//------------------------------// // Chapter 0 // Story: Sisters of the Sun and Moon // by Show Stopper //------------------------------// Chapter 0 "CELESTIA!!!" The alabaster alicorn turned, face full of shock, to face the young alicorn standing behind her. "Dusk! What-" "HOW COULD YOU!!!" screamed Princess Dusk. "SHE WAS OUR SISTER, CELESTIA! OUR SISTER!!!" Princess Celestia closed her eyes, tears still streaming down her face. "We are sorry, Dusk," she whispered. "We had no choice. Luna has been completely consumed by Nightmare Moon." "SHE IS STILL IN THERE! WE HAVE REACHED HER! YOU KNOW THIS! WE HAVE TOLD YOU!!!" "Our ponies were suffering, Dusk!" snapped Celestia, her eyes darting open in a glare. "We could wait no longer. We had to help them!" "TYRANT!!! YOU CARE NOT FOR OUR PONIES! YOU CARE ONLY FOR POWER! HOW POWERFUL HAVE YOU BECOME, NOW THAT YOU RULE BOTH DAY AND NIGHT?" Dusk's horn lit, and the six gems that surrounded Celestia rose and began to spin around her. "A PORTION OF THAT POWER IS OURS! AND NOW WE CLAIM IT!" The six gems began to glow as they spun. Terror filled Celestia's face as Dusk rose into the air, surrounded in a sphere of prismatic energy. Then, in a sudden flash of rainbow light- "Dusk!" The teal unicorn jerked awake, drenched in a cold sweat. "Dusk!" the voice repeated. "Are you OK?" Dusk Shadow rolled over to see a very short, peach coated pegasus looking worriedly at her. "I'm fine," Dusk replied, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Just a bad dream. What time is it?" "Almost sunrise," answered the pegasus. "I was just about to head out. Are you sure you're alright?" Dusk smiled, and leaned over to ruffle her younger sister's pink and red mane. "I'm fine, Dawn," she said. "Go raise the sun. I'll finish up packing." Dawn Sky nodded and left the room. Only when she heard the front door close did Dusk allow her smile to drop. "Get a hold of yourself, Dusk," she muttered to herself. "She got back almost three years ago. Quit dreaming of her banishment." She got up and stripped her bed, neatly folding the sheets and the thin blanket. Going to need to buy a thicker one, she thought as she levitated the bedding out to the main room, where a couple of suitcases sat ready to receive them. Ponyvill's colder than Manehattan, and Autumn's coming on fast. After packing the bedding away, she trotted over to the bathroom to pull a brush through her dark blue and purple mane, before packing that as well. The sky outside began to brighten as she went through the small apartment, gathering up the last few things that hadn't been packed the night before. Her ears perked as the birds of Manehattan began their morning chorus. The usually cheerful birds now sang a song full of sorrow, a song that Dusk was unfortunately familiar with. The Composer of the Morning Chorus was heartbroken, and her song reflected it. Soon after the sun had risen, Dawn entered the apartment, trying to hold back her tears. "You alright, Dawn?" asked Dusk. Dawn nodded stifly. "It's getting easier," she admitted. "Not a lot, and not quickly, but it's getting easier." Dusk walked over and pulled her sister into a tight embrace. "Don't let it get too easy," she whispered. "Having to say 'goodbye' is better than neveer saying 'hello'." Dawn nuzzled deap into her sister's embrace, tears flowing freely now. "Even when it means falling in love?" Dusk kissed Dawn's forehead. "Especially then." She lit her horn, levitating both of their suitcases. "Come on, let's go. It's a long walk to Ponyville." Dawn wiped away the rest of her tears and nodded sadly. They exited the apartment, locking the door behind them for the last time.