The Green Eyed Gryphon

by misskoifishpony

The Party

Chapter 13: The Party

Later that night, the Canterlot Castle was buzzing with the party celebrating the return of The Mane Six. Pinkie Pie, of course, leading the celebration as DJ and as lead singer. Even her stoic family helped with Pinkie's partying by being the lead energetic dancers on the dance fool. At first, every pony was slightly weirded out by the monotone family's sudden change of behavior. But once they saw how good the family was at dancing, every pony shrugged off their hesitations and partyed on the dance floor. All the Princesses, even Celestia and Luna, joined in on the dancing.

Rarity walked carefully from the punch table to reach Diego on the dance floor. She snickered softly to herself as she saw the large werepony dance like Twilight in the mass crowd of ponies. Once she reached just a few inches away from Diego, she lightly tapped on his shoulder. This immediately made the furry pony monster turned his attention away from dancing and onto Rarity.

She shouted over the music "CAN WE TALK?"

Diego's grin widen and he shouted back "SURE!"

Diego took Rarity's hoof, and lead her off the dance floor. Then, the unusual couple wandered to one of the wide and open balconies that looked over the Canterlot City. The sight of the glimmering city lights was truly beautiful in Luna's night. Her moon was half way full and all her stars were out as well. Probably the first clear night in November.

Once they were alone...looking over the railing...standing side by side...Diego made his move.

He slyly grabbed Rarity by her shoulders and smothered kisses all over her neck. Rarity, feeling so utterly frustrated, pulled his paws and hooves away with all her might. Once she accomplished that, she exclaimed "I said we needed to talk! Not kiss!"

Diego immediately lowered himself to the ground, cowering to Rarity like he was a puppy being punished by his owner. He uttered out sadly "I-I'm sorry sweetie. I-I didn't know."

Rarity sighed out "It's fine, it's fine. Please do get up."

Diego did as he was told and looked at his beloved with great curiosity and confusion.

Rarity muttered sadly while looking over the balcony "You see, this is why we need to talk. As much as I was flattered by your bold display of affection, it still felt too rushed for my liking. I know that we've been getting to know each other over this past week, but...I still need more time to get to know you. I want to know your life, your interests, your dislikes, and everything in between. All that we have been doing is getting to know me. My point is, we need to slow down...before we take anymore steps like...that one. Oh darling, I do hope you understand what I'm trying to say."

Rarity looks over and sees Diego with such a tender and endearing gaze. The sight of his deep red eyes staring into her eyes made her blush instantly. He gently took one of her front hooves in his paw and softly kissed it. This made Rarity blush even more.

Diego spoke in a serious yet regretful tone, while still holding her hoof close to his lips, "Believe me my little moon, I do understand. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I put you in this horrible position. I became so overwhelmed with my feelings, and I let them consumed me. Today, I truly acted like a pathetic hungry dog. And I deeply apologize for that. I have disgraced you with my uncouth behavior. I hope you can forgive me."

Rarity immediately responded, while her face was still red, "It's alright darling, I forgive you. Please, you weren't acting un-gentlecolt like. I completely understand acted the way you did. Maybe I should work on not sending signals?"

Diego and Rarity softly chuckled together and enjoyed the rest of their night together.

Meanwhile, Emerl the gryphon sneaked out of the party to get some peace and quiet in the Canterlot Garden. As much as he enjoyed getting know his friends and making new friends, he couldn't understand the strange pony celebration customs. He especially didn't understand the music and how ponies could dance to it. Not to mention, Emerl wasn't one of the most social creatures.

Walking through the gardens reminded him of the tranquil magical forests he use to fly over. It reminded him of home. Emerl wondered if he should try going back. His mission was complete. And yet...

"There you are!"

Emerl turns around and finds the rainbow pegasus flying towards him. She lands in front of him and scolds "Where have you been? I was worried, I mean, my friends were worried. They didn't know where you were. So naturally, they sent me to look for ya."

Emerl smiled softly and spoke sweetly "I'mmm sssorry. I didn'tttt mean worryyy you and your friends."

Rainbow pouted "I told ya, they were worried. Not me."

Emerl chuckled to himself, finding for some reason, great amusement in his friend's prideful facade.

Rainbow then asked him " come you're avoiding the party?"

Emerl uttered gently "I jusstt needed a momenttt. I'mm not usssed to being at celebrationsss."

Rainbow poked at him friendly with her elbow, "Hey, don't worry. My friend Fluttershy is the same way. She's not a regular party pony...untill I came around that is. Stick me, I'll show you the ropes." Then, she added a cute wink at the end.

Rainbow's wink made the gryphon laugh and smile warmly. She sure had a way of brightening his matter what.

Rainbow then hesitantly uttered "Hey M?"

Emerl answered her calmly, with a hint of curiosity in his face, "Yesss?"

Rainbow's face began to blush a deep shade of red, a shade that Emerl didn't expect to see on her. Especially in his presence. Why was she blushing so suddenly?

She mumbled while looking down at her hooves, "I just wanted to say...thanks...for you know...what happened today. This may have started out real bad, but...if it weren't for you...things could have been alot worse. So thanks for having our backs."

Emerl stared at Rainbow with a bewildered look on his face. He never thought, in all his days, would he ever hear a "thank you" from a creature. He never thought that any creature would be thankful for his presence and his actions. His deeds were always look downed upon in shame or with no recognition. But today...he did something good...and that goodness made a difference in somepony's life. Somepony that he cared about. In that moment,Emerl knew that...he had to stay in Equestria. Camelot didn't have the one thing he needed. Rainbow Dash...

Emerl smiled,with his green eyes glittering with kindness and joy. He lowered his beak towards Rainbow Dash and...nuzzled her cheek with his beak ever so gently. This made Rainbow Dash's face to heat up even more,along with the instant stiffening of her body.

High above the Gardens, on a balcony,Fluttershy watched the happy couple. She was so glad that her dear friend was able to find some pony to love and care for. Or should she say...some gryphon to love. Out of all the ponies she knew, Rainbow Dash was the one who deserved to have that special someone. Fluttershy knows that they're in love...just by the way that they looked at each other.

"What you doing out here my dear?"

She turned around and saw her dear Discord smiling at her from afar. She naturally smiled at him back, which made Discord want to approach her.

"It's freezing out, you'll catch a cold this way."

She responded in a tone that signified her happiness in his considerate concern, "Oh it's alright Discord. I'm fine. I'm not too cold yet."

Then, she let out a sweet but small squeeze. A squeeze which Discord found precious, but also made him worry. He instantly summoned a big soft fuzzy red blanket and draped it over her shoulders. Then, he poofed a matching hat for the top of her head along with some hot coco for her.

She giggled to herself, before taking a sip of her delicious coco. She whispered "Thank you Discord."

Discord responded kindly "You're welcome my dear. So tell me,what has captured my Fluttershy's eye tonight?"

Fluttershy pointed down below her and chuckled "Rainbow Dash and Emerl."

Discord leaned over and smirked "Ah, I see that you see...what I see. Pfft! Finally some pony noticed."

Fluttershy laughed softly at her friend's joke,and her laugh sounded like a breeze through small church bells to Discord. And he never knew that he would actually enjoy that kind of sound. However, that was part of Fluttershy's spell over him.

Fluttershy then commented "I'm just so happy that they found each other."

Discord added "Indeed, we need more unusual couples in our world."

Fluttershy turned her gaze towards Discord and joked with him "My my Discord, I didn't know that you can be quite the romantic."

Discord chuckled while returning Fluttershy's gaze "Well well my dear,as a creature of chaos, it is in my nature to be...unpredictable. After all, there's more to me then meets..."

Then, he pops one of his eyeballs out like a marble and brought it close to Fluttershy's face. In Discord's palm, his eye popped out little arms and legs. The eye magically pulled out a top hat and cane. The eye ball danced before Fluttershy's eyes. This made her snicker with glee. Discord finished his punch line with "the eye."

After that, Discord easily popped his eye back into his eye socket.

Fluttershy then sincerely told her friend, "Discord...I almost forgot to properly thank you for saving us today."

Discord was little taken back by Fluttershy's statement. He felt the rush of his memories with him and Ruber fighting coming to his mind. He shook this off and hesitantly mumbled " was dear."

Fluttershy continued to praise "Oh but it wasn't nothing Discord. You did a great thing today. You were a hero."

Discord quickly muttered "No,I wasn't."

Fluttershy persisted with "Oh Discord, of course you were."

Discord shouted "No! I wasn't!"

Fluttershy took one small step back away from Discord, and looked at him with concern...and fear...and confusion. Discord panted out little, realizing that his little shout took alot out of hum. His eyes softened...once he saw how Fluttershy was looking at him.

He sighed while placing his claw on his forehead, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to...shout like that. It's just that...I don't feel much of a hero...after what I almost did today. After I almost became..."

Fluttershy soothed him by taking his other paw in her hoof and cooed softly to him "Oh Discord, I'm so sorry that I said those things. Like you, I too was lost in the heat of the moment."

Discord responded sadly "But you had no choice but to do so my dear. Can't you see? I'm not a hero. I'm not a...good pony."

Fluttershy whispered "Discord, even good ponies make mistakes."

Discord then asked "But were their's as big as mine?"

Fluttershy whispered once more, "Yes Discord, sometimes heroes make mistakes that are given bigger than those. I know that I have. I know that Twilight and the others have. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

Discord uttered in a hopeless tone, "Fluttershy,I don't deserve being called a hero. I don't deserve this party. I don't deserve your praise. I don't even deserve your faith in me."

Fluttershy pulled Discord's downtrodden face towards hers with one of her hooves. Discord took a moment to gaze into the beautiful ocean depths of her eyes. She comforted him sweetly "Discord, out of all the ponies I have ever are the one that truly deserves all this."

Discord's eyes widen and blushed at Fluttershy's kind words. He felt his heart slowly pound in his chest. They were so close and intimate in this moment.

Fluttershy continued "I know that it's hard for you to believe me, but it is true. All those ponies in there would vouch for your heroism and courage in a heart beat. Maybe you need time to get use to all this...or maybe you need ponies to show you what they think of you."

Fluttershy could feel her heart beating inside, rattling as if it was on fire. She didn't know why she felt so embarrassed. She didn't know why her face was flushing. She has done it before when he needed her the most. Why was it different this time? Was it because of what he did for them today? Was it because of what he did for her?

Fluttershy ignore these thoughts, and dared to lean forward with her eyes closed. Before Discord could say a word, Fluttershy kissed him on the cheek once more.

His body twisted into a pretzel, his face flared up, his eyes turned into hearts and his tail twisted into a heart too.

He screamed inside his head Not Again!

Meanwhile, down below in the Canterlot Gardens...Rainbow's head was spinning to no end during Emerl's nuzzle. She couldn't understand why he was doing it. She couldn't understand why she was reacting this way. Soon,Rainbow regretted her decision to look for the guy instead of enjoying the party.

But then,Emerl said something that sent goosebumps up Rainbow's spine...

"Thankkk youuu."

The way he said...those two little words...took her breath away...

Oh great! Rainbow mentally kicked herself, now I'm one of those sappy mares in the romance stories. Wait?! No! It's not romance! It can't be!

Then, Emerl slowly drew his beak away from Rainbow's red cheek...clouded her gaze with another warm smile.

Why does he have to keep doing that?! She screamed to herself.

Emerl then quietly asked with the same smile, "Do youuu wanttt to takeee a flighttt togetherrr?"

Rainbow uttered out "Huh? I mean...sure. Sounds good. I need it."

The large gryphon and the rainbow pegasus spent the rest of the night flying the night sky together. She couldn't help but notice that Emerl's green eyes glowed like stars that night.

The End...for now;)