The tour of Trixie's magical magic train!

by Sir lightning blade

Trixie's project! How to make kitchens!

Today's cast list:

the main cast: Trixie, ghost pepper, & miss.direction
Secondary cast members:CMC, Diamond tiara and silver spoon, Mr. and Mrs. cake.

inside Trixie's closet:

” Lady Lulamoon! Get up and start work on building that kitchen, it's seven in the morning! And we need to hurry we only have three days before the construction shows up! Don't make me figure out how that weird transformation thing walking again.” Reply slamming on the front of the secret black wardrobe, as the door open revealing Trixie in a black core set with boots that went all the way up to her waist, and her wearing black and purple distraction guesting was some type of pearl necklace, although it was more or less tied using like the beads as little notches. With a swift glow of Trixie's horn the outfit disappeared off of her body and appeared onto a hanger also extremely clean demonstrating the use of cleaning magic(a form of magic that is rarely rarely use actually, outside of medical locations, as magic is usually designed to sterilize equipment, and make a room completely void of bacteria)

” And mom said three years of med school was a waste of time.” Laughing slightly maniacally, then Trixie use glowing horn vibrated again and she changed into a different outfit, this time she had a pair of orange goggles covering her vibrant and beautiful purple eyes, a pair of work pants overalls, and a Fanny pack toolbelt with a series of unusual tools.

outside on the fairgrounds

The girls were investing in eating leftovers, from the catering party which Trixie sticking with her peanut butter sandwiches, as she was taking apart some carts, namely flatten them out to be series of boards and stuff. After having breakfast pepper and distraction were off to get actual groceries for the future, while there teacher and sensei could essentially live off of peanut butter crackers, they did not have the ability to run on that little fuel, or lack of variety of taste, which once a while Trixie did argue that she did spice up a collection types of butter, there was pumpkin peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, cinnamon peanut butter, lemon butter, cocoa butter, coconut butter, strawberry butter, blueberry butter, black cherry butter okay we get enough there's a lot of butter! (If Derby was around she would probably say she has as much fascination with butter as the doctor.)

several hours later:

Trixie was still hard at work, she finished casting be more permanent enchantments on the kitchen equipment, that she cooked up, it was a lot harder than most people would suspect on casting permanent enchantments, but despite Trixie being a school dropout, she proved that she was actually probably if it wasn't for the fact that school cost money she would've probably graduated with only tie on valedictorian with probably Princess twilight sparkle, then again she probably might not considering she didn't have the ridiculous class roster of Princess twilight sparkle, Trixie pretty much swears that twilight probably cast revival spell on herself at least once, which technically doesn't work the way most people think but, considering that Trixie was the only one of the few who actually took gym class that might make sense, physical magic was actually probably the one trait that she was far superior than Twilight, probably not as good as some other well-known physical melee magic fighters, but okay. Finishing up on the former vending machine into a actual working refrigerator, preaching the refrigerator units, when she heard the voices of three young little fillies enough to knock her into the actual refrigerator, thankfully Trixie was skilled enough to actually know how to escape from this trap considering she actually practiced this, although normally this was with a crate chest, sometimes covered in steel but not already freezing her, as she popped out of the box.

Both the CMC and diamond tiara and silver spoon gave a rousing applause, granted the CMC were the ones were actually close enough to cause the incident in the first place ” Thank you for the applause. But as you can see I am currently working on a kitchen! So if you're going to actually stay here you're going to help, raise your hoof if you actually know anything about engineering? ” both Scoot and Apple bloom raise their right hoof, and were promptly given jobs Apple bloom was in charge of actually building the floor, cart given only hammers and nails, as Scoot was instructed to build the walls with out actually attaching them to each other, even strict guidelines of the buildings measurements, building a training cart was much different than building a house, especially out of a old roller coaster cart collection, it was mostly made out of steel so taking it apart and reconfiguring it was a bit different than the usual, as Trixie did give them a bolts driver. And she turned over to sweetie Bell a small series of questions, mostly about spell dynamics that really went over everyone knowledge and sweetie Bell if she was being graded was going to get a solid B, she wasn't as good as any of the gifted unicorns students but considering that school has actually had a roster of driving ponies, either emotional breakdowns or panic attacks, to the point where they have blown up their own homes over certain tests, it's nothing really to better appreciate, although Trixie was slightly alarmed how well she knew how to use the blowtorch techniques, which was pretty good for cuttings solid steel.

2 hours later:

They were finished with the first kitchen where Trixie had managed to trick even the rich spoiled brat ponies, to actually do physical labor, also surprisingly demonstrating how strong diamond here and silver spoon are as each one of them can actually lift a steel plate into position, Trixie was naturally skilled enough to levitate the entire kitchen set onto the floor of the actual cart! Three earth fillies were actually strong enough to push each of the steel walls into position, which sweetie Bell welded together, then came the wall that was actually going to have a door built in this was slightly less cumbersome and difficult to build, as they actually now figured out the arrangement of the kitchen, first off building wall with the door separated and everything, then attaching it, as Trixie had to explain the difference between building a house and building a training cart is, you're building the house and in your building the furniture sure to place into it when you have a training cart it's in reverse your building the furniture first and then you're building the car around it, some of the minor furniture being allowed to not have that problem, things like the kitchen is actually a cumbersome. Girls notice though something strange.

Sweetie”Miss Trixie? Where your bathrooms?” Which Trixie replied with a slight blush slight awkward laughter, and answered with a slightly different expression!

”Well toilets we seem to always seem to find either close by the to where we park, to use public restrooms, or we use the concept of camping. As for bathing that is private chambers no one goes in there, without talking to me.” giving a slight look. Silver spoon promptly replied with a gesture to one of the portal potties, and began to have a slight leading conversation with her friends.

Silver spoon”Diamond, do you think your dad would notice if one of the portal potties disappeared?” Looking suggestively at one of the portable toilets.
Diamond was acting like her usual self”Well of course not, after time my dad gives them to the commoners, not to mention also he rarely has them clean. If I wasn't teleporting into one of them last night I would probably never even bother going into one, I rather have my bladder explode.”

As the CMC were about to make some interesting comments, Trixie actually commented” To be honest I've never been a big fan of urination, but to each their own, although I would not recommend regular explosions, the on the fact that recovery time is doubly strenuous is painful the first three times, not to mention all the casting spells, preparations set up you really got a plan the whole evening out, a type of explosion being careful what type of method of explosion, testing certain spells on your organs so that when they do not splatter all over the place, is just a work in half and I have I only do it once a year.” Not realizing she gave out way too much information.

meanwhile at the cake sweetshop:

Ms. Cake” That comes out to 120 bits, I haven't seen someone have this much of a sweet tooth since pinky pie.” Commented on the best supplies of sugary confections, a batch of pumpkin cheesecake, the side of peanut butter crazy madness cookies, covered in powder sugar, with a series of sprinkled cinnamon sticks. On the side was also three milkshakes, one was ghost of frozen death(basically Windigo Pepper ice cream, mixed with hot sauce and chili peppers, and milk, basically it's a milkshake of a 24 alarm chili) the second was a basic strawberry, and the third was a pumpkin peanut butter, cheesy crackers milkshake.

Pepper replied ” Well she deserves a trade after all the hard work she's put in!” picking up all the objects giving direction to actually pay the bill, which divulged into bringing out two paper notes and a couple actual bits. With Mrs. Cake putting money into the into the cash register. Two carry their stuff out to small cart it was a small pulling wagon, much like the average carrying wagon, in was a small series of supplies, usual grocery list(carrots, daffodils, 10 jars of peanut butter, 10 boxes of crackers(with vast variety of flavors, to keep certain pony living off of one particular flavor)) etc. etc.) Placing on top of the usual roster. Pepper was smiling she was going to finally be able to cook to her heart's content, her second favorite thing next to pulling tricks and pranks was the delicious fumes of what was in the kitchen, especially the hot and spicy stuff! But knows maybe she'll be able to make her famous 12th° strawberry putting, and this time not have to worry about her boss actually jumping into it, as a terrifying stunt.

several awkward conversations later:

As the young little fillies, were trying to grasp everything that were explained, Apple bloom was even having trouble and she already had the big talk with big Mac, which was a very in depth and educational moments, but it also being slightly awkward especially big Mac was stuttering over the subject of if you're bleeding down there don't panic, only stallions need to panic if there bleeding their, and then big Mac was blushing. As pepper and destruction showed up, and the two instantly had a panic attack!

” How bad did you corrupt these children ?” replied panicking already wondering what in the name of Princess Celestia did these kids hear and learn.

” I do not corrupt their young little minds, and thinks to them we even have a bathroom! Trixie pointing out the remains of the old kitchen. Which slightly depressed distraction a little bit more because she was hoping she was going to get her own bedroom, but bodily needs come first, that said she was still extremely worried what type of information was given to these kids.

Diamond walked over to ghost Pepper and began to ask a simple question, that brought doom upon Trixie! “So how much do you know about sexual terms since they seem to use a lot of silverware?”

three hours of nonstop yelling: also the children have left, around hour one hour two came out with some more color words in question

” Trixie you really need to learn, not every conversation that comes from rich kids involves sex and drugs” even though it was most commonly noted in unicorn Hi society that, sometimes that white powder was not sugar, and smoking was a really bad habit in Canterlot.

” Now what exactly did you put into those young girls heads” distraction asked with her face buried in her hooves, also they took away almost all the sugary sweets from Trixie that they were originally going to give her for a job well done, she had to settle with her milkshake only, and a new special padlock was placed on refrigerator, provided by the orange Pegasus Mother, it was supposed to be anti-magic, which means it was going to be put to the test tonight.

” Well after I slipped into a comment about bursting, they start asking questions about what do I mean by preparations and all the spells, so I started explaining the magics, first off I explained medical magic, really confused them because they always heard that magic can never heal injuries. Were they not explain was how certain spells work, medical magic is not the same thing as people would normally suspected, it can accelerate the healing process but you can't really like slap your hooves and all of a sudden it's all over with, and I explained in further detail that. Giving out some minor horror stories about my time at medical school, which led into that story about the spoon, which somehow grafted into the story about explaining else there's this thing called spooning and then got into a stranger tangent. But there were multiple times I tried to string the conversation, back to the learning magic. telling the complete absolute truth, apparently the CMC were already pretty well corrupted before getting in contact with Trixie, although who knows how much corruption was spring up on the two bullies known as diamond here and silver spoon, either way all the fillies require therapy, sadly only two of them are rich enough to actually afford it.

time for transitional download!

” Time to talk about the new cars and where they're at , first off our dining car/cooking car, now currently behind the main living area, which has bounced the stage back a little bit further, for good reason there are two methods of entering into the kitchen area, the transitional walkway between two carts, as well as the outside door that leads to on the left side. as she flies inside the cart to show off the kitchen utensils, as well as a dining bar, behind it is a small refrigerator. And revealing that the bar table can flip into a kitchen stove, still technically the eating locations are more or less in the living room, but they actually now can cook and if they wish they could actually eat at the bar, which also has a kitchen sink on the corner next to the dishwasher, which is naturally next to the icebox. As well as another pantry of magical proportions. [ it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside]

Distraction shows them flying through the basic stage, into a brand-new smaller cart, there a series of new vending machines, but replacing the coin slots with actually different types of other slots, one thing vending machine is designed purely to mix up and create new fireworks, just drop in the container and then press the buttons determining the colors of gunpowder, the mixture itself is done automatically. Other vending machines are designed with different setups and calibrations with the exception of one, but vending machine looks at completely normal with the exception of not having a coin slot for bits, and it's filled with nothing but peanuts Butter crackers. And then behind that is still there caboose, containing mismatch supplies.

Then Trixie reveals the newly converted old kitchen into a bathroom, which has a toilet two sinks 3 cups to contain toothbrushes. And a very very very simple shower system, basically go get a cloud and you have a shower. Still nowhere near as the fantastic chamber of horrors mega bathtub.

now bedtime/Trixie's relaxation

Trixie pulled out the map and stated where they were going to be doing their next shows ” I think it's good enough for me to return back to Canterlot, everybody should be well enough to recover from having their magic stolen and with the recent crisis it wouldn't surprise me if the Griffin start sending diplomats, after all we don't have a card to get into the Griffin kingdom just yet.”

“So this has nothing to do with your colleagues.”

” Of course, although we would not be heading there to a little bit later, we need to get a couple supplies, to be exact a costume of Lord Tirek.” And she began to explained in further detail that both Pegasus looking curious.

After the details, Trixie was off to her special room, heading straight to the black wardrobe, she opened it and start walking in standing on two Hooves. She walked in the enchantment kicked in! Not only was it vastly bigger than anything else, with several other little door like they were strangely shaped dresser drawers, also great powerful Trixie changed shape, now she was more like a pony Minotaur? With four gigantic E cups TITs first set were where they are supposed to be, right in between her legs, bouncing off of her knees and the second set was moved up to her chest, with the ability to bury her face! She created after studying the species known as Minotaur's, particularly the females, she noted that she had one less of the problems that the female Minotaur's have, not only where they known to carry 4 tits but have one large milk container in between their legs as well.

Naturally the great and powerful Trixie had practiced walking this way, she opened up a chamber to reveal a multi-stitch version of Princess twilight, in the similar format that Trixie is this point! Although this version of twilight sparkle was much different, there was a long stitch across the face, two heads were being used to make one perfectly shaped size skull, with the horn clearly not being died, the color purple but the left side deftly showed signs, the eyes were also terribly miss-match the left Eye was twilight's color, Eye was right red, and eyes were crafted from gemstone, then coming down to the torso, a group of zippers worth catching the Tits were about DD. Meanwhile the lower ones were a bit more stuffed, and also surround the zippers. the wings which look like they were recently added probably no more than a few months most likely right after the coronation, left was a bright pink, Right was a slightly pale yellow. The arms and legs were recently died jobs, and stitched on pretty well! The arms like they were from some type of a stuff Dragon Doll that used to be naturally green? Legs deftly look like they were from a Commander Hurricane. The mane and tail were a combination of different ponies real hair, with some strands that were definitely died match twilights colors from Trixie's actual hairs, a couple that were also grays.

The stuff doll appeared to be happy, to See Trixie! Quickly walked over pretty good imitation of twilights real voice said” Have you come to punish Me?” With a smile like she lived for the beating up!

” Not exactly. How would you like to be a part of the state show next time, granted you being in a costume.”

Doll” Is it dangerous, too dangerous for a real pony?” With her stitches that formed her mouth getting tighter!

”Yes we will not be holding back, and I thought it would be best to ask you.”

This puzzled the doll but the idea of Trixie openly displaying their love, was a lot more intriguing, plus from the statement that means there'll be more than just lady Trixie, probably two Pegasus, that have come to her room once in a while, wearing strange outfits and having trouble walking around, one was very noisy and loud and complaining, the other one had constant giggles.

“Oh I almost forgot, also you'll be looking around like it was back on the farm.”

Doll gave a simple nod and smiled, she jumped and used her wings a little bit, but she wasn't exactly used to flight, and her wing power was very weak. As she was given a loving Hug, with extra extra love, if she was a normal pony she would be dying suffocation, and strangling and possibly a broken neck, the only thing the doll was regretting was not having a neck to actually break, as she was being smothered in Trixie large bosom.
