Daring Do and the Tiny Tornado

by Metool Bard

Foul Wind

"Ni, Tra-La-La. Melo melenka."

"Ni, Tiddlywink. Melo melenka."

Daring Do awoke to the sound of chittering voices arguing back and forth in some unknown language. She tried to stand up, but her legs felt completely numb and unresponsive. Before she could try again, she felt an appendage hold her shoulder.

"Ota, pommella," said an unfamiliar voice. "Ulaana owar tonole, yipo cryo meicha pitoo."

The next thing Daring knew, a cup of some sort touched her lips, and a cool refreshing liquid flowed into her mouth. Too dazed to resist, she slowly drank from the chalice. Bit by bit, she could feel her strength returning. Once she finished every last drop, she finally opened her eyes.

"Mmph. Thanks, fellas," she panted, blinking a few times. "I probably would've been a goner if you hadn't—"

She stopped mid-sentence as her vision slowly returned. The first thing she noticed was a tarantula that was roughly her size standing over her with a concerned look on its face. She tilted her head.

"Recon? Is that you, boy?" she asked.

Recon nodded and hung his head. After taking a deep breath, Daring made another attempt to get to her feet. However, for some odd reason, her legs were too flimsy to support her weight. Growling, she twitched her wing muscles in the hopes of lifting herself off the ground. Much to her surprise, even her wings felt stiff and strange. She looked behind her and nearly doubled over in surprise. Her strong feathered wings had disappeared. In their place were a set of thin, insect-like wings that flowed behind her like a cape.

"Okay, this is really starting to get weird," said Daring, furrowing her brow. "And the fact that I sound like I just swallowed a bunch of helium is seriously not helping right now. What the heck did that Girimehkala guy do to me?"

"Nopo pana kelatachoo melai lom. Seco tonyo pelo cha ptoo, Tra-La-La?"

"Mot zechung, Tiddlywink?"

Daring turned towards the voices, recognizing them as the strangers that helped her before. Her eyes went wide as she saw that they were a pair of breezies; one lavender with wavy white hair; the other white with lavender curls. What surprised Daring most was that they both appeared to be the same size as her.

"I think I just answered my own question," she said. She then reached up and touched the side of her forehead. Sure enough, she felt a long, alien protrusion sprouting out of her head and brushing against her pith helmet. As she continued to probe the protrusion and fiddle with it, the two breezies stared at her in wonder.

"Kiro gelis remumu, pommella?" asked one of the breezies.

Daring didn't pay the breezie any mind, but instead yanked on the protrusion and brought it down to eye level.

"Yep, that's an antenna," she stated, releasing it. "Marvelous. No wonder my body feels so strange; that pachyderm jerk turned me into a freaking breezie."

"Roroti michapt malai michapt mineow, pommella?"

Daring turned to the two breezies and raised an eyebrow. "Um, pardon?"

"Roroti michapt malai michapt mineow, pommella?" the breezie repeated.

"Nope, I still don't understand a word you're staying."

The breezie turned to her comrade. "Po mi. Netanno heuy potha faldara con. Sulpa tenitse, Tiddlywink?"

"Nuna makcho, Tra-La-La," said the other breezie with a shrug. "Tula pom a melenki."

Daring let out a strained sigh and massaged her temples. "This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?" she growled. "Well, on the bright side, Tailspin got her wish to go on an adventure. Yay for her. Though I doubt she's having the time of her life right now, wherever she is. I just hope she's safe."

She then flopped down onto a nearby rock and sulked. "Man, just my luck. The one time I try to have a relaxing day with nothing to worry about, and it all just falls to pieces. I still can't believe Ahuizotl's mother of all people is behind this one, nor do I know why she's going after the breezies. It just sounds completely absurd, doesn't it, Recon?"

Recon shrugged one shoulder.

"Well, absurd or not, she's clearly up to no good," said Daring darkly. "And by golly, she's not gonna get away with this. Well, that and this." She pointed to her body.

Recon suddenly perked up and skittered to Daring's side, nudging her shoulder.

"Huh? What's up, boy?" Daring inquired. She soon got an answer to her own question as a pair of familiar voices made themselves known.

"I'm pretty sure they went this way, Ms. Fluttershy. This trail is unmistakable."

"Oh, I do hope you're right, Professor Windsday."

Daring swallowed. "Not sure whether I should be grateful or afraid right now."

Sure enough, Professor Windsday and Fluttershy emerged, casting large shadows over the land and completely blotting out the sun from Daring's point of view.

"Ah, see? There they are," said Windsday proudly, pointing to the other two breezies.

The breezies squeaked and hid themselves behind another rock. Fluttershy flew over to them and quietly tapped their hiding place.

"Shh. It's okay, little guys," she cooed. "We're here to help you."

The two breezies slowly emerged. "Poko re?"

"That's right," said Fluttershy with a nod. "I'm Fluttershy. What are your names?"

The breezies turned to each other. "Illa mem, Tra-La-La," said the lavender breezie.

"Ni, Tiddlywink. Melo tona. Illa mem," said the white one.

"Ni ni ni ni ni, Tra-La-La. Illa mem."

"Melo brenete, Tiddlywink. Illa mem."

Fluttershy tilted her head. "Um, why don't you two just introduce yourselves together?"

The breezies' eyes sparkled. "Bene guasta!" they cheered in unison. The lavender one then turned to her counterpart. "Lalu lazu, Tra-La-La."

"Ay ni, Tiddlywink. Lalu lazu."

"Melo brenete, Tra-La-La. Lalu lazu."

"Ni ni ni, Tiddlywink. Lalu lazu."

Windsday snorted indignantly. "Can we hurry this along, Ms. Fluttershy? If we want to help these breezies, we shouldn't dally."

"I-it's not my fault. They just can't decide on how to make their introduction," said Fluttershy. "Though, you are right. We should probably go looking for their wounded friend. We'll work on introductions later."

"Well, of course I'm right," said Windsday, adjusting his glasses. "Now, since those two have stopped here, their wounded friend should be nearby. We just need to follow the pheromone trail that they left, and using that, we can determine—"

"Hey! Isn't that Recon?"

Windsday shot Fluttershy an angry look, only to notice that she was pointing at a familiar green tarantula perched on a rock. He looked back at Fluttershy and raised an eyebrow.

"What in Equestria are you talking about?" he asked.

"Recon. Daring Do's pet tarantula," Fluttershy explained. "We met on the train. Hello, little guy."

Recon gave Fluttershy a salute.

"Wait. Are you saying that Professor Do is here?" said Windsday.

"Brilliant deduction there, Bluster."

Fluttershy and Windsday looked down. Right next to Recon was a small breezie wearing an all-too-familiar pith helmet. Fluttershy gasped.

"Omigosh!" she squeaked. "Um, Professor? B-breezies don't speak our language, do they?"

"Not that I know of," said Windsday, giving Daring an odd look. "Is that you, Professor Do?"

"Gee, what tipped you off?" said Daring, placing her feelers on her hips.

Windsday wrinkled his nose and knitted his brow. "I'm almost afraid to ask what happened to you, Professor Do."

"Long story," Daring huffed.

Fluttershy gave Daring a concerned look. "Are you okay, Ms. Daring?"

Daring deadpanned. "I'm in an unfamiliar body, my archenemy's mother is out wreaking havoc on the breezies, and Tailspin is probably hysterical right now. 'Okay' is not the word I'd use to describe my current predicament."

"Wait, back up," said Windsday, holding up his hoof. "What's this about the breezies?"

Daring sighed. "Listen, Bluster. You know how I completely trounced Ahuizotl in my last adventure?"

"You mean like every other one?"

"Don't get cute with me, Bluster," Daring snarled. "Look, the point is that Ahui's mother is out for revenge, and her big plan involves the breezies, somehow. To get me out of the way, she had some goon she hired turn me into this."

"Oh my," Fluttershy gasped. "I-I'm so sorry, Ms. Daring."

"You've got nothing to be sorry for, Fluttershy," said Daring, cracking her neck. "It's Atotoztli II that's gonna be sorry when I'm through with her."

"And how do you plan to go about doing that?" asked Windsday, adjusting his glasses.

"I haven't really gotten to that part yet," Daring admitted, staring down at her feelers. "I don't know how this body works, and from what I understand, even a leaf can be fatal to a breezie. Charging in blindly is not a smart thing to do right now."

Windsday nodded. "You're right about that," he mused. "Besides, a breezie cannot fight anything alone. You're going to need some assistance."

Suddenly, his glasses sparkled. "Wait! I just had a wonderful idea!"

"What is it, Professor Windsday?" asked Fluttershy.

"We can help Professor Do adapt to her new body!" proclaimed Windsday. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime! Imagine if you will, Ms. Fluttershy! A pony able to describe firsthoof what it is like to be a breezie! It'll be sensational!"

"Um, let's try to keep our priorities straight here, Bluster," said Daring, arching an eyebrow. "I'm not some guinea pig."

"I agree with Ms. Daring," Fluttershy added. "We should focus more on helping those poor breezies."

Windsday blushed and cleared his throat. "Uh, yes. Quite right. Now, Professor Do, breezies have a better chance of surviving in numbers."

"Well, what about those two?" asked Daring, pointing to Tra-La-La and Tiddlywink. "They helped save my life."

"Capital idea, Professor Do," said Windsday. He reached into his saddlebag with his wing and took out a dusty brown book. "I'll go ask them right away."

He marched up to the breezies, opened up the book, and cleared his throat. "Hoy, pommellai. Yando malte aan Professor Windsday. Kotello rala simparcha ulto bongo. Meis ey pon al conquistadors?"

The breezies looked at each other and back at Windsday. "Ama?"

Windsday looked back at his codex and wrinkled his nose. "Wait, this can't be right. They're wondering what I just said."

"Um, Professor Windsday? I don't mean to contradict your codex, but you just called them coal miners," said Fluttershy.

Daring tilted her head. "Why in Celestia's name would the breezies have a word for 'coal miner?'"

"They don't. Other fey creatures do, though," Fluttershy clarified. "Here, let me try."

She then walked up to the breezies and cleared her throat. "I'm so sorry if we're taking up your time, but you know that breezie you helped? She could use more of that, and we'd be very grateful if you considered it."

The breezies turned their backs to Fluttershy and started whispering to each other in hushed tones. After a few seconds, they turned back and nodded.

"Mepo nah, mapon. Faldara!" Tra-La-La said.

"Oh, good. Thank you very much," said Fluttershy with a warm smile.

Windsday let out an aggravated grunt. "I should really work on updating that codex."

"Hey, if you want my opinion, your ego could use being taken down a few pegs," said Daring. "So, how are we gonna start this training, hmm?"

"Well, first, we should discuss your wings," said Windsday. "Ms. Fluttershy, could you ask one of our friends to demonstrate for us?"

"Oh, of course," said Fluttershy, turning to Tra-La-La and Tiddlywink. "Um, if it's okay with you, we'd like a demonstration of your flying."

"Na, na. Ni opina," said Tra-La-La. "Tiddlywink, son scudeva."

"Ay, ni ni ni ni ni, Tra-La-La. Son scudeva," said Tiddlywink, shaking her head.

"Melo brenete, Tiddlywink. Son scudeva."

"Melo tonate, Tra-La-La. Son scudeva."

Daring and Recon palmed their faces. "This is gonna be a loooong day," Daring muttered.