Six elements

by Melancholy Bacteria

The First Six

So let's get something straight: we all know about Chrysalis, Luna, Celestia, Sombra and Discord. But there was a sixth pony named Night Crown that was never told about in the history books. Here is how they worked together: Luna was in charge of the moon, Celestia was in charge of the sun, Chrysalis looked after emotions, Sombra looked after negative thoughts, Discord looked after fun, and Night Crown took care of the balance between light and dark. Many ponies considered Night Crown's job to be far more important than anypony else's.

Night Crown was a periwinkle alicorn stallion with slitted red eyes, a light gray and dark blue striped mane cut on one side so that one end was higher than the other, red and black striped natural tail and he always wore cape that matched the blue in his mane His forelegs were said to have been dipped in shadows as a colt because of how they looked, which made some ponies scared of him. But he was really nice and usually settled most of the fights in Canterlot no matter what.

Another thing that was different about Night Crown was how he met the other five. Celestia and Luna had been discovered as children by Galaxia, Discord's egg had been found, Chrysalis was just a normal pony and so was Sombra. They were all orphans under Galaxia's care, but Night Crown was not an orphan. His fate was far worse.

Because he looked different and was an alicorn, his parents hated him and thought he was bad luck. They tried to kill him. One day, after a bad beating, he dragged himself to Galaxia, bleeding a begging for a new home. Galaxia took him in, asking no questions and grooming him to become a Keeper of Harmony.

Discord controlled Laughter. Luna controlled Loyalty. Celestia controlled Generosity. Chrysalis controlled Kindness. Sombra conrtolled Honesty. Night Crown controlled magic. Night Crown became of utmost importance when he was the one to finally banish Cerberus.

Chrysalis and Celestia was secretly in love with him, and Discord was his best friend.

Little did they know that Night Crown would be the first to become evil
