A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 28 Blissey

“Lea! The building is burning down!” Angela yelled in Lea’s ear.
Lea woke up with a start. “What! Is everyone on their way out?! Has anyone gotten hurt?! Ummm… where’s the smoke?”
“There is no fire.” Angela told Lea.
“But you said…”
“I only said that to wake you up. I’ve been trying to for the last ten minutes.”
“Oh. I guess I stayed up later than I thought last night. Sorry about that. What time is it?”
“It’s still only ten thirty.”
“But then why did you have to wake me up?”
“Because you’re pink.” Angela told her.
Lea jumped out of bed. “I’m what?!”
Looking down at her paws, Lea found that they were still black, but after getting a mirror from Angela, she found that it was only her yellow rings that were now pink. Still…
“How did this happen?! And why pink?! I hate wearing pink!”
“It could be worse.” Angela started. “You could still have yellow rings but be mainly pink.”
“I guess you’re right. Still, how did my rings turn pink?”
Lea tried to remember what she could have done last night that would cause this to happen. “Fuuuuuudge… I must have touched some of the poison joke flower when I was cleaning up last night.”
Lea left the room to wash up. “Now I need to send Matrix out again to get ingredients for that bubble bath remedy. And until that’s all made up, I’m gonna be pink!”
At that moment Ben walked in on Lea. “Hey, Angela told me to check up on you and… are you pink?”
Lea gave a small yell of surprise. “Ben! Get out of here!” She threw a bar of soap at him. “Yes I’m pink, but I’m also in the bathroom, so leave!”
After Lea finished washing up, she went downstairs. “Morning Matrix!”
Matrix was currently having a small foal tugging on his ear. “Hi, ow, Lea. We had a family of ponies come in this morning. A pokemon stay-ING, with them heard that a friend of his might have ended up here.”
Lea helped Matrix get the foal to stop tugging on on his ear. “Thanks Lea. That little guy was starting to give me a… Are you pink?”
“Yes, now shut up!” Lea glared at him.
“Okay! Sorry. I was just shocked by it, that’s all.”
Lea sighed. “It’s okay, I’m just not in the best mood right now. I’m just glad this can be fixed. By the way…”
“Let me guess, you need something from town to fix you pinkness and need me to go get what you need?”
“Yeah, that basically sums it up.”
“I’ll go once this family is done here. Heh, just think, what if you had ended up as an espeon?”
“I’m trying not to!”
“Fine! Though you might want to check with the family, one of the pokemon they came with was a blissey. I heard her taking and interest to the place. She might want to come help out here.”
“Then I’ll go ask her. For all we know, she could be a former human who ended up as one. She might need some help from some other pokemon that know their stuff.”
Lea left to go meet up with the family of ponies. One of them, who Lea assumed to be the foal’s father, was chatting with a archeops. A filly was going around looking at all the pokemon as the blissey chased her around. Finally, the blissey was able to catch up the filly and bring her back over to her mother, who was nearby her father and the archeops.
“Is everything alright over here?” Lea asked the family.
The mother of the filly turned to face Lea. “As well as it can be. My name is Golden Glory. This is my husband Wetzel and our daughter Rainy Feather. We’re from Manehatten. We met this pokemon who has been looking for his friend.”
Lea turned to the archeops. “And you would be?”
“My trainer didn’t give me a name. I’m trying to find my friend. He was another of our trainer’s pokemon.”
“What was he?” Lea asked.
“He was a dodrio. I was hoping he might have come here.”
“Sorry,” Lea told him. “I haven’t seen any dodrio here. Is there anyone else you’re looking for?”
“No, he was the only one. I wasn’t to fond of the other pokemon we were with. They turned out kind of mean from how our trainer raised them, Dodrio and I were some of his newer pokemon.”
“Alright. Where are you guys heading off next? If he does appear here, then I could point him in your direction.”
At this point, the stallion of the group spoke up. “We were heading for Baltimare next. I’ve got a brother there that we can stay with who might be able to help us. My family would like to get back home, but this guy still wants to search for his friend. I already sent a message ahead, so they know we’re coming.”
“Alright. If you need a place to stay for tonight, we’ve got a few extra rooms upstairs that you might be able to use.”
“No, we have a place. By the way, this blissey was hoping to stay here to help. She talked about how she had worked at a place like this back when she was on Earth.”
“Ah, so she was a Nurse Joy’s blissey. We’d be happy to let her help out here. In fact, we sort of need the help.”

After the family left, Lea decided to meet with the blissey. After looking for her, Lea found the blissey in the kitchen helping Caddi clean up from breakfast.
“Blissey!” Caddi called to the blissey. “Slow down! you might drop the dishes!”
“Sorry! I’m just so excited to be working in a pokemon center again! I really love to help!”
“I see you’re already starting to help out around here.” Lea said to Blissey.
“Oh yes! I really like to help! Anything to help make others happy.”
“A little too much if you ask me.” Caddi said under her breath.
“It’s good that we have someone with experience working here now. There was a chancey that was here a while ago, but she left after a while. We might not have much to work with, but we do have some resources you can use.”
“Oh thank you! I think i’m going to go out and meet some of the pokemon staying here. Well… that’s only if I’m not needed here.”
“Go ahead!” Caddi told her a little too quickly. After getting some questioning looks from Blissey and Lea, she continued. “I, uh, I’m used to working by myself. I’d rather it stay like that.”
“I’m sorry! So very sorry! I didn’t realize I was causing trouble!”
With that, Blissey left to go perform other tasks.
“Finally! I thought she wouldn’t leave.” Caddi told Lea as she sat herself down.
“Let me guess, she’s a little to excited when she helps out.” Caddi nodded her head in response. “That’s because she’s a blissey, which is known as the happiness pokemon. Think of it like you and love. Well, sort of. Basically, it’s really hard for her to be around others who aren’t happy and strives to make them as such.”
“Yeah… she’s a little too enthusiastic for me.”
“Just wait until you meet Kya.” Lea said quietly.
“Nothing. I’m just going to find Blissey again and help her learn where everything is.”

Back in the main room, Blissey had started to play tag with all the other younger pokemon. Currently, it seemed that she was it. When Lea tried to get over to Blissey, she was instead tagged by her. One of the other pokemon saw her get tagged and yelled out, “The pink umbreon is it!”
Everyone started to run from Lea, even Blissey. “Blissey wait! I’d like to talk to you!”
“No! I’m not gonna let you catch me!” Blissey called back, starting to run even faster.
“Slow down Blissey! You might trip and-!” Before Lea could finish her sentence, Blissy did exactly that. As she fell, a necklace she had been wearing came off from around her neck. Lea was rather quick to react and barely grabbed it before it went out a window.
“This is why you should have slowed down.” Lea said as she returned the necklace. “If I wasn’t used to having Sparks doing stuff similar to this, I might not have caught this.”
“Oh thank you so much! I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost this.”
Lea was intrigued. “Why’s that? Is it something important.”
“Well,” Blissey responded. “It was the necklace they gave us when we graduated our school for chancys. A friend I made there didn’t make the cut, so I broke my necklace charm and gave the bottom half to her. I’m hoping I might be able to find her again here! She’s so nice and selfless, so I know she’ll have made it over here!”

Elsewhere, a pyroar could have sworn she felt her ears burning...

“Did she have a name, or was she just Chancey?”
“Actually, she wasn’t a chancey at all. She was a human who joined our academy after they wouldn’t let her in the normal medical school. Her name was Jessie.”
“She sounds nice! I hope you’ll be able to find her.” Lea paused for a second. “I’m actually thinking about going to visit some other places with my family at one point, so maybe I might find her then.”
Bissey’s smile grew. “That would be wonderful! I wonder what pokemon she is now! I can’t wait to see her again!”
Lea didn’t want to disappoint Blissey with just how long that might take, so she stayed quiet and just smiled along with her.