Black Mirror

by Electuroo

Chapter 2: Mystery Magic Cutie Mark Cure

Black Mirror
Chapter 2: Mystery Magic Cutie Mark Cure

Rainbow Dash slowly stood up with the flashes of lightning outside, the dark cold stone below her hooves. Her eyes scanned around the large throne room seeing her friends down for the count, they battered and injured moaning in pain, they had nothing to give. Tried as they might Nilrem stood in front of his black mirror with a dark look from his eyes his hands glowing with dark magical energy.

The large chamber of many stairs, doors and mirrors was in ruin, the heavy battling within left it sign to all that was still barely awake. The black mirror behind Rainbow Dash still glowing with purplish light, the magic from it every growing at each second pass.

The evil black mirror wizard with his blackish purple robes and hat stood firm as he readied his last attack losing his staff in the battle now with his hands glowing with magic ready to unleash on Rainbow Dash that was definite.

Rainbow Dash knew she was the only one standing now, not even the princesses was able to stand against his dark magic, her element shimmering as she stood before him alone. “So the element of loyalty still has fight in her?” He chuckled raising his hands, energy flowing around both hands he aimed them right at Rainbow Dash.

“R-Ra-Rainbow... Do-don't...” Rainbow Dash battered as much as the others turn to Twilight as she raise a hoof out to her.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I am sorry Twi but I can't take this sitting down, if this creep want to finish the job he has to look me in the eyes to do it, because no matter how many times I am knocked down I am loyal to those that I really care and love... Friends, family and all those that matter...” Rainbow Dash turn to Nilrem. “No matter what I will stand against you Nilrem! I will make you sorry for hurting us and all my friends! All the lives you destroyed!”

Nilrem just stared at her with a smile. “Are you done? Because this is starting to bore me.”

“No I am not! Give me your best shot you creep!” Rainbow Dash flared her wings open. “Come on! Fire and stop gloating you stupid old freak!” Rainbow Dash yelled at him, she unable to do anything but say those words and could do is wait for the final blow.

“Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash heard her friends call out trying to get up.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes with tears falling. “Sorry guys...” She opened them staring at the dark mage.

“Time's up!” A sound of a thunderous crash as a stained glass window shatter, in the corner of Twilight's eyes she couldn't believe who smashed through the window with glass raining down. “Goodbye Rainbow Dash!”


Twilight woke up screaming which startled Spike helping Rainbow Dash find the latest edition of Daring Do. Twilight looking around and sighed heavily. “What a nightmare...” She whispered.

“Sounds it with you screaming the place down like that.” Rainbow Dash holding the book in her hooves. “Well try to get some sleep tonight egghead. Electuroo out of hospital tomorrow lunch time.” Rainbow Dash smirked. “Talking about him, I got this book to deliver!” Rainbow Dash turn to Spike with a wave. “Thanks again Spike!”

“No problem, say hi to Electuroo for me ok?”

“Sure thing!” Rainbow Dash turn to Twilight. “And goodnight Twilight.”

“Yeah goodnight Rainbow Dash.” Twilight replied and Rainbow was gone in a blur of speed knocking down the Black Phoenix book with the page opening up to a possible event appearing in a glowing of light. “Another page revealing itself...”

Spike step up to it looking at the picture and writing appear. “You know this book is really creepy...”

“Tell me about it... A book that evil, tells the future, magic and fire resident...” Twilight Sparkle muttered. “I still can't believe Princess Celestia made me keep this stupid thing in my library.” Twilight turn to Spike seeing him look at her with a jaw hanging. “What?”

Spike shook his head a few times. “So-sorry Twilight but that the first time you called any book stupid...”

Twilight sighed heavily. “Because this book is! No book should be able to do the magic this thing doing! It completely impossible by any known law of magic and science! I can not understand how it doing it by any means!” Twilight saw a image of a book then the next image on the other page of it burning. “Hmm...”

“What does it say?” Spike looking at Twilight.

Twilight read out the words. “The sparkle of light of magic shall never arise, the power of the alicorn is lost forever when the book that hold the key is burned away in an attack to the palace of Equestria...” Twilight frowned

Spike burped with a scroll appearing. He open it and gasped. “Twilight your not going to believe this but Goldenmare attacked Canterlot!”

“What!?” Twilight grabbed it with her magic reading it quickly. “Dear faithful student as you reading this the book that I was suppose to give you was destroyed in attack by Goldenmare, she seem to only had aimed for this one area of the palace, no pony was harmed, me and my sister was able to force the attacker to retreat but she seem to know how important it is. I am so sorry Twilight what has happened and may have cost you something special... The book held a large number of Starswirl's spells that are now lost forever...” Twilight dropped the scroll with fury.


“ARH!!!!!!” The whole library lit up in a huge burst of purple magic, Twilight fell the ground anger and annoyed. “How can she do this!? Goldenmare destroying something that historical valuable as that book!? Seriously!? What up with her!?”

Spike saw something in the book. “Twilight the book is intact and there a spell on it in the image. Look!” Spike points to it.

Twilight push Spike out of the way and looked. “Your right Spike! But it tiny I need something to help me see...” Twilight turn to see Spike gotten up and holding up a magnifying glass. “Thank you Spike.”

“No Problem Twilight, so what does the spell say?” Twilight took a scroll and quill to write it down as Spike watched her using the magnifying glass to read it.

Twilight read out the spell as she wrote it down. “From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled...” She finished writing it down and stared at it with a rub of her hoof looking to Spike. “What the hay is that suppose to mean? What kind of spell is this?”

Spike shrugs. “Beats me Twilight, to me it doesn't make any sense at all.”

Twilight put the quill and scroll down on the table. “Same here... Well the spell seem to not have done anything, so I guess that was a loss course...”

“Yeah... Sorry Twilight I thought that spell would mean something...” Spike look to Goldenmare's spell book. “At least you got her spell book still.”

Twilight smirked. “Indeed Spike your right again. Three out of three tonight. So how about tomorrow I treat you to some gem snacks from Sugarcube Corner?”


“Yes my number one assistant!” Twilight hugged him and they happily went upstairs to get some sleep.


Stardust stood with Princess Celestia looking at the Elements of Harmony in the case, Celestia sighed heavily. “I can not believe that Goldenmare struck with such hate... She was stopped for doing any more damage to the palace but the damage to my goals for my student was done...”

Stardust turn to her. “Celestia why didn't you make any copies of the book?”

“We had no need to, maybe it best if we did now, in case something like this happen again...” Celestia turn away walking down the hallway. “But that not why your here, your message about Discord is unsettling at most, I do not believe what your suggesting would work...”

Stardust looking at the crown of the elements that started to glow. “I believe he need to know what friendship is Celestia, I am a hard working mother and since working at Sweet Apple Acres I got to know the family pretty well, that lead me to being close friends to Applejack, I never really 'hanged out' with anyone but here it really taught me a lot, if a working mother that doing house work and farm work almost non stop from day to night can find the meaning of friendship in Ponyville I believe he could.”

Celestia stopped with a smile turning around to Stardust. “Your right Stardust, I believe it would and think it could work... I know the perfect pony for the job. I will inform Twilight of my arrival tomorrow.”

Stardust frowned seeing the element zap the others changing their colours. “Erm... Celestia are these things suppose to zap each other?”

“No why?”

“Because Twilight's element just zapped the other five and changed their colours...” Stardust step to the side and Celestia quickly ran up to them looking at each of the elements. “What is it?”

Celestia eyes darted at each of them. “It can't be... The spell was lost in the fire! But it is... Twilight must of cast the spell that Starswirl abandoned!”

“Sorry what are you talking about?” Stardust frowned.

Celestia turn to Stardust. “Your magic can it teleport large objects great distances?”

Stardust thought about it and nod. “Yes, it was one of those spells Merlin personal put into my head... Since I been here you made me write down every last spell Merlin gave me so I wouldn't forget them...”

Celestia smiled. “Then we must find that spell and use it to take the elements of harmony right away to Twilight Sparkle!”

Stardust stepped back. “What the bloody hell is going on!?”

“No time to waste my dear friend, we have work to do.” Celestia smiled putting a hoof to Stardust. “I will put a spell on the elements while you find your spell.”

Stardust groaned with her head lowered. “Great there goes my sleep...” Stardust turns away walking down the hall grumbling to herself past Luna as she walk into the hall.

Luna turn back to Stardust and back to Celestia. “Tia why is Stardust in a foul mood?”

“Oh I sort of pushed her into finding her long distance object teleporting spell...” Celestia rubbed her head a little.

“What so important that it can't wait till morning?”

Celestia showed the elements to her. “This is why...”

Luna gasped. “The spell it been... But... That...”

“Impossible? Nothing impossible dear sister, we standing with each other is proof of that.” Celestia smiled and Luna did too as they stood before the Elements of Harmony.

Luna felt happy seeing this. “Then not all is lost?”

“No Luna, it seems there is hope against the Black Phoenix after all...”

“What of the evil mage Nilrem?” Luna turn to her.

“That is a problem we will have to face as the time draws near...” Celestia felt uneasy about the upcoming darkness that was upon them.


Electuroo put on his jacket after he had signed the release forms. “Now Electuroo your free to go but no flying till after the weekend ok?” Doctor Stable took the forms away putting them on the clipboard.

“You got it doctor, no flying for another two days, shouldn't be too difficult.” Electuroo looked at himself in the mirror. “At least I am finally getting a hang of doing my mane now.” He whispered with a half chuckle. “So doc what up with the weather? Is it some sort of event that I missed?”

Doctor Stable looked out the window seeing the chequered clouds. “Not that I know of. How strange... You are off weather duty as well so don't even try to fly.”

Electuroo sighed. “First day out of hospital and the sky is all crazy... Ok I will leave it to Dash to sort out.” Electuroo took his saddle bag putting it on. “I will head to Twilight's to see if I can stay the weekend there till I am able to fly.”

“Good thinking, now take care.” Doctor Stable shook Electuroo's hoof.

Electuroo left the hospital walking towards the town seeing hot, cold, windy and raining weather all over the place. “What in hay is going on around here?” Electuroo saw whom was doing the weather, he rubbed his eyes and blinked. “R-Rarity!? What the hay are you doing!?”

Rarity turn to Electuroo. “Oh hi Electuroo... I am not doing well today. Usually my skies are better then this... I am really trying to fix it though!”

Electuroo saw her cutie mark. “Erm... Ok... I'll go see Twilight now...” Electuroo backed away a little and turn heading to the Golden Oak Library.

“Sure thing darling!” Rarity called back.

Electuroo ran up to the door knocking on it with his hoof. “Coming!” Spike called out and quickly opened the door. “Electuroo! I am so glad to see you! We got a huge problem!”

“Tell me about it, I just saw Rarity with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark! Where Twilight?”

Spike sighed. “She not taking this all too well, she in her room feeling really sorry for herself...”


Spike allow Electuroo to enter. “She cast a spell last night and it effected all her friends, but your not from the look of it.”

Electuroo looked at his cutie mark and back at Spike. “Nope, mine still three black bolts. The very same I had when first arriving in Equestria.” Electuroo turn his head towards the door as he walked in. “Do you think it something to do with a spell? Then why Rarity is the only one affected?”

“No it not her, it Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack! They all been changed!” Spike jump on his tail with arms and legs out crying out the final word.

Suddenly a bright light lit up the room both of them turn to see a chest appear on the ground before them. “Is that what I think it is?” Electuroo spoke walking up to the chest.

Spike quickly opened it up. “It is! The Elements of Harmony! But how!?” Spike saw a letter with it opening it up. “Weird there no name on it... All it says is, Twilight will know what to do...”

“What I need to do?” Twilight came down the steps. “I really messed up Spike... I did this to all my friends...”

“Not all” Electuroo showed his to Twilight. “See mine still the same.”

Twilight blinked. “Wait how?” She look at the case and at the Elements. “What happened to my friends elements? They different...”

“I think whatever spell you did must of changed the Elements of Harmony Twilight.” Spike replied.

Electuroo put a hoof to her. “I am not sure what the spell is and what happened but if all our friends changed because of this. Don't think of the mistake you did think about how to help out your... I mean our friends.”

“Come on, Twilight, you'll figure out a way to fix this. These are your friends !” Spike step beside Electuroo.

Twilight turn to the picture on the wall of her, Spike, Electuroo and the others together at Rainbow Dash's birthday party. “You're right, Both of you. And they mean more to me than anything. My friends... ”

Suddenly her horn started to glow then her whole body. “Whoa what going on!?” Electuroo shielding his eyes.

“Twilight? Are you alright?” Spike shielding his eyes too.

Twilight's eyes lit with her cutie mark and turn around with a massive smile. “I've got it! I know what to do!”

Both Spike and Electuroo look at each then back at her. “You do?”

“I may not be able to remind them of who they are, but I can show them what they mean to each other. They'll find the part of themselves that's been lost so they can help the friend they care about so much! Come on, boys!” Twilight used her magic to put the tiara on her head.

Twilight put the case onto Electuroo's back and Spike jumped on to keep it steady. “We with ya Twilight!” Electuroo beamed and followed her out of the library.

The three of them made their way to the air balloon crossing by quite a few anger ponies in the process. “Wow what eating these ponies?”

Twilight sighed. “Without Pinkie Pie it kinda of gone a bit south...” Twilight saw Fluttershy at the balloon. “Fluttershy, wait!”

Fluttershy turn around after giving the bits. “Oh... Hey, Twilight...”

“Where are you going?” Twilight asked her seeing the saddle bag beside her.

Fluttershy sighed. “I'm moving back to Cloudsdale. I don't know what's wrong, but I can't seem to make anypony laugh.” She deflate whoopee cushion making all three frown slightly at it.

“Erm... Isn't that suppose to... Ow!” Electuroo get a kick from Spike looking at him on his back Electuroo glared at him. “That hurt!”

“Shh!” Spike put his claw to his snout, Electuroo rolled his eyes and kept quiet.

Twilight step up to Fluttershy putting a front leg around her. “Before you go, I was wondering if you might be willing to help Rainbow Dash. She's really struggling with her animals.”

Fluttershy rubbing her hooves through her mane shyly. “But... I don't really know anything about animals...” Electuroo felt like saying something but he got another kick from Spike.

Electuroo hissed at him “You do that again and I will buck you off Spike!”

“Then shut up and leave this to Twilight!” He whispered to Electuroo.


Twilight turn to them and back to Fluttershy. “But you do know something about Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy thought about it and nod. “I... know that she's a true friend, and I'll do anything I can to help her.”

“Then let go help her.” Twilight smiled and so did Fluttershy they heading over to the cottage with Electuroo and Spike behind them.


“Alright I get it... Next time just say not kick ok... I am grounded till the end of the weekend, much I want to deal with that mess high above... I can't.” Electuroo looked up at the sky then back to Spike.

Spike rubbed his head a little. “Yeah sorry about that, guess not able to do something your good at isn't easy not to do is it?”

“Not at all. Let catch up with the girls!” Electuroo galloped after them with Spike holding on to the chest and to Electuroo not to fall off.

Upon arriving at the cottage all four of them heard a thud with a following crashing sounds. They heard Rainbow Dash yelp. “Whoa!”

Electuroo quickly push open the door “Rainbow Dash are...” Electuroo blinked seeing what he saw, animals dancing around a black cauldron with Rainbow Dash tied up. “What the bloody hell?”

“I'm in here! Help! I'm trapped!” Rainbow Dash cried out.

“Don't” Spike whispered. “I know how much you want to but let Twilight handle this.” Electuroo bit his lip trying to fight again the urge to just dive in and get Rainbow Dash out of the cauldron.

Fluttershy turn to Twilight. “Hurry, Twilight! Can't you do some sort of spell to get her out?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. Fluttershy, you're the only one who can help! Rainbow Dash needs you!” She point the hoof out to Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy gulped walking in to the animals. “Um... Hello? Little... woodland creatures? I know that you're all very upset and feel like giving Rainbow Dash a hard time, but we'd all really appreciate it if you'd calm down and, um, maybe... rest for a bit?” She spoke to them as they all seem to stop turning to face her.

She flying on the spot game up with a idea and flew off, she came back with some food. “Oh! Uh... look! Here's some nice, juicy leaves for you to munch on. And some crunchy, munchy acorns too.” She gave the food to the respecting animals walking up to the others, Electuroo saw the smile on Twilight and Spike's face, he could now see what they had it mind, with a smile he watched. “Uh, wouldn't you like to take a break and have a little snack?”

The remaining ones shrug and toss the cutlery away joining the otheres. “Aww, look at that. I guess you were all just cranky because you were hungry. Oh, you are very welcome, little friends.” The bear pluck her out of the air and kisses her.

“Goodness, it's like I can understand them! I... I feel strange, like... like this is what I'm meant to do, like this is who I am! My destiny!” Twilight took the element that belonged to Fluttershy running up to her as she glowed with pink aura snapping the element on her.

Fluttershy went into trace as memories flashed before her, next thing she was on the ground in a daze. “Wha... what happened?”

Twilight saw her cutie mark returned. “Fluttershy, look! Your cutie mark!” Twilight bounced around her. “It worked! It worked!” She gave her friend a huge nuzzling close to her. “Oh, I'm so happy you're back to normal!” She pulled away turning to Fluttershy. “Now we need your help!”

Electuroo started to hear music, looking around he tried to find the source of it. “Where is that music coming from?”

Twilight started to sing walking by some of the animals. Electuroo blinked as she started. “And I only thought this was in the cartoon... Never heard this song before though...” He whispered to himself with a shrug he joined them.

(True True Friend Song)

After the girls did their part of the song Rainbow Dash called and with the help from the girls with Electuroo. The song continues with he standing with them not saying anything with Spike as they followed around with the singing and helping of friends at place to place.

The final part came and everypony cried out “Pinkie Pie!” Electuroo joined in at this part singing with the six friends and all of Ponyville at this point.

The girls together float above and hugging each other with happiness at the end of the song falling afterwards gentle to the ground still embraced with each other. Electuroo smiled looking to Spike. “Well look like you was right pal, Twilight had it covered afterall.”

“Told ya so.” Spike crossed his arms with a pride smirk.

“You sure did!” Electuroo laughing and Spike joined him.

Suddenly Twilight heard something in her mind “A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled.”

Twilight gasped. “Wait a second, that's it! I understand now! I know how to fix the spell!” Twilight runs off and everypony followed her.

In the library she took the scroll and quill with everypony gathered around, Electuroo and Spike by the door seeing her write it down as she spoke. “From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!” She hit the end with the quill putting it down and the scroll she smiled at the completed spell.

Suddenly the elements activated from each of the five girls firing a beam of energy into Twilight, Spike and Electuroo cover their eyes from the blinding light. Gold Wing spying on them looking through the window at the time saw this happening suddenly get hit by the huge burst of purple magical explosion of energy.

Gold Wing crashed into a tree head first sliding down it dazed but coming out of him was a black purple aura that faded into nothing as it left him. Gold Wing slowly open his eyes looking around with confusion. “Wh-wher-where am I? Or the matter is who am I?” He looked at his hooves and himself seeing he was wearing some sort of armour. “Am I a guard pony?”

Inside the girls gasped. “What happened?” Fluttershy spoke and all they saw was a blackish mark on the ground all exclamations of shock at the scene.


“Hello? Where am I? What is this place?” Twilight spoke out and paused she noticed the clouds of mist endless with the stars in the sky. “Wait this almost look like the Realm of Dreams...”

Princess Celestia walking up to her. “Your close but no Twilight. But I do have to say, Congratulations, I knew you could do it.”

“Princess... I don't understand. What did I do? All I did was almost mess up my friends lives with that spell...” Twilight step up to the princess.

Celestia smiled warmly to her student. “You did something today that's never been done before. Something even a great unicorn like Star Swirl the Bearded was not able to do, because he did not understand friendship like you do. The lessons you've learned here in Ponyville have taught you well. You have proven that you're ready, Twilight.”

Twilight realised what she meant by this. “That spell displayed in the Black Phoenix book... The last spell in the book that was destroyed right?”

“Yes indeed, it seem that the phoenix had slipped up. But that not important right now. What is... That you are ready Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia started to walk and Twilight followed.

“Ready? Ready for what?” Twilight asked and before her displays of her life started to appear as viewing windows.

Princess Celestia starts to sing to her. (Events play out in the song)

(Song where Twilight becomes an Alicorn)


The girls stood outside in the night air seeing a beam of light come down shaped as Twilight's cutie mark and appear before them as Twilight. “Twilight? Is that you?” Applejack spoke out shielding herself from the light.

Twilight stood before them with wings flared open. “Wha... I-I've never seen anything like it!” Applejack and the girls step up to her seeing the new changes before them.

Rainbow Dash was over the moon about this flying and checking out the wings. “Ha! Twilight's got wings! Awesome! A new flying buddy!”

“Why, you've become an Alicorn. I didn't even know that was possible.” Rarity spoke seeing this to be a real surprise.

Pinkie Pie swings in to speak out “Alicorn party! Y...”

“WATCH OUT!” Electruoo cried out but it was too late Pinkie Pie crashed into him both landing into Rainbow Dash in a pile.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “That one way of celebrating!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes pushing them off her. “Yeah great Pinkie. Next time watch where your swinging.”

“Will do!” Pinkie Pie helped Electuroo up onto his hooves.

Electuroo shook his head at the randomness of Pinkie Pie. “By the way what happened to all that get up you just had on?”

“What get up?” Pinkie Pie grinned at him.

“Never mind...” Electuroo put a hoof to his head.

Fluttershy spoke stepping up to Twilight. “Wow... You look just like a princess!”

“That's because she is a princess” Celestia lands before them with Stardust beside her.

“Huh?” They all said together.

Pinkie Pie put a hoof out. “Hold on a second!” She pulled out a glass but Stardust took it from her. “Hey!”

Stardust drunk it all in one go. “Sorry Pinkie Pie but I really needed it.”

“I guess that good enough for me.” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

Twilight turn to Celestia after that strange moment. “A... A princess?” She felt a little unease by this.

As the talk went on between them and Celestia speaking to the newly formed Alicorn, Goldenmare stood by the forest watching them with pair of binoculars over her eyes. “That idiot Gold Wing had one job to do and destroy any chance of her getting to become a Alicorn... Not only he failed me but that magic also removed my hold on him.” Goldenmare turn walking into the Everfree Forest.

Goldenmare put the binoculars away and pulled out sheets of script titled 'Magical Mystery Cure'. “Not only I had a heads up over this thanks to my abilities to use the rift to travel between worlds. I had the ability and did have it to stop her from becoming a Alicorn.” Goldenmare grumbled. “I destroyed a big chunk of that tower just to get to that blasted book...”

Goldenmare stood before a large boulder, using her magic she pulled it up and dropped it to the side, she walked into the hole making her way down to the 'Mirror Pool'. “All Gold Wing had to do is make sure she didn't have any copies of that spell, but no he had to get blasted by that spell and now I lost my last asset.”

Soon Goldenmare stood before the pool looking down at her reflection. “I have no choice now.”

Taking a deep breath she spoke out in rhythm with her horn glowing with golden light.

“Into the reflection of one's light
Shadows and darkness mirror light
Black as light and light is black
Solemnly bring the mirror of black light
Black Mirror shine with might!”

A beam of magic hits the middle of the pool, the blue colour turns grey then black with the light from the cave being drawn into the swirling Mirror Pool as it turns from blue to black. The water spins faster and faster with dark sways of energy exploding out of the middle, coming out of the Mirror Pool Nilrem appeared standing in the middle of the pool of the swirling black waters.

“Greetings dark lord...” Goldenmare bow to him.

Nilrem raise his hand. “Goldenmare raise, what is it?”

She sighed. Goldenmare stood firm and told him. “Twilight Sparkle has became a Alicorn. She will be crown Equestria's newest princess in two days time. I failed to stop her from becoming a princess, even the book told of this and somehow she was about to break the fix points in time from happening by completing the very spell...”

Nilrem put his hand out at her hitting her with a blue magical blast. “You idiot!” She slowly got up feeling the pain from the blast but look down in disappointment at failing her master. “Luckily I still need you on the very day of my return.” He said coldly to her. “Now why did you come here to risk talking to me face to face? I told you Mirror Pool has only the energy for me to briefly break free from my prison for less then two minutes.”

“Indeed you did sire, that why I came. I lost all my guards... Two betrayed me and the other was affected by her magic, the hold on him is broken, he may not remember anything but I lost my final asset. I need help in stopping her from being crowd princess.” Goldenmare said to Nilrem. “I need the spell.”

Nilrem raise a eye when spoken to. “Your serious aren't you?”

“Yes Nilrem I am!”

Nilrem put his hand into his other arm's sleeve pulling out a scroll. “Very well I will give you this last chance. If you fail, you will know what will happen to you.” He toss the scroll to her.

Goldenmare caught it as he started to be pulled back into the pool. “I understand and I won't.”

“Make sure you don't Goldenmare. I hate to see 6000 years go to waste...” With those words he vanished into the mirror pool it turning back to a normal blue.

Goldenmare open the scroll up looking at the spell with a dark chuckle. “Twilight Sparkle... Elements of Harmony your end comes at sundown tomorrow, hehe! When the meaning of 'magic' will become no more then words.”

Nilrem stood before the black mirror in his throne room looking at his reflection turning to Sunset Shimmer. “It seems things going to get a bit interesting, don't you think?”

“Whatever you got planned isn't going to work!” Sunset snapped at him.

“Maybe it won't, maybe it will... That just depends on what happens next.” Nilrem turn to Flash Sentry and Shining Armour. “Take her to her new room, I am sure her roomates will enjoy the company. They might need it for a change.” He smirked, “it will give me more time to think of a suitable role for her.” He chuckled.

“Yes sir!” They saluted and dragged her away.

Nilrem turn and leaves the throne room, as he does one of the side mirrors in the massive chamber started to shimmer and stepping out of it was no other then General Ricks and Daring Do...