
by Fuzzyfurvert

Meet Me Upstairs

“Wanna, ‘praise the sun?’”

Twilight Sparkle jumped at the soft, unexpected voice that came from above and behind her, bumping her knees into the underside of the heavy wooden table she sat at.  The Canterlot Archive was currently her home away from home, a haven from the hot and all too humid summer air that permeated the city.  The Archive was usually deserted, and therefore, usually quiet.  The cool air and the peace were perfect for studying, or taking the occasional nap.  Startled out of both, Twilight rubbed her tender legs and looked back and up into the full face of the sun herself, Princess Celestia.

“Oww...Princess?”  Twilight blinked the sleep from the corners of her eyes, turning in her chair to face the taller woman.  “What did you say?  I’m sorry I wasn’t listening!  I was merely engrossed with my studies!”

Celestia chuckled and folded her arms across her abdomen.  She smiled, watching Twilight’s sleepy eyes focus on the movement and linger for a second on her chest.  “Twilight Sparkle, I’m so glad to see you hard at work in your further studies of…” She leaned forward slightly to get a look at the title on Twilight’s pillow.  “...’Social Acceptances of Alternative Lifestyles Throughout History.’  However, I have a proposition for you.  Since it is a beautiful day outside, and summer has yet to fade into fall, would you like to accompany me while sunbathing?  I know a private spot where we shan’t be disturbed, and if you want to continue your ‘studies’, you may.  I’ve found a nap out in the sunlight to be very refreshing.  But perhaps, that’s just me.”

“Su-su…sunbathing?”  Twilight stammered, struggling to get to her feet from her chair.  “With you?  P-Princess, I’m...but it’s so...I don’t have…”  Her mind reeled at the implications of the request.  Me, alone with the Princess?  In a private spot?  Does she even tan?  Her skin is so flawless though!  Will she need sunscreen?  Can she even get sunburnt?  Why have I never thought to research the effects of UV rays on the skin of the person that controls the sun itself with her mind?  What about my skin?

“Don’t worry about it, Twilight.”  Celestia stood straight and reached down to place her hand gently on the mousey girl’s shoulder.  She didn’t have to reach quite as far as she once had.  Though her student was no longer a child, the young woman had grown healthy and strong, if not very tall.  Truth be told, Celestia wished she could look Twilight in the eyes, more so than at the top of her head.  “Everything will be taken care of.  Meet me in my chambers—in say about ten minutes?  Then we can start relaxing and enjoying ourselves.”

Twilight nodded mutely, her eyes wide behind her reading glasses.  Her touch is so warm.  When did it get cold in here?  Some time in the sunlight sounds fun...and it’ll be just the two of us...I might die.

Celestia smiled again, nodding curtly and turned, her diaphanous gown swishing almost soundlessly, headed for the door.  Now that Twilight couldn’t see her face, she grinned ear to ear and felt a bit of extra bounce in her step.  She had managed to speak with Twilight and not lapse into either mentor-mode or proper-princess-mode.  She successfully spoke to Twilight like a regular human being for once and on top of that, Twilight had accepted her request!  Celestia picked up her pace, lifting the hem of her long skirt in her hands, and almost skipped back to her room to get ready.

In the Archive, alone again, Twilight reached up and touched the spot on her shoulder where the Princess’ hand had been moments earlier.  To her surprise and sudden abject humiliation, she realized she could totally feel the strap to her bra through her shirt.  Oh my goddess...if I can feel it, she could too!  She looked down at herself.  She was wearing her usual summer-spent-inside-with-air-conditioning attire of a loose button up blouse tucked into a knee-length skirt.  Her black mary-janes, scuffed dull from years of rubbing against the back of her socks, didn’t feel like proper sunbathing footwear.

“Oh crap...what am I going to wear?”

With a spare forty five seconds until the ten minute deadline arrived, Twilight reached the doors to Princess Celestia’s chambers at a full-out run.  She skidded to a halt on the skybridge carpet, and immediately doubled over, gasping for breath with her hastily collected bathing suit clutched to her chest.  She could have easily walked from the Archives to Celestia’s chambers in the allotted ten minutes, but that would leave her in the uncomfortable position of sunbathing in her regular clothes, and dying of combined heat exhaustion and embarrassment.  So, instead, Twilight had taken a detour to the portion of the castle that held the academy, and swung by the indoor pool where bathing suits awaited those students without their own.

Thankfully, it was Saturday, and the school issued suits were unused and unguarded.  It was a one piece, but at least she’d have something appropriate to wear while spending time with the Princess.  Twilight gasped again and sucked in a lungful of air to try and slow her racing heart.  She reached out and knocked on the door lightly, and was still trying to calm her racing heart, when a vision of perfect skin and improbable curves opened the door and beckoned her to enter.

Celestia stood in the doorway, a happy smile on her face.  She covered her mouth to hide the smile’s growth at the sight of a panting and flushed Twilight just outside her room.  She had spent much of past few minutes getting changed.  Gone was her formal gown and royal vestments, she now wore a two piece wrap, cinched at one shoulder with a broach and at her waist with another clasp shaped like her sun.

“Twilight!  You are right on time, as usual.”  She took a step back to let the younger woman in.  “Oh, you brought a suit?  Would you like to change into it?  You can use my private bathroom for that.  It’s right through there.”  Celestia gestured toward the back area of her chambers.  “When you’re ready, we can head up to the roof.”

Twilight smiled nervously and inched past Celestia, her eyes locked on anything but the great, pale expanse of flesh next to her.  Her heart started to speed up again, but her feet moved on autopilot, while her brain checked out to ponder how one was supposed to feel whilst inside Princess Celestia’s bedroom and bath suite.  Was it a sort of almost religious reverence?  Simple awe?  Was she supposed to feel the wonder of a child upon seeing christmas snow for the first time?  Or was she simply supposed to feel and act normally?

After a little more pondering, Twilight decided to check in on her body’s progress, and was pleased to find herself wearing the nicked bathing suit.  It seemed to be a size too small, perhaps, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.  It rode high on her hips and showed a bit more of her bust than she was exactly comfortable with.  Leaving her questions behind for a moment, Twilight stepped out into the main room.  “Princess?  I’m...uh...I’m ready, I guess?”

“Oh good!  Follow me, Twilight.”  Celestia waved Twilight over to where she stood by one wall, pushing a hidden switch, she opened a hidden panel and revealed a narrow staircase.  She ducked her head to enter the secret passage and closed the panel again when Twilight joined her.  She lead the way up the stairs, her huge grin returned to her face.  I can’t believe this is happening!  I finally get to spend time with Twilight and we are just relaxing.  The city doesn’t need to be saved.  No ancient evils threaten us.  There isn’t a crisis or press meeting for miles!  This day is going to be perfect at this rate!

Celestia giggled quietly, holding her hand to her stomach to keep down the butterflies that threatened to overwhelm her.  The ceiling was too low to bounce as she climbed the stairs, but there was enough room to sway with each step.  She chewed on her lip, suddenly very aware of Twilight’s quiet presence behind her.  The weight of her wrap hung heavy on her hip.  She was taking a big chance with it.  The whole situation was a big risk.  What if she scared Twilight away like she had all the others over the years?

Celestia shook her head to clear her thoughts.  She couldn’t dwell on all the failed attempts at relationships that littered her past.  She had to focus on Twilight.  She had to get it right this time.  She had to find someone she could be close with, and Twilight Sparkle was perfect for her, but could she ease her way into the girl’s heart?

A few steps behind and below Celestia, Twilight climbed the stairs, her body once again on autopilot while her mind delved into important thought topics.  Why are her hips swaying so much?  Have they always done that, and I’m just now noticing?  Twilight swallowed, her hands flexing and forming fists over and over again.  Her wrap only half covers one hip.  I can see the Princess’ butt.  I.  Twilight Sparkle.  Am. Seeing. The Princess’ butt.  Wait...why don’t I see her bikini bottom?  Her breath caught in her throat, and she stumbled on the steps.  Is she wearing a thong?!  Am I about to sunbathe with a thong-wearing Princess Celestia?

Twilight picked up her pace and caught up with Celestia just as the Princess opened another door at the top of the narrow stairway and bright sunlight flooded the passage.  A moment later, she stepped out onto the roof and gasped at the sight that greeted her.  “There is a pool of the roof?!”

Celestia nodded, smiling as she walked over to a set of gleaming white lounge chairs and took a seat.  “Yes, pretty, isn’t it?  I find it the perfect place to relax on my off days during the warmer months.  I thought it would be nice to have some company this time, and who better for the task than my star pupil?”  The Princess turned and waved her hand at the nearby tables, the umbrellas over them opening at her silent command to provide a piece of shade where there was otherwise nothing to block the sun’s rays.  “If you’d like to rest in the shade, you can.  Or swim in the pool if you want.  Just ask and I can summon us cool drinks.”

“Wow…”  Twilight spun slowly in place, taking in the small rooftop patio.  The castle’s blue tiled roof raised on each side by a few feet before slopping back down toward the edge, effectively hiding them from view of anyone but the birds in the clouds.  “Thank you, Princess, for inviting me to see this.  Do you entertain up here?”

“No, Twilight, this place is my own.  Though, sometimes Luna joins me for late evening swims.”  Celestia sighed and let herself relax slightly.  “While we’re here, just call me ‘Celestia,’ ok?  I’m not the Princess of Equestria here, or your teacher.  I’m”

Twilight stopped looking around, focusing on Celestia, her arms crossing over her tummy.  The Princess sat on the lounge chair like any other woman might, her perfect posture ruined by a slouch.  She seemed more human in that moment than any other Twilight could recall, and somehow it made Celestia even more lovely.  The little imperfections, the soft layer of fat that covered muscles gone soft from long times of peace, the dimpling of her skin where it naturally creased, and the way the wrap hung, accentuating Celestia’s abundant curves.  They served only to make her more beautiful in Twilight’s eyes.

“Um...ok.  Ce-Celestia.  No title at all?”  Twilight hugged herself when the older woman nodded.  “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

“I hope it won’t be too much to ask.”  Celestia’s smile faded slightly, and she could feel her own emotional walls rising, the part of her that was the Princess wanted to come out and smooth the awkward feeling.  Part of her wanted to make Twilight feel comfortable by being the Princess Celestia the girl had known for much of her life.  But that part of her wasn’t in charge today.  Her heart refused to budge.  “I hang out with you, Twilight.  I’ve been feeling lonely and I know you rarely go out during the summer.  So, I thought, perhaps if I showed you my secret rooftop getaway, you might find some enjoyment in it.  The weather is too nice to spend all your time inside.”

Twilight shifted her weight from one foot to the other.  Princess Celestia wants to hang out?  Can Princesses hang out?  What does she expect from me?  Why am I always at a lost when I’m around her?  Ask me anything...I can do physics in my head.  I know the workings of magic and science.  But...hanging out with the most beautiful woman on the planet?  There are no books on that!

She chewed on her lip and after a moment she nodded to herself and moved over to sit in the lounge chair next to Celestia.  To her surprise, the seat was only warm, even in the strong light and heat of the summer day.  She let her arms fall and ran her hands over the sturdy furniture, enjoying the feel of the texture against her palms.  “Wow...this feels nice…”  Her voice faded out and she looked down.

Between her and the next chair over, her slim feet glistened in all their pale radiance mere inches away from Celestia’s slightly darker and larger feet.  Her toe nails are painted gold.  Twilight noted idly.  Twilight kept her eyes on those golden nails and tried to think of something to break the thickening ice. What do people normally do when they sunbathe?  It feels like we should be doing something...normal.

“Celestia?”  Twilight looked up and met those deep magenta eyes for a second.  “You said you could summon drinks?  I’d like some ice water, maybe?  And can I get some suntan lotion, please?”  Twilight grinned and chuckled quietly.  “I burn easily.”

Celestia perked up at that and held out her hand, palm down.  Her hand glowed for a moment, and as if it had always been there but was just now being noticed, a small table appeared with two plastic cups and a tall bottle of tanning lotion.  “Is SPF 15 ok?  I can summon something stronger, if you need it.”  She smiled, unsure of herself.  I could always dim the sun for you, Twilight.  All you have to do is ask.

“SPF 15 is fine...I think.”  Twilight grinned again and lifted her foot to wiggle her pale toes.  “I’m not really sure.  You can see how much tanning I do.  How does UV light effect you, anyway?  Do you tan?  Is that why your skin is perfect?”  Twilight shut her mouth with a snap when she realized what had just come out of it.  Why did I say that?  Of course her skin is perfect!  Stop talking without thinking, you numbskull!

Celestia chuckled and sighed, her shoulders relaxing and releasing tension she hadn’t even been aware of holding.    This was the Twilight she wanted to spend time with, the curious intellectual with the pretty eyes.  She took her cup and swirled the ice water.  “Technically, I tan just like everyone else does, but I don’t have to, if I don’t want to.  Sometimes, I like to be paler, sometimes I like to be darker.  Honestly, I wish my skin was as pale and creamy as yours, Twilight.”

The younger woman looked up, her eyes widening at the compliment.  Celestia’s smile brightened, her confidence from earlier returning.  A voice in her mind cautioned her to take it slowly, to make Twilight comfortable with interacting with her as just a normal person.  “That bathing suit looks good on you, by the way.  Did you get it from the academy?”

Twilight nodded and giggled quietly.  “Um...yeah.  I didn’t have any spare clothes on me that would good for sunbathing.  So...uh...I ran by the pool inside to grab one.  I think it might be a bit too small, though.”  She flushed, reaching up to tug the top of the suit higher and cover her poor excuse for cleavage.  She couldn’t help but glance at Celestia’s bust as she did so.  They must be the size of my head.  The Princess chuckled again and the action made her chest do wondrous things that suddenly gave Twilight a craving to run some equations on wave motions.  Wow...I never knew you could think about math and have your mind in the gutter at the same time.

Celestia reached out and put her hand on Twilight’s knee.  “Oh don’t worry, Twilight, the suit flatters you!  It makes you look absolutely adorable!”  She leaned forward and squeezed gently.  “I rather like how it manages to make you look taller...more...mature.”

“You do?”  Twilight blinked, her eyes darting back and forth from the hand on her leg and Celestia’s face.  Her touch still feels warm, even out here.  She likes the suit?  She likes the suit!

Celestia laughed.  “Yes!  I don’t mean to imply that you don’t look mature usually, but you look very sophisticated in it.  The high hip line was very popular amongst the nobles a few years ago, all the fashion shows featured them, and ever since I have liked the look.”  She sat back and took a sip from her summoned drink.  “Thank you for indulging me, Twilight.  It makes me happy to spend time with you as just a regular person and not as the Princess.”

Twilight remained silent, her eyes locked on the hand that still rested on her leg.  Idly, she noted that Celestia’s nail polish matched her toes in shades of glittery gold.  She didn’t know what impulse caused her to do so, but she scooted forward slightly, forcing Celestia’s hand to slide a little further up her thigh.  She shivered at the sensation of the touch and slowly, as if the hand were some curious bird that make take flight if she moved too quickly, she placed her own hand on top of Celestia’s.

“Thank you, again...Celestia...for inviting me.”  Twilight swallowed nervously.  “I’m glad I can anything.”  She curled her fingers around Celestia’s hand, holding it gently.  It felt soft and warm.  I can’t believe I’m holding her hand.  It’s like a schoolgirl dream come true!  I should...I should...uh.  Twilight wracked her mind for what she should do in this situation, but she pulled a blank.  What the heck am I supposed to do now?  Wait...she complimented me.  I need to return it!

“Your bathing suit is very nice too!”  Twilight clapped her hand over her mouth.  “Oh!  Sorry, did that come out too loud?  I...uh...I just wanted to…”  She looked away from Celestia.  “I-I’m just not good at this.”

“At what?”  Twilight could feel Celestia lean closer, taking Twilight’s hand in both of her own.  “What aren’t you good at?”

Goddess, I am such a retard.  I can’t even compliment right.  Twilight sagged in her seat, but looked back at Celestia.  “I’m bad at smalltalk.  I’m bad at hanging out.  I know you keep telling me to get out, to make friends...and maybe if I did, I wouldn’t be here sticking my foot in my mouth everytime I open it.”

“Twilight,” Celestia drew Twilight’s hand close to her and held it against her heart.  “You are not bad at smalltalk.”  She ducked her head and smiled sweetly.  “Well...ok, maybe you aren’t very good at it.  But you are smart and interesting.  I would like it if you’d take my advice on the friends thing, but in the meantime, would you consider being my friend?  I don’t mind if you aren’t the best at smalltalk, I’d be happy with your company.”

“Really?”  Twilight blinked again.  “You want to be friends with me?  Why?  We’ve already spent so much time together.  I’ve been your student for most of my life at this point.  I...I want to understand.”

Celestia looked down at the hand she was holding to her chest and squeezed gently.  “I wanted to hang out with you, Twilight, because…”  She looked back up and her smile weakened.  “Because I want to be your friend.  There’s more to it than that, but I don’t really know how to put that into words myself.  I meant it when I said I had been feeling lonely.  I’ve had many friends over the years and I still have many now.  But I don’t have any I can just talk to.  Just open up and be totally relaxed with.”

“What about Luna?”  Twilight’s voice was low when she spoke.  Celestia looked oddly fragile, her eyes were sorrowful, even if she still had a ghost of a smile on her lips.  Why does life have to be complicated?

“I love Luna, but my sister is...well, my sister.”  Celestia shrugged.  “Perhaps I’m just being selfish...but I thought that if we were closer than merely student and teacher, we could ease some of that loneliness for each other.”  She sighed tiredly.  “I thought that this would be a good way to bridge that gap.  For you to see me as just Celestia and not as your Princess.  Now I think I might have screwed this up.  Again.”

Twilight shifted in her seat.  I can feel her heartbeat.  Among other things.  A part of her mind noted that the little bit of skin she was touching on Celestia’s chest was just as warm as the Princess’ hands.  It also made note of just how smooth and soft that skin was and how thin the wrap Celestia wore was.  “What do you mean, ‘again?’”

“Twilight, I have lived a long life, thanks in no small part to my magic and command of the sun.”  Celestia sighed again.  “We’ve been at peace for generations thanks to the efforts of myself and my sister.  In the early days, I lived for conflict.  I lived for the fight, the test of my strength.  Luna was all the company I needed then.  But eventually, peace was won.  I learned to live for all the people of Equestria.  I grew complacent, soft and fat.”

“You’re not fat!”

Celestia looked up, startled by Twilight’s outburst.  “Excuse me?”

“ aren’t fat.”  Twilight gestured at Celestia.  “I mean, look at’re perfect!  A Goddess among mortals.  I wish I had your body!”  The younger woman blushed again as her mind caught up to her mouth.  “I don’t mean that in a creepy way, I swear!  I just meant you aren’t’re...healthy?  Zaftig?  Plump?  No!  Not plump!  I mean you are still so strong and you have all this strength that is so much more than just your body!”  Twilight’s blush deepened, her face growing red.  “And...I wish I had something like that instead of this pasty, shrimpy body.”

Celestia opened her mouth, closing it and then opening it again several times until she found her voice.  “Thank you...that’s a very sweet thing to say, Twilight.  But I meant ‘fat’ in a metaphorical sense.  Though, I must admit, I’m not in the shape I once was.”  She grinned and chuckled softly to herself.  “Sorry I’m not rippling with muscle like I do in the old paintings.”

“To be fair, you are wearing armor in most of them.”  Twilight smiled, joining Celestia’s laughter with her own giggles.  “Most of them don’t really show your muscle definition.”

The Princess laughed harder, her polite chuckles reaching full belly laughs in a few short breaths.  She shook with mirth, the last remaining dregs of her tension and apprehension leaving her until she collapsed back in the lounge chair, her hand still holding Twilight’s.

“Oh goodness!  I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!”  Celestia wiped her brow with the back of one hand and looked unflinchingly into the sun.  “I’m not even sure why that was so funny.”

“You had to be there?”  Twilight offered with a shrug, her own giggles slowly subsiding.

“But we were there!  We’re still there!”  Celestia snorted, covering her mouth with her hand in surprise.  That just caused them to both explode with more laughter until they were both laying back in the lounge chairs and gasping for breath.  Celestia took a deep breath and looked over at Twilight, her cheeks bright.  “I swear I used to have abs you could grate cheese on!”

“I will take your word on that.”  Twilight sucked in more air until she coughed.  They lapsed into a comfortable silence then, Twilight’s thoughts bouncing off the confines of her skull. this is hanging out with a Princess, huh?  I...I could get used to this.  Could do without the sun, though.  Too bright.  Too hot.  I sweat way too much as it is.  She smiled and shook her head to flick the droplets of salty sweat that were threatening to drip into her eyes.  Wait…

“Oh no!”  Twilight sat up and grimaced.  “I forgot to put on the suntan lotion!”

Celestia sat up as well and picked up the bottle she’d summoned earlier.  Would it be too forward to offer to put it on for her?  Images flashed through Celestia’s mind of doing just that, the oil coating Twilight’s curves, her hands rubbing it into Twilight’s creamy flesh, Twilight returning the favor.  For a moment, she teased herself with the thought and then flipped the bottle around in her grip to hand it to Twilight.  “Here.  I don’t think we’ve been out here long enough for you to burn.  It’s waterproof too.  If you’re getting too hot, the pool should be nice a cool.”

Her student took it from her fingers gratefully.  Celestia pinched herself when Twilight wasted no time and started working the lotion into her skin along her arms.  She could be the one doing that.  Take it slow, you dunce!  Celestia reminded herself.  She needed to let things develop naturally, see where things led before making a move.  At least Twilight had laughed with her and the girl seemed much more comfortable now that they had laughed at...whatever it was that had been funny.

Twilight covered herself in the slick lotion, the chemicals and oils in it made her glisten.  She made sure to get it everywhere her skin was laid bare to the elements.  Thankfully, she was in a one piece—a size too small or not—and she didn’t have to worry much about her tummy or back.  When she finished running her hands down her legs, Twilight looked up in time to see Celestia quickly avert her gaze, the Princess’ cheeks more flushed than before.

“Ce-Celestia?”  Twilight lifted her feet onto the lounge chair and wrapped her arms around her leg, her chin resting on her knees.  “Do you to put on any lotion?  I know you said you didn’t have to, unless you wanted to.”  The Princess didn’t answer directly, her eyes looking anywhere but at Twilight.  Why is she doing that?  Looks like what I do when she looks my way and I don’t want her to know I was thinking about her...oh.  Oh.  

Suddenly, the heat of the day seemed to be getting to her.  Her head and face felt hot.  The rooftop wobbled under her chair and Twilight felt faint.  Perhaps cooling off in the pools wasn’t a bad idea.  “I’m going to get in the pool!”  Twilight jumped to her feet and turned on her heel, marching the short distance to the raised pool and its deck.  She climbed the stairs to the deck and paused only when she was a few inches away from the blue expanse of water.  It wasn’t deep, perhaps up to her chin in the deeper end.  The water was clear and looked inviting.  If she didn’t do something soon, the heat was going to make her delirious.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight held it in and hopped in where the water was only up to her waist.  The cool temperature of the water washed over her instantly, making goose bumps rise on her legs and arms.  Twilight let out her breath in a long, shocked yelp, wrapping her arms around herself.  She shivered for a moment while her body acclimated to the water, but soon enough she felt comfortable with it to ease herself into a seated position on the raised ledge along the inside wall of the pool.  With her head lowered, the edge of the pool cut the rest of the rooftop out of her vision and left the blue of the water, the blue of the sky above and the white of the few puffy clouds that floated above it all.

Celestia watched Twilight go, her heart sinking with every step.  Twilight must have noticed her checking out the younger woman’s body.  Mentally, she kicked herself for not being more subtle about it.  Friendship, Tia, is based on trust.  She has to trust you as another human being, as a mentor and as a fellow woman.  This is why I’ve messed this relationship thing up before.  I put up my walls and live in the past.  We were doing so well there for a moment.  She frowned.  What had been special about those fleeting moments?  What had made Twilight comfortable enough to laugh with her?

Celestia pondered it, the last few minutes replaying in her mind.  She had sat there and talked.  Spoke simply and honestly.  She had been open about herself, about her concerns and desire for a friendship.  You were weak in front of her.  The voice in her head chimed in.  You were human in front of her, and not the Princess.  Not Celestia the Undimmed, but just Celestia.  Take off the armor.  Put down the axe and just be you for a change.

She stood and stared at the back of Twilight’s head, where it peeked up pass the rim of the pool.  “Ok,” she whispered to herself, “you can do this, Celestia.  Don’t surprise her...just be...vulnerable.”  Celestia walked over to the edge of the pool and rested her arms on the ledge.  “How’s the water?”

Twilight looked over at Celestia, unsure of how she should respond.  “It’s...wet?  Cool to the touch.  It feels...nice.”

“Would you mind if I join you?”

Twilight looked back up at the clouds and the azure sky.  “I don’t mind.  It’s your pool, after all.”

“I only want to join you if you’re comfortable, Twilight.”  Celestia sighed again, resting her head on her arms.  “I’m sorry if I bothered you earlier.”

“No.  It’s not you,” Twilight looked back over at Celestia, “I’m just not used to it.  I’m too much of a dork and spaz at times.  I get context clues late...if at all.  I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner, then maybe I wouldn’t have bailed on you like that.  But...I would like to sit with you again.  I liked that.”  

Celestia smiled at that.  She pushed herself off the edge and headed for the steps up to the pool’s deck.  As she climbed the steps, she reached up and unclipped the broach that held her top wrap on.  She let it fall and then did the same to the wrap around her waist, stepping out of it at the top of the stairs.  Celestia paused at the edge of the water and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of sunlight touching all of her.  

Twilight looked down at the water and herself below that, steeling herself for what the Princess would look like in whatever tiny bikini she had been hiding under that wrap.  I need to relax.  I think...she needs much as I do.  I can’t be jealous just because her body is perfect and mine isn’t.  I can’t run away just because I feel like my attraction to her is wrong.  It isn’t.  And...maybe she feels sort of the same way?  I don’t know.  She let out her breath slowly as the water rippled with Celestia’s entry into the pool with far more grace than she’d mustered.

“Celestia…”  Twilight turned to speak, but her voice caught in her throat and her mouth hung there open.  Celestia, Princess of Equestria, stood in the waist deep water, one arm across her chest, a bright crimson blush on her cheeks.  Twilight couldn’t help herself as her eyes traveled over the perfect woman in front of her.  “ don’t have a bathing suit…”

“I normally swim in the nude.”  Celestia leaned away from Twilight, hugging her chest to reassure herself as much as maintain at least semblance of modesty.  “May I sit?”

Twilight nodded slowly, finally tearing her eyes away from Celestia.  The nude woman eased herself onto the ledge next to her, close enough that she could feel Celestia’s hip brush her own.  

After a moment, Celestia let out the breath she’d been holding and let her arm drop to her side.  She leaned back and looked up into the sky.  “I wanted you to see I am.  Not as...well, you know.  If this is too much, just tell me and I can get a bathing suit.  Or we can just get dry and forget this ever happened.”

“No.”  Twilight shook her head and looked up into the sky as well.  “No, because...if you can be comfortable to do that...I can be comfortable enough to let you.”  Again, they fell into a companionable silence.  “Can I lean on your shoulder?”

“You may.”

Twilight sighed and rested her head against Celestia’s upper arm and shoulder.  She relaxed a little and after a moment, let her eyes be drawn to the breasts that floated slightly in the water.  A shiver ran down her spine, but she suppressed it and let more of her weight rest against Celestia.  “Thank you for putting so much trust in.  For sharing this place...for everything, really.  I promise I’ll try not to freak out again.”

“And I promise to take it slow.”  Celestia smiled down at Twilight, looking into the girl’s eyes.  “Now that you’ve see my little getaway, can I get a promise that you’ll come back again and spend some time with me?”

“I promise.”

Celestia giggled.  “How about a promise that next time, you leave the bathing suit behind?”

Twilight blushed, but she giggled quietly.  “Baby steps, ok?  Baby steps.”

“Alright,”  The Princess leaned down and nuzzled the top of Twilight’s head, “baby steps.”  She startled when she felt Twilight’s hand take her own, their finger intertwining, but she smiled at the woman.

The End.