Inhuman: Ruby Arc

by SparkStone

Chapter 1 - Nice to Meet You!

-3rd POV-

As the creature laid in the hospital bed to rest, the girls surrounded it, discussing about the being.

"I heard it talk…" Rainbow told them. "And he spoke… Well, Equestrian."

"I heard it too!" Pinkie agreed. "It sounded like a dude, because he was like, That hurt!"

"I've never seen anything like it." Fluttershy stated.

"Well, that's not surprising." Twilight told her. "This creature came from the portal Dr. Metallic used to throw away our elements. But instead of staying in the dimension, for some reason this creature came through and brought them back. We owe him or it a lot for saving us when he came."

"Maybe we can get him some new clothes." Rarity suggested. "Just look at this attire. Black jacket, red t shirt, gray shorts, and these… red sneakers? Oh, and don't get me started on those headphones."

"Wonder why's it wearing clothes?" Applejack wondered. "Was it at some party or something?"

"I hope we didn't drag him out of a party!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Hey guys! I think it's waking up!" Rainbow warned them.

The creature squirmed and slowly opened his eyes. There, he saw the mares staring at him, giving non threatening smiles. He stayed in his bed as he muttered, "What the heck…? Candy horses?"

"Candy!?" Rainbow jumped. "I may have six colors on my hair, but I do NOT look like candy!"

"They talk!?" He jumped.

"Yes, the same as you… sir?" Twilight assumed.

"Where am I?" He wondered.

"You're in a new world." Twilight answered. "You jumped through a portal and brought us back our elements, which we used to beat the monstrous, Dr. Metallic."

"Monstrous?" He repeated. "So that four legged thing… wasn't a dream…?"

"No, it was very real. And thanks to you, we managed to defeat it! I along the rest of us can't thank you enough, mister…?"

the creature stared at them before looking around in the room. He saw his sword, got out of bed, and picked it up. He walked out the door, leaving them be.

"Well… That was rude." Rarity stated.

-Vent's POV-

After that portal opened, a magnet came and bounced off of me and went back into the portal. When it went back in the portal, it took my sword, so I chased after it. After going in and grabbing onto the big thing, the portal way messed with my head. The travel it took to get here drained my energy.

That's why I was so weak, and couldn't even stay awake.

Among other things.

Now I'm stuck in this world. Wherever that portal was, I had to use it if I wanted to go back. The only problem was that I can't-

"Hey!" The violet unicorn shouted. "Where are you going!?"

"Home." I answered. "I don't belong here. I'll need to use the portal in order to go back."

"Oh! Uh… Eh heh, funny thing! You're going to love this!" She said while looking to the corner in guilt. "The uh, machine that powered it and made it work was destroyed. Along with it, the entire place overheated, and uh… blew up."


"Basically what she's saying is that the place we were in and found you is also gone." the colorful one explained.

"So, you're telling me that I'm stuck here?" I questioned with my arms crossing.

"Sadly, yes." The violet one sighed. "We don't know how to make the machine, and no magic is advanced enough to make a stable portal to your world. We can't even pinpoint where you came from!"

"Great." I groaned. "A fine mess this is."

"I'm sorry about your situation." She said. "If it makes you feel any better, you can live with any of us. We owe you for saving all of Equestria!"

"I beat one thing, and that counts for saving… whatever this place is? Wow, you all have a lazy protection it seems." I assumed.

"Equestria isn't all about aggressive protection. It mostly uses that power for the royal Princesses."

"So, they get all of the protection while the rest of you could have some troublemaker do what he wants?" I stated.

"He has a point." the curly one agreed. The violet one huffed and turned to me.

"Anyways, I still haven't gotten your name." She told me. Before I could remark, she quickly continued, "We'll start. I'm Twilight Sparkle. If you have any questions, ask me. I just might have the answer!" Okay nerd.
"Rainbow Dash! Fastest pegasus in Equestria!" Braggart.
"Name's Applejack. I run the farm." Horses run farms now…
"I'm Pinkie Pie! And if you forget, you can just look at me! I'm pink! Get it?" Annoying. Just… annoying…
"Um… I'm Fluttershy…" What? I… didn't hear that. Quiet horse.
"And I'm Rarity. I run the boutique." Business must be hard seeing how no one here wears clothes.

I'm with crazy horses. Crazy horses that talk and farm and make clothes for no reason. I could feel my brain decaying every second with them.

"And you are?" Twilight asked.

I crossed my arms and turned away from them. Looking at this new world with its bright and colorful environment, along with its fresh air had made me reconsider. It might not be so bad… This world isn't the worst place to start over… but still… Are these horses going to follow me around or something? Why does it feel like I'll spend every waking moment with one of them?

Sighing, I decided to just get it off. Might as well tell her my name. "Vent. My name is Vent Psych."

"Vent Psych huh?" Twilight smiled. "Nice name." Yeah, and yours was a charm.

"Vent, you know what you should do?" Pinkie suggested. Get away from you? "You should come to the victory party I'm planning!"

I shivered at the idea and looked the other way. "No thanks… crowds aren't my thing."

"Why, you shy?" Rainbow smirked.

"I don't like being around… others I don't know." I stated.

"Well, that's weird." Pinkie quoted. "How do you make friends if you're always staying away?"

"Friends?" I huffed. "Who needs friends."

They all stared at me like I was crazy. But I stand by my point. Who needs friends? It's a waste of time is what it is. They do nothing but drag others down.

"You… can't possibly mean that…" Twilight chuckled, but stopped as she saw how serious I was. "You… do…"

"Hey, Vent, dude." Rainbow called me. "Seriously, there's nothing wrong with having friends. Trust me, Twilight thought the same thing, but even she has a great time with us!"

"No good comes from friends…" I stated. "Nothing more needs to be said."

They all gave me silent gazes before they exchanged looks at each other. Pinkie gave me a whimpering display as her big eyes gazed at me. "Even from us…?"

"Especially from you. Whoever you are, you all look like nothing but trouble."

"Well, maybe Rainbow." Rarity inquired.

"Hey! I'm not some troublemaker!" Rainbow claimed.

As the two bickered, I was about to leave them again. But then the violet one tugged my jacket and stopped me. "At least let me give you a place to stay. After all, you did help us, and it would only be right to repay you."

"… If it'd make you feel better, fine then. I won't be staying forever." I responded.

"That's better. I understand if you don't want us around, but we would like to do whatever we can to make you feel welcome. Being taken to a new world can be quite difficult to manage."

"… I guess…" I agreed.

-Twilight's POV-

After finally convincing Vent to come live with me for the time being, the others left to attend their own responsibilities. Showing him my house, he viewed the tree from the outside and at the library from the inside. His hands were in his pockets as he lowered his head.

"You really are a nerd, aren't you."

"That's not very nice you know." I told him. "The least you can do is say thank you."

"You made me come here." He noted.

"Even so, wouldn't you like it better with a roof over your head?"

"You really want me to say it, do you?" He rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the tree."

"Your welcome." I responded before trotting off. I went upstairs and found my assistant napping. I woke him up to get his help. "Spike, wake up!"

"Eh? Huh? What is it Twi?" He muttered.

"We have a guest sleeping over. Can you get the bed ready?" I requested.

"Guest? Who's sleeping over?"

"A very special creature. He's new and is the first of his kind to set foot in Equestria. Try to make him feel welcome."

"Whatever you say Twi." He said groggily before doing so. I went downstairs, finding Vent looking into one of my books. It was an encyclopedia of all kinds of creatures that roam Equestria. He was reading it with a blank stare before focusing them on me, noticing my descent from the staircase.

"I see you found something interesting."

He closed the book and puts it away, looking to the side with a sigh. It was starting to become a nuisance.

"Vent, is it really hard for you to be nice to some pony?"

"Yes." He claimed as he turned to me. "I don't like it when others crowd me. I don't like it when I have to listen to someone whine. I don't like it when I'm with people I don't know. It's annoying to not have things your way, especially when there's nothing you can do about it."

"Vent, if you just opened up a little, I'm sure-"

"That you can be my friend and that everything will be alright? Didn't you hear me? I like being alone."

Groaning at his stubbornness, I showed him upstairs. "Anyways, follow me. Your bed is in my room."

Doing as told, he came with me. As we entered the upper floor, he sat on the bed and looked out to the window. It was getting late, and he yet, he still stayed awake. I did some late night studying before even thinking about going to bed. Time passes, and soon, I find myself talking to him.

"Vent, have you ever tried to make friends?"

"Do I have to repeat myself over again?" He questioned.

"No, I asked you, have you ever made friends?" I asked again. "Ever tried, like, once?"

"Did I ever try to make friends…?" He spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, have you?"

He looked out to the window for a while, gazing at the stars and then to the moon. A moment of silence infected the air until he finally answered. "I don't know…"

"Huh? What do you mean you don't know?"

He then quickly went under the blanket and wrapped himself up for bed. "I'm tired, good night…"

"But what do you mean by… Hello? Are you listening?"

He didn't answer. Though I had a feeling he was awake, I knew well enough that he refused to answer me. Giving up on any more interrogation, I went back to reading. I didn't know much about Vent or his kind, but something tells me Vent is hiding something.

I'm no longer sure if he is safe to trust anymore.