
by NFire

Lessons From a Princess. Movie Night.

I continue traveling in the desert wastes. It is very bleak out here under the daylight sun. Sand dunes are prevalent along with minor rocky areas I traverse with very little problem. The temperature according to my scanners is approximately 112 degrees Fahrenheit. Truly it is a place where none should live, but I do see with sensors and GPR more nests of the large Tatzelwurm like creatures. I shall have to ask Princess Luna about them.

I admit the one which grabbed my track was very persistent, though trying to chew through durasteel is a losing proposition. But you have to admire stubbornness. I do see by extending a camera that there are small scratches in the metal, proving it was not all in vain. I have seen indigenous animals on other worlds which secreted acids and could wear their way through regular metals.
Though I do not worry so much about them, it seems as if Old Earth mythology is a fact here, which is confounding some times. Tartarus is a place, Pegasi, Unicorns, many things that mankind has thought or dreamed of is real. I do hope one day I will get to see Cerberus, that I think would be something. Though only as a tourist of course, not a permanent resident.


I would stop for a while to let them stretch their legs or wings, but my hull is extremely hot from the desert sun. I shall have to wait until evening when it cools. This is a barren place, but I do see signs of life everywhere, burrowing creatures, the large worms. Life finds a way was once said. So it does, in many shapes and colors from what I record. I will be glad to turn this information over to scholars when I return, I am sure they would like a survey of this area.

My drones are continually mapping as I travel, digitizing the information as I put it into my tactical database as well as geographical. The air is dry and still, some breezes come from the south bearing a coolness that quickly gives way to the heat as I move along the dunes. It is good to once again move with all my faculties, sensors extended, drones in the air, batteries and turrets primed and ready for action. Though I doubt if any Deng or Melconians are around, it does give me a pleasant feeling.


In the late afternoon the Crusaders awaken, finding things to do quietly as Princess Luna sleeps the day away. They are not what people think, always getting into trouble or causing commotion. As I observe them, they are highly intelligent, industrious and constantly thinking of new ways to use what is in lockers I have not forbidden them to enter. I do think the adults have seriously underestimated these young fillies. I believe it is only their inexperience in life that causes problems, not knowing what the subtleties are when dealing with everyday things, they look at it as purely black and white.

The never ending quest for their cutie marks will be one to watch.

“No ah think the tower goes here,” Apple Bloom pointed a hoof at the blank area.

“Are you sure? Cause I thought it went here." Scootaloo pointed at another place.

“Well I think it looks nice over here." Sweetie Belle added the tower to a completely different spot.



Apple Bloom pointed at the model they were assembling, “Do you remember where the tower goes?"

I activate my avatar, walking over to the assembly area, recalling the drone scans of Canterlot I move the tower to a completely different place than either of the three had wanted.

“Right there."


“It was a good guess from all three of you though."

“Well," Sweetie Belle looked over the assemblage of parts, “Think the Princess will like it?"

I nod my avatar’s head, “I think she will like it quite a bit."

Three pairs of hooves go up with a quiet whisper, “Yaaay!"


Princess Luna awoke with a ruffle of wings and a yawn, stretching her legs out in front of her, feeling cool and refreshed from the air conditioning in the command area. She tilted her head, watching the three busy fillies finish their model of what looked like Canterlot, “That is a fine representation of the city. You are quite the builders.”

The three Crusaders smile brightly, pointing out all the various towers and city items which I am sure she is most familiar with. She endures the exposition patiently, nodding and exclaiming at the architecture.

I add over her link, “They have been waiting quite patiently for you to awaken. So you could see their hoofwork.”

I watch a warm smile come over the Princess’s face, “Well then, it is quite the presentation.

She raises a hoof, “I hereby declare I am pleased with this model, well done Crusaders!”

“YAY!” Three sets of hooves once more go into the air.

“Have you three eaten anything yet? I for one am famished!”

“No Princess..er..Luna, we’ve been waiting for you.” Sweetie Belle’s stomach rumbled loudly as she blushes.

A royal hoof pokes Sweetie in the tummy eliciting a bright giggle, “You are still growing, you shouldn’t wait for me, eat next time silly filly!”

“Yes Luna!” All three Crusaders salute with their fore hooves. This brings a laugh from Princess Luna.


“Yes Your Highness?”

“Something exotic today I think.” She taps her chin with a hoof, “Is there something you might make that would be a bit different?”

I scan my data banks and find something appropriate for a vegetarian race.

“I do Princess, how about a nice spiced curry, it’s very flavorful.”

“Ah! We shall have that then, it sounds truly exotic.” She looks at the three fillies, “How does that sound?”

Apple Bloom grins, “Sounds good to us! We’re just plain hungry!”

The darker mare laughs, “True enough, any more rumblings and surely we shall have an earthquake inside here! Crusader if you please?”

“Hot or mild Princess?”

“Oh spicy please, I do love things a bit hot sometimes. Though I think the Crusaders should have mild, we wouldn’t wish to upset stomachs.” She looks at three mouths about to protest, “I shall let you taste mine, if you do not complain next time you may have some. Is that fair?”

The three nodded happily.

It is a very simple dish, vegetables, the proper spices, rice, a simple yet complex flavoring of things. Thank goodness for nanite processing as it would take far too long to cook normally for four hungry ponies. Serving heaping dishes with the usual requested orange juice and coffee for the Princess, I watch carefully. A hot spiced curry is nothing to tamper with, and I have a neutralizer ready for any reactions.

Princess Luna levitated a large spoonful of rice and curry for each of the three Crusaders, she had already tasted it, finding it wonderfully hot with flavors she had never encountered before. It made her flush slightly, but she loved the taste. She eyed the fillies carefully with a slight smile.

Apple Bloom munched thoughtfully, narrowing her eyes at the taste, “Wow, this sure is good!” She looked at her own bowl full, “This is really...” Her eyes popped open wide as heat rushed through her body, she swallowed the mouthful and blinked. “I..uh...”

Sweetie Belle was finishing her spoon’s worth as Apple Bloom started panting slightly, looking helplessly at her friends, “Oh stop Apple Bloom it’s not that...” Sweetie broke out in a sweat, blinking furiously to clear her eyes.

Scootaloo was laughing as she finished her portion, suddenly grabbing her mouth, “OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!”

I had tried a traditional Thai Curry with of course Thai Chilies, that registered approx 225,000 on the Scoville scale. Looking at the reaction, I am glad I had not made Princess Luna’s serving with Habaneros.

The royal mare watched as the reactions finally hit their taste buds, she knew the dish was scorching hot, but had promised a taste to them. She was not in any way cruel, and ponies had different tastes, but she figured this time might have been a bit much. Her eyes were a bit worried as she saw the Crusaders bounce around the room.

Sweetie Belle was drinking orange juice furiously, gulping it down as she waggled her tongue trying to get it to cool off, “Ohmygoshohmygosh my tongue’sh on fire!” Her curls were a bit damp with sweat as she kept trying to cool herself off.

Scootaloo was silent, grabbing for water or anything to quench the flames in her throat, her face held an expression of slight fear as she figured she’d never be able to talk again.

Apple Bloom was right beside Sweetie, grabbing something to drink and trying her best to cool off, her coat damp as all three kept bouncing around the room, mouths open, “Ohmahgosh this is hot! It’s hot! It’s hot!”

I quickly put the neutralizer into a pitcher of water, telling the Princess over the link to have them drink it down, it will mitigate the effects of the chilies.

The Princess of the Night quickly found herself holding one filly after the other down, telling them firmly to drink from the pitcher she held with her magic. Her strength tested as they kept trying to scrabble out from under her hold to get at more water or juice.

It took a minute or so for the water to work it’s magic, leaving three panting fillies on the floor, their coats damp with sweat from the overheating of their tongues and stomachs.

Princess Luna sat back down on her couch, making sure the three were fine before continuing her own meal. She was smiling warmly at the three very dramatic Crusaders who got to their hooves, returning to their own quite mild dishes.

She chuckled to herself, enjoying the heat from her curry as she asked innocently, “Would you care for another taste?”


All three eyed their own bowls with high suspicion, looking up at my camera lens.

“It is not hot, I promise you.”

I am given a few glares as they dig into their own meals, “I am not to blame, I said it would be hot and you wanted a taste. Princess Luna obliged.”

“Ya didn’t tell us it was gonna leave a trail of fire to our tummies!” Apple Bloom said around a mouthful of food.

“Apple Bloom, you know by now when I say something is, it is.”

“Ah know, but stars Crusader!”

Sweetie Belle’s curls were drooping a bit from the previous exertion, her eyes though held a glimmer of mischievousness, “I bet Diamond Tiara would like to try a taste if we brought it in a lunch.”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide, “Oh that’s bad!” She thought for a second, “Good idea though.”

Apple Bloom finished a spoonful, “Now we don’t need to be doing that. Ah know she’s a pain in the flank but I wouldn’t wish that on anypony!”

I interject, “Apple Bloom is right, you three are better than that.”

Sweetie Belle finished the last of her meal and sat back, twisting her hooves, “It gets kind of frustrating when she picks on us all the time because we don’t have our Cutie Marks.”

Princess Luna chewed a spoonful of curry for a thoughtful moment, “She has her cutie mark does she?”

Three dejected fillies nodded.

“She is young, and already has hers, that means she has nothing to do or try to attain one. Think on this,”She raises a hoof slightly, “You have had wonderful adventures have you not?”

“Oh yes Luna! We have tons of fun trying to get our Marks!” Apple Bloom was speaking through a mouthful of food, before remembering her manners.

Scootaloo nodded, finishing her meal finally, talking in a rush, “We’ve danced and sang and did the Equestrian Games and..well..no more tree sap we hope. Apple Bloom rebuilt the treehouse where we plan things and go out to get ‘em done!”

“And what does she do?”

The three exchanged glances, looking around and tapping their chins as they thought a moment.

Sweetie Belle was the first to answer, “Well...nothing. She hangs around with Silver Spoon hassling us. She does throw parties, but kinda doesn’t invite us sometimes. She kinda just walks around a lot showing her Mark off, or telling folks how rich her dad is.”

Princess Luna nodded, “So on one hoof, you have a filly with her Mark that does nothing but give others a hard time.” She watched the Crusaders nod, “But in your case, you go out into the world and try many different things to achieve yours. Along the way you have fun and laughter correct?”

“You bet!” Apple Bloom was nodding.

“Who is truly the poorer here?”

Scootaloo piped up, “I don’t understand?”

“Who is the poorer? One who concentrates so much of her life around having a Mark and showing it off. Or,” Here she raises her hoof again, pointing at the three, “The ones who go out to make discoveries, having a grand time, laughing and enjoying life to it’s fullest rather than sit and wait for something to come?”

Luna’s head leaned forward slightly, “She is so concerned and enamored of her own Mark and having it, that she has forgotten what it is like to be a filly.” She points a hoof at each of the Crusaders in turn, “You all go out and do things, make friends at every turn, find out new knowledge to learn.”

Now she leaned in further, “What happens when you achieve your dream? Will you stop adventuring? Stop living the life you lead now to concentrate on what your Cutie Mark tells you to do? If you do that, then are you truly any better than this Diamond Tiara?”

The Crusaders exchanged glances once more, Apple Bloom speaking up, “Well..we ain’t quite thought that far, we’ve just been trying things.”

“I am not saying stop trying, I am saying stop worrying so much. Once you get your dreams, sometimes they turn into nightmares.” Her expression softened as she joined them on the floor from her couch, “I tell you not as a Princess, but as a friend. You will have adult things in your life soon enough, but you are the best of companions. Do not let worry over a Cutie Mark get in the way of anything.

“Go out into the world, discover, learn and laugh. It is one of the most important things you can do as a young pony. I cannot emphasize this enough. Have fun! Otherwise, you may find that being obsessed over this may color your view of life from now on.” A hoof taps each nose, bringing a smile, “Do not turn dour or sullen, do not be sad when you fail to get a Mark. Be happy you tried.”

Three wide eyed heads nodded in return.

“As for this Diamond Tiara, she is to be pitied I think. For she has nothing more to do or accomplish and seems consumed by having a Mark; will she be a better pony for it? I believe not.” Princess Luna gets a slight faraway look in her eyes, “I have seen ponies consumed by their own inner demons, the lust for something other than what they had.”
She returns from her distant place, smiling again, “I want to see you three grow up to be wonderful mares having a wealth and treasure of experience and life. You cannot buy such things with money, only by earning them.”

Luna claps her hooves together softly, “But enough of that! Come Princess Pals, help me raise the moon tonight!”

“Really?” Sweetie Belle is on her hooves, bouncing around.

“Ohmygosh we really get to help?” Scootaloo is looking at her with wide eyes.

“Of course, we’ll see if maybe we can do something special, perhaps a meteor or two, or a new star bright and shining in the heavens just for tonight.” She stands up, walking over to the hatchway.

Apple Bloom beats her there, knocking on the metal, “C’mon Crusader, open up! We got ta raise the moon with the Princess!”

I check my outside hull temperature now that it is evening, it has cooled but is still radiating an amount of heat. It should not be damaging to them, but I warn them in case.

“Please be careful of any heat from the day, my hull is a bit warm.”

“We know we know, c’mon! We gotta raise the moon!”

“Yes Princess Apple Bloom, right away.” I see the Earth pony blush at my statement.

Luna lays a hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder, “Be not in such a hurry, we will have plenty of time.”

The little Earth pony looks a bit abashed, “Sorry Princess.”

“No worries. Now let us go outside, breath the fresh air and see what we can do to make tonight special!”

I open the hatchway at her gesture, seeing the three Crusaders tumble over themselves to get outside. Luna follows at a stately pace, taking her time to stretch and recover from a long day in the command area, large as it is I am sure she prefers open spaces.
My scanners and sensors are on high alert, ready to snap to battle reflex in less than a heartbeat as I watch them proceed out along my side.

She lifts the three with her magic, settling them on a wide part of my upper fore turret before she joins them with a flap of her wings. I lower my Hellbores to give them a better view of the evening sky as the sun finishes its tour for the day. The sunset is cozy and warm, coloring the skies with amber and honey before it slips beneath the horizon.

The Princess turns her head to the three Crusaders, “Come stand next to me.”

They scramble to stand in a line, snuggled close to the taller mare.

“Now watch the horizon and concentrate on bringing the moon up, it will be full again tonight. Are you ready?”

All three answer in unison, “Yes Luna!”

“Here we go then! Concentrate now!” Her magic envelopes all of them in a warm glow as the moon peeks over the horizon, bringing with it a shimmering silver that covers the land, bathing it in a blanket of soft color.
As it settles into place to begin the night time, the Princess lets the soft glow fade, looking at the three fillies, “Well done!”


“Did we really do that?” Sweetie Belle is staring at the round circle of light.

“Of course!” Princess Luna takes a regal stance, “I am your Princess, would I tell a falsehood about that?”

“Oh! N..no Princess.. I’m sorry.”

Luna laughs, lifting Sweetie up with her magic and settling her on her withers, “Hold tight Sweetie and watch!”

Sweetie Belle holds on to the tall pony, peeking over her flowing mane.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stand close as the Princess once again lights her horn.

In three places around the circumference of the moon, following in its course, pinpoints of light pop into existence, adding a triangle of light in three corners spaced equidistant.

“One for you Sweetie, one for Apple Bloom, and one for Scootaloo!” She punctuates each one with a star as it lights.

“Oh mah gosh!”

“For tonight, your stars shall shepherd the moon in it’s course.”

Scootaloo lifts her head up, staring into the sky, “Those are ours? Really and truly?”

“Really and truly.”

I record each moment from when they have exited the hatch, seeing the three new stars in the sky if only for tonight. I secure them once again, permanently and faithfully forever.

I stay motionless and silent, as the four ponies sit and discover the wonders of Luna’s sky, painting upon it like a Da Vinci. Myself, I find it still a wonder and fascinating as the time passes for a couple of hours. It is worth it, there are moments when even the most urgent duty can wait.


We are rolling smoothly again, despite any delays I estimate we should be to the local area where the signal is by late morning. I have written off the drones, they are a minor inconvenience if it gets me to the location faster. Out in a far desert such as this they will disappear with time, though I shall keep an eye out for their transponders, I will figure them as a loss. This will allow me more flexibility on the schedule.

As always, it is a pleasant night as it passes, though there are some minor complaints.

Apple Bloom pouts, “Well why couldn’t we ride outside? It’s cool and the wind was nice!”

“Because Apple Bloom, I do not have safety railings or equipment to keep you safe installed out there.”

Scootaloo joins in, “But we’d be okay!”

“With all the trouble you three get in to, you really expect me to believe that?”

Sweetie Belle smiles with her brightest grin, her whole poise one of extreme cuteness, “Awwww, please?”

“That look does not work on me Sweetie Belle, you are not riding outside.” I am lying, I find it extremely adorable. Rarity though, would have an extreme fit if I were to let them do so.

Princess Luna has been covering her mouth the whole time, giggling, “Better listen to Crusader, even though it would be nice.”

“At the speed I am traveling, if I were to stop suddenly, or maneuver quickly, you could fall to your deaths. This I believe, as you would too, to be a bad thing.”

“But it would be fun!” Sweetie Belle is adamant.

“It would also see me on the receiving end of Rarity’s ire were I to endanger you. I do not wish that.”

“I guess so,” Sweetie’s hoof scuffs the floor.

“Since we are in the desert, I have an idea, would you care to see an Old Earth movie?”

All three heads pop up, along with Princess Luna’s.

“You have never shown one of those before Crusader.” Luna is looking on curiously.

“I did not wish to make you wonder about humans and their society as a whole. Some things are better left in the past, but maybe a movie of fantasy would be fine?”

“So it is not something historical?”


“I for one would love to see this movie,” She turns to the Crusaders, “Fillies?”


“I believe we have a consensus Crusader.”

“There is popcorn waiting, I think you will enjoy this.”

I chuckle to myself, presenting them a reproduction of the movie Dune. Strangely enough they are not in any way interested in the humans themselves, but are fascinated by the imagery, the action. Princess Luna however, is quite adept at picking out the nuances of the Atreides-Harkonnen-Empire fight and about the spice trade. She is definitely more than just a regal mare, she is very skilled at politics as shown by her explanations of the plot to the three listening Crusaders. My translation programs do a credible job in real time so they can understand the dialogue.
This was a redone version which is quite a bit longer than the original. Many hours of film were produced and stored far back in history. I am glad to be able to show them something from my past, even though it is high fantasy.

Apple Bloom throws her hooves in the air, “Ah am the Kwisatz Haderach!”

Scootaloo laughs, “Do you even know what that means?”

“Ah don’t care, I am the Kwisatz Haderach!”

Princess Luna points an imperial hoof, “I shall decimate you Paul Atreides! The Empire shall have it’s spice!”

Sweetie Belle is far too cute though she tries, “House Harkonnen will help the Emperor!” She raises a hoof, pointing as she stands alongside Luna.

“The Fremen stand with Atreides!” Scootaloo has a fierce look on her face, “We shall control the spice!”

Princess Luna raises her face to look into my lens, “Where do you stand Crusader, Empire or Rebel!”

“I am but a humble member of the Navigators Guild Emperor.”

“Bah! You have always sided with the winners! Out for nothing but yourselves!”

I laugh to myself as I increase my speed slightly, seeing the four act out scenes from the ongoing drama. Maybe I should not have shown this particular film.

Apple Bloom throws a leg around Scootaloo’s withers, “Come! Ah shall teach you the wei..weird.. The hay was that word?”


“Right! The weirding way!”

“Yes Muad’Dib!” Scootaloo looks quite proud of herself for pronouncing that word.

Sweetie Belle is now on Princess Luna’s shoulders, waving a tiny hoof, “Send in our troops! We shall ambush the ponies of House Atreides!”

“Sardaukar soldiers will help wipe them out to a pony!” Luna is grinning evilly, rubbing her hooves together.

I do not tell them I am recording this. I find it quite funny how everything is translated to pony terms and usages. One day I will enjoy seeing them view themselves from years ago, acting out a movie from the past. Seeing as how they are quite adaptable to new things, I wonder how they would take other movies?

Renaming the planet to Arrakis is quickly vetoed by Princess Luna.

Much cheering and re-enacting of scenes is done the next few hours. I watch in amusement, making sure they have plenty to eat and drink as the three are quite boisterous. Even Princess Luna plays her role quite well as the grasping Emperor.

By pure effort of will the three Crusaders manage to stay up until it is time to lower the moon, bringing the new day. Once again all four are standing on my upper fore turret, huddling together in the chill morning air.

“Your stars have done their job well making sure the moon is safe, but it is time to say farewell Crusaders.”

Before anything is done, I take a still shot to reproduce for them all.

“Concentrate once more and we shall lower the moon, bringing it to rest for another day.” Her magic surrounds all of them, her horn lighting up as the stars fade one by one, letting the moon continue below the horizon, allowing the sun to herald the dawn.

All three Crusaders watch with happy grins as their stars gently go out, hugging the Princess before leading her back inside.

“This has been the best trip ever.” Apple Bloom settles on a cushion. Her eyes droop from the exertion of staying up all night, flopping on her side as she falls asleep in mid yawn.

Scootaloo yawns widely, leaning her chin on her forelegs, “It sure has! Best....ever...” She closes her eyes, sleep taking her quickly.

Princess Luna watches Sweetie Belle keep her eyes open forcefully, giving the dark mare a gleaming smile and warm hug, “I’m gonna remember this forever!” She collapses next to Luna, giving in finally as sleep overtakes her. The larger pony snuggles the little Unicorn close, a soft look in her eyes.

She turns and looks at my camera lens, “You have the watch Crusader?”

“I do Your Highness, sleep well.”

She gives me a nod, resting her head upon a soft cushion, closing her eyes to join the three Crusaders in another world.

I travel with all my abilities extended to their furthest for any dangers as four very special ponies lie asleep inside my war hull. We are deep in the desert now, and I believe I am picking up a transponder from one of my lost drones, this will help me triangulate the mysterious signal. I increase speed once more, ramping it up gently. It will be another sweltering day, but I will make sure my companions are safe and cool, while I search and listen. It should not take long.

I am eager to see what comes of this adventure.