//------------------------------// // The Final Descision // Story: Something is Missing // by Charles Spratt //------------------------------// Scootaloo flew across the desert at top speed, making a beeline straight for the Pool of Desire. She'd had enough of everything being wrong, and simply wanted Rainbow Dash to have her life again. Scootaloo knew that if she fixed everything, she’d go back to being harassed once more because of it, as well as being the butt of many a flightless bird joke, but at this point, she didn’t care. If that’s how things had to be, then so be it. It was worth it to have Rainbow back to normal. She only hoped that Rainbow wouldn’t hate her for what she had done. After she'd been flying for about half an hour, Scootaloo finally reached the cave where the Pool of Desire was. She entered the cave, walked to the pool, and yelled out, “Hello?” Almost immediately after yelling that, she heard the familiar voice say, “Greetings once again, young Pegasus. I didn’t expect your return so quickly.” “Let’s just cut to the chase, voice.” Scootaloo said, who just wanted to get everything fixed as quickly as possible. “Very well. What do you wish to change?” the voice asked. “I want to go back to normal. I want to undo my first deal.” Scootaloo said. “I see. And why do you want that?” the voice asked. “I just can’t take the guilt I’ve been feeling. I’ve made Rainbow Dash’s life an absolute wreck. She suffers from insomnia, inferiority complexes, resentment towards other types of ponies, and just an all-around worse life, and it’s all my fault! I don’t deserve these wings, and Rainbow Dash doesn’t deserve this life! She deserves far better! She deserves her old life, and that’s why I want her to have it back!” Scootaloo yelled. “Hmm… that’s rather noble of you, little pony. Most ponies who get their desires don’t care about the lives they hurt in the process. They just ignore the damage and enjoy the wealth. I am honestly impressed that you aren’t like that, considering what you’ve been through.” “I know what will happen to me if this is undone. However, I think it’s worth it.” Scootaloo replied. “I see. You really want things back to normal, and that is quite commendable.” The voice said. “Heh, thanks” Scootaloo said while blushing a bit. “Unfortunately…” the voice began. The second Scootaloo heard that word, she felt her heart drop into her stomach. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN, UNFORTUNATELY?!” she yelled. “You see, this pool handles desires deep within the heart. And while you desire this very strongly, it is no longer your decision. You’re not the one who dreams of something more, nor are you desiring to get to normal simply for your own sake. This life isn’t one that you can change anymore, at least not alone. The only way it can be changed is if the one you forced to endure your pain also desires your wish.” “But… but…” “Young Pegasus, I understand your concern. However, unless the one you wronged desires what you now have, there is nothing that can be done.” Scootaloo collapsed to the ground, unable to believe what she was hearing. She knew that she had to fix this, but at the same time, how would she ever be able to convince Rainbow Dash to trek through forty miles of empty plains and desert? She could tell Rainbow that it would make Rainbow’s life better all she wanted, but she knew that Rainbow wouldn’t believe her without her memories of being a pegasus. She thought for a moment, then remembered the map she had Spike hold on to. ‘Wait… I’ve been gone a while. Maybe Rainbow is looking for me? Maybe she found the map?’ Scootaloo thought to herself. She knew it was a bit of a stretch, but if Rainbow was heading towards her… “Wait… what if…what if she came here? What if she made the wish?” Scootaloo asked. “That would be acceptable. As long as she truly wanted that, of course.” Came the voice’s reply. “Ok then, voice. I’ll have her here in a moment’s notice!” Scootaloo said as she dashed away from the pool. ‘At least I hope so.’ Scootaloo thought to herself. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scootaloo immediately rushed for the cave’s exit, praying that Rainbow was on her way. She knew that if she didn’t see Rainbow during the flight back to Ponyville, then it would be virtually impossible to fix the damage that she had caused. She was just about to exit the cave, when she suddenly rammed right into something, causing her to get knocked backwards a bit. After she managed to recover from the knockback, Scootaloo looked up to see Rainbow Dash standing right in front of her, staring down at her. "Rainbow!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Scootaloo! There you are! Phew, I'm glad you're ok. After you were gone for so long, I began to get a little bit worried about you, and went out to check on you. Glad to see you're ok." Rainbow said "I'm glad to see you too Rainbow! Listen, I need you to..." Scootaloo began. "No." Rainbow said, cutting Scootaloo off. "No?" Scootaloo asked in bewilderment, clearly not expecting Rainbow to answer that way. "If you honestly think I'm about to do you any favors right now, you've got another thing coming! You've got some questions you need to answer to first!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Huh?" "What's been up with you for the past week? For as long as I've known you, you've always been a very confident filly. However, other this past week, you've been acting really anxious around me, to the point where you ran away from home into this desert, looking for some sort of..." Rainbow stopped for a minute to double check the map she had before continuing. "...Pool of Desire. Why?" Rainbow inquired. Scootaloo paused for a moment, trying to think of the best way to respond. "Am I just... not good enough for ya, Scoots? Did you just think I'm just... inadequate?" Rainbow asked with a hint of hurt in her voice. "W-what? No! That's not true at all! Nopony could ever replace you!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Then what's been going on?" Rainbow asked. "W-well, you see... um..." Scootaloo said hesitantly. It was clear what she had to say, but actually saying it proved difficult for her. "Well what?" "W-well, Rainbow, I... I..." Scootaloo stuttered. "You what? Spit it out, Scoots!" Rainbow said with a growing level of impatience. "Rainbow...I..." Scootaloo said slowly, before suddenly bursting into tears. "Oh Rainbow, I'm so sorry! I'm really, really sorry!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Rainbow jumped backwards a bit in surprise. "Whoa there, squirt. What are you talking about? Why are you apologizing? What happened?" Rainbow asked. "You see, I ended up taking something really important from you, all because of my own selfish desires! I just kept it to myself! It's the reason that you have felt something is missing for so long!" "Wait a minute, how did you know that I've felt that something was missing for a long time?" Rainbow asked. "Look, Rainbow, this is going to sound crazy, but I need you to believe me. Everything that you've ever known, including your memories as a filly, are wrong! Nothing that you know is correct! It's only like that because of me!" Scootaloo explained. "Um, Scoots, are you feeling okay?" Rainbow asked, her head tilted to the side. "No Rainbow, no. I haven't been feeling okay. I've been living with the guilt of what I've done to you for the past week. I'm sick of it, so I tried to fix it, but..." "Kid, can you please start making some sense? What did you do to me?" Rainbow asked. "I... I took your wings!" Scootaloo said before closing her eyes and looking away. After a moment, she reopened one of her eyes to see Rainbow standing there, looking at her with a look of complete disbelief on her face. "...What?" Rainbow said after about a minute of staring. "It's true! You used to be a Pegasus, not an Earth Pony! At least, until I sort of, um... took them by accident." Scootaloo said sheepishly. Rainbow didn't respond right away, opting instead to stare at the young filly. After what felt like an eternity of silence, Rainbow finally spoke. "...Kid, I think you may need to go to the hospital. You're speaking complete and utter nonsense." Rainbow said in a serious tone. "No, I'm being serious! The voice at the pool said that your memories of being a Pegasus were locked away! That's why you don't remember it!" "No, I'm pretty sure that I don't remember it because it never happened." Rainbow calmly answered. "Look, Rainbow, I promise I'm telling you the truth! I can show you if you want!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Umm..." Rainbow said as she considered her answer. "Please, Rainbow Dash, I'm begging you." Scootaloo said as she got down on her stomach and wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow's front left leg, "Please let me show you the truth!" Rainbow stared down at Scootaloo, carefully considering what her response should be. On the one hand, what Scootaloo was saying sounded completely delusional. Then again, Scootaloo also seemed really convinced that it was fact, to the point where she was actually begging Rainbow to allow her to show her the 'truth'. 'She seems really upset over this. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see what she's fussing about.' Rainbow thought to herself. "...Okay, Scootaloo, since you're so desperate to show me this 'truth' of yours, I guess I can let you show me." Rainbow proclaimed. "Really?! Oh thank you Rainbow Dash! Thank you!" Scootaloo exclaimed, getting slightly teary eyed as she said it. "Hey, don't start crying over it. Just show me this truth you keep babbling about." Rainbow said. "Right away! Follow me, Rainbow!" Scootaloo shouted as she ran into the cave with Rainbow in pursuit. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scootaloo rearrived at the pool with Rainbow Dash in tow. Rainbow took a look around, before saying, "So, Scoots, where's this 'truth' supposed to be? All I see is an ordinary pool of water!" "Just wait, Rainbow Dash. Just wait." Scootaloo said before turning toward the pool. Sure enough, after a moment, the familiar voice from the pool spoke once more. "Hello again, young Pegasus." the voice said. The second it talked, Rainbow jumped back a little bit, startled at the voice that had just come out of nowhere. "What the... who said that?" Rainbow asked. "It is not a question of who, little pony, but..." "Hey, don't call me little!" Rainbow exclaimed. "...but of what." the voice finished, before it began speaking to Scootaloo again. "So, I see you've brought the one you've wronged. That was rather quick." "Yeah, well..." Scootaloo began. "There is no need to explain." The voice began, "All I need to know is if your friend here wants everything to go back to normal." Rainbow slowly turned her head toward Scootaloo and asked, "Uh, Scoots? What's going on? Where's that voice coming from? What is it talking about?" Scootaloo opened her mouth to answer, but the voice beat her to it. "You have no need to worry. You are in no danger here." it said to her. "It's not that I'm worried about danger... voice. It's just kinda weird talking to a voice without a body. It's just... weird, ok?" Rainbow said in response. "Funny. Considering everything that has happened today, I'm surprised that you consider anything weird anymore, Rainbow Dash. " the voice replied. "Hey, that's not..." Rainbow began, before pausing for a moment, "...Wait a minute, how do you know my name? You've never even seen me before!" "Simple, Rainbow Dash. I know you because your young friend there has made my knowledge of you mandatory." the voice calmly said. "What? What are you talking about?" Rainbow asked in bewilderment. "Why not let your young friend explain?" the voice replied. Rainbow spun her head towards Scootaloo, who was looking at the ground in an ashamed manner. "Well, you see, Rainbow... I sorta... accidentally... took your life away from you..." Scootaloo admited sheepishly. Rainbow didn't say anything, so Scootaloo continued, "You used to be an incredible flier, while I was unable to get off of the ground. I ran into this cave, and discovered that I could make any desire I had come true just by wishing for it, but in return... someone close to me had to go through the opposite. I... I took the deal anyway, because I really couldn't take the harassment anymore... I never thought that it would affect you the way it did... I'm really sorry, Rainbow..." Scootaloo finished, before she slowly looked up at Rainbow Dash, expecting to see a look of unbridled anger on her face. Instead, she saw Rainbow looking at her with a look of confusion. "But... that doesn't make sense. If what you're saying is true, then... why don't I remember anything like that?" Rainbow asked. "It was because your memories were locked away." the voice at the pool said. "What?! How is that even possible?" Rainbow asked. "I can make any desire a reality, Ms. Dash. Anything is possible." the voice said. Rainbow slowly walked toward the pool, and looked down into it, seeing her reflection staring back at her. She silently stared for a moment, and then slowly began talking. "So, you mean that all of my memories... They're all...?" Rainbow began. "An outright fabrication. Completely fictional." the voice replied. "But... they all felt so real... I... I can't believe they were all fake..." Rainbow slowly said. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true, Rainbow!" Scootaloo yelled out. Rainbow continued to stare into the pool, not saying a single word, just blankly staring as she tried to piece everything together. After a while, she finally spoke. "This is just so weird. This is all really confusing. This whole day has been confusing!" said Rainbow. "I can imagine." the voice said. Rainbow remained quiet for a moment, before she continued to speak. "So... you both say that I'm not who I remember, right?" Rainbow asked. "Yeah." Scootaloo said. "Indeed." the voice answered. "But... if that's the case, then I just want to know one thing." Rainbow said. "And what might that be, Ms. Dash?" the voice asked. "Who... was I?" Rainbow asked. "Well, if you truely wish to know, just take a quick drink of some of the water in the pool, and all will become clear." the voice said. Rainbow heeded the pool's advice, and lowered her head toward the pool, just before she took a small sip of the pool water. Right after she did, she got back up on her hooves and waited. However, nothing seemed to be happening. "Doesn't feel like anything's happen..." Rainbow began, before she suddenly froze in place. Scootaloo ran over next to Rainbow Dash, and saw that her eyes were glowing white. Scootaloo was about to yell out to Rainbow, but before she could, she watched as Rainbow was slowly lifted off of the ground, as if by magic. Scootaloo slowly backed away from Rainbow, unsure of what was going on. It was right then that Scootaloo noticed that the crystals along the sides of the cave were suddenly flashing, apparently reacting to Rainbow. Soon afterwards, the crystals began displaying various moments from Rainbow's life for Scootaloo to observe. "Are these... Rainbow's locked away memories?" Scootaloo asked herself. After a bit of observation however, there was no doubt that they were exactly that. Scootaloo watched as the crystals flashed through various key moments of Rainbow's life, holding on each one just long enough to identify what it was before going on to the next moment. Rainbow's first interaction with Fluttershy. The very first Sonic Rainboom. Rainbow's arrival in Ponyville, and the subsequent first meetings with each of her other friends. The defeat of Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the Changling army. The day she won the Junior Flyers Competition. The days she spent at the Wonderbolt Academy. The camping interactions between herself and Scootaloo. These and many other moments flashed across the crystals, causing Scootaloo to become mesmerized. After a few minutes of images had passed, the crystals stopped flashing. Once they did, Scootaloo turned towards Rainbow, who had been lowered to the ground. Immediately, she ran over to look at Rainbow's reaction. Rainbow's jaw was hanging open a bit, and she wasn't making any movements, instead just staring straight ahead wide-eyed at nothing in particular, practically paralyzed with shock. After a couple seconds of waiting, Scootaloo nudged Rainbow's side, which snapped the rainbow maned pony out of her trance. She spun her head toward Scootaloo, and stared with an unusual expression. Her expression appeared to display hurt, anger, confusion, and oddly enough, some joy on it all at once. Rainbow continued to stare at Scootaloo for a moment before she turned to the pool and said, "Can you excuse us for a moment, voice? Scoots and I have to talk." Scootaloo gulped, fearful of the events that were about to occur, now that Rainbow grasped the full gravity of their situation. "But of course, Rainbow Dash." the voice said. Rainbow nodded and walked out of the cave, motioning Scootaloo to follow. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Once they arrived at the mouth of the cave, Rainbow turned toward Scootaloo and began talking. "Scootaloo... Just... Why?" Rainbow asked with a hurt tone of voice. "I'm sorry Rainbow! I'm honestly sorry! Please don't hate me!!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Rainbow stared at the young filly for a moment, before letting out a quick chuckle. "Heh. Do you really think I hate you?" Rainbow asked. Scootaloo sniffled a bit, then looked up at Rainbow and asked, "Y-you're not mad?" "Who said anything about not being mad? I'm just asking why you think I'd hate you over this." "B-because... don't your wings mean everything to you?" Scootaloo asked. "Scootaloo, let me make one thing perfectly clear: there are a few things that mean everything to me, but my wings aren't one of 'em. Sure, they're important to me, but there are more important things out there." Rainbow replied. "But... I... I stole them from you! I didn't even ask you if you were ok with it!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Rainbow nodded. "Did you know what you were doing?" she asked. "Huh?" "Did you know what you were doing? Did you know that I'd lose my wings if you made your wish?" Rainbow asked. "N-no, I didn't." Scootaloo slowly replied. "Exactly! Why would I hate you for something you did accidentally? As long as you weren't personally trying to hurt me, I can't hate you for it." Rainbow said. Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Thanks for being so understanding, Rainbow Dash." "With that being said..." Rainbow began. "Oh no." Scootaloo thought to herself. "What I am mad about is that you flat out lied to me! Multiple times!" Rainbow yelled out angrily. "What? What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked. "Remember that night after I won the Iron Pony Competition? Remember how I told you about my feeling that something was missing? You knew full well what was missing, didn't ya?" "Um, well... yes." Scootaloo said as she shrunk down to the sandy ground. "Then why in the buck would you say that you knew nothing?!" Rainbow angrily shouted. "Because... well... I was afraid to." "Why?" "I...I didn't want to get caught..." Scootaloo said. "Why?! Did you think I'd just flip out on you?! Banish you from my life? Is that what you thought?!" Rainbow asked angrily. "Umm... kinda?" Scootaloo managed to squeak out. Rainbow let off a deep sigh. "Scoots, look me in the eyes." Rainbow said, lowering her head to Scootaloo's eye level. Scootaloo rose up to her hooves and stared straight into Rainbow's eyes. "Good. Now, listen very carefully to what I'm about to say: Even if I remembered my wings, I promise that I wouldn't have done any of that to you." Rainbow said slowly. "R-really?" "Yes, really." Rainbow said sincerely. "T-thank you, Rainbow." Scootaloo said before wrapping herself around Rainbow's foreleg. Rainbow let Scootaloo hold her embrace for a few seconds before shaking her off. After Scootaloo had let go, Rainbow began to speak. "Alright, now that we got that out of the way, why don't you tell me exactly why you did what you did?" "Everything?" "Yes Scootaloo, everything. Please tell me everything you told Pinkie Pie." "Wait, how did you know about that? Did Pinkie..." Scootaloo said angrily. "Scoots, I saw you sitting there with Pinkie Pie that one night." Rainbow said, cutting Scootaloo off. "...oh." Scootaloo said quietly to herself. "After I walked away, I took one last look behind me to see you telling something to Pinkie. At the time, I didn't think anything of it, but now I'm pretty sure that you were telling your story to her, weren't ya?" "Yes, I was. Did you hear anything of it?" Scoots asked. "Nope. I tried to ask Pinkie about it the next day, but she refused to give me an answer." "Well, good to know that she keeps her 'Pinkie Promises', I guess." "I guess. Now can you please tell me what you told her? I really want to hear your side to this." Rainbow said. "Well, I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore, is there? I'll talk. You see..." Scootaloo said, before she began her story. Rainbow sat and listened intently for the whole thing. After about 25 minutes, the story ended. "...And that's everything I told Pinkie." Scootaloo concluded, before looking up at Rainbow, who appeared to be deep in thought. "Hmm... I see." Rainbow said after a while. "Um..." Scootaloo said, unsure of what to say in response. "...Well, I guess I now understand everything better. So, you didn't know that I'd be affected like I was?" Rainbow asked. "No, I had no clue." Scootaloo answered. "And it's been like this for a week?" "Yes." "I see." Rainbow said quietly, before lowering herself to the ground. Scootaloo walked over to Rainbow, and watched as she traced something into the sand with her hoof, apparently mulling everything over some more. After a while, Rainbow said, "There's just one thing that's bugging me about your tale, Scoots." "Rainbow, I'm not lying! Honest this time!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I know you're not. I know you're telling the truth. There's just one thing that your story was missing." "What?" Scoots asked. "What are your opinions?" Rainbow asked. "What? What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked. "How did you enjoy your wings? Did you enjoy your flights? If the problem with me was a non-factor, would you say that you having wings was a positive experience?" Rainbow asked. "Well... yes. But Rainbow..." Scootaloo began. "I'm just saying one thing: how much did you enjoy it?" "A lot! Flying was fantastic!" "Exactly, which brings up my question: do you really want to lose it so easily?" Rainbow calmly asked. Scootaloo was taken aback by this. She was expecting Dash to beat her over the head for stealing her wings, not ask for her opinions! "But Rainbow... you love your wings!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You're right, I do love my wings. However, there are six things that I love even more." "What are they?" Scootaloo asked. "Those things are my friends. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, AppleJack, Twilight, Rarity, and..." Rainbow paused for a moment before continuing, "...and you." "R-Rainbow..." "You and I both know that I would love to go back to flying again, there's no question about it. However, I don't want it at the cost of seeing any of my friends miserable. If me getting my flight back would result in you becoming a quivering wreck who'd be miserable that she lost her dream, than I'd rather stay grounded." Rainbow explained. "But... wouldn't you miss flying?" Scootaloo asked. "Of course I'd miss it. I was missing it even when I didn't know I'd once had it. The question is, would you? It's your call, Scoots." "Rainbow... you... you'd really give up your wings for me?" Scootaloo asked while trying to hold back her tears. "Kid, if nothing else, I'd at least know what I was missing, and I'd have the satisfaction of knowing that my sacrifice would've made your life better." Rainbow said, "Just think about it. I promise I'll be fine with whatever you decide." Scootaloo didn't respond. She was unable to believe it. Rainbow... was she really offering her a choice? Scootaloo just stared into the distance, unable to believe what she had just heard. After a while, she finally took a deep breath, turned to Rainbow, and said, "Thank you, Rainbow Dash. Thank you so much... for everything." Rainbow blew a bit of her mane out of her eye and said, "Eh, don't mention it. Just let me know when you decide." Scootaloo nodded, and flew around a bit, considering everything carefully. She thought long and hard about it, before she finally nodded to herself, confident of what her answer should be. She flew down to the ground, and tapped Rainbow Dash's side, since Rainbow had become preoccupied and had started drawing in the sand again. Once Rainbow felt the tap, however, she snapped out of her trance and turned her head towards Scootaloo. "Ok, Scoots, I guess you've made your descision?" "I have." Scootaloo said. Rainbow nodded, but didn't respond, instead looking at Scootaloo expectantly. Scootaloo nodded and continued to talk. "Rainbow, I love living my dream. I have flown to the highest reaches, won the biggest flying competitions around, have felt the true freedom that only a casual flight can provide, and I have loved every minute of it. The only downside was that you no longer could do any of that anymore." Scootaloo began. Rainbow nodded understandingly, prompting Scootaloo to continue. "However, with that being said, that was a pretty big downside. The world felt a bit lonely sometimes, knowing that the one pony who I wanted to experience it with was no longer able to do so. However, the flying was still really fun. That's why, I've ultimately decided... that I want things to go back to normal." Scootaloo said. Rainbow looked surprised by this, due to that not being the answer she was expecting. "Why?" Rainbow asked in confusion. "Because, as much as I love these wings..." Scootaloo said as she unfurled them once more. "...You need them more than I do." Scootaloo finished. Rainbow stood there with a warm smile for a moment, not saying a word. After a while, she replied. "Squirt... I like your answer." Rainbow said happily. "Thanks, Rainbow." Scootaloo replied, blushing slightly. "However, before we get this whole mess sorted out... I want you to promise me one thing, Scootaloo." Rainbow said. "Anything, Rainbow Dash! You name it!" "Promise me this: Even though you lost your dream, never, ever lose sight of that dream. I'm sure you'll be able to fly someday, I just know it. Don't feel down about what you lost, instead use it as a motivation. Make it happen, Scoots. Can you do that for me?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I will, Rainbow Dash! I promise!" Scootaloo said, her face filled with determination. Rainbow Dash nodded her head and said, "Good. Glad to hear it!" Scootaloo nodded and flew into the cave, Rainbow following close behind. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rainbow and Scootaloo ran up to the pool. Once they had arrived, Scootaloo called out. "Hello, voice? We're back!" "Greetings again, young Pegasus. I assume you're ready to fix everything?" the voice asked. "Yep, Rainbow Dash and I talked about it, and we've decided that we want everything back to normal." Scootaloo explained. "I see. Is this true, Rainbow Dash?" the voice asked. Rainbow nodded her head and said, "Yep, that's right!" "Very well. You both already know what will happen, correct?" "I do." Rainbow replied immediately. Scootaloo, however, didn't reply right away. Instead, Scootaloo stared at her wings, mulling everything over. She thought about everything she had experienced over the past week, both good and bad, and thought about how it was all about to disappear forever. She unfurled her wings one last time and rubbed a hoof along one of them, memorizing the feel. "One day..." Scootaloo thought to herself, before she finally opened her mouth to speak. "I do." Scootaloo said. "Do you both truly desire it?" the voice asked. "Yes!" Rainbow and Scootaloo said in unison. "Very well." the voice said. Immediately after the voice said this, a small spark of magic shot out of both Rainbow and Scootaloo's hearts. Rainbow looked down at hers in shock, unsure of what was happening. Scootaloo, on the other hand, averted her gaze, continuing to stare straight ahead. Each ponies spark spun around them for a few seconds, gaining speed with each orbit, until it was going so fast that it completely surrounded the duo. Right afterwards, the two ponies were slowly lifted upwards towards the roof of the cave. Rainbow Dash looked over towards Scootaloo, who still looked relatively calm, as if she were used to this, much to Rainbow's surprise. After a couple minutes, the duo heard the voice again: "Now it is the time, little ponies. Just close your eyes, and everything will be altered by the time you open them again." Rainbow and Scootaloo took one last look towards one another, and gave each other a quick concise nod. They then closed their eyes simultaneously, allowing the magic to swirl around them...