The Price of Harmony

by Maverickthepony

The Black Stallion

Chapter 9: The Black Stallion

The wait for Iron Foot seemed to drag on longer and longer. Talon had grown bored so he set up targets in the largest room in the house and had taken to shooting them. He had left six bullets on the table in the comms room where Twilight and her friends were being held.

"Girls, I-I'm sorry that I led all of us into this. If I had never talked to Princess Luna we would still be safe in Equestria."

"Actually Twilight, if you had never talked to her I would have slept well the night before the wonderbolts rally. Then I would have been one of the ones that died in the attack. So, I guess that it's thanks to you bringing us out here that I'm still alive. Even with everything that has been going on with me being kidnapped by Talon. I'm glad that I at least got to spend my last days with you guys." responded Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you, Rainbow. I really needed to hear something like that." said Twilight.

"Who knows, maybe we can get out of this mess!" Interjected Applejack.

"I don't really think so Applejack. When I got rescued the first time I was lucky, the second time, I was lucky. Asking for the rescue of all six of us from a secret safe house in the middle of nowhere with Talon guarding us may be asking too much." responded Rainbow.

"Well if this is the end, then I guess that I would only want to spend it with you guys." Rainbow said.

"Likewise." said Twilight, "I mean before Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville, I had never known friends. After I met you girls, I just felt like I wanted to be there forever. I remember when Pinkie Pie threw that party for me and I didn't want it. And then I drank that hot sauce." the girls chuckled.

"I'm glad that I met all of you two." said Rainbow Dash, "Before I went to Ponyville, I was mocked and made fun of wherever I went. I was always known as the klutz pegasus. When I came to Ponyville I was known as Rainbow Dash, the pony who pulled of the sonic rainboom."

"I reckon I love bein with ya'll two. Before I met ya'll I was only worried about my apple farm. I sure am glad that I met ya'll to help relieve some stress. Without ya'lls help during that one applebucking season, I reckon I'd a killed myself with all uh that work." said Applejack, "You girls have been a real blessin' to me."

"I couldn't imagine life without you girls." spoke up Pinkie Pie, "all of my parties would have probably been just me and gummy and that's no fun. I remember what happened when I thought that you all didn't want to go to my parties anymore."

"I remember that pretty well to Pinkie Pie." said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Ya that wasn't one of my best moments, but then you girls have always been there for me and I really appreciate that."

"I am also glad to have known you girls." began Rarity, "You girls have been such an inspiration to me in my work. I can remember every single dress I had made for you specifically those disasters that we had that failed fashion show with." they all giggled at this. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that my life wouldn't have been the same without you all being there for me."

"I probably would have never made friends if I hadn't met all of you. I'm so shy that Rainbow Dash would have probably been my only friend and that was from us both being made fun of in flight school. If I had never had friends then I would probably had been called the crazy pony that only likes animals back home." said Fluttershy. "I remember saying that we all had a special connection before we ever met. I know that's true and I believe that we had an even greater connection after we met."

"Well since this is the end I guess that we're gonna do it together." said Twilight this was met by five likewises. "Ok Talon, do your worst."


Talon was standing outside the building in anticipation. Iron Foot was finally going to be coming back. This was a rare moment when Talon was not smoking a cigar. He only had one left besides his special ones and he wanted to save that one for later on during the executions. So he waited with an empty mouth for Iron Foot to finally arrive. He saw a silhouette coming from out in the distance. It moved towards them with speed. "Finally!" yelled Talon in anticipation as the shape moved closer. Iron Foot had arrived.

"Thank you for waiting for me. I had something to attend to in another town. Now, Whiskey you and I will go up to my office where we will watch the execution. Talon, you and my bodyguard will be performing the execution. I believe that in honor of capturing them Talon, you should receive the honor of performing the first kill."

"Thank you sir. I already have my target in mind."

"That's what I like to hear, such enthusiasm deserves a reward and I think you will enjoy eating a good dinner tonight for a change." responded Iron Foot.

"I like to hear this and all, but I think we should get on with the execution." the bodyguard said.

"Right, now Whiskey if you will follow me."

Whiskey turned to look at Talon who nodded. Whiskey followed Iron Foot to his office. There was a projection of the room with the six ponies on the monitor in the center of the room. Talon and the bodyguard had just entered the room.

"Sorry for the wait, but we had to get an audience." said Talon.

"So I guess this is it then. Our end." said Rainbow Dash.

"Yup, and I get the first choice of my kill." said Talon as he lit his cigar and loaded the sixth bullet into his gun. He walked straight up to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked at him and spoke three words. "Just do it."

Talon nodded. He pulled the hammer back on the gun. Before anyone had time to realize what was going on Talon had turned around and unloaded the round into the head of the other pony in the room with him. There were five shocked faces and Rainbow Dash who was happy.

"What is that bastard doing!" yelled Iron Foot.

"He's doing his part like I'm doing mine." said Whiskey who had pulled out a knife and had it at Iron Foot's throat. "Luckily for you, he wants you alive."

"You two sons of Bitches." Iron Foot replied.

Talon had taken the knife off the table and cut the ropes off of Rainbow Dash he handed her the knife and took out his own. He worked on freeing the rest.

"But-but-but what is going on!" yelled out a confused Twilight.

"I'll hold the explanation to a time when we can get away from here. Now," Talon walked towards the door, "Two eagles flew from the nest."

"One came home with meat." was the reply.

"Ok, we're safe." said Talon, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Talon of the Equestrian Special Forces, The Black Stallions; I am the last of the Black Stallions."

"How are you the last if Whiskey is on your side?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Because he's not a Black Stallion, he's just a mercenary that owes me one. He really has the people's best interest at heart and he plans to govern Forshan."

"One question." said Twilight

"I'm pretty sure you have more than one so that will have to wait until we are heading back to Equestria for me to answer them." said Talon.

The group of seven ponies made their way outside where Whiskey was waiting for them with a tied up Iron Foot.

"You son of a Bitch! You betrayed me!" yelled Iron Foot.

"No I couldn't have betrayed you because I never really worked for you. Now it would be really nice if you could sleep!" yelled Talon as he jammed a syringe into Iron Foot's neck, putting the angry stallion to sleep.

"Is he dead?" asked Twilight

"No, not yet. That was a sedative to make the transport easier." said Talon as Whiskey came around the back with a cart and harness which he began to attach Talon to but Talon stopped him. "Let's put the body back there first. Whiskey nodded in agreement and took a position to throw the body into the back. "One... Two... Three!" yelled Talon as they threw Iron Foot's body into the cart. "Now it seems a little late to start transport so I think that if we start tomorrow early enough we can make it to Equestria in one day." said Talon. "Now we need to get some food into you girls and get you to sleep. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow. And don't worry about the trip, I'll tell you everything while we go so that you can know everything."

Talon then took the cart around to a garage and put it inside. Whiskey spoke up saying, "I'll watch the cart tonight in case he wakes up. I can apply more sedative."

"Thanks. He shouldn't wake up I gave him an 18 hour dosage." said Talon who had returned from putting the cart away.

"You never can tell though." responded Whiskey "If he does wake up I'll apply the 48 hour sedative."

"Ok." said Talon

As they ate that night there wasn't much conversation save for Talon asking them about living in Equestria. They all slept soundly that night knowing that they would need the energy the next day.

The next day they all gathered outside Talon was hitching himself up. Iron Foot had woken up the night before so Whiskey had administered the stronger sedative so he would be out for the entire trip. Talon checked all his items and wished Whiskey good luck in the reforming of the government before finally setting off. After walking for a minute Talon finally spoke up. "Well I guess I better start from the beginning."

The next chapter will be a flashback chapter so the scene will change several times and be aware that Talon is talking to the mane six the whole time, but you will see the events as he saw them.