the Castle we tend to get in to trouble a lot when we are here” said Pixl.

“You only get in to trouble if you get caught Pixel but I need to get to the Castle liberty and get a book that might have something to do with my powers” said Frost.

Pixl sign and with a worry face “what happens if they don’t have anything about your power” said Pixl. “Only one way to find out the cost is clear time to go to work”.

As the young colt leap to the ground Pixl just signs again “sometimes I wish you just wouldn’t take this risk Frost”.

The two slowly made their way to the Castle liberty not to alert any guards. By staying close to the shadows the two were invisible to the guards. The deeper in the castle the two went the bigger guard’s number got. Frost peak to the side of the wall to get a good look and there were six of them two unicorn and four Pegasus.

“Great how am I’m going to get in the room now come on thick”. Frost though for a moment and at that time a servient came out of the opposite room of the liberty.

“It must be are lucky day Pixl” said Frost at that time frost was digging in his bag and pulled out a dart pipe and a small dart and load it in making sure not to poke himself with it.

“What are you doing with that Frost?” said Pixl in a surprised way.
“As the serviced gets a good distant away from the liberty door I will shoot him with this dart and it nap time for him”. “This will alert the guards and we can sneak in to the liberty” Frost said.

As the serviced made his way to the hallway to turn left frost steady his mouth and with a quick huff of breath whoooosh the dart had went in the side of the serviced neck.

“O my what the” thumb as the serviced was about to finish his sentence he fall to the floor hard and alert the guards.

“What was that?” one of the guards said “let’s go check it out but one of you stay here and watch out for any signs of the thief”.

“I will stay behind and watch here” a Pegasus who was show to be a little less strong than the others said. “Very well rookie the rest of you follow me”.

As Frost peek a little his plan worked for the most part.

“Will almost but not what I had in mind” said Frost.

The colt had to thick of a plan fast as there was little time to get to the library now when his plan in action now. “Got it Frost” said quietly but sure of it.

“Pixl I need you to cause a small scene for him and I will be able to take him down silently” Frost said Pixl noted in understanding what to do.

The young guard by the door of the library was daydream wonder when he would get a break and at that moment “kkkkkkee” a clash sound of a broken vas was heard. “Who goes there I say of the royal guard of Canterlot I order you to step forward” said the young guard in a nerves shacking way.
Frost just stuck his head knowing he is a private in the guards by the way he is. As the guard look for sound of the object a bright light was shining from the back of him. He turns to see it and it was flowing up and down and moving in a graceful way as if it was dance.

“Hey there what are you doing here whatever you are” said the guard.

At that time Frost made he’s way to him slowly not to give himself away. At the time Frost know in order to take him down he will have to nerve hoof his middle way wing muscle so he would be unable to fly and after get him in a chock hoof and just let him panic in tile he faints.

“Game time” Frost said in his mind.

As the guard was glazing at orb he felt a quick jolt in his wings and turn to see Frost in a clock that coved most of Frost body the only part of frost showing was a little bit of his hoofs a dark brown color it was. The guards in a panic try to call for help but at that time frost had kick his left back hoof and the guard fell to the floor at that time Frost had his front hoof around his neck.

“Let’s just finish this nice and fast now” Frost thought to himself.

The guard panic as he tried to get lose but Frost was show to be quite strong for his age to hold down a stallion. It wasn’t lot in tile he gave in and past out.

“Nice work Pixl let’s get in there and see what we can find out about this powers” Said Frost.

The two made their way inside and just a few seconds later the other guards came back. To their shock they found the young guard on the ground passes out.

“Hey kid wake up come on” said one of the guards.
“It’s no use he’s asleep get him to the medic room” an old stallion came walking from the hall in an light plate silver armor.

“This colt is something I have never seen before he has power that even an alicorn can’t do”. The younger guards just laugh at the old guard

“Really and you are to say that a school age little colt did this?”

“I would be carefully if I were you he could be listening to us” the guards went silent.

“Rumor has it young that he fought off four timber wolfs and was using odd magic spells to beat them he can use magic on a different way from a unicorn or alicorn. Other rumor say he is not a unicorn and some say he is an alicorn but this are just rumor so say what you want. In tile he is caught or turns himself in he’s a myth as we know of it”.

The old guard leaves leaving the other guards to just look at each other in silent.