After Equestria

by Prometheus7

Chapter 10

"This is Sugar-Cube Corner?" David said staring at the extremely pink shop. "It looks like a freaking ginger-bread house." David turned and scowled at Stephan.

Stephan (or Spike, what ever you'd like to call him) shrugged. "Hey, don't look at me man, I didn't name the place."

David sighed, "lets just get this bull-crap over with, already." And with that David and Stephan entered the shop. David pushed the door open with unnecessary force, causing many people to turn and stare at the duo.

"Oh! Over here Spike and weird magic man!" A girl with poof-y pink hair cried out, excitedly. Twilight and the rest of the crew seemed less enthusiastic as David and Stephan approached them.

Twilight waited till everyone had stopped staring at the pink haired girl.

"Alright, spill." Twilight commanded him, after she was sure no one was eve's dropping. David felt a twinge of annoyance, he hated being told what to do.

"Alright." David took a deep breath, and paused dramatically. "You're all bitches."

Stephan chortled, but no one else said anything. They just stared at David, their mouth agape in shock. Then, Rainbow whats-her-name snapped out of her stupor.

"Why you lousy-" She began angrily, snarling and balling up her fists.

"Rainbow Dash, sit down!" Twilight ordered her friend, then she turned to David. her face bright red, whether from anger or embarrassment David couldn't tell, but it was amusing none-the less."I mean, what do you know about Equestria? How do you know about it? The portals been sealed for over one-thousand years!" Twilight was on her feet glaring at David, her face beet-red.

David snorted, surprising Twilight. "I ain't telling you nothing, not until you spill the beans first."

Twilight fell back onto her seat with a groan, maybe because of all the people watching, more likely because she knew she wasn't going anywhere interrogating David. "Alright, fine you win." Twilight grumbled. "I'll tell you"

"What?!" Rainbow shouted angrily, banging her fist on the table. "Why are you listening to him? We out number him six to one! Just make him tell us!"

David was about to reply scathingly to Rainbow's outburst , but Twilight beat him to it.

"No, Rainbow, we can't." Twilight said, rubbing her brow in frustration.

"Why the hell not?! We have Equestrian magic now that you're here-"

"Yes, but we need him to open up!" Twilight snapped, pointing at David as she addressed her friend. "And he'll never do that if you terrify him!"

David scowled, feeling annoyed at that remark. "You know I can still hear you right miss Pretty Princess? And that moron," her gestured at Rainbow who was glaring at him. "-Couldn't scare a newborn kitten. I'll kick that pussy-willow's-"


Everyone froze, no, literally, everyone. The women at the counter froze in the middle of making an ice-cream Sunday, staring wide-eyed at the pink haired girl who'd shouted (not the one who'd called him magic-man, this one was uh ... Butter Sky maybe?) The whole cafe had become silent, all staring at Butter Sky (or whatever her name is.)

"Um ... you can all go back to your smoothies now." Flutter-what's-her-name said, meekly. And after a couple of minutes everything was more or less back to normal, a couple of side-way's glance's at Flutter or Butter or what ever her name is, but other than that, yeah it was normal.

"Alright," Twilight said after a good ten minutes. "I'll go first."

Twilight explained that she had discovered some weird magical readings coming from the Tree of Harmony and she had gone to investigate, Twilight had discovered that, for some reason the Tree of Harmony's magic was becoming unstable. After her friends found out they held a friendship council and-

"Wait, the very harmony in all of Equestria was in jeopardy and you held a Friendship council?" David demanded.

"Yes, what did you expect us to do?" Twilight replied sounding annoyed that she'd been interrupted.

"I don't know, maybe, tell the god damn Princess?" David retorted, "what, you bore her with worthless friendship reports-"

"Hey! My friendship reports are neither boring nor worthless!" Twilight snapped at David.

"-And yet you couldn't find the time to tell her that the source of all freaking harmony was in jeopardy?! Are you honestly that stupid?" David demanded sneeringly, ignoring what Twilight had just said.

"Here's a thought," Rainbow snapped. "Why don't you shut you mother effing-"

"Rainbow, such language!" A purple haired girl chastised her.

"Anyway!" Twilight said loudly catching everyone's attention. "We held a Friendship council and decided that the only to save the tree of harmony was to let it use our Rainbow Power-"

David choked back a laugh. "Your what?"

"-To make up for the Tree's instability, thus, stabilizing it. But something went wrong," Twilight frowned, seemingly in deep thought. "I don't why it happened but me and Spike were unable to connect to the tree, then a living shadow attacked us. It was King Sombra, I don't know how he came back or found out what we were doing, but he was there. He drove me and Spike off, we barely managed to escape, using my makeshift magic mirror to send us back here." Twilight was in tears now, "I .. don't even know what happened to my friends, I can only hope there alright." Applejack went over to Twilight, muttering words of comfort David couldn't quit catch.

"Alright now your turn to talk." Rainbow said, coldly, snapping David out of his stupor. "That is, if you have anything worthwhile to say." She added.

David bit back a retort and told his story, how he was kidnapped, beaten and had his memory erased, then his fight with the Changeling and how Lyra, leader of the Lunar Republic. Explaining how Discord had bestowed his powers unto him ( that word sounds weird when it's Discord who's 'bestowing' stuff. David thought.) and had sent David back home. He even told them about his 'duel' with Andrew and the identity of his captor; Starswirl The Bearded.

"Unbelievable," Rainbow muttered.

"He ain't lyin'." Applejack remarked, "ah can always' tell."

"But, there are so many missing pieces! This can't be it, it just, can't be!" Twilight muttered frustrated, and for once David actually felt sorry for her, Twilight's home was destroyed and she doesn't even know how it happened. That'ts gotta suck. David thought, as he rose silently from his chair intent on leaving Twilight to dwell on that, when a familiar voice spoke in his head.

I can explain it.

David froze, Discord hadn't spoke in his mind in so long that he'd been used to the silence.

Discord! What hell are you doing-?

I can't explain right now, I'll visit you all in your dreams and explain it later, just be patient until nightfall, okay? Okay, bye.

Wait, what? No! Discord, get back in here!

David never thought he'd say those words, biting his lip he turned around to face the 'Mane Six', he really wasn't looking forward to telling them that the Spirit of Chaos was going to invade there dreams, but it seemed he didn't have to.The mane six all had looks of shock on their faces, at least I won't have hear Rainbow Dash telling me I'm crazy.

"What was that?" someone said, David turned his head to the left and saw Sunset Shimmer sitting at the table right in front of the Mane Six's table. Why the hell didn't I see her?

"What the hell?!" Stephan demanded glaring at David, "what's Discord doing? I thought he was crashing in your head!"

"Wait, what do you mean by 'crashing in his head'?" Twilight demanded looking at the two of them suspiciously. "What haven't you told us?"

David glared at the book worm. "You heard him, nerd, Discord said he'd explain when we're asleep okay?" And with that, the the shaken teen hurried out of Sugar-Cube Corner.