//------------------------------// // CH 1 Getting Out pt 1 (fix!!!!) // Story: Reborn of the Unknown Pony // by Rye Snoot //------------------------------// Once upon a time, there was a big city, there was a lot of ponies, and they all had a cup of coffee every 12 p.m. in that hour, so nothing changes, and they keep doing it every day until 2315 years later. Discord became bored, went to evil and made chaos again, then Twilight Sparkle stop him and use the elements of harmony. One week later in 2315 on August 4th in the land of nowhere. There is a factory with lots of darkness and black with lots of shadows. There is a house to the north of the factory about 30 miles (48.28 kilometers). The house is made 30 years ago. The house stairs are all rusted and gloomy. The house is also old and the wall keeps making noises. The pool was 12 x 12 and 7 feet (213 centimeters) deep with water in it. The pool had green water in it and a lot of flowers of the poison joke known as the curse flower. Deeps down in the basement some pony down there to live to tell the tale. In a weird most the scariest looking container that is 4 ft (1.22m) wide and 7 ft (ca. 122 cm) tall (science test subject container) it also has water in it with a pony with an oxygen mask in the container, then the pony began to breathe, it began to move, it began to scream in fear, then the container broke and things get interesting. Five changelings came into the house on the 1st floor, and they are about to attack the place. I pick up a weapon, it had a laser that I can shoot with. It also had a clock. It also had a temperature thermometer on it. It was leather and had some components of carbon steel. I equipped it on my right hoof, then an A.I spoke said. "Ok here are the controls. The square button is to reload. The circle is to melee. The triangle is to change weapons. The x button is to jump. The right trigger is to shoot. The left trigger is your grenades." Snow Crystal goes into battle with 200 HP and 200 MP. The changelings made lots of noise and rattle above the floor. The changelings came down the stairs and attacked. In slow mode, I rolled on the ground and attacked the first changeling, then I sweep kick the 2nd and shot it, then I kick the 3rd in the face and shot it, then the 4th changeling ran away like a chicken while doing the chicken dance back to Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra. Who, who am I…? Screams. "Is this a dream, but I am not sure if this is true is it? Who, who is this person."? Said the pony. Some mysterious soul said. "Hello, your name is Snow Crystal. You must find him before it is too late and hurries." in a scary voice. "So, my name is Snow Crystal, so who was that guy or girl? Was it all my dreams? I'm not sure but it feels like I know him or her." Snow Crystal goes to the upper floor 56 BF. Snow Crystal saw something that is small so and too hard to see and hard to aim. "Ok this is it I am taking you down with the laser." Said Snow Crystal. I change to a three burst shot and took down 60 small monsters, then I went closer to see what the monster looks like. "Parasprites." Said Snow Crystal. Goes up to floor 55 BF. "More of them jeez." Said Snow Crystal. Snow Crystal said. "What is this something that those like a golden color. I see that some of them are dropping stuff I can't remember what it is called." A.I. says. "Gold and shiny, but they are now called bits you use them to buy stuff. Bits can buy you clothes, armor, dresses, households, and train tickets. It is most likely you need them in the future where you are going." "Will they drop weapons?" Snow Crystal asked. A.I. said. "Yes, most monster drop items maybe you should try to go back to floor 57 BF." Snow Crystal went back to 56 BF. Full of dead para sprites that are in the room. Snow Crystal went to 57 BF. The wait is that changeling but how is that possible. A.I. said. "It is using Magic it." "Magic oh no." Said Snow Crystal. The changeling changes into yourself as a pony. What is that? A.I. said. "A changeling has the ability to use any sorts of magic. But beware some magic users are very dangerous." Snow Crystal said. "How dangerous can they be exactly." The changeling use punched and sends Snow Crystal back into a wall. "Oh, so that's how it is." Said Snow Crystal. Snow Crystal has 150/200 HP left. Snow Crystal use a bite. Critical hit. Changeling has left 450/700 HP left. The changeling uses a punch. Snow Crystal has left 100/200 HP left. Snow Crystal use a bite. Changeling 350/700 HP left. Changeling use kicked. Snow Crystal 40/200 HP. Snow Crystal said. "This is too hard we have to run." A.I. said. "Hold on you got something in your pouch five potions I think." Snow Crystal said. "Wait for what. You would've told me before and there is one potion left in the backpack." A.I. said. "Oops sorry, I guess someone forgot to send more potions for this dungeon." Snow Crystal slapped herself with the left hoof into her face 20/200 HP left, then she drinks the potion 170/200 HP left. Snow Crystal uses sweep kick at the changeling. The changeling has 150/700 HP left. Changeling is now paralyzed. Changeling can't move. Snow Crystal uses the laser. Changeling 0/700 HP left and fainted. Snow Crystal pick up an item that might be useful in the future. She picked up a net catcher weapon and now she is equipping it to the left hoof because the laser is on its right hoof. Snow Crystal went upstairs to 56 BF there were a dead parasprites in the room. Went up to 55 BF there were a dead parasprites in the room. Went up to 54 BF there were a lot of books in that one small bookshelf. Snow Crystal read 10 books before she went to 53 BF. The First Book was about the created of Ponyville. The second book was about how they built Camelot back in the day. Third Book tells you how Luna gets banished to the moon. The fourth book tells you how Discord went evil. The fifth book tells you how the changelings went evil. The sixth book gives you a description of the elements of harmony. The seventh book tells you the elemental tree of harmony. The eighth book tells how the elements were used and created. The ninth book tells you the story of Crystal's Ponies. The tenth book tells you about the mystery of magic. Snow Crystal takes all 10 books in inventory. Snow Crystal found a door. The door's locked. She was thinking of finding the key. Snow Crystal went to 53 BF and it was dark. "It's too dark to see." Said Snow Crystal. She goes straight blindly and trips over something then hit her head on an object 100/200 HP left. She put her hoof on the object and tries to find it with a feel. She notices it was an object on top of another object that she bumped into. She clicks on the button. The lamp turned on. Snow Crystal thinks. "Hmm so this is a desk and I should look in the drawers." The first drawer has a combined and it has a number on it. The number is 8 also she found a key. She looks in the second drawer and found a flashlight. She tries to turn on the flashlight but it didn't work she also check for the battery but there was none. Snow Crystal went back down a floor to 54 BF, and she went to the left to open the door but the door's locked, then she opens her inventory and grabs the key and it fits. The door is unlocked. The room has a radius of 25 ft (ca. 8 M) and 7.5 ft high (2.29 m). In the room, there were more bookshelves in a circumference format and the bookshelf was 7 ft high (2.13 meters). In the middle, there was a cabinet. As Snow Crystal walks to the cabinet there were four drawers. She checked the top left and opened it. Empty. She checked the top right. She found a number 5. She checked the bottom right. She found a battery. She checked the bottom left. Snow Crystal gets A letter. Snow Crystal reads the letter. The combination is how many numbers did you receive. Snow Crystal said. "Ok, A.I, we have numbers we have 8 and 5 and 2. Hmm, that's not a lot of numbers. What do you think they meant for?" A.I. said. "It's meant for a combination of a lock or a security clearance." Snow Crystal said. "Ok tell me what does security clearance mean." A.I. said. "To unlock something." Snow Crystal said. "Hope it leads to food and water. A.I. do you know what floor we are?" A.I. said. "54 BF." Snow Crystal said. "Really that's a long way up is you sure there isn't an elevator somewhere?" Snow Crystal sleeps one hour and dreams. "A.I. can you hear me?" Said Snow Crystal. Waited one min and now answered. "Why is it getting so hot out there it's like a desert. With lots of hot sand and vultures that are flying above me." Said Snow Crystal. "Have I died or something? Is this what happens when you don't believe in god?" "Is this the afterlife?" Snow Crystal goes under the tree for shade. She is thinking in mind. "Well, maybe I shouldn't kill para sprites and changelings they are living beings after all. I don't know why but I feel like a story writer is typing on what door like a legend, that has-to-be my destiny to fight them. Who knows? The alarm goes off. You wake up. You gain ten HP. "A.I. what time is it." Said Snow Crystal. "It's at about 7 a.m. You had a bad dream, so I woke you up." Said the A.I. "Can you remind, where are we?" Snow Crystal asked. A.I. said. "We are in; unlocked door in 54 BF." "Ok time to move out." Said Snow Crystal. Snow Crystal goes back to unlock the door and went to the other room when she walks upstairs to 53 BF, then she walks upstairs to 52 BF. Just outside the door of 52 BF, there is security access. Snow Crystal asks the A.I for the code. A.I. said. "Eight, five, two." Snow crystal type in the exact numbers. "The code didn't work." Said Snow Crystal. Snow Crystal said. "Ok, so it's a three-number password." Snow Crystal typed in two, five, eight. Access denied. Snow Crystal typed in five, eight, two. Access denied. Snow Crystal typed in two, eight, five. Access granted. Snow Crystal said. "Finally." A.I. said. "Ok were in but there something I must make you do." Snow Crystal said. "Make it quick I'm a hungry pony." A.I. said. "Ok step on this square you need a light test." Snow Crystal said. "Do I have to do that. That's so stupid as 3.14. To look at the flashing lights that are on. You gotten be kidding me, right?" A.I. said, "Just do it." "Fine, I'll do it." Said Snow Crystal. Snow Crystal walks to the right to the square, and she saw no lights on. A.I. said, "Give me a moment to fix some tests." The middle door opens and you can smell hay and hear water drops. I am getting tortured by an A.I. when the food and water are in the next room. A.I. said, "Look at the top light." Snow Crystal looks at the top light. A.I. said, "Look at the bottom light." Snow Crystal looks at the bottom light. Snow Crystal said, "Are we done yet?" A.I. said, "No. But do you prefer inverted." Snow Crystal said, "Really, I prefer the default. Are we done?" A.I. said, "No. Now, look at the left." Snow Crystal gets tired but looks at the left anyway. A.I. said. "Now look at the right." Snow Crystal look at the right. A.I. said, "Do you want the horizontal to be inverted." Snow Crystal said. "NO. Are we almost done yet."? A.I. said, "Nope. Now follow the lights start from top to bottom and left to right." Snow Crystal looked at the top once more than the bottom then left to right." A.I. said, "Wait, you forgot to say Amen. Try again." Snow Crystal put her left hoof and smacked her face. 30/200 HP. Snow Crystal look at the top then bottom then left, then right and said. "Amen." A.I. said., "The door where you smell food and water are now permanently open." Snow Crystal runs over to the food and eat hay and drink water. Snow Crystal sings. Oh, how I love this food this yummy and tasty food. It is so good and the time I thought I was going to starve too. Oh, how I love this food yummy and tasty food makes me feel so good. The flavor is so dry and sweet but it is never too sour or spicy just the way I like it. I wish that I could buy it. I can't wait to even try it. Oh, how I love this food it gives you a lot of energy I don't even have to worry. Oh, I wish I could get some apples that go with my pineapples. Oh, I wish I had some baits to get some really good-looking crates that are berries where can I get some crystal berries it shouldn't affect me so please don't worry. Oh, how I love this food yummy and tasty food. Where I can see it and smell it and even taste it. Oh, how I love food yummy and tasty food. I just hope I don't get the food sickness flu. I hope I don't get the food sickness too. Snow Crystal stretches her legs then she looked around the place for any useful bottles to carry water. Snow Crystal went back to the test room. She went to the door on the left of her. She is the room about 23 by 23 what's in the room just a chest and a wardrobe. Snow Crystal opens the wardrobe first she found clothes, and she put them on. Snow Crystal Goes to the chest and tries to open it. Needs a key to the open chest. Snow Crystal walks out of the room and head straight and opens the door. Snow Crystal goes into the third room and there were three bottles on the ground. Snow Crystal picked them up. There was a desk in the far-left corner she opens the first drawer and found a battery, then she opens the second drawer she found the key. She goes out of the room and went to her left she went in that room to wash the bottles and pour water on each three of the empty water bottles, then she grabs some hay to go with her. She left the room and went to her left to another room. She looks in her inventory and uses the key on the chest. She found a coin purse that had 500 bits in there. Now she has 5005 bits. Although she founds a lever in there. She pulled it. On the right side of the floor went up to a staircase. Snow Crystal went to inventory and took two batteries and put them in the flashlight. She turns it on to see if it works. The flashlight works and Snow Crystal smiled. Snow Crystal went up to the stairs to 51 BF. She goes into the room but there was an open chest in the middle of the room. Snow Crystal look to see what's inside. Snow Crystal found some rope. Snow Crystal looks up and saw there was a big hole. Snow Crystal went upstairs to 50 BF. Snow Crystal looks down and sees the big hole. She also sees a plank across the room. She uses the rope to grab the plank to make across the room. Puts the rope back in inventory. Snow Crystal said. "This might come in handy." Snow Crystal balance on the plank and made it across without losing focus. Snow Crystal walks upstairs to 49 BF. She sees a hallway and one door on both sides. Snow Crystal goes to the left door and opens nothing here but dust. Snow Crystal saw something shine she goes to it. She found a Key. Snow Crystal goes back to the hallway and opens the other door she notices that the door's locked. Snow Crystal use that key to open the door. The door is unlocked. She then went into that room and found more stairs. Snow Crystal went up a floor to 48 BF. She went in the room but this time she sees five floors at once. A.I. said. "How good are you at running?" Snow Crystal said. "Not that great." A.I. said. "That these platforms and staircase is unstable once you get on that staircase it will collapse all the way to the 5th floor. Once you're there you have to open the door and get inside as fast as you can." Snow Crystal said. "This is too crazy whoever made this place has been insane design staircase." Snow Crystal rest before she went to the first staircase. Snow Crystal said. "Here goes nothing." Snow Crystal looks at the route to get to 43 BF. Snow Crystal runs to the first staircase then she went right then straight then slide and went to the right again she ran to the 2nd staircase, then once at the top she slides to turn around, and then she went straight then turn left and jumped on the platform and it broke by force the platform went forward, and then she jumps on another platform then she turns left and went to the 3rd staircase, but she had to turn around and jump to the other diagonal platform as running she turns right to the 4th platform then she got to the top of the 4th staircase the bridge broke. She still ran then she went to the right, and then she ran on the wall to the other platform and lands to that platform to get to the 5th staircase. Once she went straight to the 5th staircase, she hears a lot of noise breaking. Once she reaches the top of the 5th staircase she slides and turns around when she runs straight to the door as the floor collapsing behind her she runs to the door and open it quickly and made it inside. "A.I. remember not to come here again." Said Snow Crystal. Snow Crystal takes a breather, and then she falls asleep and then dreams. Snow Crystal walks straight into the dark and spooky shadows of the everfree forest. "Where am I? Is this where I'm posting to be? Snow Crystal saw Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra together. They were happy once and it looks like they have a daughter but it's all my blurs. Snow Crystal wakes up. "A.I. how long was I sleeping." Snow Crystal said. A.I. said, "About 6 hours or most." Snow Crystal said, "What time is it." A.I. said, "6 p.m." "We better get moving A.I. the nightmares are getting weird by the second." Said Snow Crystal. A.I. said. "Ok ready when you're." Snow Crystal hears noise on the next floor. Snow Crystal drinks half of a water bottle, and she ate some hay. Snow Crystal goes to the next floor 42 BF. Snow Crystal opens the door. She sees a dark hallway with 2 doors on the left and 2 doors on the right. Snow Crystal opens the door. As she sees a dark hallway with 2 doors on the left and 2 doors on the right. She tries to open the first left door and it is locked. She tries to open the door behind her and it opens you see a rat stuck in a mousetrap. She went right and help the rat out on the countertop. The mouse went straight and then left and then the mouse slides on the broomstick to the left of the room into a hole. Snow Crystal was searching the cabinets for food and supplies. Snow Crystal receives 10 cheese sticks. The mouse returned and gave Snow Crystal a key. The mouse looks happy and wants to join Snow Crystal on her quest out of the dungeon. Snow Crystal receives a pet. Snow Crystal goes out of the room. She goes to the other side of the hallway to try to open the left door but it's locked. Snow Crystal goes into inventory and uses the key. The key doesn't work. She turns right as she walks forward to go to the 2nd left door. The door opens. She sees a hole that a mouse can get to on the left side of the room. She uses a cheese stick for the mouse to grab something from the hole. The mouse goes into the hole and searches. While Snow Crystal looks at a bed and investigates it. She thinks that the bed is so old. She goes on the bed but the bed breaks and there is no mattress. The mouse has returned and gave Snow Crystal a key. Snow goes out of the room and across the hall to the other door. It opens you see a picnic basket. Snow Crystal opens the picnic basket and receives a key. She goes out of the room and turns left then walks forward then takes a right to the other door that was locked. She uses the 2nd key it didn't work. She uses the 3rd key from the basket it works. The door opens. In the room, she sees a picture on the left side of the room. It's Princess Celestia picture. She took it down and saw a lever. Snow Crystal pulls the lever. The back wall moved and has a code combination. 34,67,32,43,65,38. She goes out of their room and went left then straight till she comes upon a door with 6 key slots and combination of 30-70. She uses the first key in the first key slot it fits. She turns the key until it matches 34. She uses the first key on the second keyhole didn't work. She uses the first key in the third hole it doesn't work. She uses the first key to the fourth keyhole it doesn't work. She uses the first key in the fifth hole it works she matches it up to 65. She uses the second key to the second keyhole it didn't work. She uses the second key to the third keyhole and it worked. She matches the combination to 32. She uses the second key to the fourth keyhole didn't work. She now realized that the last keyhole for the second key fits, and she matches it with 38. She knew that the second keyhole and the fourth keyhole was the third key. She puts the third key in the second keyhole to match with 67 and the fourth keyhole match to 43. The door is now unlocked. Snow Crystal went to 41 BF. She opens the door, and she sees a lot of floors. Snow Crystal said, "That is a long way up." A.I. said, "It seems that it's about 16 floors high." Snow Crystal Sings. Oh, I wish I could fly it seems like it's easy as pie oh I hope I don't have to die. All this time I fell asleep in a container I didn't have any retainers. When I see myself in a mirror I feel like a boring new creator. Oh, Oh why. Oh, I wish I could fly it seems like it's easy as pie oh I hope I don't have to die. I wish I had wings it would be simple with those things. It could, it could. I wish I could fly and it's better than to die. Oh, I have to hope maybe it's time to get some rope then you lost it and you went oh nope. Oh, I wish I could fly it seems like it's easy as pie I hope I don't have to die. When you are further apart. It feels like you on a deep depth chart and that is the worst part. When you go outside, it is time to get a new ride when you go down that slide. Oh, I wish I could fly it seems like it's easy as pie oh I hope I don't have to die. It is time to worry that I know it is time to be so crazy. It is time to say this song isn't a crime it only because this is the longest rhyme. Oh, I wish I could fly it seems like it's easy as pie oh I hope I don't have to die. When you get to have those wings, I really want to have those things. Oh, I wish I could fly it seems like it's easy as pie oh I hope I don't have to die. Oh, I wish I could fly. Snow Crystal sees a metal claw on the ground. She picked it up. A.I. said, "You can re-charge your left weapon to a grappling hook." Snow Crystal went to the left side of the room and use the sturdy bench table. It took a few hours to change it. Snow Crystal said, "What time is it now?" A.I. said, "It's about 12 a.m." Snow Crystal said, "Let's make it to 25 BF." The ground shakes. Snow Crystal uses the grapple to 35 BF cut the string found another grapple hook, then she uses the grapple to aim at 29 BF cut the string and then found another grapple hook, then she uses the grapple at 26 BF platforms cut the string and found another grapple hook, then she opens the door and went upstairs to 25 BF.