//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 In The Dark Sewers // Story: Frost and the secret of the Rune ponys // by Blue Robin //------------------------------// Chapter 4 In The Dark Sewers “That trick won’t work this time little thief” said the guard with a gold and silver helmet as the unicorns ready there magic to take down the colt. "Ready your horns guards take aim." As the guards ready the colt in front of them had dispread in a instead to the guards look shock and confess was on there face. The guards whisper to each other as there captain took a minute to take in with what happen in front of them be for one of the guards broke the silents. "Sir what is your next order" one of the guards said. The captain look around the market pony's all around were shock and confess around. He gave a quick rub on the neck and gave the commode to the other guards "Listen up guards first lets get this citizens clam down first and then I will give each of you a area to invested gate try to get the citizens to talk to you and get any info on the thief. Lighting Thunder and his team will give you help with scouting out any actives in the area if you can't find me report to him is that understood." All the guards gave a quick stand to attached "yes sir!" the guards were off to calm and get info on the thief. The captain gave a sign and saw that his team was hard at work with getting the info for the thief and calming the place down as he turned the princess was making her way to him he gave a quick breath and bowed in respect for her. "Your highness I am sorry we did not caught the thief I feel this is my fault and am to blame for" said the captain. The princess place her hoof on his back and gave a calm smile to the Stallion "This is not your fault you had no control over this and you shouldn't take blame for what you have done. Please tell me what happen captain." The Stallion gave a sign and deep glup and start to tell what happen the pain and the encounter with the thief and his tricks and how he was glowing and diesping. The princess gave a nod to each thing the Stallion said and took a mintein to pause and refead on the sceen . before she can speack one of the grauds came back with a old looking pony . The gruad and the old pony gave a bow to the princess. "Your highness and sir this citizen said he has some info on the thief." said the gruad. The three look to the old pony a old and tan blue color earth pony with a top hat and round glasses "Yes well at the time I was sitting down on a bench and when I was about to look at a yellow bird pass by I saw a young pony and some glowing thing on top of a tent. Don't know what type it was but as the seller saw the glowing thing gave a yep and hoof it hard to poor little thing. After that the young pony fell to the ground and that seem to caught the eye of others too beside me. What was the next thing yes that right as the seller was about to steep on it the young pony throw some blue orb from its hoof. Thought the seller was done for but it seem that the pony was ok at the time the young pony seem to be glow pink and then that little pony kick the seller hard in to the next tent lucky it was a pillow stand. after that the street became painc so I took shelter in a shop and that all I know. Still never seen a yong pony have that engery must eat his greens." The old pony gave a quick chuncke. With that the old pony was off and left the pricness and the two gruad with her the caption face the other gruad and gave a good pat on his back and the other gruad left to return to the seach leving the pricness and the caption. the pricenss colosed her eyes and took pause and spoke to the caption. "You may return to your dutys captaion I must return to the castle grounds for a meeting and thank you for your work" The caption gave a simle as the princess made his day "thank you your highness me and my team will do are best and we will find him soon." The caption left to find his pony brothers and as the princess made her way to her cart she thought about the young thief and from all see know was it some new pony race or something that could put her pony's at risk from a new evil but all she could do is wait for now and hope one day that she will meet the thief. little did the princess know the small colt was under her own hoofs as the thief was in the dark sewer of the city, The sewer were as most pony would think of it a long tunnel of pipes routes leading to different parts of the city to take its waste away. Not many pony's come down here as the smell to the place is unbearably the small of rotten food and other waste can be smell in the air. The pipes were shown to have green slime and other types on it the pipes drip of water on to the ground and the river was a dark brown color. The only pony's that do come down here were the once that check if the sewer is working fine but they own come out at night time to do there job. Frost was asleep on a small walk path of the sewer from his last stunted from above the sewer the young colt toss left to right as it seem he was having a bad dream. The young colt jumped and sat up with sweat on his face he was breathing hard and confess from his dream. "What was in that dream how long have I been down here for?" the young colt looked around and saw that no pony was around. "Now I'm just talking to myself now great. but still what was that dream about." The young colt thought back to what the dream was and took pause on it. "There was a ball like thing that was red and a voice what did it say. That right it said that the first steep is the hardst for all journey's. Don't know what that means but right now I need to get back home who knows what time it is." As the young colt got up his stomach roared for food and the colt could feel he need to eat he was getting tire and a bad headac fast the colt open his bags to get the orgena out of it. It was damaged a little but it was good to eat the colt ate the whole thing in a few seconds and as he finsh his fruit he check up on Pixl to see how she was the slime ball she was in was a tad smaller and his friend was looking a little better the colt gave a sign on relive and close he's bags. "I'm sorry my friend that this happened to you." said Frost as the colt look up he could see that getting thought the tunnel will not be to hard as long as he keep moveing. Frost made his way thought the tunnel with little to no problem the smell of the place doesn't seem to bug him he has been down here before many times hard at first and easy latter on. The most Frost would see is rats and a few bugs. As the young colt made his way thought he came a cross three paths that lead in to different parts of the city one that leads left, one that went down the middle and one on the right side. The colt gave a quick rub on his head thick what to do should he go this way or the other way. The colt pulled out a map and look to see where he was. "OK lets see where am I." The colt took some time to see and found that he was in the lower part of the city leading to the outer gate of the city. "Ok the left one will lead me back to market distnecs but that would be a bad idea place most be a prison with all those guards. I have no idea with the middle tunnel its not on the map I should get a more up to date one later. The right is my best bet it will lead me about a 2 hour walk to the safe house ok gust its a plan." The colt put his map away and was off but a paper was on the left tunnel wall it had a message for the clean up team and others workers of the city. "To all workers stay out of the right tunnel sight as a group of stick rats have been found it you come in context with them use a posing tone from your pack or ask a coworker side effects are show to be lea do death if to much posing is taking in. The tunnel will be safe after the clean up team comes back from Ponyvile sewer thank you." "looks like I'm not going down that way today that's just great best take the left one back in to the frying pan." As Frost made his way to the left side he pause for a moment and look down the dark middle that had no light and for some odd reason it was calling for him as he need to come this way look to the other tunnel it was light. At that time voice could be heard the young colt took note and now had no choice but to take the middle tunnel. "Best not to risk getting seen down here I guess I'm taking the middle one now" Frost made his way to the middle but saw that it had no walk ways and the only way in was thought the water. "Time to get wet hopefully for the last time to." Frost jump in to the brown water and slow walk thought the tunnel he could feel it warm and other waste flow by his hoofs as he walked in his body gave a light blue color again. "This is going to take me weeks to get this smell off of me I should of took the other route but can't go back now half way out of this water mess I thick." Frost mumble to himself as he did the colt felt that some thing was behind him. The colt got the Goosebumps but turned around and there was noting there just darkness and the little light he made. The colt gave a sign of relief that it was just him and Pixl in his bag. "This place really mess with your head it could be the dark or the smell going to my head. It did feel like someone was behind me why was that wonder if the guards put some type of tracking spell on me. No I thick I'm just over thick it." As the colt talk to himself he was able to see a light from the tunnel it must be a way out for him. Frost ran to the light as he got there he stop and notes that the water was flowing down. Frost stop and saw that he was in the boiler room of the sewer. The room had many tunnel that water was falling from each one poring down in to what look like a giant pot and a roaring fire was under it. "At lets I know were all the drink water comes from I'm just going to stick to river and wells now. Doesn't seem to be a way ahead might as well just head back to the other tunnels now. All that work for noting back in to the water." As Frost was about to jump in to the water a shacking and rumble sound was heard and soon a wall of stone and rock had foam in front of Frost now it was to late to turn back. "It looks like I'm not going back this way. I really thick someone is watching me and laughing right now. There got to be a way out of here it not like I been in a pinch before." The colt look around and with a embarrassed look notes there was no one around. "I need to stop talking to myself it make me look like a idiot. Right there got to be a way out some where."