That's Not What I Said...

by Level Dasher


Chrysalis laughed again. “No, Twilight. You just said ‘My title is Dusk Glitter.’ It’s important to have just enough emphasis on the proper syllable. A lot of words sound similar, so you need to get it just right.”

Twilight groaned and put her head in her hooves. “Ugh, I’m never going to get this right. How am I going to be able to talk to the other changelings if I can’t speak Hemapid?”

The Changeling Queen smiled. “Twilight, just the fact that you’re trying is enough. Don’t worry about it— I can keep interpreting for you when you go to the Hive. Besides, a small screw-up will probably make my drones laugh a bit. Everyone can use a good laugh— Pinkie Pie can attest to that.”

Twilight shrugged, falling back on the mattress. “I guess… I just wish this wasn’t so difficult!”

Chrysalis patted Twilight’s hoof. “It’s a lot easier to learn Hemapid when it’s your first language, Sweetie. Give it time. My drones won’t think less of you— they know you’re trying.”

Twilight sighed, rubbing her temple as she glanced at her marefriend. “But how do you know?” Chrysalis smirked, cocked a brow, and tapped her skull. Twilight smacked her face with a hoof. “Right… Hive mind.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “Okay, that’s enough for now. You need to rest— you’ve been trying way too hard.” As Twilight tried to get up and protest, Chrysalis pushed her back down on the bed and said, “Rest. You clearly need it.”

Twilight sighed again. “Fine. I guess you’re right, I do need a break.”

Chrysalis nodded. “That’s better. I’m going to go out for a walk— I could use some exercise. I must admit, it’s nice that everyone in town has gotten used to my being around. I don’t need to go out in disguise anymore.”

Twilight smiled, still staring at the ceiling. “Well, living with the Princess part-time does have its perks, Chrissy.”

“Hey, don’t go taking all the credit. The ponies in this town are much more tolerant than the ones in Canterlot.” Then again, I did try to invade them… Probably not the best way to make friends.


“Oh! Hello, Chrysalis. Nice to see you again.”

“Likewise, Fluttershy,” Chrysalis responded as she came up the path from the castle. “You weren’t on your way to see Twilight by any chance, were you?”

Fluttershy’s smile faded. “Actually yes, I was. Why? Is something wrong?”

Chrysalis shrugged. “Well, to a degree. She’s been having a little trouble in our lessons lately. She needs to rest, so it would be better if you stopped by a little later if it isn’t an urgent matter.”

“Oh no, it’s not urgent. I’ll talk to her later. Thank you for letting me know,” Fluttershy said, turning around to head back to her cottage. As she and Chrysalis continued walking in opposite directions, Fluttershy called, “What was it Twilight is having trouble with, exactly?”

From the distance, Chrysalis called back over her shoulder, “Oh, she’s just upset that she hasn’t learned to speak Hemapid properly!”

Continuing her walk back to her cottage, Fluttershy thought, Hmm… I didn’t know Chrysalis was familiar with floriculture…


“Ah’m glad Ah caught ya, Flutters. Winona’s been actin’ all funny-like. She don’t look sick or nuthin’, but she’s actin’, well, kinda lazy. That ain’t like her.”

“Are you sure she isn’t just tired? She does work with you pretty hard, Applejack,” Fluttershy responded.

“Pretty sure, and she ain't been lately, that's the problem. The only time I’ve seen 'er up an’ about is when Apple Bl—” Applejack put a hoof to her forehead. “Ah bet that fllly’s been gettin’ Winona wrapped up in 'er crusadin’ again. Shoulda thought’a that first. Sorry fer botherin’ ya, Flutters.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble, Applejack. Don’t apologize for being worried about your pet. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to Angel, or any of my other animals!” Fluttershy said.

“Well, hopefully we’ll never need ta find out. If’n ya’ll excuse me, I gotta go talk to Twi fer a minute ‘fore Ah find out what mah sister’s been up to lately.”

Fluttershy put a hoof up. “Oh, no! Wait, don’t go see Twilight right now.”

AJ cocked a brow. “Why not?”

“Well, I was going to speak with her, too, but I ran into Chrysalis on the way there. She said Twilight needs to rest. It sounds like she’s been working really hard in the garden.”

Applejack flinched. “Wha?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh yes. Chrysalis said Twilight is upset about the orchids on the castle property. She’ll probably be fine later. Just give her some time. You know how Twilight is about everything being just right. I can’t imagine it would be any different with the garden.”

Applejack shrugged. “Nah, wouldn’t surprise me, either.”


“Ah’m tellin’ ya, Rares— it’s like somethin’ a filly would get worked up over. She could always ask one’a the flower mares to give ‘er a hoof. They’d prob’ly be happy to oblige,” Applejack said, chatting with Rarity as they walked through the market.

“Well, yes, but I know the feeling. When you have a vision in your head, and you want it done just right, you usually need to do it yourself. I had the same issue with the boutique’s decor,” Rarity responded. “I hired a decorator when I first moved in, but she just didn’t understand me at all. I practically tore the place apart.”

“Yeah, Ah get it, Ah get it. But still,” Applejack said, “Twi’s got enough on her plate. Why worry about the garden?”

Rarity scoffed, “You clearly don’t understand the importance of proper decoration, my dear Applejack.”

Applejack put a hoof to her head and responded, “Let’s not get inta this again, Rarity. You know mah family don’t care about that prissy stuff.”

Rarity huffed, “Well, excuse me for being moi!”

Applejack shook her head as she headed back to the farm.


“I don’t know, Rainbow. Despite what I told AJ, I do agree— with all the things Twilight needs to worry about, I’m not sure she should be focusing on the flowers if it’s causing her stress.”

“Yeah, I’m with AJ— Twi should plant her nose in a book instead of an actual plant, heh-heh,” Rainbow Dash replied. Rarity rolled her eyes.

“That was a horrible pun, Rainbow, but again, I agree. Focusing on something that’s causing that much stress seems rather childish to me, especially when a number of the mares in town would likely be happy to help. Then again, her vision is her vision. If she wants something done her way, she’s the best pony to do the job,” Rarity said. “I still don’t understand her sudden fascination with flowers, though.”

“Eh, she probably saw something in a book. That’s usually how everything strange starts out when it comes to Twi,” Rainbow Dash answered.

Rarity nodded. “True, very true.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Rarity, when are you gonna let me out of this thing? Can’t you ever find somepony else to model your pegasus lines?”

“Oh, hush. You have just the right build for this line. Now please, hold still!”


“It’s a little too loud in here, Dash! I think Chrissy and I are going to head back to the castle and call it a night!” Twilight shouted over the din. After being invited to another one of Pinkie’s Because-We-Haven’t-Had-One-In-A-While parties, Twilight and Chrysalis had had enough, and headed for Sugarcube Corner’s exit.

Rainbow Dash found her way to the punch bowl, where Pinkie stood happily, admiring her latest success. “Heya, Pinkie! Looks like another hit!” Rainbow shouted.

“Abso-tootle-lutely!” Pinkie screamed back. “Was there ever any doubt?”

“Nah! I think it was a little too much for Twi, though— she and Chrysalis headed home! I think she’s had a funky day, anyway!” Rainbow called over the noise.

“Huh? Whaddaya mean?” Pinkie asked.

At the height of the music, Rainbow Dash shouted, “I heard she was acting kinda foalish today! Something about the garden!”

Pinked screamed, “What was that?”

Raising her voice, Rainbow shouted, “I said, Twilight’s acting like a foal! Over something silly, too!”

Pinkie’s eyes suddenly bulged. “WHAT?! AND SHE DIDN’T TELL US? I’VE GOTTA GO CONGRATULATE HER!”

As Pinkie disappeared in a cloud of smoke, racing up the stairs, then out of the bakery in a flash, Rainbow Dash cocked a brow at the door.

Wait, what?


“No, Twilight. We’ll continue tomorrow. Let’s get some sleep.”

Twilight sighed. “Oh, fine. But first thing in the morning, I want you to help me with those introductions aga—”

Twilight was cut off at the echo of loud pounding at the front door of the castle. “Who in Equestria is that?” Chrysalis said.

The two of them walked to the main hall and approached the door. The second it opened, Pinkie came bounding inside with a basket. “OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH CONGRATULATIONS! Why didn’t you tell us sooner how long have you known how did you do it?” Twilight and Chrysalis glanced at each other as they tried to interpret Pinkie’s mile-a-minute speech.

Twilight finally stuffed a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth so she could get a word in. “Pinkie, what are you talking about?”

“And what is all of this for?” Chrysalis asked, staring at the pink blanket and booties in the basket Pinkie had brought with her.

Pinkie grinned, patting Twilight’s stomach. “As if you didn’t knoooooow, Chrissy-Whissy! You thought you could keep a secret like this from me? Auntie Pinkie always knows!”

Twilight pushed Pinkie back and asked, “No, Pinkie, seriously— what are you talking about?” She looked at the basket Chrysalis was holding. “That looks a lot like the basket I gave to Cadance at her baby shower. What do you think is going on here?”

Pinkie’s hair deflated and her ears drooped. “Huh? You mean you’re not having a foal? Dashie said it was a filly!”