The Green Eyed Gryphon

by misskoifishpony


Diego was happily prancing along the main street of Ponyville during the next morning. The dirt and grass streets were fresh with dew, and the air was chilly and crisp. The leaves were all on the ground, and the land was preparing for winter. It was 8:30am, and ponies were exiting their homes for work, errands, and rendez-vouses with friends. As the ponies were approaching the main street, they noticed the skipping werepony with his eyes closed. It shocked the ponies, and made them gasp a little, however it took them a moment recognize him. He was the mysterious hairy pony that always visited Carsouel Boutique every day. When he first came to town, the ponyville citizens were terrified of the beast. Believing he was a menace from the Everfree forest ready to attack their small as Diego's visits progressed, the ponies observed how their town and it's citizens were undamaged at the beginning and end of his visits. So they understood that he was no threat to them. A strange-looking character...but harmless nonetheless.

Each time Diego visited Ponyville, he never paid attention to the stares or screams or gasps he recieved...his mind was in a blissful paradise with Rarity. His heart still beats like crazy whenever he walks up to her house in the morning. He couldn't wait to give her these white dried roses he cut from the Count's castle garden. Diego just picked them this morning. Diego just couldn't believe how much his life has changed ever since that magical Nightmare Night. One day his routine was occupied his bone collection he buried in the front yard, and now...his heart was filled with tender and sweet love.

Rarity...just one look into her wide light blue eyes and he knew...that they would always be together...he would always be with her. He loved caring for her. He loved spoiling her. He loved holding her. He loved seeing her. He loved listening to her. He loved getting to her, for that's where the true magic lied. It was like each day he was discovering a new layer..a new side to her. There is depth and dimensional to this mare. Her heart and nature portrayed a pony that would always fasnicate others. Thinking about Rarity made the big wolf like pony sigh deeply to himself. Diego took a quick peek at the bouqet in his jaws, and notice how beautifully cream white they were. Their color remind him of Luna's Moon and Rarity's pearly coat. Now that Diego thought about it...Rarity's coat glowed like the white moon. His little moon. It has a nice ring to just might call her that for now on.

Before he knew it, Diego was at the front entrance of the boutique. He straightened his posture, groomed the top of his head, and placed the bouquet in his front hoof before opening the door. "Oh my little moon! Where are you?" Said Diego in a sing-song voice.

Diego's arrival was answered with silence. This silence deeply disturb Diego. He looked around the large front room of the boutique and didn't find Rarity anywhere. He also couldn't smell her anywhere. There were trances of her scent on the clothes and in the house, but not a strong lingering scent to indicate that she was here. Diego's heart soon began to race. This didn't make any sense! Then his ears perked towards the stairs, and heard soft sobbing. He galloped upstairs and followed the sobbing he knew it...he saw Sweetie Belle and Spike...and two other adult ponies...crying by Rarity's scarred bedroom door. Diego's world stop as he stared at all the gigantic claw marks on Rarity's door.

It took a couple of minutes for Sweetie Belle to notice Diego in front of the door. She softly said to him while wiping tears from her eyes "Diego."

This made Spike and Rarity's parents to look past their tears to see the werepony. Diego turned his head slightly towards Sweetie with distraught eyes. Then he turned his attention towards Spike and the two other adult ponies. They all looked at each other with fear, grief, worry,and confusion. Everyone was trying so hard to comprehend on what happened to Rarity that they couldn't say a word. Diego focused his gaze back at the door and slowly pushed it gasped at the wreckage inside his beloved's room.

Her bed was collasped and crushed by the same claws that wrecked her door. Her blankets were torn into thousand of pieces everywhere. The feathers inside the pillows were scattered as well. And poor Opal was shivering in a tight ball in her cat bed in the far corner of the room. Diego immediately went over to the white cat and sat on the floor next to her. He lowered his head to her eye level so that she could see him. When Opal sensed a new body of heat next to her, she jumped in fear. However once she saw Diego's warm red eyes and his large fuzzy muzzle, her fear disappeared and purred at the sight of him. Diego offered his front paw towards her head and she gladly nuzzled into it. He smiled at her tender affection.

It's strange. He never thought he would ever like cats. He had nothing against cats. It's just that cats weren't always so friendly towards the canine species, which was understandable because it was based on instinct. And instinct isn't a personal thought, just means of survival. When he first visited the boutique, Opal completely ignored him. He did give his friendly hello to her in order to please Rarity, but Opal ignored him regardless. Opal was smart enough to know that Diego wouldn't harm Rarity or her. As Diego's visits progressed and as he continued to ignore her, one day she randomly cuddled and purred by his leg. And she liked him ever since. Diego was confused by this while Rarity found the whole incidence strangely adorable. Diego didn't know whether Opal liked him just because he wasn't paying attention to her. Or maybe it was because he had an animal like presence and animals naturally feel comfortable with other animals no matter what species. Either way, Diego slowly started to enjoy Opal's company over time as well.

Diego saw in the corner of his eye a giant hole on the other side of the room. He picked himself off the floor and went towards the hole to investigate. Opal quickly followed Diego and stayed by the front paw she caressed earlier. Diego saw that the hole was on the right wall of the bedroom, and the hole took the place of where a window would looked over the edge of the hole and saw all of Ponyville in its bright and beautiful morning glow. Diego closed his eyes tightly, trying to hold back the hot and painful tears coming from his breaking heart. Opal nuzzled against his leg, trying to soothe her new furry friend of his sorrow. Diego couldn't hold it in any longer...he screamed into the sky with tears in his tears streaming down his cheeks "RARITY!" His emotional scream then turned into a wolf like howl that had a sad and somber tone.

When Discord opened his eyes, he was greeted by a too bright ray of sun shine. He had put his lion paw over his eyes in order to adjust to the light. He slowly propped himself up and noticed that he was laying in a giant field of pink and yellow wild daises. Discord thought to himself where am I? And why am I in a field of flowers? Before he could stand back up on his feet, something tugged Discord by the end of his short zebra mane. This mighty tug forced Discord to lay back down on his back. Discord was irrupted by this painful pull, however he was disturbed by what he saw next.

"F-Fluttershy?!" Said Discord with his eyes almost popping out of his head. Fluttershy was smiling at was staring into his eyes sweetly with her giant sea green eyes.

She giggled before answering "You naughty draconquees, and just when you were about to take your nap. Oh well, I guess I have to soothe you back to sleep."

It was in that moment that Discord discovered that his head was laying on something soft and warm. His eyes swiftly went side to side and saw that...his head was in her lap! Before Discord could quickly get out of her embrace, Fluttershy's slowly stroked Discord's long white beard with her front hooves. She also hummed Hush Now, Quiet Now to him. The combination of her soft touch and her sweet voice instantly relaxed Discord and made him sigh in utter bliss. Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at the blissful expression on her friends face. She gently brought her face closer to Discord's face which made some of her thick pink hair fell over her ears and onto Discord's cheeks. Discord's smile grew as Fluttershy's face came closer to him. He took in a deep breath in of her hair's scent. She smells like chocolate roses and water lilies Discord mentally sighed to himself.

Fluttershy whispered to Discord while still slowly stroking his beard "Your beard is so soft Discord. It's like cashmere."

Discord responded proudly "Why thank you my dear. Everything about me may be unruly, but not my magnificent beard. It holds my charm don't you know."

Fluttershy chuckled at Discord's wit before whispering into his ear "Oh yes, I do know Discord."

Fluttershy's statement made Discord nervously blush which made Fluttershy bring her muzzle in to touch Discord's snout. Discord began to sweat and stiffen at not only how close Fluttershy was to him, but also her strange new boldness.

Discord heistantly muttered "Um Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy interrupted Discord with "Oh dear, you don't seem to be sleepy yet. Hmmm. Oh I know!"

She lifted her nose off of Discord's muzzle...placed her front hooves on the sides of Discord's face...fluttered her eyes half closed...she brings her lips towards Discord's lips. He panicked at the sight of Fluttershy's soft lips..coming towards...his lips! Not the cheek this time! But why is she doing this?! What has come over this mare?! And..why am I not moving away from this and not trying to stop her?! Discord closed his eyes, not knowing what would come next.

Just as Fluttershy was centimeters away from Discord's lips, a massive hand grabbed the shy pegasus away. Discord rapidly opened his eyes and turned around to find his dear Fluttershy screaming in Tirek's grip. The cenataur was at his giant and powerful size again, and Tirek was grinning evilly at his ex parther in his crime. He let out a deep chuckle in his chest before raising Fluttershy high in the air. Discord snarled at Tirek before sprinting into action. Discord uses his magic to make his body glow of dark purple aura, and this aura made Discord grow into a giant like Tirek. Discord knew that throwing magical attacks at Tirek would only hurt Fluttershy in the process. So he decided to wrap around Tirek like a jungle boa, especially around the waist and neck, force him to release Fluttershy. It took alot of strength and will on Discord's part to restrain the muscle bound freak, but after a few minutes of struggle and lost of breath, Tirek finally released the tension in his hand. Fluttershy flew quietly back to the ground, while Discord released his snake coil around Tirek. Tirek took in some deep and panting breaths before collasping back to the forest floor.

However, once Tirek's body touched the ground, the centaur turned into ashes and flew into the wind. Discord didn't notice for he was more worried about Fluttershy and to see if that despicable brute hurt her in any way.

He shrinked back to his normal size, and put his claw on her small shoulder "Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Are you alright dear?"

She didn't answer...she slowly turned to face Discord with her head hung low and revealed herself to be..."Louise?" Discord asked as he slowly removed his paw from her shoulder. She was the golden pony harp that Discord created awhile back. When he was pretending to be sick in front of Twilight.

"W-What are you doing here? But more importantly, what have you done with Fluttershy?" Asked Discord.

Louise slowly lifted her face towards the creature talking to her, she opened her eyes to reveal her golden Irises. Her eyes were filled with golden tears...streaming gently down her lovely Fluttershy-like face...


Discord jolted out of his sleeping branch in his thinking tree. The draconquees straight on his face, which caused the rest of his body to slowly collapse upon the ground like dominos.

"Oh shoot! Discord! Are-are you alright?!"

Discord groaned while rubbing the new bump on his head and his eyes. The pain wasn't coming from anything physical, but from his pride. Discord couldn't believe how easily he submitted to the will and law of gravity. Especially in front of some pony! He titled his head backwards, while his body still laying on the ground, and saw his friend Stellar Eclipse standing over him. What made it worse was the worrisome expression on his friend's face.

Discord sighed while getting up "I'm fine, I'm fine. I swear, you ponies are too paranoid for your own good."

The two friends started walking towards Discord's towering patterned castle. Discord stretched his arms, legs,back and tail like he was Gumby.

Stellar pointed out "Are you sure you're alright? I mean, you've got some major bags under your eyes."

Discord paused and then magically summoned a small golden hand mirror in his paw. When he brought the mirror closer to his face,he saw that his friend was correct. His beautiful mismatched eyes were distorted by the huge, puffy, dark rings underneath them.

He couldn't bare to look at it anymore, so he immediately poof away his mirror and lied to Stellar "These bags under my eyes are signs of rest and sleep, my dear boy."

Discord has been having these nightmare/dreams ever since Nightmare Night. But the Lord of Chaos couldn't figure out what was causing them. He tried everything. Sleeping Spells, comfy pillows, music beside his bed, hot chocolate milk before bed. When none of those worked, he tried sleeping in his thinking tree. But his nights all ended up the same. A strange paradise with Fluttershy...then Tirek or some kind of monster attacking Fluttershy...and then Louise.

What did all this mean?!

Whoa. Discord never thought he would ask himself that kind of question.

Meanwhile, Stellar Eclipse didn't buy Discord's story. He cocked his invisible eyebrow to Discord. The brown pegasus had been around Discord long enough to know when he was lying, especially with obvious lies. However,despite his friend's prideful façade, Stellar knew that Discord will cave in and confess eventually. Especially with a little persuasion from Fluttershy. That last thought made Stellar Eclipse smirk to himself.

Their path was soon blocked by a small fluffy object, squealing and squeaking with terror and urgency.

Stellar then said "Angel bunny?"

Angel was panting hard and placed his front paws on his knees in front of Stellar and Discord. His snow white fur was soaking with sweat and his beady black eyes were filled with tears.

Soon as he catch his breath, he continued to squeak and squeal sad but desperate sounds as he pointed towards Ponyville. Stellar couldn't understand what Angel was saying, so he looked to Discord for some kind of translation.

Discord's eyes widen and his face turned pale like a ghost. He whispered "Fluttershy?"

Angel sadly nodded his head yes while still keeping his gaze on Discord.

The draconquues harshly grabbed Stellar and Angel into his arms as he magically transported them to the front yard of Fluttershy's cottage.

Stellar and Discord gasped at the sight of the giant hole by the cottage front door...that hole use to be the front window.

Discord kept repeating to himself desperately "No, no, no, no, no, no."

He ran through the giant hole and looked all around to find his precious Fluttershy.

He exclaimed "FLUTTERSHY!"

All he could find was her furniture tossed upside down, her blankets and quilts in rips and tears, and her animals huddled together in the far corners of the living room.

Discord kept looking under each piece of furniture, kept looking in each room, calling out Fluttershy's name, magically transporting from one spot to the next. Angel hung his head low, trying to hide his tears from his animals friend and Stellar Eclipse. Stellar was still and kept looking at Discord with concern and shock. He was also trying to find a way to calm his friend down and figure out where in Equestria could Fluttershy be.