//------------------------------// // Welcome to Princess twilight sparkle magical combat 101! // Story: The tour of Trixie's magical magic train! // by Sir lightning blade //------------------------------// Twilight is speaking! “Show you the status, of the characters in the combat: as was the types of methods of combat." “There are three types of actions you can perform, one round actions, are often combat or recovery for example telekinesis is listed as a one round action, the cool time, determines how many turns/combat rounds you have to wait before you can reuse the spell. Telekinesis is noted as one of the really short cooldown time with it being able to be used pretty much after each round some stronger spells are actually hindered by this. And there on the status of spells, for example accelerate healing, etc. usually giving up plus number, example shows a plus ten to attack, this is the basic subject. And there's finally set up magic, the exact set of actions, but in this case were going to call it Set up magic.” For example: “Sunset shimmer, getting ready for a teleport dodge, teleport dodge has a cooldown time on average four rounds, also costs 10 MP and is not required your magics power. Spell automatically activate next turn if sunset is targeted, the spell will be active until she is effectively teleporting.” “Now let's explain the usage of MP! MP determines how much energy you can use in combat per combat round, MP recovers after taking a break, using only your normal attacks. You can burn through all your MP or you can store some for later, just remember that once you do this you have to rest for the purpose turns you only recover 10 Mp per round you are NOT using MP and telekinesis also was extremely cheap, most unicorns would not even notice this.” “Now I'm going to explain concept of the attacks type spells, On this” Twilight Horn began to glow! As the horn generated a small fireball aiming directly at the target. Fireball: -4Mp based spell damage 6 + 300= 306 - 0 magic resistance(which is the same as magic attack, just divided by two) equals: The target dummy was destroyed, in a fabulous fiery explosion. “Now since I am faster than my opponent, I could attack more but my opponent no longer exist. Now let's talk about recovery, I already explain how you recover energy, but to recover health is different with the exception of certain spells, you can only recover health based on taking actions, of sleeping, resting, or using food items. Most recovery spells cost lots of magic, and are mostly impractical, and usually only used in area situations, if it's absolutely necessary to repair the injury. DO NOT use healing magic, unless you have the equipment, have the item take off some of the pressure. Magical healing equipment are heavily guarded and regulate, only high-class towns in order one on standby! And requires serious use!” Twilight summoned a single throwing disc machine, as it proceeded to throw small little targets at her, with each little hit showing off a small number of -1, showing how much HP was taking off! “This is to demonstrate how much damage can build up. Now even though I am not as strong, as powerful as Princess Luna, not as amazingly strong as my beautiful teacher Princess Celestia. And I am certainly nowhere near as fast as Cadence.” As it was taking a while. Six hours later: “Okay now I've actually reached critical health, this used to take less time before it became a princess. Must be the new aspect of Earth pony? Now to demonstrate healing.” As the machine ran out discs to throw, Horn began to glow once again! Twilight is casting light of healing -50Mp, she has now recovered magic*2. Twilight is now back to maximum HP. “Now granted I am not a doctor, where I am given a uniform with many many many enchantments, to reduce cost, to enhance its actual healing attributes, and to not required to cast something this powerful. But to be honest if I tried casting a lower-level spell I would still not be that recovered. Now asked me any questions!”