//------------------------------// // chapter 3 // Story: Chronicles of the Prince // by ebonelbon //------------------------------// Chapter 3 I could feel the cold metal floor on my face as I started to regain consciousness. I heard what sounded like a stallion's voice rambling to himself about some beauty and I heard a kind of mechanical groaning and noises. I groaned as I tried to sit up. “ No no no, don't try to strain yourself now. You went through quite an ordeal.” “Doctor, is that you?” “Yes, it's me. Now just stay lying down; you took quite a hit.” “Where are we and where is my family?" “I can only answer one of those. We are on what's called the T.A.R.D.I.S. It's my home and we can go anywhere and any when, but right now i'm taking you someplace you will be safe.” I lay there as the reality of my family being gone set in. I don’t cry because I know they wouldn't want me to cry for them. They would want me to move on. “So, Doctor, where are we going?” "First you may want to start speaking less like a prince and more like a common filly so that there won't be any way to guess by talking to you that you're royalty. Second i'm taking you to equestria to someone who you will be very happy to see.” “Sure doc, I can do that though I'll still be polite.” The doctor helped me up so I could stand on my feet and he opened the door to the T.A.R.D.I.S. to show a forest and we walk out. I looked back at it to see it’s a small blue box. I circled i.t looking confused. “Go ahead say it; they all do.” “What in the name of the king is a police box?” He looked shocked and confused as he closed his mouth and headed into the forest, me following him. “I'll admit i've never heard that one before.” I laughed as we headed towards a clearing with what seems to be a gypsy caravan with fillies playing outside. A mare walked up to us and spoke to the doctor. “Is this him, doctor?” “Yes ma'am, it is. Now I have to go and hopefully pull whoever is on your tail off of it.” He turned to me and knelt to be eye level with me. “You need to stay with her, do you understand? You will be safe.” I nodded as he ran off towards his blue box. I turned to the lady; she leaned down, smiling softly and caringly, and offered me her hand. “You will be safe here, do you know who I am?” I shook my head slowly, staring in to her eyes, her beautiful green eyes. “I'm your mother, sweetheart.” Tears fell from behind my sunglasses for the very first time that day as I utter like a small child “M-mama?” “Yes, sweetheart, it's me.” I jump into her arms and hug her tightly as my tears continued to fall as she picked me up like a child, and I pressed my head to her chest and felt the beat of her heart. She carried me back to the caravan and to her cabin where a filly about my age was waiting. “Mama who’s that?” She set me down on a bed and handed me a glass of water. “His name is Drakeal and he will be staying with us for awhile.” “But who is he?” “He's your brother, Trixie.” I perk up; my hands tightened, breaking the glass as I stared at my new sister from behind my glasses. We watched each other for awhile until I finally passed out again.