//------------------------------// // *A1* Time to Run // Story: The Lost Siren // by Dreagknight-LostWriter //------------------------------// I turn around as I watch the three guys sped towards my way, none of them look like they was going to slow down. I can't believe I'm about to do this, but there no going back now. I thought to myself, taking a step back to give myself enough room for a fight. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit afraid, the fact that I'm up against three guys coming at me at full speed only made me even more worried. Without missing a step one of them launch at me, this person look familiar with his Deputy shades, but I didn't have time to think on it as I had to dodge a punch he throw at my face. One of his friends try to follow up on his attack by trying to kick me from below which cause me to jump back. "Hey, why are you guys attacking me so suddenly?" I asked, hoping to at least get myself some answer and maybe stop this fight while it was still fresh. "Because you're with one of those sirens," said one of the guys who had spiky white hair and a white hoodie. "And anyone who helps those sirens is an enemy to us," said another with mint green hair and a orange shirt. "That is, unless you're willing to take us to her," said the guy with the Deputy shades, with a small smirk on his face. I knew what Sonata did was wrong and that she do deserve to have some kind of punishment, but these guys look like they seriously wanted to hurt her and anyone who helps her. I'm sure Sonata and her sister had more than one reason as to why they was doing this, I'll just have to asked her once I get away from these guys. "So, what's it going to be? Help us or fight us?" asked the one with the white hoodie on. I looked to the guys seeing them spread out, I knew the moment I say no to them they would attack me from all sides. "And if I do decide to take you to her, what will you do?" I asked, hoping that it wouldn't be something extreme and maybe I can get them to talk it out. All three of the started to chuckle to themselves, almost evilly. "We will do many, many things," The guy with the deputy shades said with a smile. "Things that no one will ever care about since it them." He said in a silent voice. Yep, these guys are bad news. I thought to myself. "No, I won’t take you to her." I said, keeping an eye on them. "Well then," The one with the white hair said, looking at me with a sickly grin. "Suit yourself." He said rushing at me full speed. I jump backward from his punch, I tried to dodge to the left only to get nearly elbowed in my side from one of his friends. I was dodging punches and kicks from left to right, trying my best to keep them all within my line of sight while looking for any opening. One of the guys, the one with the Deputy shades, got a little greedy with his attack and start attacking me wildly. He was punching and kicking so much he wasn't even aiming at me, he was just trying to hit me with as much force as he can muster up. Using that to my advantage I waited till he through another punch, the moment he did I counter it by grabbing his wrist and punching him right in the shades. The hit cause him to stagger back, throwing his, now crack, shades to the grounds. "Now you've messed up big time buddy. He said, taking out a switchblade and flicking it open. "Hmm, I guess our friend here had enough of you." The one with the mint hair said. Now I was in full panic, I took a few steps back staring at the blade in his hand. I looked back up to the guys who was now slowly advancing on me and I saw something that made my heart drop. I saw that all three of them had glowing green eyes and a evil smile on their face, this was like something out of a nightmare or horror movie. I knew if I didn't get out of here now, I might not make it back home. So I then turn tails and ran, I ran for my life cause it was now on the line. "He's making a break for it, get him!" I heard one of them yelled as a ran. Why did I decide to take them on, why didn't I just go straight to the police, hack I could have went back to Sugarcube and got help. I thought as I ran. I ran straight into an alley hoping to lose them in there. FWWSH That was a rock, a rock that just flew past my head. They're now throwing rocks at me! I prayed that their aim was bad while running. Luckily for me their aim seems to be off, but not far off as I felt a few wiz past my ear. I was in a full panic run until I felt a rock hit me in my leg and I fall over. "Finally... I got... you." One them said between breaths, as they stop running and walk towards me. I tried to get up and make another run, but I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. "Aggg!" I scream out in pain, I looked around to see that I was stab in the leg. "Thought you was going to try and make another run did you?" He said pulling the blade out. I tried to get up, but he kick me right in the wound, causing me to drop back down in pain. "And you're still trying to run," he said, wiping his blade clean of my blood. I tried to crawl away with my injured leg, but I didn't get far when foot stomped down on my back. "Aggg!" I cried out in more pain. "Don't worry we're not going to kill you." Said the one with the spiky hair, as he whisper in my ear. "We're just going to teach you a nice little lessoned." The mint hair one said, pulling me up off the ground and onto a wall. After those word it was nothing but pain and agony as I was been beating against the wall. I was been hit all over to the point I felled onto the ground, they continue with their assault by kick me and my stomach and back. When they was done the guy with the switchblade lean down and stab me in my leg again telling me next time they won't go easy on me, then they all left me. I was left there on the cold ground gasping for air as my whole body was hurt all over. After laying there for a while I sat up and took off my hoodie and shirt, ripping my shirt to make some makeshift bandage. After bandaging my leg, I got up slowly and stumbled my way home, wishing for this day to be over.