A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 30 planning

“Where’s that pony you said would be helping us Grumpig? He should have come back last night!” Ire growled at Grumpig.
“For all we know, L could have had something important going on and he felt staying was the best choice.” A door in the next room slammed open. “That should be him right now.”
Specter walked into the room. “They have guards.” was all he said.
“Yes, we know they have guards.” Ire said exasperatedly. “The whole police force is looking for us.”
“They have Canterlot guards. Five of them.” Was all Specter said in reply.
“So, what does that mean?” Grumpig asked, unimpressed.
“It means that Princess Celestia knows what’s going on.” Quarry said from a corner of the room.
Ire had been startled by his sudden statement. “Quarry, don’t scare me like that, you know I don’t like it.”
“So you’re telling me…” Grumpig started to ask Specter. “That your ruler, the one who raises your sun, has sent help for L?”
Specter nodded. Ire was surprised when Grumpig started to smile at this answer.
“Are you crazy?!” Ire asked. “She’s one of the most powerful beings in the world and you’re not concerned that she is?”
“She’s not concerned enough. All your precious princess did was send a few guards. And I have a feeling that it would take a while for anything else to come for help. Especially since anything past tomorrow will be too late for L.”
“Does that mean…?” Quarry started.
“We’ll go over everything Ire needs to know today, and tomorrow will be the day we finish our plan. Where’s that mightyena?”
“I’ll get him.” Quarry said leaving the room. In a few moments, he had brought back not only Mightyena, but also some of the other pokemon working for them.
“Mightyena, you’re going to need to lure L out of the building. I want you to start planning what you’re going to do. If you must, go find Glameow. She’s been hanging around the place, making sure L doesn’t leave. The rest of you, work on training, for all we know there could be a problem and some of L’s friends might follow her along.”
“And make sure you’ll be able to keep L from being harmed.” Ire added. “I want her in perfect condition when I get to pay her back for what she did!”
“You’re starting to sound like me.” Grumpig complimented. “I like that!”
Grumpig gave one last order for the pokemon to turn and leave before she joined Ire for her final training. As she did so,Grumpig gave a small smirk.

“Angela, where are you going?” Lea said to her.
Citrus had come in that morning and Angela had gotten her ribbon enchanted. Lea was working on trying to wrap the ribbon where Angela had wanted when she started to leave mid wrap. After realizing what she was doing, Angela shook her head.
“I have… no idea.” Angela said, confused. She came back over to Lea so the ribbon could be wrapped the rest of the way. “How have you been doing cooped up in here? It’s been a while since you’ve been out.”
“I’ve been fine. I’ll admit I’d like to go out in the town again, but I’ve had the other pokemon to hang out with. Caddi has been fun to talk to when it’s late and they’re all getting ready for bed. I’ve also gotten to learn what Midnight’s been doing when he’s been over here.”
“Good. I don’t want you to be tempted to leave and endanger yourself.”
“Believe me, if I were to leave, it’s gonna be when this whole thing is over.”
“Lea…” Angela started. “Can you promise me one thing?”
“What’s that?” Lea asked as she tied the ribbon in place.
“No matter what might happen, can you promise you won’t hurt anyone unless it’s to keep yourself alive.”
“Well, yeah, that should be easy. Why did you need me to promise that?”
“I’ve noticed a few times when you’ve gotten a little angry that you’ve started to charge up some of the various moves umbreon can do. I want to make sure you know so you can watch out for that.” Angela explained to her.
“Thanks, but I think I’ll be good. Come on, let’s go grab some breakfast.”

“Glameow! Where are you?”
Mightyena was nearby the poke center.
“Shut up!” Glameow said from behind him. “What are you doing? Don’t you know there are new guards around here?”
“Of course I do, but my masters don’t think they’re a problem so I don’t either.”
“Fine… Why are you even here?” Glameow asked.
“I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to get L out of the building to where they need her.”
“How do you plan to get her through without anyone seeing?”
“I-I’ll figure it out. There are already a ton of pokemon inside there. They won’t notice me go in.”
Glameow slapped him. “They’re already watching to see if a pokemon like you or me is around. The second they see you, they’re gonna be on alert.”
“I’ll just have to wait for a distraction.”
“Who knows when you’ll get one of those. It’s not like tomorrow, just when you need it, Arceus is going to make another important announcement!”
“I’ve gotten lucky before. It could happen.”
Glameow rolled her eyes. “Riiiiiiiiiiiight… Arceus, the all powerful god, is going to give you what you need, exactly when you need it.” She frowned. “If that happens, I’ll do whatever you want for a whole week.”
She didn’t know why, but right after she finished making that statement, Glameow shuddered.
“We then you better get ready to-” Mightyena was cut off.
“Who’s there?”
Mightyena and Glameow were barely able to hide themselves before a pegasus guard came by.
“Come out and show yourselves and there will be no consequences… unless, of course, there’s a reason you feel the need to hide from me.”
“Oh for the love of… Hypnosis!” Glameow whispered.
The guard fell asleep in front of her. “This is the reason you should be around here. I’m leaving. It’d be wise if you went and did the same. I’d also hurry because we don’t want another guard fining his buddy asleep here.”
“Fine! I’ve got a plan to get her out anyways.” Mightyena said as he left, despite having no actual plan.

“Lea! One of the guards just came in with another on their back! He was put to sleep by a pokemon… or so we think.”
Caddi had come running into the bathroom where Lea was working on giving some of the younger pokemon a bath.
“What?! Can you take over here? I’m going to go down and look at them. By the way, do you know where Blissey is?”
“I saw her on my way here, I already told her what happened. Don’t worry about it. By the way, Linoone went out to go find Midnight, so you don’t have to worry about that either.”
Lea nodded in reply before she ran out to go find the guards.
“Is he alright?” Lea asked when she found them.
“Yes!” Blissey told her. “It was a pokemon who put him to sleep, most likely Hypnosis since there was no powder found near the area he was found. Didn’t I hear there was a glameow that was keeping you from leaving?”
“Yes. That’s correct.” Lea answered.
“Then it might have been them. Glameow can learn hypnosis naturally. It’s normally the fourth move they learn in their lifespan.”
“Can you wake him up safely?”
“Oh, yes! I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner. Heal Bell!”
After a few quick moments, the guard woke up. “Huh, where am I? Last time I checked, I was outside.”
“The glameow from a few days ago has apparently hanging around. She used Hypnosis on you.”
“I knew I heard something nearby. I’ll have to try harder.”
“Don’t you think you should take a small break?” The other guard asked.
“That’s what I just did. We have to catch these criminals sooner rather than later.”
“Fine! Be stubborn! Hope you’re fine with any consequences.”
With that everyone departed. Blissey left feeling happy that she helped. The guards left somewhat angry at each other, and Lea left, more nervous than before.

It had been a while since the guard had been attacked by the glameow. Midnight had come in and learned what had happened. Lea had gone and locked herself in her room, and Ben was trying to get her to come out.
“Come on Lea! You’ve been in there since lunch time. Come out so you can have dinner!”
“It’s safer for everyone if I’m alone!” She called through her door.
If Ben still had some, he would have ruffled the hair on his head. “Look, locking yourself up isn’t helping anyone. If anything, everyone is being put in more danger because they’ll get harmed while Ire and Quarry are looking for you.”
There was only silence before slowly, the lock clicked and the door slowly.
“Ben…” Lea started. “I’m… I’m scared.”
Ben responded with the only way to comfort her he had, and hugged Lea. “I know you are. But that doesn’t mean you have to be alone.