A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 25 ponies

“I’ve decided to stay!” Angela exclaimed as she finished coming down the steps.
Her answer surprised Lea. “Are you sure? You’re not just doing it because you don’t want to make me sad, right?”
“No, I’m not. The chances I’ll be more of a danger to you than what’s going on right now are rather small. Not as small as I’d be comfortable with, but it’s fine. Besides, if anything does go wrong, we’ve got Ben to stop me. That reminds me… where is Ben?”
Through the door came Copper Star. “He’s actually working on training right now. Ever since last night, he’s been working on trying to get stronger.”
“What are you doing here?” Lea asked Copper.
“I happen to be the first pony he met when all the pokemon appeared. I came to check up on him since he was asked to stay and guard you. It felt lonely off work without him.”
“I’m sorry about that.” Lea apologized. “I didn’t realize how well you two knew each other.”
“It’s perfectly fine. It’s part of the job. I mostly gave him a roof over his head while he didn’t have anywhere to stay. I used to live by myself and had actually put out an ad in the local paper about an extra room. He just happened to be my roommate until now. I came to inform him that somepony else was going to be staying in the room he had been using while they’re in town since they couldn’t afford a hotel room for the time they’re staying.”
“Well, if you ever need something, feel free to come over and ask.” Lea told Copper as she started to leave.
“I’ll be sure to do just that.” Copper Star replied, waving as she exited.
Angela quickly followed her out, pushing her aside as a pot fell from the top of the building, landing right outside the entrance.
“Sorry!” Bluegrass called down. “Ah wasn’t looking at what ah was doin’. Is anyone hurt?”
“No, you’re good!” Copper called back up. “Have a nice day!”
“You too! Hey, Angela! Can you send Lea up here? Thanks!” Bluegrass disappeared from the edge of the rooftop to whatever she had been doing before.
Angela headed back inside and told Lea she was wanted on the roof. Lea went up the stairs and found Bluegrass inspecting the berry plants. “What? Back already?” she asked Bluegrass.
“Yep! Can’t believe they’re this big already!”
“Well,” Lea started. “I did say that some of them only take a week. A few of these will take a little longer than that, but if you come back about three days from now, you can get fresh berries from the trees. The flowers will appear in about a day and a half.”
“Lea… ah was wonderin’ ‘bout somethin’.”
“What would that be?” Lea asked.
“Yesterday, a Stallion came into mah shop and said he was lookin’ for ya. He had seen ya comin’ out of my store the day ya got the berries from me.”
“Wh-who was it?” Lea was afraid that Quarry had tried to find her by way of Bluegrass.
“Some earth pony named Specter, ah think. Wanted to know what you’ve been up to. Ah didn’t tell him though. Wasn’t sure if ya wanted him to know.”
“It’s fine. As long as it wasn’t Quarry.” Bluegrass gave her a questioning look. “One of the two ponies I’m pretty sure are out to kill me.”
“Kill you?!” Bluegrass exclaimed. “Why do they wanna do a thing like that?”
“They were criminals and I helped put them in jail. There names are Bright Ire and Quarry Arrow. Ire actually already tried to, which is why I think they’re planning to do so.”
“You’re kiddin’.”
“I’m not. If Matrix hadn’t been there, I might not have gotten away from them a few times.”
“Ya mean, ya might be…” Bluegrass didn’t finishing her sentence. She didn’t have to.
“You should go back to what you were doing. You looked like you had been having a good time.” Lea told her. “I’m going to see if I can contact him to come her since I, uh, don’t want to leave.”
“Ah’m practically done here. Ah can go get him once ah am if ya want.”
“That would be nice. Thanks. Just direct him to go up to my bedroom once he gets here. I’ll be in the connecting office.”

“Now let’s see… I don’t think I’ll be able to find that ingredient on this planet, so maybe I can find a substitute.” Lea was working on trying to reproduce Ben’s potion. “Once the oran berries grow, I can juice them for the main part of the potion, but then I’ll need-”
She was interrupted by a knock at the door. “What are you talking about?”
Lea swiveled her chair to face Specter. I’m currently trying to work on a potion that will heal pokemon and also hopefully anyone else. I don’t believe one of the ingredients I need exists on this planet so I need to find a substitute and find out how it will affect the proportions of the other ingredients.”
“Uh huh… Well, I want to talk to you about that changeling.”
Lea jumped at him and covered his mouth. “Quiet! Midnight might hear you!, I’m not sure if he’s back yet, but if he is, I do not want him finding out.”
Specter glared at her. “Why? Has she done something bad and you don’t want her taken away? This is exactly why the police should know about this.”
“And they do! But Midnight doesn’t yet and Caddi doesn’t want him to yet.”
“Why is that?”
“Because they’ve fallen in love with each other and she’s scared he’s going to ditch her after he finds out just like you did. I honestly don’t understand why you ponies are so hateful for those changelings. I read up on how Griffons were at war with the ponies hundreds of years ago, and now you’re all hunky-dory. And then, after one attack by changelings, ones who were punished by their own kind, you can’t trust any of them. Didn’t you hear that their leader was at the World Summit as well? Really, what is your reasoning for Caddi supposedly being bad?”
“I, uh, she…”
“That’s what I thought! Now if you don’t have anything else you want to talk to me about, I suggest you leave so I can work.”
Lea got Specter to back up out of the office before she slammed the door on him.
“She doesn’t understand just how dangerous they can be.” Specter murmured to himself.
He went down the stairs and out the front door. He had yet you walk five feet before he was stopped by a pokemon. “What do you want?”
“I want something you want.” The pokemon said. “The question is, are you in?”
“I don’t need help from something that looks like a sick pig. How would you even help?”
“Ooo, seems you need a bit of persuasion.” Grumpig’s eyes started to glow.
“What are you doing?” Specter said, starting to back away.
“Oh, I’m just going to show you my point of view. And if that doesn’t work, I have… other ways of convincing you.” Grumpig gave an evil smirk.
“What are you doing? No! Get away! NO!”
Specter blacked out.
“Sorry about that, but I need someone she’ll let inside for my plan to work.”