//------------------------------// // THS 2: Hello, my little pony friends... // Story: The Human Side // by White Dragon //------------------------------// The Human Side By: White Dragon ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2: Hello, my little pony friends… (No one’s POV) The ponies all stopped to look at the being on the throne. He was tall with white hair and looked at them with an evil smirk and madness dancing in his yellow eyes. The ponies knew that this creature was related to Discord, the features were too similar to not be. As the creature started walking towards them Luna unleashed bolt after bolt of magic fueled by her anger. The creature simply held up his hand as the bolts bounced off a shield and destroyed the castle walls around them. But that did not stop it. It continued walking towards them as Celestia joined in on the fight, with her sister as she yelled to the others to run. And run they did. Twilight and the others ran as fast as they could heading towards the exit, it had seemed that one of the bolts of magic had destroyed the blocked door and made a hole large enough for the girls to run out of towards the guards that were on stand by. The guards saw the Elements run out, but not the rulers as they started to get ready to head into the castle. Before the guards could charge in a large explosion rocked the ground as half the castle crumbled into the pit below it. The explosion lit up the night sky and the trees around them. Before anyone move, an object crashed into the ground before the door to castle, making a large crater into the ground that threw up a large amount of dirt and dust. After the dust had settled the guard gave a gasp and a few medical ponies ran towards the Ruler of the Night limping towards them. Luna’s armor was mangled and many pieces were either broken off or melting. Fluttershy left the girls to go help the doctors with Luna. As the rest of them wondered where Celestia was and how she was faring. (Back inside the Castle of the Two Sisters) (No one’s POV) Celestia stared shocked at where her sister was a moment before, she turned back to the creature who was floating in the air crosslegged, staring at her. “Where is my SISTER!” Celestia yelled at the creature with a snarl at the end. The creature gave her a stare and snapped his fingers, floating back down to the ground and stood up. Celestia could not deny it any longer, that this creature is either Discord or an avatar of Discord, she guessed the latter, due to the changed features, and almost no talking from him which was a trait that Discord didn’t ever use. “Your sister is fine, you however will not be,” the creature said while sighing at her, that made Celestia more angry at the creature who was not taking her seriously. She charged a fireball at the tip of her horn that quickly grew to a size much larger than herself. The fireball lit up the area and killed most of the plants in the surrounding area. She was making a miniature sun. She compressed it enough to a point where it was the size of a golf ball and fired it at the creature. The ball moved at superfast speeds, too fast for the naked eye, but not for chaos. In one swift movement the creature raised his hand and caught the ball between his fingers, just before the miniature sun hit his chest. Celestia could only stare and question the outcome of this battle. It was not looking up for her. The creature looked at her while smooshing the the ball making pop like a balloon. *Blink* The creature was in front of her. *Blink* She was flying towards the remaining castle wall, a shooting pain in her ribs. As she hit the wall a large unstable portion of the top of the wall came crashing down on her. She teleported back to the center of the room charging up her magic on the tip of her horn and fired several strings of lightning at him. All of them hit its back and slammed him through the wall and he fell down into the pit below. Celestia took the moment she had earned to breathe and calm her nerves. The silent castle doing wonders for her nerves. She had gotten a hit on it, all she had to do was keep using her wits and she may not lose this fight. The creature had only attacked once, but it moved faster than the eye could follow. She looked up to see the creature stepping on the edge of the floor next to the chasm, slowly stepping over the rubble from when it went through the wall and when she slammed into it. The creature continued to step forward, stopping around 26 feet from her. Celestia charged her magic ready for the creature to start attacking again. She was surprised to see the creature give her a menacing smirk, as he started laughing. It was a deep laugh that echoed pain and misery. It was cold, hollow and surprisingly not as evil as she would have thought. "My, this is such fun!" The creature said with evident glee in his voice. The baritone in its voice made it seem male. "Oh how rude of me I have not introduced myself, I am... ah... hmmm," he started while a strange and confused look came over his features. "I can't seem to remember my name, all I do remember is you, your sister and a few other hazy things. I have learned most things from the stone, these walls remember much joy and sadness that I can feel the memories in them, but all I can remember is chaos, so that shall be my name." "Hello my name is Chaos. What is yours?" "Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of Equestria, Sovereign of The Sun. The woman you attacked was my sister Princess Luna, the other Co-Ruler of Equestria, Sovereign of The Moon."  Celestia lowered her guard as she stared at the male who who had a look of awe on his face. The male sat back and stretched his legs out. "So basically I attacked the leaders of a nation. So I bet the guards outside are yours?" Chaos asked Celestia. She nodded and sat cross legged on the cold stone floor, her armor scratching the floor. Celestia gave him an odd look. "Why have you stopped attacking me? Do you surrender?" Celestia asked with hope in her voice. Chaos raised his hand and tilted it from side to side. "Well, I know you now and that means I don't really want to hurt you. Now since you asked a question I get too. Why attack me outright? It was quite rude you know." Chaos asked her with a raised eyebrow. "There are a few reasons for us outright attacking you, one of those being that you look very similar to an enemy that was a huge threat to our county that we thought we had beaten. Then a huge beam of chaotic magic shot up from the old castle and we find you here. Then with the whole memories thing and the throne. We kind of had a just reason to attack you." Celestia said while slowly tracing a set of runes into the stone floor with her magic. Chaos eyed her oddly as he glanced behind her. Celestia looked back to see her sister with a portion of the royal guards and Shining Armor. Her sister didn’t look her best, as many bandages covered her, but she still held herself high. Celestia stood up and was about to go to her sister when, Luna ordered the guards to attack Chaos, while she led the attack. Celestia ran and hugged her sister while she looked at Chaos. He raised his hand and snapped her fingers. Celestia gasped and looked around to try to see what he did. Luna tapped her shoulder and pointed behind them. The guards had stopped not because they wanted to, but because they were turned into statues. Chaos had turned them to stone. An Avatar of Discord had turned ponies to stone. Celestia got a flashback of earlier that day... “Being turned to stone is really quite a bore you know Celestia. Oh wait you wouldn’t know because I don’t turn ponies to STONE.” Discord said with a twinge of anger in his voice while he lounged in the stained glass… “You turned ponies to stone…” Luna said while she looked at him in shock. Celestia and Luna then realized an important fact, this creature was no Discord, he had the same magic, but he was much, much, more dangerous. “So? They threatened me I have a right to defend myself so, I turned them to stone. But if you don’t attack me, then I have no reason to harm you. That is a simple fact.” Luna and Celestia looked at him in horror for a few moments before they heard a scream of terror. They looked back to see Twilight with Rainbow Dash running towards the petrified Shining Armor. While Twilight stays at Shining's side while Rainbow Dash charged at Chaos before being held back by Luna's magic. "What the hay! Princess let me pound this thing into pulp!" Rainbow yells at Luna, Luna gave her a stern glare, "Rainbow, those where some of our top guards, even you don't hold a candle to them, and it beat them in a second. You wouldn't last any longer," Luna continued to glare at Rainbow before she backed down and Rainbow walked back and sat next to Luna. Celestia gave a sigh of relief as she sat down and called her student over to her. "Now that we have calmed down, let's discuss this and make a deal," Celestia said before being interrupted by Twilight, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAKE A DEAL? IT IS A MONSTER AND IT TURNED SHINING TO STONE! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?” Twilight yelled at her teacher, all was silent for a moment as Celestia’s face was showing shock, before gaining a gaining a glare that could freeze fire. Celestia’s tone was ice cold, none of the warmness like that of a mother was there, only the tone of a leader of a nation, “Twilight,” was all Celestia needed to say before Twilight realized what she had said, her coat looked paler as she walked back to Celestia, and sat behind her teacher. Celestia turned her head to look at Chaos again, only to see his head tilted to the side, looking at them in curiosity. He raised his hand as Luna, Celestia and Rainbow tensed while Twilight was still unresponsive. As he snapped his fingers they heard a crack as Shining’s statue broke as he was freed. He slumped down unconscious. Following him the other guard statues broke as they were let out as well, but also unconscious. Celestia gave a raised eyebrow towards Chaos as he sighed. “Take it as a token of goodwill,” he said while he summoning and drinking a glass chocolate milk. “I just don’t want them listening in on our conversation.” “But will that you have lost your bargaining chip,” Luna commented as she was confused. Celestia was less confused, as she came to a realization. “You don’t want to fight, do you?” She said as Chaos gave a smirk and a nod, Rainbow jumped to her feet as she laughed, “HA! I knew it! He just relies on magic, I bet he is not even that strong!” Celestia and Luna both gave her blank looks as Chaos laughed. "Care to test this theory?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. Rainbow was about to run at Chaos before she was held back again by Luna as he magic made her sit back down. Twilight was looking at her brother as she came out of her comatose state and turned her head to glare at Chaos. Chaos lost the smirk on his face as it became a full smile his one long tooth sticking out. "Now let's talk about this deal, shall we?"