Sisters Forever

by Cinnamon Clover

No Time For Tears

Sisters Forever: Chapter 5: No Time For Tears

Story Summary: The prequel to "Temporary Home". Scootaloo and Emerald have not always lived on the streets. This is the story of how they ended up living in that abandoned warehouse.

Chapter Summary: Granddad mysteriously disappears one night so the twins must find a new home and fast.


"SCOOT! COME QUICK!" Emy frantically called out to her still sleeping sister.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Scoot grumbled with a yawn as she walked into the room, "It's bucking four in the morning, Emy!"

It was their granddad's bedroom. But their granddad wasn't in the bed. It was still made as if he never went to bed the night before. He might of gotten up early and made his bed. But he wasn't anywhere in the house. They were sure of that. It was too early for him to leave the house so that wasn't it.

"Where's Granddad?" Scoot asked.

"That's the problem! I don't know!" Emy panicked.

"Emy, calm down. We don't want you to have a panic attack this early in the morning. Have you checked every room and called his cellphone?" the orange pegasus asked.

She was met with a nod.

"He's not here and when I tried to call his phone it said it was no longer available." Emy said, her voice still reaking of panic.

"Well let's just wait and if we don't get any kind of contact from him or see him by Monday morning we can worry." Scoot said calmly.


"Yes, I'll tell him you called." Scootaloo said before hanging up the phone.

It seemed that a storm was scheduled for earlier that day but their granddad failed to show up. After a bit of thought Scoot decided they had to start packing. If he didn't show up before they left for school they wouldn't return.

"Emy... I think we should start packing the essentials... just in case...," Scootaloo started before sighing in defeat at the reality, "he doesn't show come our departure for school."

"NO! He'll be back! I know it!" Emy defied her sister before starting to cry, knowing all too well that it was  ery unlikely, "I go start packing."

She didn't want to have to think like that but she had no choice.

Come Monday morning he was still gone. The twins were ready but they lingered till the last possible minute. In their school bags were their school supplies plus a flashlight. A quilt and both of their capes were carried in Emy's bag while some food and bits lay in Scoot's. Both girls made a point to where their necklaces today. No new stone joined them, thankfully.

"I guess he's not coming back..." Emy spoke softly before a single teardrop formed in her eye.

"No time for tears. We can cry once we find a home." Scoot told her softly before they exited their home for the last time,"We'll be taken away if the grownups find out. We need to stay strong and leave home so they won't."


"Have we tried pillow fighting yet?" Emerald asked the other crusaders.

I've got two ideas for sequels so be on the lookout. And yes, another one of Emy's quirks is that she is prone to panic attacks.