//------------------------------// // Cancer // Story: Pleasuring Techniques and Other Weird-Ass Stories // by Regidar //------------------------------// "Well, it's official," Doctor Stable said, sighing as he looked up from his chart. "You've got cancer." Twilight stared at him, chewing on her lip. "H-How bad is it? I mean, I could've run the tests myself, but I... I didn't want to contaminate the results with bias, and everything... I figured I'd get the opinion of somepony like you." "Well, the tumor has matasticized," Doctor Stable said with a heavy sigh. "And it's gone past any known stage I've seen. I'd hazard to call this stage five or six, even though that's not really how cancer works." He set the clipboard down, rubbing his temple wearily. "The... state of the tumor... how it's gained sentience and the ability to talk... that's just insane." "Is there anything that can be done?" Twilight whispered, her eyes brimming with tears. "We can start high level x-ray bombardment," Stable said, his horn lighting up as he swiveled a huge, futuristic beam gun that sparkled with x-rays so intense that they were visible to the pony eye. Twilight nodded somberly, a single tear running down her cheek. "Please do." She paused, and looked up at him. "W-Will it... will it hurt?" "Oh yes," Doctor Stable said. "Yes, it will." Twilight sighed softly. "I'm willing to take that risk." "You know," Spike said, annoyance creeping into his voice. "I'm right here; the only thing more insulting than this past conversation is not even addressing me directly." "Do it," Twilight whispered. Doctor Stable sighed, trained the x-ray beam on Spike, and fired.