Blue Eyes, Black feathers

by cmg12344

Chapter 3 "Taught"

Every-pony groaned. Nightly droned on about the history of his battle with the Timber-wolf Army of Old. I scowled at him. He hadn't taught us anything! I clamped my hooves over my ears, and sighed in annoyance. Shriek Spear was trying to look away from the stallion's boring speech, and distract herself.

A young bat-pony mumbled under her breath. Something like,

` "Plant's...never talkative..."

I smirked, and asked,

"Why do you think he hates us?"

She glanced at me, her short curtain of mint green hair shielding her from my sight. I smiled awkwardly at her,

"Er... Hello?"

She shrugged unsurely, her hooves fidgeting.

"Maybe he's just really proud of his accomplishments, and us to be like him..."

I nodded unsurely. Not quite hearing her, but if she didn't want to talk I'm alright with that. Nightly has covered it.

General Nightly was almost finished with his gargantuan speech before I had actually got to look him over, and
size him up, just in case... He was fairly muscular. Even if he was a bat-pony, which were usually quite light, and silent. I
tried to stifle and laugh when a bat-pony stallion make a face at Nightly while his over-grown rear end was turned away.

"Now my fresh piles of manure, we shall get to work. You will be put into groups of ten, working together as a team
to look over the castle. You know, get used to it. My lead officers will be supervising you as we speak. Including for the rest of the time you are in this castle! Officers are free to give out whatever punishment they may want. As long as it doesn't involve too much bloodshed...

"All of you maggots will be put into your bunks, and you will spend your hours of daylight there, no parties, no staying up past 10:00 am Sharp. Now here's your instructions. I need to assign officers to the groups, but for now, let me announce the little groups. Or posses as many of you might be familiar with."

I scowled. Not everypony grew up on the streets, Nightly. And punishments?! Since when were those aloud?

"First group, June Bug Blitz, Pigsty, Garden Growl, Lyon, Amoeba,"

I ignored him, only slightly listening for my name. With an ear cocked to one side, I listened to conversations going on
around the room. 'Officers' murmured about punishments for us trainees and regular guards, and whether or not 'punishment' was needed. I shuddered, and moved my ear toward a more girlish voice.

"I just couldn't believe him! I was like, omg... Did you just like say that to me?"

I groaned. Girly gossip is for fillies! I turned my ear to the back of my row.

"I know. She's horrible!"

My eye's widened, I concentrated on the mare's voice,

"Who wears their mane like that? And her hooves, ugh! What a try-hard."

Whispering and giggles echoed from behind me. I slumped over, and frowned, hurt.
I know I said gossip was for fillies, but what if this gossip was about me?
Would it matter? It probably isn't you. Plus whoever said it is probably some mare with no idea what to do with her life.

I shook my head, part of me still listened to the conversation though.

"I heard she was related to one of the princesses!" squealed an annoying voice

It could be my cousin Hoofclamp!

"I heard she was related to a changeling!"

Psshh! That's not me, I have a bunch of friends that are changelings!

"I heard she is a mutant. Ugh! An ugly stupid changeling mutant. Probably grooms herself with her tongue."

My patience snapped. I'm no mutant!

"Stop talking about me behind my back!" I hissed at her, startling Shriek Spear

"Oh so the mutant can talk! What words do you know? Defend the queen! Make food for the hive!"

I growled low and whispered furiously,

"My family is out of contact with Queen Chrysalis the Second and we are loyal to the Princesses you sleezebag!"

She laughed with her group of idiots dumbly, and murmured in mock fear,

"So you are a changeling! I guess that explains your dirty mane and tail. Ugh, I can practically taste the mud and gunk from
your smelly coat!"

I snickered and said simply,

"Sorry to disappoint your but that mud and gunk, your really tasting it from your last meal. 'Will that be a medium sludge ball madam, or shall you try our slime-pie?' "

She narrowed her eyes at me, the fake eyelashes on her lids were drooping off. Shriek Spear let out a victorious exclamation of.

"Ohhhh! Burn!"

The mint maned mare sitting near me squealed supportingly.

The grey mare behind me hissed, and stepped off with her friends as her name was called. Shriek Spear exclaimed,

"That was awesome Axis! Total burn skill overload!"

I smiled, and looked up at Nightly. He was still not done with role call, but he would be soon.

"Axis Heart-Catcher, Ivy Whip, Moony, Shriek Spear, Night Owl, Kiska Lacewing, Sandstone, Rubble, Illusion, and Mysty Fye." boomed Nightly,
gesturing with a hoof toward a spot near the doorway

I smiled at Shriek Spear, and walked with her to our area, and sat down on the ground like a filly. Several other bat-ponies followed us. The shy mare came and crouched next to Shriek, who must have been Ivy Whip. Two grey stallions came barreling toward us and wrestling on top of each other. Surely they were brothers, Sandstone and Rubble?

A black mare, with some sort of contraption connected to her armor that aloud her to read and talk at the same time. I smiled at her invention, and glanced at another mare, but in much more silvery armor. Her mane was also fairly well done, like a toy doll you could hold.

Two more mares yet again came to the group, twins I thought, with two toned eyes. Mysty Fye, and Illusion. But the last stallion was... odd. Golden eyes, a light grey coat, and the cutest tail and ears I'd ever seen! Fuzzy, and delicate. I giggled a bit, but shut my mouth when he looked nervous. Like he'd never been around so many ponies before...

"Hi?" I said standing up

"Uhhh." He looked at me weirdly, and flattened his ears.

"H-hi?" I repeated, stepping away slightly

He waved a hoof at me, and went to the back of the group. I saw a little bit of red in his cheeks,
so I assumed he was just embarrassed. Besides, It was time we toured the castle.

Nightly beckoned for us to leave in our groups, so we took off, flapping our wings as hard as we could to
navigate our way around the castle. I flew around Aunt Luna's tower, waved a hoof at her, and smiled, zipping off toward
another part of the castle with Shriek Spear. I could see the officers circling the castle, watching us creepily. The sun was just beginning to rise. I blinked, and landed down on a roof-top. Shriek Spear was asleep within minutes, but it took me a few seconds to catch some zzzs...

Good night Hatred, Goodnight Evil, Goodnight all My fears,
Though you know I'm here, I'm sure it is clear, My Angel Of Night
Protects Me.