Sombra visits Skyrim

by Blackdrag-rose

22: College of Winterhold

"So Dragonborn, did Paarthurna give you your weapon?"

That was the question that Master Arngeir asked the moment that Raika returned to the courtyard of High Hrothgar. It had taken her a good hour to climb down the mountain, giving her time to think about what the ancient dragon had told her and plan her next move. Paarthurnax had mentioned a College, which she knew could only mean the College of Winterhold. This information meant that she needed to hire yet another carriage when she got to Iverstead, an activity that she was quickly becoming annoyed with.

"He did not," Raika replied, receiving relieved looks from the Greybeards, "but he gave me another clue that would help me discover where the ancient nords may have buried it."

"If Paarthurnax did not tell you where Dragonrend was buried," Master Arngeir said, crossing his arms as he stared at her, "then it most likely means that the Shout was lost to history. I would not waste my time chasing a ghost story."

"I will find the Shout that defeated Alduin," Raika growled, moving towards the monastery doors to begin her journey down the rest of the mountain, "and when I do I will make sure that the world is saved from his wrath. Until then I will search every nook and shadow until I discover the information that I am looking for."

Sombra, not wishing to overstay their welcome with the Greybeards, immediately followed after Raika before the rest of their friends followed after them. It caught him by surprise that their time had been wasted by the Blades, but even if they gained nothing immediately they knew exactly where they were going next. Once they were heading down the mountain Luna decided to ask Raika exactly what the next step in their plan was.

"We ride for the College of Winterhold," Raika replied, barely noticing that Trixie's eyes lit up a bit, "Paarthurnax told me that there might be a clue somewhere in the College that would lead us to the one item that will aid us in our quest. Let's just hope the mages are more than willing to let me in without taking their blasted tests."


"What do you mean you won't let me in without taking your tests?" Raika asked the elf that was standing guard of the bridge that lead to the College, "I'm the Talos-damned Dragonborn and the College has some information that can help me discover how to defeat Alduin the World-Eater before he destroys everything."

"We do not allow just anyone into the College," the female elf replied, tsking as Raika fumed in front of her, "Now, either you take the test that all must take and pass to gain entrance or leave and come back when you decide to actually take my little test."

Raika groaned and returned to the group, all of whom had waited at the base of the bridge while she had been dealing with the elven gatekeeper. Luna had been silently reading a book while leaning on one of the supports of the bridge, ignoring the entire conversation as she waited for Raika to simply take the test. Celestia and Sombra, on the other hand, had shared pieces of magical information while she had been busy, no doubt that Sombra was trying to explain the usage of Dark Magic to someone who rarely used it. Trixie, on the third hand, was simply leaning against the other support of the bridge, but where Luna was reading Trixie just held her staff in her arms.

"I don't have time for this," Raika complained, stopping near the group as she fumed, "We need to get across the bridge and I am not wasting time to fool around with this elf."

"Oh just take the blasted test already," Luna moaned, rubbing her ears, "We'll spend all of one minute for the test and then you gain unlimited access to the College, in case another threat arises that you need information about."

"One Trixie and company requesting entrance to the College of Winterhold," Trixie said, standing before the elf with her staff tapping the ground, "May we pass Faralda?"

"Ah, Apprentice Trixie, I see you've acquired some new friends," the elf, Faralda, replied, stepping to the side before turning to Raika, "You should have just told me that someone from the College was inviting you into the grounds, it would have saved you time. Oh, before I forget, Tolfdir asked me to be on the lookout for you. He said that three other apprentices have turned up and he's planning an expedition into a nearby ruin, though he wanted me to pass an invitation on to you if you arrived before he left."

"Really?" Trixie said, as if she was actually thinking about it, "Well then, I'll have to see Tolfdir before he and the other apprentices leave for the ruins. Its good to see you again Faralda."

Raika had expected Trixie to continue speaking to the elf, as it seemed like they were close friends, but after learning about the expedition Trixie began to walk across the bridge. The elf stayed exactly where she was, but she motioned with her hands for them to join Trixie before she forced them to take the test regardless.

"What in Oblivion just happened?" Raika asked, following Trixie across the stone bridge as the others came up behind them, "How did you get that elf to let you pass like that?"

"Did you forget what I told you in my story?" Trixie replied, shaking her head ever so slightly, "I spent two weeks learning from the mages at the College, which means that I had already taken Faralda's test and passed with flying colors. You could have just asked me to get you all into the College without causing a scene, but at least Faralda isn't one to spread rumors."

"She's got you there Raika," Luna commented, keeping up with the two of them with her sister and Sombra in tow, "Young Trixie told you everything she's done in Skyrim upon her arrival and I do believe that she was hoping that you would remember what she had said. However, she has given you the entrance to the College that you have sought and I do hope that we find whatever clue the Greybeards' master was talking about."

Raika really hoped that whoever the librarian of the College was, as that was the only place they could discover whatever clue was left behind, had some information for her to work upon. The Blades had been a bust, as all they told her was that she required a Shout, which she had absolutely no idea at the time, to defeat the World-Eater. The Greybeards had, reluctantly, allowed her to meet with their master, who Raika was promised held the information about the Shout she needed, but when she returned without it they seemed almost happy. Raika was getting nowhere fast and it was seriously starting to annoy her.


"Ah, Trixie, so good to see you again. What can I do for you on this fine day?"

Trixie had led the group into the courtyard of the College, into the main building that served as a training area, the home of the Archmage, and the library for all the mages, before heading up a flight of stairs that brought them to the Arcanaeum. There were dozens of bookshelves, each likely filled with at least a hundred books, scattered across the large chamber. There were several tables and chairs that rested around the shelves, no doubt to give a student the necessary workspace if they just wanted to read in the chamber. At the back of the room sat an orc, who was simply minding his own business by reading one of the books he had, but when they got there he was up on his feet in an instant.

"Urag, I've brought those books that were stolen from the caravan," Trixie said, pulling out three books before placing them on the table, "The bandits that raided the caravan have also been dealt with, so you won't have to worry about losing another shipment from any of the other Holds."

"Ha ha ha ha," the orc, Urag, laughed, slapping his knee before patting Trixie on the shoulder, "I appreciate the help in recovering these tomes, as they'll go a long way in helping the other apprentices learn what they need to become proper mages. Here, I've got this one weapon that I know you'll want to take as a reward. Just let me find it real quick."

Raika could not believe that the orc was simply ignoring the rest of them, but when she looked back at her friends she found that neither Luna or Celestia really cared about it. Sombra moved to one of the tables and took a seat, letting out a sigh as he waited for Trixie and the orc to conclude their business before Raika could get a word in. Urag, having bent below the desk and moved around the items to find what he was searching for, eventually stood back up before remembering that he had locked it in the container behind the desk. Not a few moments later he was standing before Trixie with the weapon in hand.

"Here it is," Urag said, unwrapping the weapon to reveal a shining longsword, "One of the caravans that passed through Winterhold a few months ago came baring a stockpile of non-magical and magical weapons, a few dozen staffs, plenty of soul gems that would have lasted the College for days on end, and plenty of alchemy ingredients to last a few months. We looked through the gentleman's wares and purchased quite a bit of his stock, but then I noticed this beauty sitting in a crate all by itself and I persuaded the Archmage to purchase it. I could tell that there was something about it that made me want to hold onto it, but whatever it is I have yet to figure it out.

Maybe if you brought it on your adventures you could figure out what powers or enchantments the sword possesses and document it for the future mages to look back on."

"I'd...I'd be honored to carry such a blade Urag," Trixie said in shock, taking hold of the sword with her left hand and gently pulled it free of its sheath, "Its not as heavy as I expected it to be."

"I said the same thing when I discovered this sword," Urag continued, turning serious after hooking the sheath to Trixie's belt, "Now, you would not come all this way to return some stolen books and tell me that the roads have been cleared for the time being, which I appreciate regardless. Tell me, what is it that you seek in the Arcanaeum?"

"The Dragonborn requires some information that will aid her in defeating Alduin the World-Eater," Trixie replied, keeping a straight face as she sheathed her new weapon, "She was told that there might be a clue as to the whereabouts of the weapon that aided the Ancient Nords in defeating Alduin, so she has come to look for it."

"I'm looking for an Elder Scroll," Raika cut in, no waiting for the orc to speak to her himself, "I was told that one of the founders of the College might leave a clue as to the whereabouts of the Scroll that was used to do battle with Alduin here. Can you help me locate the Scroll?"

"I might have some information on where it could be," Urag shrugged, casting a look around at the various shelves, "but it will take some time and energy to search through every bookshelf to find all the relevant books that speak of the Elder Scrolls. It could take us a few hours to search through all these books, so I suggest that you find something to do while I do so. Oh, Trixie, I heard that Tolfdir was wondering if you'd be joining him in his expedition and maybe provide some extra help in case the Draugr wake up. He should still be in the main training area with the other apprentices, no doubt finishing up his lesson."

"Will do Urag," Trixie said, grabbing Raika's shoulder and pulling her towards the doorway, "Feel up for another nordic ruin Raika?"

"Why would I want to raid another ruin?" Raika asked, not sure what Trixie was doing, "I have to find out where the ancient nords hid the Elder Scroll that they used to defeat Alduin..."

"And you will," Celestia replied, standing behind the two of them, "Look, the three of us will remain here with Urag and help him sort through all the books that he has, so you two can help the apprentices with their expedition. And remember Raika, where the Nords built a ruin means that they left another Word of Power for you to learn. I don't see how you'd want to pass up this opportunity."

Raika sighed, knowing that Trixie and Celestia had pushed her into a corner without there being any way for her to escape without coming up with a lame excuse. She wasn't sure that adding another Word to her ever growing list was going to help her defeat Alduin, but it might give her a fighting chance against a lesser dragon. She was completely trapped and they knew it was well.

"Fine," Raika finally said, turning to face Celestia, "but when we get back I expect someone to have some news on where the ancient nords hid that Elder Scroll. It doesn't matter who finds out about it, I just want someone to discover something that can be of more use to me than the clues that I have already been given."

Celestia nodded to Trixie and watched the pair of them wander down the staircase they had climbed up to enter the Arcanaeum, silently wishing the two of them luck in the expedition. She turned around and approached one of the many bookcases, prepared to sort through as many books as she needed to find something that would lead them to the Elder Scroll.


"Ah, Trixie, it is good to see you again," an older man said, just as the pair approached him and the other apprentices, "and I see that you have brought someone new to the College. Welcome, I am Tolfdir, Master of Alteration Magic. What brings you to the College of Winterhold?"

"I seek information on the ancient nords that did battle with Alduin," Raika replied, crossing her arms, "Your bookkeeper Urag told me that I should do something until he discovers something of interest and told me that you may need assistance in your expedition."

"Ah yes, the expedition to Saarthal," Tolfdir chuckled, turning to the apprentices, "Allow me to introduce Onmund, Brelyna Maryon, and J'zargo, three apprentices that have joined the ranks of the College. Apprentices, this is Trixie and her friend...oh I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name."

"Its Raika Snow-Heart," Raika replied, not even bothering to hide her last name since Delphine had basically given it to the Thalmor, "and, in case you failed to grasp the meaning of what I just said, I'm looking for the weapon that the ancient nords used to defeat Alduin the World-Eater."

"Fascinating, simply fascinating," Tolfdir replied, "Now then, seeing how we have gained two new companions, I suggest that we leave immediately for Saarthal, before someone else decides to stop us. I shall not point fingers, but I am sure that you all know exactly who I am speaking of at the moment."

Tolfdir and the three apprentices wasted no time in gathering their packs, no doubt full of scraps of paper, books, and the occasional quill and ink pot, before making for the doorway. Trixie, not bothering to look back, began to follow after them with Raika following behind her, though it was clear that Raika believed this to be a waste of time. Trixie had no idea why Raika disliked the idea of using magic, but she seemed to be fine when she was around most of the mages they had met so far.

"So, Snow-Heart eh?" Trixie asked, feeling the cool breeze of Winterhold on her skin, "Such a strange last name for someone to have."

"Its the name my parents left me with," Raika told her, "It means that while Elsweyr might be the home of all Khajiits, Skyrim is my home because I was born here. The nords are more my brothers and sisters than my fellow khajiits are and I work hard to ensure that people know that I am not like the rest of my kind."

Trixie nodded and they fell into silence as they followed the group of College mages out of the College, down into the small town of Winterhold, and up a steep hill. Once at the top they made their way down the mountain side, following a nearly forgotten road that eventually lead them to the entrance to the ruins that Tolfdir wanted to explore. Along the way Raika had the pleasure of cutting down yet another frost troll, one that had simply wandered too close to the group for her to be comfortable with. Without really telling anyone anything Tolfdir led them into the ruins, down one of the dusty halls, before coming to an open chamber and giving out assignments to them all.

Raika did not like being told that they needed to help some moronic professor with his research, but seeing how she was supposed to be guarding everyone she gave up trying to hate them all. So she followed Trixie to a mage named Arniel Gane, who was supposed to be the one who studied everything about magic and had no single class he focused on. All the man told them was to search for enchanted artifacts, but all Trixie could find was three rings, each with a health enchantment, and a strange necklace attached to a wall. The moment that Trixie pulled the necklace off the wall the opening was sealed with spikes, but she put the necklace on, noticed an aura hanging around the statue she took the necklace from, and smashed it with a well placed fireball.

"Well, that's one way to piss off the Draugr that call this ruin home," Raika commented, following Trixie and Tolfdir deeper into the ruins while Arniel mourned the loss of the statue, "just blast down a secret door. Why in Oblivion didn't I think of that ages ago?"

Trixie, on the other hand, noticed some specter waiting for them in the room they came to, but the strange clothed mage spoke so fast that she didn't understand a single word of what he said. Once he faded away the coffins around the room opened up, revealing three draugr that looked incredibly pissed off for someone who was supposed to be dead. Once they were dealt with they entered another tunnel and came to yet another open area, only this one was much larger than the one they had just left and there were at least four times as many coffins lining the walls.

Coffins that opened to reveal a ready host of draugr that was prepared to kill them all.

"Too many draugr for one lifetime," Raika shouted, her swords cutting through two of her attackers, "Once Alduin is destroyed I'll be glad to never visit one of these places for the rest of my days."

"Oh come on, the draugr aren't that bad," Trixie commented, bashing one draugr in the head with her staff before fireballing another in the chest and lighting it on fire, "Sure, some of them are hard to kill, but the Ancient Nords went through all this trouble to keep their secrets locked away from the world and you have to admire their resolve to do this to themselves."

"Ho ho ho, good shot Trixie," Tolfdir cheered, whacking a draugr in the chest with one of his weaker fire spells, "The Ancient Nords buried many of their dead in places such as this, so it makes perfect sense that many of them would rise up to stop us once more. Besides, it seems that the two of you can handle yourselves pretty well, so I think I'll spend some time studying this room while you move on."

"As you wish Master Tolfdir," Trixie said, pulling some levers that unlocked the next area for them, "Come Raika, we have some undead to clear out before we figure out what's down here."

As it turned out they had to fight their way through another host of draugr, giving Raika plenty of excuses to hack the rotting corpses to pieces while Trixie blasted them with her flames. They reached a room full of spinning statues, but Raika immediately noticed the answer was on the walls behind each of the statues and they were well on their way. The third host of the undead they came into contact with seemed more eager to kill them, but the two of them were more than prepared to begin their assault on them once more. By the time they reached a second puzzle room they were both beginning to feel the effects of their constant fighting, but Trixie remained up to the task as she figured out the rotating statue puzzle with ease.

Their luck came to an end when they arrived in a large open chamber with a Draugr Overlord, one surrounded by a green shroud of magic, waiting for them.

Trixie, not wasting any time, called upon her magic and threw a bolt of lightning right at the draugr's chest, but instead of it being crippled it just shrugged off the attack and got back up. Raika, glad that she had found an enchanted bow, decided to burn the blasted thing down, but the moment an arrow struck the draugr the enchantment died instantly. Raika, not as adept to the qualities of magic as Trixie was, was pretty sure that whatever protected the draugr was connected to the large pulsing orb in the back of the room. She also noticed the barrier around the orb and wondered what would happen if she decided to strike out at the barrier.

Before she could move towards the barrier the Draugr Overlord appeared behind her, fully prepared to strike her down, but right as it drew its weapon up something hit it from behind.

"Do not touch the Dragonborn you foul monster," Trixie commanded, drawing the weapon Urag gave her and hoping it would do something, "come and face the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

The draugr seemed to chuckle as it advanced on Trixie, slamming its weapon down on her and finding that it was one of the many magical clones that she summoned when fighting someone. Seeing how she was already drained from the previous fighting she could only summon up three images of herself, but they were much more fragile and the slightest hint of damage seemed to shatter them if she could believe what happened to one of them. The second image, commanded to fight with magic, gave Trixie the understanding that magic could not harm the beast, not when it was cancelled out and her image slain. The third image didn't fare much better, as the draugr thrust it's hand into its chest and tore out the false heart that rested within, causing her image to crumple.

Trixie, hoping that the sword would do something when she used it, approached the draugr and swung at its chest, though by the lack of a cut on the draugr it seemed like it was even immune to normal attacks. Before the draugr took a step forward a giant gash appeared on its chest, cutting right through both the protective barrier around it and its actual body. Trixie had no idea what had happened, but she knew that her new weapon had someone cut through the barrier and she was eager to use that information to her advantage. Before the draugr could get up Trixie swung at its head, feeling the sword sever the magical barrier and cause the head to roll to the bottom level of the chamber.

Before Trixie moved down to the orb she grabbed a necklace that happened to be around the draugr's neck and stashed it away as Tolfdir finally arrived. The orb held his attention immediately, so he told the two of them that they were free to head back to the College and that he'd get in touch with Trixie when he needed her again. The two tired women made their way out the backdoor of the chamber, finding the promised Word of Power Celestia had mentioned, before moving through another door and finding themselves at the start of the ruins again.

Eventually the two of them made their way back to the College of Winterhold, made their way to the room where most of the lessons took place, and entered the Arcanaeum. Once there they found that their friends had gone through quite the number of books before finding something that could aid her.

"So, how did the expedition go?" Urag asked, helping the two of them into some seats while realizing that Trixie was still holding onto the sword.

"Oh, the usual," Raika said, "Fighting off a bunch of the undead and earning a Word of Power at the end. Did you guys find anything on your end?"

"Well, we found out that there is a professor that specializes in the Elder Scrolls," Celestia replied, "but he disappeared to the northern ice fields some time ago and no one knows if he's still alive. That's the only clue we could find."

Raika moaned; they had done so much to get this far and the Elder Scroll was just slipping further and further away from her grasp each time she thought she was getting closer. They had one last clue to follow up on, but she was beginning to think that the information she was looking for was lost to the ages forever. That would also mean that Alduin won, something she was not cool with unless she ended up dying to save Tamriel. She needed to find the Scroll and the only one who knew where it was was somewhere north of Winterhold.

Raika only prayed to Talos that the person they were looking for was still alive and could help them in their quest.