Short Shorts

by Coranth

133. "Oh, no..."

One moment I was sitting in front of my Computer preparing to play The Evil Within; the next moment I was...


Where was I?

Groaning softly, I cracked open grit-filled eyes, coughed, then shakily tried to get to my... to my...



'Wat?' thought I.

I blink-blinked.

Then blink-blinked again.

'Ah... No,' thought I. 'I did not just see what I thought I saw...'

Inhaling, I sl-o-o-o-owly looked down... to see...

'Yep. Them's hooves, all right...'

Attached to long slender legs bearing neatly trimmed fetlocks.

'Oh... kay...' thought I. Inhaling a softened breath, I sl-o-o-o-owly reached a very, very dextrous hoof up to touch my forehead... and then creeping dread was replaced by slowly dawning horror when I felt it protruding from said forehead. I... I had a...


I had a horn protruding from my forehead! I had a horn protruding from my forehead! I... I was... I was a

"Unicorn," I breathed. Then... "Oh. Fuck."

I blink-blinked... then sl-o-o-o-owly returned my attention forward again. 'I did not have that this morning' I stated internally. 'I did not have that this morning. I was a pink-skinned, bipedal human this morning; I distinctly remember that I was not a... not a... a...'

Unicorn Pony.

'But who am I?' I thought. I examined myself, then - finding myself to be a light grey-coated stallion with mane of amber - but upon seeing my cutie mark of a compass rose, my expression wilted. Blueblood. I had awakened as Prince Blueblood.

"Oh, no..." I breathed softly, my eyes misting with tears. "Oh, no..."