Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys

by Blue Robin

Chapter 2 Engineering with magic

Chapter 2
Engineering with magic

A cold and dark night with the rain slowly covering the city of Canterlot . The city that was so live at night of party and talk tonight thought not a pony on the street most lights in the homes are out and only the street lanterns with a small glow was the city way of living. In a small ally way a glow of red and gold can be seen. In the small ally way there were just trash cans and a few empty boxes and in the back of the ally was a small colt that look as if death had come for him the small glow wave back and forward.

“Frost wake up please don’t go and leave me here alone” Pixl said shanking that she had lost her friend.

After a few seconds the young colt hoof moved the breeze with a smile and a tear in her eye could rest a little as her friend was alive. The small colt had cheat death for now. Frost awake weak but alive the small colt sat up around the body of him was full of cuts and open wounds and a bit of blood around him most of his clock had been ripped from the crash from the window.

“Frost your hurt badly we need to get you help or you will bleed out for sure” Pixl said worry about Frost.
The young colt rise to his hoof slowly but sure “Don’t worry Pixl I made sure to bring some bandages rolls” Frost said in a weak voice.

The colt stared to wrap the bandage around the small cuts that he got from the fall a small look of pain can be seen on the colt as the bandages touch the small wounds the.

“That should hold for a little bit I hope I don’t get an infection later. Wow that hurt a lot but I will live no need to get worry Pixl I’m fine.” Frost said to Pixl the young breeze gave a sign and just gave Frost a hug around the colt’s neck.

“Frost you really need to be careful you should take chance like you did up in the castle” she held on to him as hard as she could.

“I will be ok” Frost said but on his mind worry was clouding him. This was a luck breack for him and to him he can’t rely on luck forever and that at any moment can be his last but to him it was best to live in the moment then thick to much about the future right now.

The colt turn to see a broken gizmo on the floor Frost pick it up with his hoof and sign.

“I think the spring from the break most of jam I know I should of check it again that what happen” Frost reflect back on what happen before he awoke on the ground.

“The young colt is using smoke”.

As the guards tried find the colt Frost turn and face the window and know that they was only one way out and it was now or never.

“Well Pixl it now or never brasc yourself” Frost said as he crash thought the window. The small colt and the breeze were now falling from the castle.

“Frost are you crazy we are going to be pumpkin stew in a few seconds!”

“Pixl believe in me we will be ok I promise” Frost said but they were getting close to the ground.

Frost put his Hoof in to his right bag this time Click a sound was hear and when he put his hoof out a small round gizmo with two small circle tube on each side and a red and green button was around Frost hand. Frost aimed the devise to a nearby house in distend of 2 blocks of the castle.

Frost pushed the green button and a pop sound was heard a rope on each side came out one that stunk to the castle wall and the other to the house frost was target to. The two stared to make way to the house as the rope help guide them to the house frost aimed for. Pixl opened her eyes to shock saw that they were no longer falling. Pixl saw a rope and the gizmo around Frost hoof that were leading them to safety. As they got closer to the house Frost pushes the red button but it was not working.

“Why are we speeding up Frost? You need to slow it down” Said Pixl as she panic at the building in front of them.

Frost pushes it again but it was not working “the button is jammed I can’t stop i…”

At that time Frost had just hit the wall he fell blackout slipping to the side of the roof and fallinng hitting his head on a side widow door breaking it causing him to flip and hitting the floor hard as water slashed around him the small colt was out like a light.
“Frost are you ok Frost” Pixl yelled at Frost to get his to stop daydreaming. The colt snapped out of it “hmm sorry I was just thick for a second”

Frost scoped up what was left of the gizmo.

“Look like I need to work on the stopping power of the grab shoot a little more but not bad for the first time”. Frost place it in to his left beg.

“Come on Pixl I think it’s time to get back home and rest we have a new day of challenges tomorrow.”

The two nod at each other and made their way to the streets looking to see that they didn’t alert anyone.

“Frost won’t the guards be looking for us” said Pixl as she hide in Frost hood once again.

“I don’t think we need to worry right now the rain is hard today and keeping watch today will be hard on them for us if we stay close to the ally’s and shadow. We should be fine the rain will keep my hoof steep quiet and the rain will make it harder for others to see us. Let go and get home now Pixl”.

The two made their way thought the city ally’s as Frost said the rain was keeping them safe. There were little to no guards on the streets and if so there were only two to three together it was easy for the two of them to find a different way around them. It took them a good hour to get back home but they did it the young colt clock was dripping with water around him and the rain was coming down harder than before. The house was an abandon black smith shop that use to sell fine tools for earth pony farms and help fund the castle weapons to the guards but now has been little more than a lost shop of the ponies of Canterlot. To Frost and Pixl thought it was home and a place where they can rest easy. Frost went to the side of the shop where there was a small opening for only small foals like Frost could get thought the secret enters was behind some old barriers.

Frost made his way thought the hole and pop out right in to the side of the main room. It was mostly dusty with old wood walls the floors loss of nails and squeaking on each steep took. Frost removed his clock and gave a good shack to get rid of the water on him Pixl flow to the second floor of the building to get ready for bed. Frost on the other hoof enters a room on the left side. There was an old anvil with tools by it and a large fireplace and some old barriers with black water inside. Beside the barriers was a small box in it was full of ore and other stones. On the side by the door was a large book shelf full of books and some on the floor and a small table with paper of all sizes on it. Frost walk to the center of the room that had a table that bought the room together as the center piece. The young colt pulled the broken gadget out of is bag and toss it on the table.

“I will work on it tomorrow I need to get some rest” the colt gave a yawn and made his way up the old stair.
On the top floor there were old boxes and some broke vase that seem to come from a lot time ago before the colt’s time. Two tables one with a book and an ink feature and a candle. The other was a small tea set where Pixl lived Frost lift the lid quietly to see that his friend was fast asleep in her small little blanket.

Frost smile “sleep dreams Pixl” Frost gently places the lid back on top.

Frost turned to face his bed it was little more than just two blankets and a small pillow. Frost slip under the first blanket and by the side of his bed was a small book with writing on it that Sayed Gadgets. Frost opens it and inside was math symbols pictures of devices that other pony might have never seen before. After a quick look Frost just slimed and places the book aside from him. Frost lifts his pillow and under it was a small harmonica it was shiny and had a bronzes color to it and read in black ink “Keep trying”.

Frost stared to play it and a soft and calm melody was heard after a few minters the small colt fall asleep all that can be heard was the rain thought the night.

Moring had come to the two young friends Frost was in his workshop fixings his gadgets and other inventions Pixl was enjoying reading a book on The wild Flowers of Equestria. Pixl took a quick peek at Frost and can see that her friend was working hard on his gadgets. The young colt young was show to be very smart. They were tool parts all over the place and the smell of metal and smoke went thought the room. After sometime of fixings, making and some accidents the colt had finish his gadget he was working on. Frost removed the goggles he was wearing and called out to Pixl “Hey Pixl you got to see the things I finish I think I’m on to something new”.

Pixl made her way to Frost and sat on his head and saw that three were four items frost had made. Frost removed his googles “which one do you want to see first Pixl?”.

Pixl pointed to a gadget that look a little like a bow but smaller. Frost knot “Ok that one is what I like to call the crystal bow, it like a bow but smaller. The main different to is that it doesn’t fire arrows but instead I made it were I can you my power to shoot small little energy darts crystals out of it.

“But how do you get the bow to work and use your power Frost?” said Pixl.

Frost untied strap a small bracelet that was holding the gadget together and inside it was a small red crystal in the middle.

“Pixl remember that red crystal I found in the abonde mine in the forest and how it was somehow taking some of my power away from me and I was having a hard time getting out of the mine” said Frost.

“I was reading in that old ore and gems book and found out it is called kinetic crystal. It takes energy from mostly magic creature like a unicorn but I guess the same for me to. I use a small bit of it and well to put it short my power is what fuels the bow to work is this making any senses to you Pixl” Frost said.

Pixl rub hear head a little but nod as she somewhat got it.
“Let’s test the bow out” Frost said with a happy smile.

Pixl on the other side thought it wasn’t a good idea but see went along with it. Frost pushes the center table aside and pushed a dumb me made of old floor snacks and sticks as a target. Frost place his hoof thought the small bracelet and the bow camber had a small red glow as the bow was armed and ready to go. Frost body had stared to glow a light aura yellow color. Frost steady his hoof and aimed thought the crosshair “all right let’s see what this thing can do” Frost said.

Pixl was hiding be hide a large box and shacking to what was to come. Frost fired and a red dart of energy came out and bow and pinch right in to the dumb me. Frost shoot a few more and the other dart stuck in the dumb me began to glow brighter as more got stuck and them a boom was heard the workshop had red smoke ever where.
Pixl panic and called out to Frost but the young colt was fine he was covered in red dusty the dumb me was smash to pieces with wood chip all over the place. Pixl flow to Frost with an upset face

“What are you thinking Frost you could have been badly hurt” Pixl scold the young colt.

Frost just laughed a few second and calmed down “Has a kick to it dose it I need to make a small fix here and there later today. That was blast I guess a live target might have a different effect and harder to hit to but I think I need to add a little lest Crystal so I don’t blow up my targets”.
Frost said at that time his stomach was growling for food. The colt looked at Pixl. “Come on time to go get a bit to eat and find some more junk we can use Pixl” Said Frost.

Pixl nod and head for outside Frost grabbed his beg and place a few smoke bombs his pea shooter and reach for the grab shoot which had been fixes up and a spare clock a little small then the one he wears but good enough for other pony’s to not get a good look at him. Frost quick turn to see his new gadgets

“Not now I need some extra time to make sure that there no errors with them” Said Frost.

Frost made his way outside to find Pixl waiting for him. “Time to hit the market part of the city and find some goods I wonder what the guard will be trying to do this time to caught me”.