//------------------------------// // 10 - The Waiting Game Continues // Story: My Overbearing Aunt: Alternate Perspectives // by Sketchy Changeling //------------------------------// Honey Pot   “So what’s your ‘Master Plan’?” Dusty Feather asked me.   “Well, the head maid assigned you to bring Marcus his meals, right?” I asked back.   “Yeah…”   “Well, why don’t you use one of your sick days tomorrow?”   The pegasus raised an eyebrow. “For what?”   “It states in the employee handbook that if a maid is to use one of her sick days, her roommate will be the first line of contact to replace them before requesting a different replacement from the head maid,” I explained. “It was on our entrance exam. Don’t you remember?”   “Don’t you remember that I barely passed that exam?” Dusty reminded me. “Besides, I’ve been trying not to use any of my sick days all year so that I can score that end-of-the-year bonus.”   I walked up to my friend and got on my knees, looking up at her with puppy-dog eyes. “C’mon! Can’t you take one for the team? We already make good money with this job! You don’t need that bonus!”   “And you don’t need to be creepin’ on a kid that’s ten years younger than you.”   “Show some compassion, Dusty! Haven’t you ever been in love before? Why would you be so cruel to deny me the chance to formally meet the man I love? Have you no heart?”   She furrowed her brow. “Y’know, Honey, if this maid gig ever goes south, you’d make for a decent actress.”   “Dustyyyyyyyyyyyy! Please do this one small favor! For me? Don’t you care about the happiness of your best friend, Honey Pot? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?”   “Okay, okay, fine!” she shouted, finally giving in. “Have I ever told you how annoying you sound when you whine?” “Yes, and have I ever told you how awesome of a friend you are?” I answered, a smile on my face.   “And don’t you forget it,” she said, folding her arms and letting out a snort. “So, you’ll get to give Marcus his meals for one day. What then?”   “Well, I’m assigned to work in the castle infirmary during the next duty rotation. Since your position serving Marcus will last for the whole time he’s grounded, I’ll submit a shift exchange form so that I’ll be serving his meals when the next rotation comes around. In the meantime, I’ll use tomorrow to formally introduce myself to Marcus so he’ll at least know who I am before we make the official switch.”   “How come you never did this much planning in school?”   “Because this is important!”   Dusty Feather rolled her eyes at me and groaned. “This should be interesting.”   I lightly chuckled to myself. “Oh, it will be.” THE NEXT DAY I felt like I was on top of both worlds as I pushed the breakfast cart down the castle halls, humming musically with a skip in my step.   “This is it! I finally get to introduce myself to Marcus!” I thought, my heart pounding faster and faster with each step I took towards his room. “Alright, Honey Pot. Calm down. Don’t lose yourself in the moment. You gotta remember the game plan; act casual, while still giving off the allure that only an experienced mare can give.”   I smirked as I got closer to Marcus’s room, confident that I could woo him with my charm and sex-appeal. If there was ever a time to be thankful for my somewhat revealing uniform design, it was right then. When I approached the guards posted at his door, they gave each other uneasy looks before turning to me with suspicious expressions on their faces.   “What are you up to, Honey Pot?” the one on the left asked.   “Wha? What am I up to?” I innocently asked back. “Whatever do you mean?” “You know full well what we mean,” the guard on the right answered. “How could you be so wary of me when you know that I’m a trusted servant to the royal family? I am deeply, deeply offended!” “Alright, spare us the theatrics,” the left guard said before knocking on the door. “Sir Marcus, your breakfast is here.” “Coming!” I heard from the other side. This was it, my chance to make my first impression on Marcus. If all goes well, he’ll fall for me in an instant!   Once the door opened, I had to resist the urge to pounce on the boy. He was absolutely gorgeous! Oh, where do I begin? His smooth-looking, youthful, delicious, fair skin, his luscious black hair, his slim figure that walked the line between boy and man, or his tantalizing brown eyes that were like windows to the Latin fire waiting to burn inside his soul!   Who better than me to bring that fire out?   “You’re not the usual maid that brings me my meals,” he said to me, the sound of his gentle voice caressing my ears.   “Oh, she’s sick, Sir Marcus. Since she wasn’t here to take care of your catering today, I took it upon myself to cover for her in her absence,” I answered with a sultry tone.   “Uhh… thanks,” he said as he took his breakfast.   “It was my pleasure. If you need any snacks or anything, just ring the kitchen and I’ll come up with a cart for you.” With that, he’d know that I’d be willing to serve him whenever he wanted. What boy doesn’t love that?   “Thanks,” he said again. “So I guess I’ll see you at dinnertime.”   “Mm-hm!” I bowed before turning around and leaving, already counting the hours before we’d meet again later that evening.   “Not bad, HP. Not bad at all. You’ve officially met Marcus, and know it’s only a matter of time before he’s begging on his knees for you. Oh! Is that staring I feel?” I flipped an empty pan up and sure enough, I saw a certain human looking at my derriere. “Hm… If he’s already staring at me, then this might just be easier than I thought.” I resumed my musical humming as I continued down the hall, happy that I finally introduced myself to… wait… “Why do I feel like forgot something important?” My pace slowed down as a pondered what I could’ve possibly neglected to do. My introduction was damn near flawless, so what could I have-   My heart almost stopped when I realized it.   “I forgot to tell him my name!!!” I thought in despair. How could I have forgotten something so important!? Of all the things to forget, it had to be to tell him my blasted name? I’m such an idiot!   Well, I’ll just have to remember to tell him when I see him this evening. THAT EVENING Celestia   “Well, that’s does it for today’s duties, Princess… Princess…?”   “Hm?” I asked absentmindedly.   “Are you well, Princess Celestia?” my assistant asked. “You’ve seemed pretty preoccupied as of late. Is something the matter?”   I gave him a false, but reassuring smile. “It’s nothing to fret over, Kibitz. I just haven’t been getting much sleep, what with all this work I’ve been doing.”   “Well, your agenda has been getting rather hectic as of late…” he said as he looked over my schedule. “Shall I delegate some of tomorrow’s tasks to Twilight Sparkle?”   “Sure,” I answered.   Kibitz nodded and excused himself from my office, and I laid back in my chair, looking up at the ceiling, which I had been doing a lot lately. I knew that I had to stick to my word on Marcus’s punishment, but I found it more and more difficult to commit to that, and it had only been two days.   While I wanted Marcus to respect me as an authority figure, I didn’t want to alienate him, either. As mad as I was with him when he snuck out, he was still my precious nephew, and I didn’t want him to be afraid of me, or worse, hate me. Maria and Hector made it look so easy. Marcus (mostly) respected them and their rules, and he knew the consequences that would come when he broke those rules, but he still saw his parents as people that he could talk to when he needed someone to confide in; they were his first line of contact. It’s not just them, but all the other good parents out there; how were they able to find a balance between parent and friend?   Maybe I was never cut out to be a parent. Maybe that’s why Orion…   I shook my head and got out of my chair. “Don’t even go there, Celestia,” I thought. “You shouldn’t be wallowing in self-pity like this...” I tried to clear my head as I walked out of my office, hoping that a nice walk would help, and if it didn’t, a nap would be my next option. “There’s no need to worry. You’ll just… do the best you can.”   Yeah… just do the best I can. I mean, that’s all I can do, anyway. It’d really help if there were some kind of manual for this parenting thing.   I continued to walk the halls of the castle, my head hung in thought, until I heard someone coming from the other end of the hallway, and I looked up to see Marcus and his guards walking my way. My heart nearly stopped when I saw him, but I tried to maintain my composure. When our paths crossed, I gave him a small smile, but he turned away and walked closer to the wall.   A painful chill ran up my spine as Marcus ignored me, and my chest began to hurt as the distance between us grew, literally and figuratively.   I sighed inwardly as I continued on towards my bedroom. “Maybe I should take that nap.” Honey Pot   I took a deep breath as I pushed my cart, trying to get my mind right. While my first encounter with Marcus was mostly a success, that little mess up where I didn’t tell him my name was oversight that I could not make again.   “Okay, so I’ll just go up to his room, deliver his dinner and say ‘Oh, by the way, if you ever need something, ask for Honey Pot.’” I played that line over and over again in my head, wondering if it sounded good. “Yeah, that sounds natural enough.”   The guards eyed me again as I walked up towards Marcus’s bedroom door. “Are we gonna do this every time I come here?” I asked with a sigh. The guards shrugged and knocked on the door, calling for Marcus to get his dinner, and I put on my best smile as I waited for him.   “Hello again,” I greeted. “I have your dinner here for you. The chef cooked you the usual.”   “Thanks, miss,” he replied, taking his food.   “Okay, time to drop your line,” I thought as I prepared to-   “Say, I never got your name.”   Huh? He actually asked for my name? Well, then, I’d better take advantage of this.   I shot him a sexy smile, leaning over to give him a view of my bosom and topping it off with a couple bats of my eyelashes. “It’s Honey Pot,” I told him, my tone laced with desire.   Marcus looked back at me with the cutest blush on his face, and I could see him struggling to form words. “Well, uh… thanks, Honey Pot.”   “It was my pleasure, Sir Marcus,” I said, leaving him with a wink as I walked away with the cart in tow, putting a little swing in my hips.   What? Was it so wrong to give my man a little show? It’s pretty much his for the taking if he ever wanted it.   I’ll always make time for my Marcus. The day had finally arrived, the day that I’d replace Dusty as Marcus’s maid! I was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, but of course, Dusty had to be the one to spoil my mood.   “Will you take a chill pill, HP?” she said, popping her earbuds out. “I’m trying to listen to music, and seeing you spaz out is kinda distracting.”   “You sure have a knack for ruining a mare’s good time, Dusty,” I muttered.   “You call it ‘ruining a good time’. I call it ‘bringing the space cadet back down to Equus’.”   “Trust me, sister, you’ll be eating those words once Marcus is all mine,” I promised her. “I know that he’s already smitten with me, so it’ll be easy.”   “I don’t know why I’m asking this, but how do you plan on having him ‘admit his undying love to you’?”   I glared at the pegasus. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t patronize me. Anyway, since he obviously can’t resist my good looks,”   “Yeah, obviously.”   I shot her another glare. “I’m going to give him what he wants. If I show him that I have no qualms with him looking at my body, he’ll be more likely to admit his attraction to me.”   “Did you ever consider that maybe, juuuuust maybe, your fetish for humans could be clouding your judgment just a teeny bit?” Dusty asked?   “I know when a guy wants me, Dusty, and Marcus definitely wants me.”   “Y’know, for an earth pony, you seem to have your head in the clouds a lot, and this is coming from a pegasus.”   “If you disagree with me so much, then why aren’t you trying to stop me?”   “Because it’ll be hilarious when the kid rejects you.”   I let out a grunt. “Gee, Dusty, with friends like you, who needs enemies?”   “Honey, a good friend would let you know when you’re about to do something stupid, and I’ll be honest with you, this little plan of yours sounds PhD-level stupid.”   “Well, we’ll see who’ll be wearing the dunce cap, now won’t we? Tonight’s Nightmare Night, and I’m gonna give him a little snapshot of me in my sexy kitty costume.” I headed over to my closet to look for the outfit, trying to remember where I put it.   “Maybe instead of doing that, you should, I dunno, go serve Marcus his breakfast?” said Dusty. “Just a thought.”   My ears perked and I stood straight up. “Agh! You’re right! I don’t want to keep my man waiting!” I rushed out of my room and down to the kitchen, where I picked up Marcus’s breakfast and carted it over to his room. As I hurried down the halls, I slowed down my pace a little bit so I wouldn’t get all sweaty, but I still walked at an urgent speed. Once again, the guards have me a look before calling Marcus to get his food, and I felt butterflies in my chest when he answered the door.   “Oh… Hey there…” he said to me.   “Good morning, Sir Marcus!” I greeted. “Here’s your breakfast!”   He continued to look at me, unsure of how to respond. “Um…”   “Oh, poor boy. He must not be very good at talking to a mare he likes. I should make it a little easier for him,” I thought. “You’re probably wondering why I’m serving you today, huh?” He nodded his head. The cute innocence in his face was just precious. “Well, your usual maid, Dusty Feather, is now working in the castle’s infirmary, and I was asked to fulfill her regular duties from now on, so expect to see me more often,” I explained.   “Oh, okay…” he said.   “Hmm… maybe if I start a more casual conversation…”   “So, what are your plans for tonight?” I asked.   Marcus shrugged. “Well, I’m not so sure about what I’m gonna do.”   Ugh. Duh! He was grounded! What kind of stupid question did I just ask? “Oh yeah, considering your… situation,” I said, not wanting to rub it in. “Well, I hope you have a good night regardless. I’m sure you’ll find something exciting around the castle to do. I’ll see you later, Sir Marcus.”   I bowed my head before leaving him to eat his breakfast, thinking about how that conversation went.   “Wow, I didn’t realize how nervous Marcus was. The poor thing must think that he doesn’t have a chance with me. Well, once I give him that picture of me, he’ll think a little differently, and in the meantime, I’ll keep chatting him up when I deliver his meals so he’ll get more used to me.”   A cheerful grin grew on my face as I pushed the now empty cart along. It hasn’t even been a minute and I’m already waiting for lunchtime! Several hours had passed, and I found myself in front of Marcus’s bedroom door again, this time waiting to serve him his lunch. However, when he opened the door, I noticed that he had a lot of drawing tools on his work desk. Was he busy with schoolwork? I began to wonder if I should wait until dinnertime to strike up a conversation. I wouldn’t want him to fall behind in his work.   “Here’s your lunch!” I said as he took his plate.   “Thanks,” he nodded.   “No problem! If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.” As usual, I bowed my head and turned around to leave, deciding that I should leave him to his work for n-   “Actually, could you come in, for a sec? I have a favor to ask.”   My ears twitched excitedly as I turned to him with a bright expression on my face. “Of course!” I answered without hesitation, and he motioned for me to follow him inside. I set the cart aside before shutting the door behind me, and I was so excited that my tail was twitching. I wasn’t expecting to be invited into Marcus’s bedroom this soon! Maybe he wasn’t as shy as I thought. I had to admit, he was a gutsy one. I mean, he had the audacity to take a mare while he was already in hot water with his aunt, on top of the fact that there were two guards posted right outside his room!   I’ll have to make sure to keep my moans as quiet as I can.   “Oh my… I’ve never done this on the job before, Sir Marcus,” I said, trying to keep my cool. “Are you sure that Princess Celestia won’t catch us? I surely wouldn’t want to get you in trouble or anything.”   I was met with a confused look. “Um… I didn’t call you in here for that,” he told me. Marcus explained that he wanted me to steal some sweets for Princess Luna and bring them to him so that the night princess could pick them up. To say that I was disappointed would be the understatement of the century, but then I had an idea; I wasn’t gonna do this little favor for free. I needed a little tit for tat for my services.   Emphasis on “tit”.   I smiled devilishly at Marcus, sauntering towards him. “Relax, I won’t bite,” I crooned as his back hit the wall. I turned around, pressing my back against him, then I grabbed his wrists and brought his hands up to my chest. I then gave him an ultimatum: either he gives me a good squeezing, or I don’t help him with his little candy heist.   Oh, he tried to deny how much he wanted to do it, but I could see through him, and with a little coaxing, he got started. I stifled a moan on his first squeeze, but just as it was about to get good, he suddenly stopped.   “Oh, no you don’t, mister!” I thought as I tightened my grip on his wrists. “Not so fast,” I whispered. “I’m not letting you off that easy. You can keep this up for a full minute, can’t you?”   After some consideration, Marcus agreed, and since I had him on the ropes, I decided to make things more interesting. I slipped his hands under my top, and brought them up to my braless mounds, and I had to hold back yet another moan when I felt his soft palms caress my fur, but a couple squeaks slipped out as the minute drew on, and it felt a lot longer than it did. I was especially pleased when I felt a certain something poking my backside, and if that wasn't any confirmation that Marcus was secretly enjoying this, I don’t know what was.   Unfortunately, the minute eventually ended, but it was definitely fun while it lasted. With Marcus’s end of the deal upheld, and with me being a mare of my word, I took my cart and headed down to Withers’s office, where he was just leaving.   “Good afternoon, Withers,” I told the old stallion.   “Ah, the office dusting is being done early today, I see,” he said.   “Uh… yeah!” I confirmed, going with the flow.   “Hang on… isn’t this usually done by a maid on Princess Luna’s staff since I am her advisor?” he asked suspiciously.   “Uh, yes. That is usually the case, but… you see, the night princess’s maids are all busy, which meant that somepony from Princess Celestia’s staff had to take care of it in their stead, so here I am! Don’t worry. I’ll be just as thorough as the other maids!”   “Hmm… See that you are,” he told me before walking off.   “Well, that was easier than I expected,” I thought, making my way into Withers’s office, where a bowl of treats was sitting right on his desk. “Okay, WAY easier than I expected. I wonder why Princess Luna couldn’t just swipe these herself, what with how little effort Withers is putting into hiding them. Then again, I ended up getting a nice boob massage out of it, so who am I to complain? At least this’ll give me some time to take that pic of my in my Nightmare Night costume.”   With that delicious thought in mind, I retrieved the candy and headed to the kitchen to get an extra bowl as a gift to Marcus… aaand it’d be a cute way to hide my other gift for him.   I really hope that costume still fits. Celestia The moon was high in the sky, and the stars shone brighter than usual. Seeing as this was Luna’s favorite holiday, I wasn’t surprised that she had put some extra effort into tonight.   At least one of us was happy.   Despite my lighter workload, it wasn’t enough to relax me. If anything, I felt even tenser than before. I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Marcus for over a week, and it was really starting to affect me. I’d spend all my spare time either wandering the halls or resting in my bed, constantly wondering if I had made the right decision in punishing him. I kept going over the same pros and cons in my head, only to end up as uncertain as when I started, and it was driving me crazy!   Once again, I was walking down the dimly lit hall, my mind empty as the sound of my hoofsteps lightly reverberated against the walls. I hoped that I could talk to Marcus in his room and try to at least explain myself and give him the chance to air his own grievances as well. When I rounded the corner of the hallway where his bedroom was, I saw that he was right outside his door, and after such a long period of not seeing his face, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my heart. I looked at my precious nephew with a smile as I approached him, and I tried to at least make conversation.   “Good evening, Marcus,” I said. “Happy Nightmare Night.” I hoped that he’d acknowledge me and accept my offer to talk.   Nothing. He didn’t even bother to look at me.   I felt a tightness in my throat and an incredible pain in my chest as I was brushed off yet again. I took his ignoring me as a sign that he didn’t want to talk. I hung my head, walking back to my room.   “That’s it… I don’t care whether I was right or not,” I thought. “I miss my nephew!”