//------------------------------// // Tears of an Angel // Story: Unseeing Eyes // by SUBJECTXVI //------------------------------// "See ya later Pinkie! I'll be back in a few hours!" Rainbowdash yelled diving out of my window on her way to her "Totally Bombastic Training Obstacle Course of Epic Fiery Doom" 'I guess that roughly two and a half weeks of inactivity can taken it's toll on even Rainbowdash.' I thought with a sigh as I "watched" my cyan friend go through her ridiculous self imposed suicide course. Even from the distance she was at I still couldn't help but feel my heart soar while watching her. There was just something wonderfully other worldly about hearing Rainbowdash flying through the sky. Turning away from the wondrous sight just outside my window I pushed the lever that controlled my wheelchair (Something that Twilight had hooked up for me, so I wouldn't have to always rely on Rainbowdash to push me everywhere. Not that it mattered Rainbow hardly ever left my side, with this being the first time I was really alone since I woke up in the hospital.) and made my way over to the dimensional window that had once been a glass box. Frowning down at the paradox I started with first and foremost obvious test... Poke it with a stick! "Hmm... Well whatever this is affects whatever goes in it..." I said to myself quickly pulling the stick away from the opening of the box as my "Testing Stick of Destiny" started to become pixilated. tap, tap, tap "Hrm?" I asked turning to my window quickly swiping off my "Evil Genius Glasses" and lab coat and throwing them in a corner where they vanished into a pile of miscellaneous things. as I neared my window I realized that it was Derpy probably on another mail run. "Hiya Derpy!" I shouted opening my window. "Hi Pinkie! Here's you letter!" Derpy replied handing over my parcel before haphazardly fling away. "Oh! This must be my reply from PIE!" I said happily feeling the distinctive markings hidden in the design of the letter. Moving to my desk, I opened my message and pushed it flat against the hard wood with a grin. 'They probably finished the new prototype!' I thought excitedly. A little while after waking up the day after "Fire Tail" I convinced Rainbowdash send a letter to PIE for me (Though she took a bit of prodding because she didn't think I really had connections to one of the foremost suppliers of pranking/partying gear.) warning the eggheads about their less then perfect prototypes. Though I did advise them to keep the schematics (Celestia's guards on the wasteland boarder could always use the extra fire power in the case of a sand worm attack. Those suckers could get massive.) for military production on a later date. Excitedly running my hoof over the page I felt my grin fall as I felt a sickening cold pit forming in my stomach. "Oh no." Point of View Switched! 30 Minutes Later "Ugh... Dear Tartarus why'd I make this course so hard?" Rainbowdash moaned to herself dodging another volley of flaming arrows while corkscrewing through a ring of fire. Taking a deep breath Rainbowdash prepared to fight her way through the next portion of her gauntlet. But that idea came to a screeching halt as she felt her blood freeze in their veins... "Pinkie Pie!" Rainbowdash gasped feeling a horrible chill force it's way through her body. She didn't know what was happening. All she knew was that Pinkie Pie was in grave danger. Forcing her frozen body to move. Rainbowdash flew towards Pinkie Pies Window at Sonic Rainboom speeds. Not slowing down for the thin pane of glass Rainbowdash crashed through the window shattering it with ease. Peering into the dark room Rainbowdash felt her heart force itself into her throat. "No... NO! NO! NO!" she yelled in sorrow and shock. There swing in the middle of the room hanging from a rope around her neck was Pinkie Pie. "NO!" Rainbowdash shouted jumping into the air and quickly cutting the rope with a strengthened wing. Pinkie Pie hit the ground with a thud and laid there motionless. Collapsing next to Pinkie Rainbowdash pushed her ear against her friends barrel and listened for any sign of life. Not hearing anything Rainbowdash let out a sob before pushing her hooves down on Pinkie Pies chest and started doing CPR. After a few tries Rainbowdash pressed her ear down against Pinkie's Barrel and listened... Still nothing. "Come on Pinkie! Don't leave me!" Cried Rainbowdash feeling tears freely flow down the sides of her muzzle. Concentrating her Pegasus magic Rainbowdash generated two small storm clouds which she used to try and resuscitate her Friend. Three times she tried before once again listening for Pinkie Pie's heart beat. "No, no, no please Pinkie Pie! Please come back!" Pleaded Rainbowdash once again hearing nothing. "Please! DON'T GIVE UP! PLEASE PINKIE FIGHT!" Rainbowdash roared before using her mini-storm clouds to shock Pinkie Pie once again. 'One more time!' Rainbowdash thought with determination. She wouldn't lose her. She couldn't lose her. She just couldn't.